Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1961)
f M,CTt,TW,t nu'" IM. C. Anderson Talks Aridifinna Vnrn anH fliih Mouc Before Garden Club nuuuiuilUI JUUUI UIIU uiuu nunj Mrs. Daniels Wins At Triple Link Meet The Trijle Utik r?.H at the home 4 Mr. Lincoln Nah on Monday evening wnh 1S tni-m-t-r attending, Following th regular bulnea mea-ilr.g, inxl.lo Mat !a)rd Winning high mm IU-veily ln- IrU; lw, llnther furc(rum: and reiving the d-r prize was Helen Kroner. Mr. ,N"ah. Darlcne Robblna, and Shlrlfy Nah M-rved rfr-fch-mentt later In the evening, Tli next mertlr.g will be Ap ril 17 at the home vt Mm. I'b blna with Mra, Krufer and Mr. Daniel a hottftwi, "Correct fertilttlf.f. mewtn T" . r, . " -. - HupwuM in iwc-niy-NVe TCOr fins I maintaining a beautiful l wn Peat Moss Special SoveSl $3.75 Steer Cr Sheep Guano 50 lbs. -$1.30 Gordon Seeds Seed Potatoes Fertilizers CORNETT GREEN FEED Phone 6-8422 Uxlngton PTA'S Hobby Night Uncovers Many Interesting Items r Brim jom Presented Two In lone ,h' u ,n- ,, r'tH,,M,U ' U ,n lunc of diaaa and .uue Mr. At th tegular itiwilnf ,f 1 Nrls Anderson. Morrow county ftunrhgras lirtjrkah Lodge ton letenalo agent, at the Ion Car Mart h K 23 rar Vrtt-tan's Jew. den Club merlin g field It the el were ft-rftrd to two mrm- hun of Mr. Omar ftletminn n tufa ,f the lxtge. Mr. Vf Akersl Mirth 14. and Mi. J-rry IMman i4 Port-1 There 1 no substitute far land. Mr. Ir.rl llrlikrr. mother thee practice properly timed of Mr. H-l.'nn. j rrw-nird the land applied," Mr. Anderson aaya. Jewel, I Timely bulletins on lawn rart After the buinn. meeting a available reunty en li night honoring ih Urth-1 ,r'1,on ,fl Heppner. dt f.rf mrnilim having birth-1 At the buslneta meeting con da In the montha of January. d"iNl X llent, Mrm. February and March was held '" the annual plant. Birthday rak and lr crram vaa rtrrrthment tala was M-riN to th honorr-, Mr Of 11 I'lnnc4 for tha laitrr part of l!ra. Mr. Miltn Morgan. Mra. I April. IMmm Mrcan. Fr4 Lly and 'f tmm 1U tathtr lnrt Lundrll and ti the other Ir.formMlon on Iht Ion Cardl- mcmbrn irt-nt. bametball warn, and llal Tli droratlnna In th hall 01 V" ,rfen ",rmtr and en the table In the St J PUcf ,n J11 t0 .. .... .. I burled at the root of the new liiuim niuiti. i , ; ----- . -""- " pUnted In the lone city park. p..i P,ii,ihn m n rr.i, Tn ,one Cerden Club will par " I':: V"":: .. clpi In the Community 1m Cluba and Scan, Roebuck end Company. This will be In the form of replanting ahade trees in lone. Mrs. Fredrick Martin will head the carden rlub com Sana Soucl Itrbekah Lodge met mittee with Mrs. Elbe Akers and Friday evening with 33 members Mrs. fhll Emert and one guest present. I The club agreed to decorate Members of the lodge who are I the dinner tables for the Palm sick were remembered with I Sunday swiss steak dinner spon cards. Lela Humphreys received I sored by the Topic Club for the the penny drill prize. I benefit of the city library. After th meotlnir i ad. I Several members showed their iourned. refreshments we re desire to attend in vismci iar- served by Hazel Bauman. Rachel I den Club meeting April 25 In Harnett, and Altha Kirk. This Boardman. was a birthday party lor those I innu-i ntu having birthdays In January. 'oil call and read H state- menu .urnisnea oy ine nosiesses, Mrs. Rletmann. Mrs. Ernest Hell ker, and Mrs. Sam Esteb. Mrs. William Rawlins received the door prize. Birthdays Observed At Lodge Meeting February, and March. farming It haxordoui. With mort machinery Ulng add4 y,ry far, It U becoming aven mora o. At Ih oparotor of a farirv you may b liabla for domog.f to amployaai or frl.nd. who or In. Jurad uiing your oqulpmant. for your own protactlon, lorrw lew-coit llgblllfy (nturants Is the bait iofuHon. Call imI C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY Heppner, Oregon Phone 6-9625 Box 611 Healy Family Holds Reunion, Sunday Members of the Margaret Healy family held a family re union and dinner at the Catho lic parish hall Sunday. Coming from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Burchell and son, grandson of Mrs. Healy' who Is with the Army stationed at Ft Lewis. Others atending the dinner were Mrs. Healy, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Daggett and family Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gentry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Healy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Healy and family of Pendleton and Father Beard. One tf th ouutandinf meet Ings of the Uklr.fton IT A w he!4 last Tuesday nl ht In the arnooj audlturlum with the chair man Gladys Van Winkle pre Idlng. This was PTA Hobby Aignt and there were many In teretlng as well as education hobbles displayed at this time. Among them ww: Cup and saucer collection brought back from Europe by Bertha Hunt oil paintings made by Francis McMillan, antiques which con siat4 of wooden potato mhf and lamps and various other ar tkleaj owned by Km Perk, knit ting and fancy work dUplay by Lucia Cuuforth, Mias Fern Bun nelFa tin type family picture, old school records and family record, Mrs. Cora Allyn's book match collection, one from every state and a vhat not dish" hlch came across the plains covered wagon, a napkin collection of Joyce Peck's. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Messenger's col lection of Chinese articles. Rena Marquardt'a Korean table cloth and napkins, Doctor Huber's rock collection which drew a lot of attention, and Mrs. May Mc- Call's hooked rugs and quilt and pot holders were most attractive. Majo Hughes had health food produce In both the growing stage and edible stage, Lola Breeding a pot holder collection, Mary Kay Hughes foreign doll collection, Shirley McCarl and Joan Smith both salt and pepper shakers. Helen Leyva coral rock pictures, La Verne Henderson cop lpr and rr.-amJc and t Ms keta. The OH A. dinrw a be held ret Monday was (Six um-1. and I II Judging award for luri w r.rtr ai.r itroained ti be with Ml aitd Mr. IUy CampWlt, tt her l ubnd Joe who was srhej. ma)ur surfer? at $t Vlrrrnt s Hpttal on Monday, Mi Km Marshall ttil lf w ar-J Sivzf.rt. Mr, and Mr Bad Manhtll. te Prn- dlctun en Monday. Mr. Fdna Fetich and daueh- Mifh and wnloe diviaU-n waa d-l-r Marlrne wr ivnaieton ia riled uj.n, Itcfrethments wt-tel" fn Monday where Xtailene M-rved by the hpifWy rum-Ifwnfuneu a fn)Moan. mittee r gram cnited L-i a I Pum-n Campbell jnt me noi mtr meting by the i II gtfUidas In LeUngten with her and Leora Mae Van Winkle gavel father. Dun. and grandparents. demntfation on ifw to put you rr If thnmgh a 4 by 6 Inch card" and Jranette LedtHtcr and Leora Mae Van Winkle madded their dremw made In I II. The room i-rtre wnt to the third grade. vin hrr rome in ivrtland Jranrtte Ltba-tter, daughter tf Mr and Mr Johnnie Led brltrr had ta ftiUf jur-. brak hrr tt,Uar bene vv day iai werai ana was taken to l!p. pnrr ti a phytician. Mr. and Mr. J ark Mourn and son Uited her parent. Mr, and Mr. A. F, Majc-ake, over the werk end from their home In Maupln. Mr and Mr, C. C Joi- and (Co4tUaued ea Pe?e 9) Mrs. Farley Hosts Renegers Wednesday The Renegers were entertained with bridge and dessert by Mrs. Jim Farley at her home Wednes day. The two tables of guests play. Ing were Mrs. Dick Meador, Mrs. Bill Labhart, Mrs. LaVerne Van Marter, Mrs. Gene Hall, Mrs. Bill Barratt, Mrs. Terry Thompson, Mrs. Jim Norene, and Mrs. Bill Blake. Mrs. Labhart won high, Mrs. Hall second high, Mrs. Barratt low, and Mrs. Meador won jack high. BRING HOME JOY WITH A TOY! Nationally Advertised Ln 1 1A fill m Mrs. Robison Wins At Pinochle Club Miss Frances Slocum was host to a pinochle party at the home of Mrs. Vern Evans last Thurs day. Guests present for the evening were Mrs. Delbert Piper, Mrs. Oliver Devln, Mrs. John Molla- nan, Mrs. LenRay Schwa rz, Mrs. Dick Robison, Mrs. Judy Tottle beln, and Mrs. Evans. Mrs. Robison won high, Mrs. Schwarz low, and Mrs. Piper traveling pinochle. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blake and family and Mrs. K. L. Blake were In Portland over the weekend and her mother, Mrs. Dave Wil son, returned home with them. Bridgettes Played At Heath Home The Bridgettes met at the home of Mrs. Bill Heath Friday evening with two tables of I bridge in play. Mrs. creston Robinson won high, Mrs. Kemp Dick second, Mrs. Riley Munkers low, and Mrs. Don Bellenbrock, jack high. Other guests attending were Mrs. Elsie Cole, Mrs. Doa Bennett, Mrs. Ned Sweek. Mrs. Heath served crab salad and coffee later in the evening. BUSINESS MACHINE SERVICE Office Supplies. Office Equip ment Business Machines. IN HEPPNER 1st & 3rd Week of Every Month DON BALL, Serv. Dept 120 Main St. Hermlston Phone JO 7-5114 WATCH FOR CIRCULAR TO BE DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR SOON! HOW'S YOUR "RAINY SAVINGS NOW EARN AO DAY COVERAGE? . . . Tour beat umbrella on a financial "rain day" la CASH on deposit and quickly available to To uin your annas account Here. Start Now Duiia ing yourself this kind of protection. Save aome every payday I FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. Box 793 Pendleton. Ore. An ambulant- was railed from Heppner Saturday for Mrs. May MoCall. lier df Francl McMillan, who had fallen at her home. Sunday surgery was performed on Mrs. MX"a!l to cor rect the condition caused frum fractured hip. Her aon from Idaho visited their mother on Sunday. Bertha Hunt and daughter Shirley McCarl were Eugene vis itors last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith and children were Spray visitors on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding have returned home after a visit In Portland and Spray with their children. Marvin Way motored to Port land Saturday taking his aunt Mrs. Joe Comelison to Portland What's under your hot vi i r-'T 3 s Jast Call K03 DOES Count When you want to present a pretty pic ture In the Easter Parade! So bring along your FJaater Bonnet when you visit us for your pre-Easter hairstyle appointment We'll create a coif that's a perfect partner for It. a perfect "do" for you! lor the operator of your chocle DOT GLENDA JEAN LOIS LOIS' BEAUTY SHOP Phone 6-0603 teiiicmbci THIS IS a f LONG wlicn I distance usually (Today folks call long distance just for the pleasure of it) This little heart-pounding ceremony took place in 1931. Maybe you remember way back to a similar scene in your living room. In those days, it wasn't unusual for a Long Distance call to conjure up a vision of fire, flood or family disaster. The ominous words "This is Long Distance" triggered their imagination to saying: "It's Brother he's smashed up his motorcycle." "It's Uncle Gus he's entered a marathon dance contest." And so on. We're exaggerating, of course, but let's face it Long Distance telephone habits were quite different then. Happily, all this is changed. Today, people call Long Distance as often as they write a letter. It's just a convenient, per sonal way to keep in touch. And they call home even when it isn't someone's birth day. It's just a low-cost way to have a wonderful family reunion. And people who receive Long Di.tance calls aren't upset nowadays either. They're usually happy that you cared enough to call. Most important, today's Long Distance rates are downright low. (For example, you can call station-to-station between Portland and Seattle at night and on Sunday for only 5Cty plus tax.) If you haven't tackled Long Distance lately, you'll be delighted at how easy it is. It takes an average of 66 seconds to reach anywherein the United States! So pick up your receiver and call some one Long Distance right now-just for the pleasure of it. You'll both be g!ad you did. LONG DISTANCE RATES ARE LOW Here are some examples: Hood River to Bend 65 The Dalles to Corvallis 70e Portland to Medford SOe Eugene to Pendleton C0 Klamath Falls to Astoria $1 00 SiMion-to-itaiion rates for the firr 3 minutes, after 6 PSf and all dii Sun Jay. Add lO'tr World War 11 Federal Excise Tax sttll in erect. PACIFIC TELEPHONE NORTHWEST