Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1961)
-- .... HtttKtn OAltTTt TIMta. TtfAay. rofatwf 1 1X1 4 Classified Rates S pf wofd-ffltntmnm tOt Block foe of cape, dbl rat Card el Tbanks 4140 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 1p.m. Wda do? To avoid billing. cah If r quMtvd foe small ads wbea brought to tbo Mice. ford ral con Tb uadetbUdi If you arc planning on buying car EVERETT XETTBXEY Wanta to see you. Day phono 6 9152, nlfihta phon 6 5343 3 tfe FOR SALE 1956 Ford Station wagon, good condition, $730 or best offer. Ph. 8-7281 Bob Peterson. 44tfc USED CARS I960 Chev. 2-dr. Belalr. Thla li a good economical unit 6 cyl Stan, transmission. Practically new rubber. 1959 Bulck Invlcta. Exceptionally low mileage, new rubber, full power equipment This car has to be seen to be appreciated. 1959 Hillman clean economical unit Will cut your gas bill In half. 1956 Pontlac Star Chief. Clean as a new car, leather upholstery, and air conditioned. This 1 a low-mileage unit USED TRUCKS Now's the time to get a good farm truck. Three to choose from. 1955 Chev., 2-ton cab-forward truck; excellent farm truck, good condition, nylon tires, new paint long w-d, -speea axle. 1952 G.M.C 2 Ton Trk., good 8.25 rubber. Exceptionally good stock racks & bulk racks. Ideal farm trks. 1949 International with 15' bed and stock rack. Good rubber. USED COMMERCIALS I960 Willys Jeep, 9,162 miles. Full too. A real bargain. 1954 Willys 2-wheel dr. station wagon. Reconditioned motor. Heater and radio. Lots of trans portation. 1952 Willys pickup. New short block. 1954 Ford pickup. One-half ton. 1951 Dodge -ton pickup, ex cellent rubber. 1954 Jeep. Excellent condition. New paint Good rubber. 1944 Willys Jeep. A real good buy for hunting. 1942 Chevy Truck trap wagon. WE ARE TOUR FRIGID AIRE DEALER See the new 1961 Flair-Type Range now on dis play. A number of good used appliances on hand. JUST ARRIVED School Plan Appliances Large Savings! X Imperial Range 1 Coldpantry Good choice of used washers and dryers. FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Pontiac-Buick-Willys-GMC Phone 6-9116 40-tfc WE STILL HAVE 3 General Elec tric dryers. We have had so many different prices on these that we don't know where we stand. Come in and make an offer. LOTTS ELECTRIC I" "I ' . f ... - s:;--' ( . Aw-r - - s f . . "l . ONE STOP SHOPPING Used Cars 60 Cbrr. Hardtop, 3S0 agio, std, trans. 11450 17 More Monte lair . -1590 19S8 rord 4-doo Fail lane V I Cnitsomatie SLS00 . 1000 56 Tord Vict Cpa.- S3 Tord Sta Wagon VS automatic to Chev. 2 dr. PG.B.A, S900 S800 56 Chev. Spt cpo. Vt OD 11250 '54 Cher. B. A. 4 dr. .. $600 '54 rord 4 dr. ado. 1500 COMMERCIALS 14 Willy 4 wh. dr. 6 cyL 1050 '49 Chev. s ton pickup. Rebuilt nglna $450 FULLETON Chevrolet Co. 6-8921 SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. SALES - SERVICE Sewing Machines fc Vacuum Cleaners of all Makes Contact Mrs. David Eclanan HEPPNER PH. 6-9101 ll-tfc IF YOU ARE in the market for a good vacuum cleaner In stead of a cheap one, try our Lewyt LOTTS ELECTRIC WOOD FOR SALE, $10 cord, de livered. Phone 6-5837. 23-tfc OFFICE SUPPLIES, typewriters, adding machines sales ana service. In Heppner regularly, win fifflco Machines, call Gazette-Times, 6-9228 for ser vice. 28-tfc 1-WHIRLPOOL Deluxe model wringer model used less than 6 months was $179.95, now $99.95. LOTTS ELECTRIC YAGER DRILLING CO. Echo, Oregon Wells Pumps Sprinkler Systems PHONE FR 1-8311 COLLECT for service 39tfc HOME FOR SALE 4 bdrms., 2 baths, downstairs completely remodeled. Birch kitchen cab inets; built in range & oven. Downstairs carpeted; drapes included. Paneled den that could be used for added down stairs bedroom. 2 lots with good barn. Directly across from school in Lexington. Priced well below replacement value. Call 3-8126 after 5:00 p. m. 50-51p And on Wilson's f LUMBER FOR SALE 14 STUDS No. 4 . 113 P t Na 5 - 15 per M SHAVINGS You load S2J0 per load H Lmbo C. 440 FUK SALE 1' Great Lake 2 bedroom, 10 wide and 4T long nailer house. Se or call John Grave. Ph. 6 583a 4 tfc WANTED TO EOT: Wheat ranch, will pa 0 uk less? Dave Spoonhour, 2543 E. Main St, HllUboro, Ore. Fhona MI 8 1833. 41-43 45 47 49 50 5152 X-2p ALL ELECTRIC blankets, 25 off for tha remainder of the season. LOTTS ELECTRIC FOR SALE: 4-bedroom older home with full basement and garage. Ph. 6 9679. 44-tfc FOR KENT Apartment phone 6 9673. 3tfc GOOD SELECTION of used TV seta. L. E. Dick. 51 IT TRUCK TRAILER for sale. Single axle, stock racks. Hynd Bros.. Cecil, Oregon. 49 50-51 p spinet PIANO. Want respon slble party to assume small monthly payments. Also eiec trie organ. Write Credit mgr Tallman Piano Stores, Inc Salem. Oreeon. 50-52C FOR SALE 4 acres river fron taee with 2-story modern home, located next door to Irrl eon Marina. Reasonably priced Ideal for future development Call Umatilla 381 evenings or bv appointments week ends. 50-51C FOR THE benefit of those who may not know SMITH APIARIES has been purchased by Arnold Raymond, Heppner, For further Information in re gards to this equipment call 6-5820 or call at the Gazette Times days. WE HAVE TAKEN another look at that Amana refrigerator freezer combination and de elded $150.00 wasn't enough. After this week we'll ask a little more. LOTTS ELECTRIC FOR SALE OR TRADE 3-2 bed room unit apartment with 4 acres eround. Ideal location for trailer court Outside the city limits. Dick Meador. Phone 6 9192. 48-50p NEED A GOOD second-hand electric range? We have sev eral makes and sizes, reason ably Driced. L. E. Dick. 51 -c FOR SALE 1958 DeSoto. Auto matic transmission, only 6500 miles. Phone 6-9200 or 6-9466. 40tfc YOUR CHOICE of 1-Westlng-house double-oven range with griddle or 1-RCA double oven range for $349.95. Would take $25.00 less for cash & no trade in. LOTTS ELECTRIC NOW we have pre-finlshed ma hogany panelling 4x8 sheets, y4". Nice for refinishlng walls to give your home a new, ultra smart appearance. Anderson's Builders Supply 51-52 STANDING quarter horse stud, Dusty Dick, contact jonn tu banks, lone, or Rolce Fulleton. 50-tfc WE STILL HAVE a little "Bis- Bell" floor cleaning equipment Cheap If you are Interested. Better buy It now for we are not going to re-order when this is gone. LOTTS ELECTRIC Suif we gotta ! ! Wilson's BIG 'GROCERIES VS CLOWNGM George, we know you can finest quality merchandise, but 'tis true ! ! m PRICE ON MEN'S BULKY SWEATERS 2 MEN'S JACKETS WE HAVE 2 RA Whirlpool dryer automatic wither. Waher la a fl nw- del never hked up but has a cwupla w mau at-raichr. Save foOOO each on any of thee. LOTTS ELECTRIC WANTED UuJu-m, ihcr, ti,wn or cvllvtr Items. Call HO 1-2303 or writ CwtCf Anderson. Boardman, 50-Mp IfM chev. 4 door Station Wagon. All tinted glaaa power glide new paint Phone 6 9264. 90-tfc WE HAVE quite a supply of u-d Ftlgldalre washer k dryer part from machlnea that we have wrecked a bo used G. E. wash. er 4 dryer parts Hot point vaher A drier parts A a few Maytag auto wanner parts and liotpoint dishwasher parts. LOTTS ELECTRIC FOR SALE OR RENT amall 2- bedroom house. Two lots. $3,500. See or call R. G. Wat kins, 6 9175. 50 tfc FOR SALE Northwestern Motel niONE 6 5817 Call or write Ada Piper, Box 703, Heppner, Ore. 51-zc BLACK aV TAN English Shepherd puppiea to give away. Phone 6-5387. 51-52C NEW GIBSON REFRIGERATOR $185.00 was $180.00 but we have spent $5.00 advertising It A It Isn't sold yet Better buy It quick before we have too much money in It LOTTS ELECTRIC Real Estate For Sale 160 ACRES Irrigated foothill mountain meadow, fenced and fenced sheeD-ticht free water, flood irrigated, 4-bedroom home. Earane. sheds and other outbuildings, on state highway, near good town, school bus, all utilities. Will handle 150 head of cattle or 800 ewes and lambs. Price $65,000 for ranch and equip ment $25,000 pays off at $1700 rer vear rlus Interest Owner has $40,000 equity. Would consider trade, of home or Income. STOCK AND WHEAT ranch 5700 acres, 2660 farm land, 778 in wheat 220 in barley, 1426 acres to plow, 970 A. wheat allotment for 1962. 30 bu. average, ZOO seeded to wheat grass. $450,000. S215.000 down. bal. pays off Ya croD olus 5 interest Can pay more at any time. Buyer gets of 1961 crop. Good improve ments. 40,000 bushel storage, on railroad and state highway. This should handle 150 to 200 cows. Contact V. R. "BOB" RUNNION Heppner, Ph. 6-9166 51-52c AVON representatives now In Heppner are Mae nanman, 6-9727 and Audine Bergstrom, 6-9609. They'll be calling on you. 51-54c 1 RCA WHIRLPOOL wringer washer. Timer, pump, large wringer rolls Reg. $199.95, now $149.95. LOTTS ELECTRIC FOR SALE About 40 ton of al falfa hay, first and second cut ting. Call G. Herman, lone, 8 7178. 51-53C LET US do your tree topping and pruning now. Call Avery Taylor, 6-5385. 51-tfc CALL CULLIGAN for free water . analyses, chlorlnators soften ers filters. For home and In dustrial use. Rosco N. Allen, Milton-Freewater, phone Web ster 8-3707. 51-54C ALE CONTINUE hardly believe your eyes when you see the "super-duper supermarket" prices LADIES VIRGIN WOOL SKIRTS, JACKETS Cr SWEATERS B9. 8.95 to 17.95 NOW 4.95 to 9.95 FOR SALE ru't tUs dr?k with chair, walnut Call 6 S.V& 51 tfc WlTTlAVE 19 wt'-r he ! on hand eanatile. The are nut th H-n Skin models but are tin lined ulih Anode nul and 10 year warranty, 52 gat SM. LOTTS ELECTRIC FOhTkENT at Heppner rllnlc. large 2 bedroom apartment. Heat and water furnUhed, alo automatic laundry and elec trie range, phone Dr. Wagner, 6 9111 or realdence 6 9K 51 c FOR KEN T Duplex. 1 bedroom; If Interested aee or call Mary Llrl. h. 6 9105. 51 54p THINKING AUOUT electric heat? We have Electromode k Weslx In atock from 750 watt base board to 4(100 watt wall heat ers. LOTTS ELECTRIC FOR SALE 2 big -growth, com ing 2 yr. old registered Here ford Bulla, very reasonable. Taul Webb, Heppner, phone 6 5387. 51-52C FOR SALE In Lexington, 3 bedroom home, on city water. Deepwcll pump for Irrigation. Six acres partially fenced. Child's desk and chair $10. Pic nic table and 4 lawn chairs $20. Clifford Williams, Water St, Lexington. 51-lp FOR SALE Brown and gray tweed armchair, foam rubber cushion, lime oak finish, good condition, $20.00. Call 6-9155, 48 tfc LEXINGTON SECOND HAND store now open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Prices slashed. Furniture, appliances, clothing, Jewelry, antiques. 16 tfc IF THIS HOTI'OLN'T dryer doesn't sell this week we are going to start that Willow Creek dam with It Last chance for $10. LOTTS ELECTRIC FOR RENT Two-bdrm. apt, East Cowlns St., easily heated, water furnished, $40.00 per mo. Call 6-9C06. 51-C FOR SALE 3 bdrm. house on large lot, nice garden, fruit and berries. Ph. 6-5344. 51-C HOOVER AND EUREKA vacuum cleaners: floor scrubbers, wax- ers. Dolishers: floor wax and cleaning compounds. We rent equipment too. L. E, DlcK. 51-c IF YOU ARE THINKING about buying a Sears washer or re frigerator, see us we have quite a few that people have bought and traded In to us for Quality Appliances. LOTTS ELECTRIC CARD OF THANKS To all my friends and neigh bors, many thanks for gifts, flowers, cards and all other kind nesses shown during my recent Inactivity. Special thanks to the nurses at Pioneer Memorial hos pital Avery Taylor 50-c DEERE DAY SPECIALS Watch for big bargains in our Deere Day machinery display February 24, In Heppner. RUCO TRI-COUNTY EQUIPMENT Heppner 6-9258 Fer instance, HURBT HURRY HURRY! Boardman News ly MART LCt MA1LOW Mr. and Mr. CttarJe Dillon eeletrted their golden wedding innivriMiy ( U, :sr.;e Mil. t'th. U Hh about l.VJ friend and relative feen. Committee in rhe Mi Arrun lia. Mi. Kuuetl Miller. Mr. Eatl HdW;. Mr. Ouiln Anderej:g sml Mr. Nat Maeomlxr. Mr. Claud Coat Ma In charge iif the program, and Introduced Legal Notices NOTICE Of PINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE U hereby given that the undersigned, executrix oi the estate of CHAIJLOTTE SlHEHZlNGER, deceased, has filed her final account with the Probate Court of the State of Ore con. for the County of Mor row, and aald Court has set me 27th day of February, at the hour vt 11:00 o'clock. In the County Court Room cf the Mor row Court House In Heppner. Ore mn th time and rlace fT hearing on and final settlement of said account All persons hav ing objections to said final ac count are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the date set for said hearinc. Dated and first pub lished this 26th day of January, IDOL RACHEL HARNETT Executrix of the estate of Charlotte Scherzlnger, dee'd. J. O. Turner, Heppner, Oregon Atty. for Exec'r. 47 51c NOTICE Or NAMES Or PER. SONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS Or ABANDONED PROPERTTl The following named persons are the apparent owners of abandoned property reported to the State Land Board, Salem. Oregon: Dick Williams. O'Don nells Cafe, and Bruno In chaurbe, all addresses unknown. Information concerning the amount or description of the property and the name and ad dress of the holder may be ob tained by any person possessing a legal or equitable Interest in the property by writing to the State Land Board. 106 State Cap ltol, Salem, Oregon. If proof of claim Is not presented by the owner to the holder, and If the owner's right to receive the prop erty Is not established to the holder's satisfaction by May 5, 1961, the abandoned property will be placed in the custody of the State Land Board to which nil further claims must be di rected. Yours very truly, STATE LAND BOARD E. T. Pierce, Clerk W. J. Bishop Auditor 50-51c NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County, the Executrix or tne rstntc of JOHN I. HANNA, De- ceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the under signed at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon with the proper vouchers duly veri fied as required by law within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. DATED and first published this 23rd day of February, 1961. JEAN BENNETT Executrix 51-52-l-2c FOR SALE OR TRADE 3-2 bed room unit apartment with 4 acres ground. Ideal location for trailer court. Outside the city limits. Dick Meador. Phone 6 9192. 51-lp FINAL CLEARANCE Wilson's Men's Wear The Store of Personal Mr. and Mi. R-tcrt fcger tf Tti I'ilie. ftffrer rrldef.l her and .rf t.:n frWrtd of the Ion, teller Uitrafrd the tmt tf tvn u-t and teUuvr. WllUfd lUVrr planted th fitt, whkh Irnludi-d a -t tf Wvrrar tUril ly to munity Mr. atJ Mr. DilKm rr mr-ri-d Frh. . It'll at Gateway. They liked there until when thev tame ta luaidmarv where they have lived noe. They hav thrr thiidrrn. a m Warren. Dummulr. Calif- and two dUh I ft, Mr. Kcisu Wieisn uf Seattle, V-h. and tarol (U ti of Uoard man. A r-rocram denized t) demonstrate ome of the fasci nating apoct of bl logy and t j stimulate the Interest tf hlh hIh1 student. I Ndng pre sented at IliverslJo hleh ho durlru the week of Feb. 20 2 L w hen Gordon Murphy of Oregon's Travelling Science Demoiustra I Ion Lett ure program will lee. ture at the school's biology data each day. The annual family dinner of the Boardman Garden Club was held Sunday afternoon at the grange hall, with 40 present For entertainment. Mrs. Rus sell Miller showed slides of a trip ahe and her family took last summer to the Butchart Gardens at Victoria, B. C. Mrs. Guy Ferguson and Mrs. Earl Brlggs won prlea. Members of the Tlllleum Club serving were Mrs. Ralph Skoubo, Mrs. Eldon Shannon. Mrs. Ron ald Black, Mrs. Zoo Billings and Mrs. LaVerno Tartlow. The annual Sweetheart Dinner of the Boardman Tlllleum Club was held Saturday night In the Saddle Room of the Hltchln' Post Cafe, with 24 present Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Slgvald Aase of Echo, and Mr. and Mrs. William Garner of Hlnes. Th next meetlnc of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. Joe Crouch, Feb. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard A. Baker of Boardman announce the en gagement of their daughter, Car olyn Lee to Bobby Dean King of Boardman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. King of Enterprise. A summer wedding Is plan ned. Miss Baker Is a senior at River side high school In Boardman. King is a 1959 graduate of Board man hlch school and Is Dresently employed at the Chevron station. In Boardman. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehlll have returned home from a seven weeks trip visiting rela tives In California. Mrs. Florence Root returned home Friday from a month's trip with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Mef ford of Burns, to California. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Forthman of Ontario visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brlggs three days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thorpe and daughter Connie of St. Helens were week-end visitors at the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Obermeier. Gloria Baldino of Portland was a week-end visitor at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hayes. Mrs. Con Adklns of Kenne- wick, Wash., visited at the home of Mrs. Zoe Billings last Friday. Linda Christensen, Riverside high school senior, was crowned queen of the Sweetheart Ball Saturday night at the affair held in the. school cafeteria. The soDhomore class sponsored the affair, and Lynn Hobbs, class president, was master of cere monies and crowned the queen. Princesses were Sandra Creamer. Junior, and Sandra Thorpe, fresh man. Sendee