Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1961)
Willovs Grange, one, 9 w w " k y LOXlAIXt BAIL Date t Recaembef Frb UhW Club at Ma- bit Ring'. Frb, 2i Ion v. Wheeler. Feb. 23 Ion Riflemen club at Cafrtortum 2 00 p m. Feb. 23 lane JV at Hepp ner 7 30 pm. O. E. S. Card Party (public Invited). Feb. 26 Jr. High P F at church 3 5 p m. The International Foreign Youth Exchange Student. Run And tree c wn a house guest of Mr. and Mrt. Milton Morgan on Wednesday night. Ron Uvea In Vernonla. Ore. Wednesday eve ning Mr. and Mr. Morgan had a buffet dinner In hla honor. Those present were Rev. and Mr. Rod MacKenzle. Mr. and Mr. Charlca O'Connor. Mr. and Mr. Roy Llndstrom. Marilyn and Gary Morgan and Esther Klrml. county extension agent In the evening on Wednesday, Ron spoke at the Masonic Lodge and showed colored slides of hi visit to Italy. On Thursday he spoke to the students at the school showing hi slides again. He went on to Heppner on Thurs day and from there he was to go to Condon. There was a large turnout for the potluck dinner preceding the grange meeting on Sunday at the halL The program before the meeting consisted of the three Halvorsen boy. Frank. Mark and Joe performing on their trampoline. Mrs. Cecil Thome showed two picture she obtain ed In connection with the Heart Fund Drive. Earl Hoover, a ATTENTION! Do You Have Trouble With Any of These Pests - MICE RATS GOPHERS INSECTS TERMITES SPARROWS STARLINGS PIGEONS Don't Peed ta If s Cheaper to KILL 'EMI Call 6-9953 Ayers Pest Control Owned and Operated bf Clayton Ayers, Heppner IG35(BEP LkL lM 1 PENDLETON ELECTRIC CO. THEY'VE GOT , !tfffnjRW AUTOMATIC PENDLETON ELECTRIC CO 1802 S. W. Emigrant Pendleton. Ore. Pteoit furnith free heot ivrvey well aladlT help Tu COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL bonded & licensed Pendleton Electric Co. CALL BOB HALE COLLECT - CR 6-4361 OR LOTT'S ELECTRIC in Heppner, 6-5811 mtmbtr tJ the orcaniistion of whole! cooperative through the grange was guei speer. He 1k4 on the subject of wholesale orginUatton through the grange fur this area. This meeting alo marked the 3Cth anniversary of Willow Grange 672, Lo Crabtree. past matter, presented to Mr. Harvey F.lng a beautifully decorated cake that Mr. Crabtree made In honor of the occasion. Happy Birthday wu sung to Mr. and Mr. Oscar Lundell. the only two charter member present The cake was served at a coffee hour following the meeting. Mr. and Mr. Carl Bergntrom were In Portland for a few day list weeJc. Mr. and Mr. Caylord Salter and family were week end visit or last week of hla parent. Mr. and Mr. Hugh Salter. Tney vis ited with his sinter and family, Mr. and Mr. Harold Snider, also. Bill Salter was home to visit this same weekend from Eastern Oregon College. Several members from lone at tended the Elks annual In Hepp ner on Saturday. Cardinal Down Umatilla On their home floor Friday night lone posted a 59-44 score over the Umatilla Vikings. lone rolled In 21 of 30 free throw and Umtllla placed 14 out of 27 from the free throw line. Four of lone's team placed high In point. Francis Rea and Ron Crabtree each scored 17 nnlnts and John Swanson and Tom Martin racked up 10 apiece. lone carried the game ineir way the biggest part of the time however In the last quarter Um atilla narrowed the gap to 9 points. lone came right back and ended the game 15 point In the lead IONE 59 UMATILLA Rea 17 Dusenberry T. Martin 10 D. Green J. Swanson 10 Engle R. Crabtree 17 Hall R. drum 3 Del Green Reserves: lone Ekstrom 2, Marrick, Davidson, Akers; Uma tilla Ostrom 16, Carpenter 3. Thonstad 8, Edmonds 2, Bate man. Th Umatilla Vikings In a close contest took the Junior Var sity preliminary game 26-24. Beat Echo 43-23 umn their last league game from Echo 43-23 Saturday nitrht on their home court. fvvwv uslnff a stalling game fnr norlorfs as hleh as three min ntPB could do nomine dui hoiu th Room down. Action was very ainw as few shots were attempt ed by either side. First quarter score ended 3-0 lone. Aotton nicked ud In the second period with lone ending the half 15-6. Ione's experience ana iust taamumrk nroved too mUCh for the Cougars as they continued to pull away In the secona nan. Frnnr-is Rea and Ron Crabtree again scored 13 points apiece to PENDLETON, OREGON If) - m Fit AM ELECTRIC BASEBOARD HEATERS end electric hearing etHrngt. Je with your wiring leryout nrctnrwTlAI. WIRING WIRING SUPPLIES rr ll AND MAIL THIS COUfON ro nil ESTIMATt . Celebrates le4 Ltk ti the Cougar. IONE 43 13 a ECHO s. s.:k R. Bowman JL Bowman Fife F. Rea T. Martin J. Swanson R. Crum R. Crabtree 10 is M. Spike Reserve: ion Davidson Marrick. R. Martin 2. J. Martin. i.imm ivho Correa 2. Flan en 1. Thompaon 1. Morris. lunlor varsity walked fmm th ftourar JV 43 x in th preliminary. Roland iTi.irt.m wu hleh point man with 11 points for lone. Tow Team Winner Although not much publicity has been given to th staunch lone townteam basketball aquad. ihv have been getting their hr. loral and distant came wins. They will go first place winner In their league a tney have dropped only one league game. This Is an AAU district tour nament to be held Saturday and Sunday. Feb. 23 and 26 at th Pendleton Armory. lone drew a bye tor saturoay nd will rlav their flrt game Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. Mr and Mr. Markham Baker rntnrnfwi home Saturday from an extended trip Into California and on Into Arizona. They visitea with their son and family, Mr. and Mr. Duane Baker. In Calif ornia for 10 days, going on to Anaheim where they visited DU- neyland and Knox Berry Farm. From there the Baker motored on to Phoenix, Ariz., where they spent three week relaxing and sight seeing. They visited the Painted Desert, went through the Salt River Canvon and visited at the petrified forest Coming home they viewed the crana canyon, were at Zlon National Park and visited at Salt Lake City. They were fortunate to hear the Mor mon Tabernacle Choir lng while there. Mrs. Baker said that It Is usully a choir of 375 voice but on this evening approximately 275-300 were alnging. Mrs. Marlon Palmer was host ess to a Marantha coffee hour at her home last week. Among the guests present were Mesdames Lloyd Rice. Raymond Lundell, Milton Morgan, Gary Tullis, Ed- mond Brlstow, Fred Herman, Harold and Dick Sherer, Paul Pettyjohn. Earl McCabe and Lee Palmer. An offering waa given for the Friendly Service Overseas ...i.. I Monday' afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lee Palmer, a birtnaay party was given by Mrs. Marion Palmer and Mrs. Lee Faimer in honor of the following birthdays Mrs. Fred Herman, Mrs. Clell Rea and Mrs. Dick Sherer. Guest nrospnt were Mrs. Milton Mor gan, Mrs. Ray Helmbigner, Mrs. Harold Dobyns, Mrs. uary mi lls. Mrs. Harold Sherer, Mrs. Ce- rll Thome. Mrs. Keith Rea, Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn Sr., and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn Jr., Mrs. Creston Black, the honorees and the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jepsen were hosts for a dinner party Prldav evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shaffer of Rich mond, Calif., and their children, David and Evin. Other euests In cluded Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Shaf fer of Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dobyns have returned home from a nine- day business trip through East- HEREFORD CATTLE SALE CARLOAD LOTS 65 Registered Hereford Range Bulb Range-Ready 2 Tear-old Guaranteed Breeder 500 Hereford Feeder Cattle Top Quality Hereford tiBZSnZS 150 Head from Haroia a. wngm 350 Sam, quality from adjoining Tbl is an Invitational, not open consignman " k Country Fresh cattle direct from ranches. 2 Carefully sorted for unllormitr and quality. ir Clean health on every bead, vaccinated. Favorable weighing and shipping condition. Northwestern Livestock Commission Company Yards SELLING AT AUCTION THURSDAY, MAR. 2 HXRMISTON. OREGON ON U.S. HIGHWAY 0 Feeder Cattle - 11:00 A. M. Range Bulls - 1 :00 P. M. Send for catalog on this rugged set of big range bull. - . A fine selection, whether your needs re one bull or a canoao. FRANK ANDERSON Heppner, Oregon Phone 6-5311 For catalog, reaarvatlona. Information contact owner or SI WILLIAMS. Auction, Walla Walla. Washington Phone JA S-4944 36th Birthday Sunday . t Ontirli and Intel r.nk Jrn vUlnnl with ' ' ........ far Oregon, w asningron. 4 LnJ Idaho f Rid A Bird Corp of low. MX. pooyna frpona ni tarllngt and other birds are I .i m.nace In Ottgon and Ida While in Idaho the rbynr vU Itisl With rrienua in ooiw. Kf.rv Swanson entertained niece. Mra. Howard Nelson, and a friend. Mia Grace Williams, of Firth. Idaho, last wee, m ia die also vUlted other relative. ii r mnA un Car Swanson and family and Mr. Bill Swanson Mary Swanson entenainea ea nMav afternoon at a coffee rar- ry In honor of the guenta Among thoae present were Anna Smouse and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Troed son of Heppner, Irene Swanson. Arvllla Swanson. Anna Llnd itrom. Norma Rea and Mr. and Mr. Oscar Lundell of lone. Mr Nelson and Ml Williams were on their way home to Idaho from trip which took them to beanie. A nice crowd from lone attend ed the Lexington Rebekah din ner on Saturday night at tne ne. bekah hall In Lexington, Cards were played after the dinner hour. Mr. Cleo uraxe or lone received high In pinochle for the evening. Mr. and Mr. CUUOe uevine 01 North Bonneville visited . with Mr. and Mr. Ernest Hellker dur ing the week end. They also vis ited In Heppner, returning home on Monday. Rebekah Lodge held tneir reg ular buslne meeting Thursday evening at their halL Pie and coffee were served after the meeting was concluded. Instead of their regular meet ing the Home Ec club met at the grange hall on Friday to pre pare their vegetables and make last minute preprations for the Elk dinner they prepared for Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hellker were In Tlgard to visit his sister, Mr. and Mr. Jerry Bolman, over the week end. Mrs. Donald Eubanks was hos . vuiiam . . . 0j jug L,OUniy l on woiiimiaaiuii teas for the pinochle club onlwas among other members of j . .. .....ins a f fha hnmi ofi... . . . .1 tM r 1 tuajr vvciii.'k - Mr. Herbert Ekstrom Jr. Mrs. Eubank made corsage of sponge rubber lor eacn guesi preesnt She carriea out me vai entlne theme in her decorations and refreshment. Mrs. Vester Hams received high and Mrs. Wallace Gaarsland the door prize. Among those present besides the hostess and I Mrs. Ekstrom were "Mrs. - Ve ster Hams. Mrs. Wallace Gaarsland, Mrs. Elmer Holt Mr Ed Baker, xingum, - ana wira. wiu. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gaars land made a hurried business trip to Portland and back on Sat urday. Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn and Mrs. Cleo Drake were in Pendleton shopping on Friday. at HARDMAN FEB. 25 Music by Rot's Band Supper Served mulaiun. rancher as gut consigners. OWNERS HAH OLD A. WRIGHT Heppner. Oreoon Phone 6-5310 DON WINE. Yard Manager Hermiston, Oregon Phone JO 7-6655 oc JO 7-3111 Frank Jrpwn vUlied with rel atives )at week end from OTI at KUmath Fall. Mr. and Mr. Elmer Holti took their daughter to Walla Wall on Saturday M hef U w'tk ap- polntment to her doctor. Milton Morgan Is In Pullman. Wah.. this week attending th Wheat League Convention at Waihlngton State. Mr. and Mr. Milton Morcan were In Pendleton on Thursday for the annual banquet of the Federal Land Bank. Mr. Morgan ha been re elected director for another term for this organiza tion. Mr. and Mr. Warren Crutch- er of Sandy visited with her mother, Anna Llndstrom from Mondftv until Thursday and also other relatives here. Lee Crutch- er of Pendleton visited on Tues day with the Crutchers and Mr. Llndstrom. Also visiting with Mr. Llndstrom was Mr. Frank Hellna w ho came on Wednesday. Her son. Bob Hellna. came Fri day evening to visit and return his mother to Seattle on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Leland McKlnney were hosts for a pot luck dinner at their home last Saturday eve nine. Guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rea and Leroy, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sherer and Mr. and Mr. Alvln McCabe. Cards were played In the evening. Mr. and Mrs. David McLeod are in the midst of remodeling their home which wa burned last Tuesday. The fire started on the back porch and it was nec essary to re-do the kitchen as a result of the fire and smoke damaee. The McLeods lost their decD freezer along with a few other personal articles. Ronnie Palmateer had the mis fortune to cut his right hand on Sunday, requiring the doctor to take three stitches to close the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nichols were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ball. nnrlnnd Swanson. a member this organization who were In Salem this last week conferring with Attorney General Robert Y. Thornton and Governor Mark Hatfield on the particulars of the Boeing Airplane Company Interest in the Boardman bomb ing range. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Engleman and son were dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Thomas S. and A DOLLAR CAMWV HOT GRATED TUNA V 0MMH'O on wn 0 CLAM CHOWDER ( , o so-. - :- mi a-. - ft c,h md s - T .. sol r a, v v u rr t av.n.nar CORN - PEAS tr CARROTS SPINACH PEAS - GREEN BEANS Assorted Flavor 3 F0R 25e SONNY BOY SALAD DRESSING EAT SPECIALS Locker Beef Cut and wrapped FRESH SEAFOODS LOOK WHO'S DRINKING I tJIPPNEl OAIETTt TTMtS, ThuttdaT. rbnrr tl 1X1 CHOOL MINUS Week el Ptb. 3? MONDAY apanUh rice, ach. carrot stUWs, cake. apln fruit. bread and butter, milk. TUESDAY meat tamal pie. grren beans, cabbage salad. Mr. Bill Rletmann. Mr. Victor Kirtmann v. as a! a dinner Sunday at th home of Mr. and Mr. Bill RU-tmann. SAVINGS FOR If your driving record U to a special low rot outomoblie Insurance. Call or vt wlthoul I L a. . Lit.Tak C. A. INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE 6-9623 HEPPNER. OREGON Pride of Oregon Butter There never has been, and never will be. a substitute for butter any more than there is a substitute for the sun shine. The product you buy to enrich your family s food 1, butter or it Isn't anything. Only butter tastes like but ter! Only butter complements the flavor of other good food. Only butter ralsces the quality of any food with which it is used. Only butter Is made of velvety, clean dairy cream. Whether used a a spread or for frying, basting, or shortening, butter gives goodness and quality that ONLY BUTTER CAN GIVE." MORROW COUNTY CREAMERY Mildred Howell's Home-Owned mm BUYS A LOT FROM 5 FOR n pOR 6F0R in JELLO Crisp, tender Celery 9 lb. rhoculate cake, fruit bf4 end butter. mSSk. WLDNESOAY-f earned tuna on tiat, cottage chnre, hot to matoes, crlt-ry sticks, upside down rake, milk. Tlll'JWUY Turkey and. Michra, potato salad, 'noodle, fiuil. tnuk. FRIDAY apllt I uj, I nut butter sandwiches, apple crUrt. letutce weiljje and may- tinnatotf, and milk. SAFE DRIVERS! oood, yon ore entitled when it comet to your dllci. Therel, fiol, the RUGGLES BOX Ml ECONOMY! 2 Gelatin Dessens 3 F0R 25e Assfd Flavor - -- Q"ft 39c One Pound Two Pounds 23 V . owes" Wlilh ? 7