Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1964)
HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, May 7, 1964 NO. STUB To Be Torn off by the Board Member SAMPLE BALLOT Official Primary Nominating Ballot for Ihe Democratic Party For PRECINCT Morrow County, Oregon, tor the Primary Election to Be Held Friday, the 15th day of May, 1964 Tj HOW TO BS AT BOTK EMRi OF TUB BaiMBOY Orm fj 8. 1. Wip Mi 8itW to U ftrtn. ttt ClmW Kii Mrt. Sky Divers to Jump On Armed Forces Day Careening free-falls from 10, 000 to 12,000 ft heights will pre cede the pull of rip cords, as sky divers display their skills at Umatilla Army Depot's Armed Forces Day Open House on Sat urday, May 16, according to Hen ry Owens, the depot's Armed Forces Day project officer. Jumping from a 182 Cessna airplane, a trio from the Walla Walla Sky Divers club will tackle the blue sky high over UAD to perform baton passing and smoke stunts before drifting down to the challenge of tiny targets on the Depot's horseshoe-shaped parade ground. The veteran jumpers Terry Guske, Larry Warner, and Duane We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat jS) JYl 01 Chaw vXrLAVS Heppner. Lexington Ion. WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE! Hogs Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep Any Day Follett Meat Co. Hermlaton, Oregon Ph. JO 7-6651 On HermUton-McNory Highway Hubbs are slated to stage sev eral breathtaking and colorful performances for depot visitors, Owens said. He advises specta tors to bring binoculars. Narrating for the audience and explaining the delicately-timed maneuvers of the parachutists will be former smoke-jumper, Bernie Suttliff, also of the Sky Diver club. FFA and Parachute club of America regulations on jumping over crowded areas will govern the exhibition, according to a statement from Terry Guske, president of the Sky Divers. Only qualified jumpers will partici pate, he said. Guske, Warner and Hubbs have performed a combin ed total of 370 jumps, and have won a number of competitive awards. The sky diving performance, which will begin at 1:30 p.m., is one of many open house at tractions to be offered to the public. Demolition demonstra tions by UAD Ordnance experts, a jet flyover, military and G. E. exhibits, bus and train tours of the ammunition area, a band concert and continuous movies are also planned. Bus service to and from the open house for local citizenry has been scheduled by the Depot. UAD is under the command of the U. S. Army Supply and Maintenance Command, with headquarters at Washington, D. C. WEDDING, PARTY and ANNI VERSARY Napkins with names Imprinted ; Monog r a m m e d riaytng Cards; Regency Pers onalized Note Stationery; Wed ding Books. Inquire at Gazette Times office. 49-tfx SPRING SALE OF USED EQUIPMENT 5 Reconditioned Ford Tractors $693 to $1095 1- 1953 John Deere A Tractor $850 Excellent rubber, reconditioned, painted 1952 John Deere 1$ Tractor $695 Excellent rubber, reconditioned painted 3 Owatonna Model 8110 ft. Swathers .... $2500 Large engines, dual wheels, completely reconditioned, new guarantees, your choice. 1 Case SC Wide Front End Tractor $550 Excellent condition, good rubber 1 Allis-Chalmcrs Model WD Tractor $100 2- 1962 Ford Dexta Diesel Tractors, ea. $2500 Like new. LARGE SELECTION HAY RAKES, MOWERS, MISCELLANEOUS HAY TOOLS Financing Available Trades Accepted Free Delivery Umatilla Ford Tractor Co. 146 N. First HERMISTON, OREGON Ph. 567-6529 After $ P.M. Ph. 567-5268 Mark a cross (X) or a check mark ( 0 in the voting square between the number and the name of each candidate voted for. NATIONAL NATIONAL FOB NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN Vote for One 12 ("I HARVEY AKESON, "Democratic Committeeman action for Oregon nat- ' ional, congressional, state cooperation federal tax reduction." 13 (-1 SIDNEY LEIKEN, "Loyal party man who can work with Oregon's delegation 11 onH Prooiripnt Johnson." 14 1 JAMES H. (JIM) MOORE, "Lyndon Johnson for President, support Demo- 1 cratic policies." - 15 rl NORMAN A. STOLL, "Retain your present national committeeman for L-' responsible, experienced, vigorous and liberal leadership." FOR DELEGATES TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION. SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Baker, Crook. Deschutes. Gilliam, Grant Harney, Hood River, Jeffer son, Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union. Wallowa Wasco and Wheeler Counties. Vote for Two 72 PJ GENE B. CONKLIN, "Full support of President Johnson. Eastern Oregon's t delegate at last three conventions." 73 PJ R, E. (BOB) GOAD, "I am a strong supporter of President Johnson and a lifelong Democrat." 74 I I AL LAMB, "For ten years chairman of Morrow County Democratic Com- 1 mittee." 75 PJ DORIS B. OVERHULSE, "All the way with L.B.J." FOR NATIONAL COMMITTEEWOMAN. Vote for One 16 "I ALICE CORBETT, "Re-elect Oregon's Democratic National Committee woman, endorsing Kennedy-Johnson principles." FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Vote for One 17 r VIRGINIA GRANT, "Your National Committeewoman from 1956 to 1960; ' ' for President Johnson and victory." 76 LYNDON B. JOHNSON FOR VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Vote for One FOR DELEGATES TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION. STATE AT LARGE. Vote for Fourteen 18 r MARTHA ANN ADELSHEIM, "Your state chairman serving Oregon Demo- H thp national convention." V,l l lJ 19 r HARVEY AKESON, "Democratic victory peace prosperity progress keep tho mnvp re-elect Johnson." " FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Baker, Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jefferson, Klamath. Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla Union, Wallowa Wasco and Wheeler counties. Vote for One 20 n STEVE ANDERSON, "To encourage a Democratic party oi vision ana ' victory." 77 JJ AL ULLMAN, "Your Congressman.' 21 r MARJORIE L. BARTLETT, "Will support the Democratic Party according 11 fViolr lnu:" STATE 22 I"- CLARENCE BARTON, "Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives I J uVin cnmv-irtc T.vnrlnn R. Johnson." Will? aww. . "J ' FOR SECRETARY OF STATE. Vote tor One 23 r J. E. (JAKE) BENNETT, "Experienced national convention delegate I I inVincnn.PreRiHent Kennedy Dolicies Droeressive humanitarian plat form." 24 n MRS. J. E. (JAKE) BENNETT, "Experienced state delegate Johnson- l 1 President Kennedy policies progressive humanitarian platform. 25 PJ RENE' BOZARTH, "Johnson-Kennedy in '64.' 78 PJ ALFRED H. CORBETT, "Continue to use experienced, proven ability and foresighted leadership in state government." 79 PJ HAROLD P. STEUBS, "We need this strong Democrat on the Republican monopolized Board of Control." SO M. A. (CAP) YEGGE, "For wheresoever the carcass is there the eagles will be gathered together." 26 pi BILL BRADLEY, "Johnson for President; forward looking Democratic leader F0R STATE TREASURER I I In VonnnV Truman Roosevelt tradition." Vote for One 27 PI LORENTZ (LARRY) BRUUN i i 28 pi ELAINE BURNHAM, "Continue our Nation's progress under President ' Johnson flnH a forthrieht Democratic Dlatform." 29 pi JOHN D. BURNS, "Complete John Kennedy's programs. Honest intelligent L I oMInn urttVi T .vnrinn R Johnson." I.V.L1VI1 . .VI. WJ ..uv.a ' 81 Q THOMAS M. BAGGS, "Financial responsibility in state affairs." 82 pj VIC DAVIS, "Opposed to any Increase in taxes by economy in office. Life long Democrat." 83 ROBERT W. (BOB) STRAUB, "Seasoned Democrat, for clean, responsible government and wise investment of state funds." 30 PI DONALD E. CLARK, "Backing JFK-LBJ ideals in action." i i FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL. Vote for One 31 PJ FRANK CLEYS, "Kennedy principles." 32 P VERN COOK, "Democratic senator; Johnson for President; a gTeat leader ' ' in Kennedy Roosevelt tradition." , 33 pi ALFRED H. CORBETT, "For President Johnson's war against poverty, for L-1 full employment and lasting peace." 34 pi ROBERT B. DUNCAN, "A fighting Congressman. A loyal Democrat. An ' ' enthusiastic supporter of President Johnson." 35 P RICHARD O. EYMANN, "Let's do for Oregon what our President Is doing ' ' for our country." 36 p EDWARD N. FADELEY, "Will work hard with integrity to accomplish ' ' expressed desires of the people." 37 PJ AL FLEGEL, "All the way with Lyndon B. Johnson." 84 PJ ROBERT Y. THORNTON, "Your present Attorney General, experienced in 1 protecting the public interest." FOR STATE SENATOR. EIGHTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Gilliam. Hood River, Morrow, Sherman, Wasco and Wheeler Counties. Vote for One 85 PJ BEN MUSA, "Continued experienced representation." FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE, TWENTY-EIGHTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT. Gilliam, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, and Wheeler Counties. Vote for One 86 pi MARTIN H. BUCHANAN, "A responsible approach to education, resource 1 1 development and taxation." 38 p VIRGINIA GRANT, "Return an experienced delegate, served as delegate 1 1 in 19G0, support President Johnson." 39 pi EDITH GREEN, "Make the new frontier Kennedy's living memorial by ' 1 Democratic victories in 1964." COUNTY FOR COUNTY JUDGE. Vote for One 40 PJ BEULAH HAND, "President Lyndon Johnson and a liberal platform." 87 P FRANK HAMLIN, "Strict Attention to County problems, promote our re 1 1 sources." 41 PJ LEROY MYRON HANNON, "I will voice the people's choice." 88 PAUL W. JONES, "I will work for a strong leadership policy in Morrow L-1 County." 42 P DALE MORGAN HARLAN, "For Johnson in I960; Johnson for President; Humphrey for Vice President 1964." 89 HASKELL SHARRARD 43 pi JOE HAWKINS, "Win with President Johnson and Robert Kennedy. All the i i wav with LBJ." 90 pj W. W. WEATHERFORD, "Will serve the will of the people within the law." 41 PI ALLEN HOFFARD, "Elect united, vigorous Oregon Democratic convention i i delegation. President Johnson deserves enthusiastic support." 45 P FAUL J. HOFFMAN, "Slogans cannot replace integrity, loyalty to party, ' ' or responsiveness to the people." 46 pi J. FRANCYL HOWARD, "More economy, not more taxes; all the way with LBJ." FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Vote for One 91 MAXWELL JONES 47 PJ MAXINE JOHNSON, "Maxine Johnson for Lyndon Johnson." FOR COUNTY CLERK. Vote for One 48 P RICHARD L. KENNEDY, "Elect an experienced incumbent Representative 92 f 1 ' ' who voted for Kennedy-Johnson in 1960." ' ' SADIE PARRISH, "Incumbent" 49 PJ PHILIP D. LANG, "All the way with LBJ to another Democratic victory 1 1 in '64." 50 PJ HOWARD R. LEE, "Lyndon B. Johnson and Robert Kennedy all the way." FOR COUNTY SHERIFF. Vote for One 51 P SIDNEY LEIKEN, "Experienced representation fighting liberal working with President Johnson for Kennedy ideals." FOR COUNTY TREASURER. Vote for One 52 P ROSS MORGAN. "Democratic leader who will work with President Johnson to promote Kennedy programs. 53 PJ WAYNE MORSE, "All the way with President Johnson." FOR PORT COMMISSIONER. 2 year term. Vote for One 93 PI JOSEPH TATONE 54 I I AL MYERS, "Strong effective representation dedicated to Democratic prin- ciples representing the people of Oregon." 55 PI MAURINE B. NEUBERGER, "Democratic United States Senator from Oregon votes Kennedy-Johnson program for progress.' 56 p PATRICK J. O'LOUGHLEN. "I will support and work for election of L ' President Lyndon Johnson." (Continued on page 5)