Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1964)
HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Know Your Candidates f , ,i I ' A ' - to " r if WBMMMuiii atfil girt mimhuii iii ii mtm MARTIN BUCHANAN Martin Buchanan Democratic Candidate State Representative, 28th Dis trict I believe that the next session of the legislature will be one of the most important in the state's history and I would like to participate in the solution of the problems that this Legis lature will face. Oregon must overhaul its tax system. There must be a broader tax base so that the tax burden is more equitably distributed and that some of the burden on property is reduced. The next legislature must find ways to properly take care of the flood of boys and girls who will want education after high school. Room must be found in community colleges and four-year colleges for all who can profit from education after high school in vocational and Lee Rmers AUTHENTIC WESTERN FANli IN NEW Stretch DENIM 75 cotton, 25 nylon A new experience in comfort and mobility Authentic Western cut, slim and trim Heavy duty, vat-dyed, Sanforized S-T-R-E-T-C-H denim Strong Leeco thread stretches too, no puckering $6.98 NEW YORK STORE 369 S. Main Pendleton H II Putman Flying, Inc. WEED CALL HOTEL HEPPNER Ph, 676-9623 Thursday, April 23, 1964 technical training and In formal education. The district which I seek to represent is unique in that all of the counties but one border the Columbia River. This means that with the development of the resources of the river those coun ties stand to benefit tremendous ly. As a legislator I want to assist the port districts on the Columbia to achieve their fullest potential. Water is Eastern Oregon's most valuable resource. I particularly want to see all possible assis tance for all small watershed projects in this region. We have many areas in the 28th district where the water shortage is crit ical. As a former member of the Oregon Liquor Control Commis sion, I believe that the state must help in the growing prob lem of minor use of liquor. A more useful identification of minors must be found. I pro pose that every licensed driver have his or her picture appear on the driver's license. This would make it much easier for the Oregon Liquor Control Com mission, and all law enforce ment agents to combat this prob lem. I would seek the coopera tion of the State Motor Vehicle Department to help in the solut ion of this problem. I will take a responsible ap proach to education, resource de velopment, and taxation as they relate to eastern Oregon. Buchanan is a native of east ern Oregon and is a pea and wheat grower in the Milton Freewater country. This Is his first bid for elec tive office. He has, however, par ticipated in a variety of public affairs at the community, coun ty and state levels. He recently completed seven years on the Oregon Liquor Control Commis sion. Members of the committee that is supporting Buchanan's elec tion are Charles A. (Bud) Peter son and Bob Goad, Pendleton, co-chairmen ; Milo Adki n s o n, Pilot Rock; James Burns, Con don; Miller Rayborn, Weldon; Lillian Mitzimberg, Pendleton; Al Lamb, Heppner; Don Harper, Dean Beauchamp, Claude Key and Gilbert Banks, all of Milton Freewater. WILLIAM J. DEVINE William J. Devine Nonpartisan Candidate For Justice of the Peace (Sixth District) I have been a resident of Mor row county for over five years and have lived in Eastern Ore gon for the last 19 years. My wife and three children and I live on our small place just out of the city limits of Heppner. I am thirty-three years oltt and work for Lexington Imple ment Company as a machinery salesman and mechanic. I grad uated from Arlington high seliool and spent four years in the United States Air Force where I attended several schools on electronics and supervision. I have acquired a good deal of experience in dealing with people because my work requires me to meet the public and handle al! kinds of situations. I feel that 1 am qualified to handle H if . 7 i , p- . I i AYIN G the duties of the Justice of the Peace in an efficient and im partial manner. If elected, I will treat everyone who comes to me the same, ir regardless of his social status, race, religion or political affil iation. I will use common sense in cases requiring judgment. I will not use the office of Justice of the Peace to pry into other people's affairs. I feel qualified to say that I can be impartial and fair to everyone and still uphold the laws of the state of Oregon. I have always been a non partisan. I would rather sacrifice my one vote in the primaries to be able to campaign for the man I think best suited for of fice, no matter which party he belongs to. This way I can help the qualified man to get to the general election. My platform is "Equality and Common Sense." I ask for your vote May 15 to insure equal and impartial justice. fl . . ! ! -A! ft , .... f- '4 - - i y. . -A s HASKELL SHARRARD Haskell Sharrard Democratic Candidate For Morrow County Judge I do not believe in pre-election promises. But I do believe in gov ernment for the people, by the people. This we have by exercis ing our freedom of voting to place the right man in the seat of county judge. The following is for those who are Interested in my background. I have deep roots In Morrow county. My grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deos, journeyed across the plains in the 1860's to homestead at Wells Springs in Morrow county. My father, M. W. Sharrard, and my mother, Rosetta Deos Sharrard, were married in Heppner in 1903. Later they set tled on lower Willow Creek where they farmed for 30 odd years and where I was born Sep- lemoer ii, wii. I attended school at Arling ton. As a young man I traveled widely throughout the United States. To promote these travels I worked at jobs in agriculture, lumber, road construction, etc., Which gives me a broad range of experience that fits in very well for the position I seek. Dur ing World War II, I owned and operated two service stations in Arlington. In the fall of 1948 I resumed operation of the "home farm" which I operated until 1958. Knowing that it would be flooded by the pool of the John Day dam, I studied In electronics and moved to Heppner where I have operated a business very successfully for the last six years. I am married and have two fine sons, Tod, 8 years old, and Timothy, 4 years. Do hope to see you at the voting polls May 15, voting for the man of your choice. Thank you, Haskell Sharrarr". Examiner Coming A drivers license examiner will be on duty in Heppner Tues day, April 28, at the courthouse between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. for those wishing licenses or permits to drive. At BEST - DON'T be rustled in the fall. Do make sure there's enough time to get seeding and other fall work clone before winter sets In. There will be if you get all or part of your fertilizer application done before harvest. BI COUNTY CHEMICAL can help you do it and do it right! Our applicators are completely overhauled. Nurse tanks are perfectly clean. Pumps and meters have been cleaned and checked to provide the most accurate measuring and pumping possible. And we can spot 8,000-gallon portable storage tanks on your ranch for prompt, time-saving delivery. BEST OF ALL, Aqua and aqua "plus" sulfur solutions are available. They can be mixed with any combination for your special fields all in one solution. Aqua ammonia is a most efficient nitrogen source for preplanting. It's the safest to handle, the easiest to apply. Let's talk over your summer fertilizer program now. It will save you work later. Call BI COUNTY now. Public Notices NOTICE OF BUDGET MESSAGE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Budget Officer for the Heppner Rural Fire District shall present the Budget Mes sage for the 1964-65 Fiscal Year for said District to the Budget Committee on the 4th day of May at the hour of 8 P. M. at the Odd Fellows hall in Heppner, Oregon. Any person may dis cuss proposed programs with the Budget Committee of said Dis trict at that time. , Dated this 23rd day of April, 1964. Jack Van Winkle Budget Officer, Heppner Rural Fire District 8-c NOTICE OF MEETING OF BUDGET COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER The Budget Committee of the City of Heppner has scheduled a public meeting at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, May 4, 1964, for the purpose of receiving and con sidering the budget documents and budget message for the fis cal year 1964-65. The meeting will be held in the City Hall, Heppner, Oregon, and any person may appear and discuss the proposed fiscal pro gram of the City of Heppner with the Budget Committee at that time. Carl Spaulding Budget Officer 8-c Panel Discussions On Beef Imports Set The Oregon Beef Council will hold a regular scheduled meet ing in Ontario, Oregon, Wednes day, April 29, at the Moore Ho tel, according to Dick Wester berg, chairman. The Ontario Chamber of Com merce and the Malheur Livestock Assn. will be hosts at a luncheon on this date at which time Irvin Mann, Beef Council member, Stanfield, will lead a panel dis cussion on "Beef Imports A Threat to the Nation's Economy." More than 300 persons are expec ted at this luncheon. There will also be a similar luncheon in La Grande on Thursday, April 30, where Mann will also head a panel of beef experts on the same topic. The La Grande luncheon is spon sored by the local Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis and Union County Livestock Association. SCHOOL MENUS Heppner and Lexington Week of April 27 to May 1 MONDAY Sloppy Joes, hot rolls, spinach, beet pickles, fruit and milk. TUESDAY Chill beans, corn bread and butter, cabbage and carrot salad, fruit and milk. WEDNESDAY Macaroni and cheese, cabbage slaw, frosted cake, fruit, milk, bread and butter. THURSDAY Hamburger gravy, hot rolls and butter, green beans, celery sticks, fruit and milk. FRIDAY Tomato soup. Tuna sandwiches, lettuce wedges, dressing, upside down cake, nad milk. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Come In And Get Acquainted GRAY'S SADDLERY We Invite Your Repair Work Saddles Custom Made (CLOSED ON MONDAYS) Heppner Hotel Bldg. PH. 676-9650 136 E. Willow -County Chemical RESULTS ON COMPLETE OR PARTIAL PRE-HARVEST FERTILIZER APPLICATIONS NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION BLUE MOUNTAIN AREA EDUCATION DISTRICT UMATILLA AND MORROW COUNTIES, OREGON Notice is hereby given that a regular election has been called by the District Board of Direc tors of the Blue Mountain Area Education District of Umatilla and Morrow Counties, Oregon, the said election to be held in the said District and State on the 4th day of May between the hours of 2:00 P. M. and 8:00 P. M. in the following voting places: Heppner Elementary School, the Irrigon Elementary School, lone High School, Riverside High School, Lexington Elementary School, Ruggs Polling Place, and Pine City School all being in Morrow County; and Umatilla Elementary School, the Hermis ton Junior High School, Stan field West Elementary School, Echo Elementary School, Helix Elementary School, Adams Ele mentary School, Athena Elemen tary School, Weston Elementary School, McLoughlin Union High School, Umapine Elementary School, Ukiah Elementary School, Pilot Rock Elementary School, Washington School, Hawthorne School Lincoln School, Sher wood Heights School all being in Umatilla County. At this time there will be sub mitted to the legal voters of the Area Educational District the question of establishing a tax levy for the fiscal year 1964-1965 for the sum of $195,988.00 as per mitted by Section 11, Article XI of the Constitution of the State of Oregon, which said period commences on July 1, 1964 and ends on June 30, 1965, and said levy shall be placed upon the 1964-65 Assessment Roll and said taxes will be due and payable on November 15, 1964, February 15, 1965, May 15, 1965, and August 15, 1965. The reasons for establishing this tax levy are for the payment of teachers and administrators' salaries, supplies, and equip ment for the classrooms, oper ation costs of the school plant, and amounts required for the payment of teacher retirement obligations, all as required by the laws of the State of Oregon. The votes shall be by ballot, upon which shall be marked "Tax Levy" ( ) and the word "Yes" and "Tax Levy" and the word "No" and the voter shall place a cross (with an X in it) between the word "Tax Levy" and the word "Yes" or between the word "Tax Levy" and the word "No" whichever indicates his choice. AT THIS ELECTION WE WILL ALSO VOTE TO ELECT TWO DI RECTORS FOR FOUR YEAR TERMS. Voters shall vote in the pre cinct listed which closest approx imates their regular School Dis trict or Union High District Vot ing poll. By order of the District Board of the Blue Mountain Area Edu cation District of Umatilla and Morrow Counties, Oregon. Made this 1st day of April, 1964. Ralph McEwen, Chairman Robert Abrams Oren Allison Anna Marie Dale Russell Dorran Brent Horn Michael Kilkenny Attest: George H. Unternahrer Acting Clerk 8-c The Sign of Superior Service Means NOTICE OF MEETING OF BUDGET COMMITTEE OF MORROW COUNTY, OREGON The Budget Committee for the County of Morrow has scheduled a public meeting at 3:00 P.M., May 6, 1964, for the purpose of receiving and considering the budget document and budget Boysen's 35th 2 FOR 1 OFFER Boysen Plasolux Gloss Enamel America's finest gloss. en amel. Resists acids, alcohol, etc. Easy to apply. Quart Somt Colon HOUSE PAINT A linseed oil base paint that is very durable. Stays beautiful longer. Cov ers well and is easy to apply White. Special per gallon. $6,90 Colon Slightly Higher Suburban House Paint A long lasting paint with good hiding properties. Spreads evenly, covers eas ily. White. Special per gallon $49o RUBBERGLO LATEX FLAT FINISH Amazing, new rubber latex interior paint that dries in minutes. No painty odor. Easy to apply. Gallon, special Somt Colon 2-FOOT STEP STOOL, Special $1.92 MASKING TAPE, Special 98c 9' x 12' DROP CLOTH, Special 37ef 4" NYLON PAINT BRUSH, Special. . . $J.79. BEACH BALLS While They Last Big, beautiful beach balls. Limit Paint. While they last. Tum-A-Lum Heppner NO GUESSING All Products Metered With Ticket Stamped For Farmer On Each Load. CALL US TODAY 422-7531 lone, Ore 384-3551 Condon, Ore. 989-8422 Lexington, Ore. message for the fiscal year 1964 1965. The meeting will be held at the Courthouse in the County Judge's office in Heppner, Ore gon and any person may appear and discuss the proposed fiscal program of the County of Mor row with the Budget Committee at this time. Sadie Parrish Budget Officer 8-c Anniversary VI-KO EXTERIOR LATEX PAINT Your house will stay beautiful for years. Color retention is far superior to ordinary house paints. FINISHING WHITE FIRST GALLON $7.88 Plus On Gallon Fr Colors Slightly Higfitr ONLY ON VI-KO Boysen Shake and Rustic A fire resistant, long wear ing flat finish that will stand up for years. Gallon $5.90 Slightly Hightr Porch and Deck Enamel A perfect, high grade en amel that will stand extreme hard usage. Flows easily. Quart pO75, Somt Colon Slightly Hijhtr Slightly HiflW one with purchase of Boysen Lumber Co. Ph. 676-9212 SERVICE lirtHrfJfSKlWWtt