Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1961)
Mtttnz GAirrrt-TtMU iu i-j u 0mn; In lone and Vicinity - Many Social Functions Holiday Happenings m ,ttw.M 'M"-',u . , t,H Mr ana t lMhd on a , j Carwr and '" i,..hrtun and JuTiirt w Olr. Al Vlnktma nd Wan 4:00 pjn. pill are cuiun "n rcri Jan. t Io fiM ff the large tier around n Jan. 7 . J Mr and Mr. lUrry Ring J Um:ly M'- n4 Mr- Bul R,urll wrre Ultor it the home of Mr. and Mm. lUrvy Kin cm tr UORKAJXC SAIL Date iemembwt Jan. V JiulaUaUo f j.a. i Twelfth tietnoT Jon. Grange fu4Y ' church. fan, II Maranatha l Mi Crrf TuUU. ChrUtma day Jan. IWibtort-fW BUnch J' III Wf ww w s Jan. 1 J Topic dub, KabU Cof !!, rrhtrr. Mr. (tabir ac Jan. I-Tb. . Li- tfnr,her horn, fo, meet (luiiner " Jon. 1 Hl11 ( 0 Th Kirtmann family HJ4 their family reunion at th home of Mr. and Mr. DavM Rictmann Januarv 1. Among thro ptfwnt cr Mr. an4 Mr. Dave Rlrt rnann an.l family of Kcnnewlrk. Mr. and Mr. Van Rictmann and family ot Condon. Mr. and Mr. Rhou of Echo. Mr. and Mr Bill Rictmann and family, Mr. and Mr. Bob Rictmann and family. Mr. and Mr. Vie Rict mann. Mr. and Mr. Omar Rict mann. Gene nd Larry all of lone. Mr. and Mr. Bill Mcllna of lone were guest Saturday evening, Mr. and Mr. E. M. Baker were hosts for dinner party. The gucsti Includ ed Mr. and Mr. LewU Halvor wn and family. Mr. and Mr. Leo Crabtree and family, Rev. and Mrs. Rod McKcnzle and dauchter. Mr. and Mr. Lee ralmer and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Palmer. A Christmas party and coffee hour was given by Mrs. G. Her man at her home, one day last week. Among those present were the Mesdames Clell Rea. Garry Tullls. Harold Dobyns. Marlon Palmer. Dale Ray. Wate Craw ford. Harold Sherer. Wayne Pierce. Lee Palmer. Cecil Thorne. Fred Nlckerson and Mrs. Harlan Crawford and family. Mrs. Palm- j..nvitra were rjresent. I I uau6N.'- , Dinner guests 01 mi- v O mnra iiH-nl Oirkktmai with her daugh ter and family. Mr. and Mr. vf v - - - - rompanled her mother home for a few d. ..( itn Lewis llalvorsen and Leo Crabtre went to SUIem to help Mr. and Mr, nay aim dcr celebrate their fourtlcth ...... . ..!.., 1,1 rv Mr. Crab tree Joined them In Salem. Alwi attending the annivctMry i bratton was Mr. Haul Crab, tree, who went down with Mr. and Mr. Archie Munkers. Ux Ington and Mr. and Mr. Oliver Dtn ln of Heppner. Mr. and Mr. Cecil Thorne spent Christmas weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Crawl In Walla Walla. Several folks 01 tne com- 1... kv hwn aulte 111 with colds and flu during the holt- day Among tnose commt-u .v Mrs. Cecil Thorne and Mr. Lewis Ball. Clco Drake also Is still confined at home, but Is reported Improved. Friends and relatives here r.ii-i word that Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rea are the parental - . - t T ! a n a Knrn I of a rtaucnier, um Dec. 29. The young miss weighed six pounds twelve ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Rea's daughter Donna Is staving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen. Mr. and Mr. Hershal Town send and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mr Don Evans one day last week. Also present were Mr. and Mr. George Krebbs. Mr. ana sirs. rreuntR mam.. men n-t t uh ,h " AUa f ntnrt U club mrmbrr: Mr. MU mn f MaIUe. tVe mrrJ I U the Kenneth Smu rncn l X 10 iHirrha a P"u' M the MU!eH Swine club rrfllect. Si It member w if the Mrent. " i.anil Mr Wtlwn. Mr. and Mr Smouse served rfrrhmcnts to 11 tho ptrnt Jan. 13 U Torle Hub at the home of Mr. M:k, C.rtter. Mr Vie lUetmsnn and Mr. Ronald !Wrtrtm wilt t the hoMee. The meeting tc et tor 215 pm. Sutan llama o I'matUl has been vl.illng with her father and other friends during the lat week. Pr. and Mr llclmuth Her mann. Cmvego. vHlted with his parent. Mr. nd Mr rrea mann over the weekend. On Dee. 27. 28 nd 29 seven high school youth from lone Join ed the high school groups from . - .n,i HiiNtxiro. Ore- eon for a Ski Retreat at the Reed College Ski Cabin at Mt. Hood. The youth from tnesc uur Congregational churches joincu In fun. fellowship and discussion. Attending from lone were: Ralph Martin. Ken Nelson. Bob Rice. Marilyn Morgan. Lona vnc. n ar..1 Gvy www n al mM in the r arm if r-mn-L-i.-r l!d MKrruu- and BUI j.,, Hh. fn.m HilM., pUnnl the rrtreat. Special thank t t cut to the -! the Com m'unlty ctnmh U i"'""rln the Nativity Srne In the fr.nt of the li'ne Community t'hunh P i.-n Tucker donatH the pat terr. and Milton M'r.:n mount ed them. i:y l-lndstrvm. Cei Thome. Paul IVttJhn. Earl MiCabe and M1n I'ulmer erv tr the kcene. Mr and Mrs. Ch-ulo S pKlse. BerkrU-y. Calif, were gueU i t their daughter and Rev. !;! MacKeiuie during the ChtUtma holldjy. Rev. and Mrs MaKenrle and Kathryn return ed home with them for a short visit. The Bible Study Group will meet on Thursday. January 12. at 8 00 pm. In the pamonage. Please contact Joyce Mi Kinney if anyone does not remember the material to be covered Another reminder to the lone community to participate In the Twelfth Night Ceremony, on January 6 at 4:00 p.m. The cere mony will take place on the va cant lot of Omar Rictmann on and jrteco there n where they rsn t. j-UWd ut t v the cotiv mu de, Januaiy will le Giantfe Sun da) t Use Community Church anil all crar.tfe memler will attend In a ! After servU-es. a H.tJuk dinner will follow at the gmnpe hail During the busl new mting the new officer f.,r the year will be Installed. Uington Grange U Invited to attend. Judy and Geraldlne Morgan lent a few da with the Leo Ctabtree's while their parents. Mr. and Mr. Llod Morgan, were In Portland Mr and Mr L-er Farrar of Junction City were Christmas pueu of their daughter and family. Mr and Mt David Mr Leod. Mr Mary Emcrt Is Uitlng her daughter and other relatives In Kuma. Idaho during the hol idays. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Benson and family were New Year's Eve guests'of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Emert. Mr. and Mr. Leo Crabtree and Ashley MeCabe. and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen and sons and Mrs. Hattle Crabtree were New Years day guests or Mr Mr. and Mt l'b l-wUr and frt.;: a Walia WalU -! New Year guet i f Id iter and family. Mr " Mi Wil bur Aker Aker of Camp NeCarney at Mananlta. Oregon jet 10 das with Mi parent. Mr and Mr. Wilbur Aker during the hilida Mr. Wilbur Aker U sin-ndlng M-eral day In Portland Ultlng her mother. Mr. A U Kearn and with Mr. and Mr Kenneth Aker and family. Mr and Mrs. AMn M-Cale ge a dinner pany In honor of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Uo Crabtree on Friday, who were celebrating their 21th wedding anniversary. Judy and Geraldlne Morgan were guest. Mr Gordon White w as In The Dalles Tuesday to consult her doctor. ChrUtmas weekend guests of Mr. and Mr. Alfred Nelson Jr. were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ransdell. Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry' F- Pay and son Paul, Albany, and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Meriwether an.l family of Sh kane. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson Jr. and family spent the New Year's weekend with Mr. and Mr It C. Lewi and famuy in Troutiske. Wah. The Jel- tnl theie was 11 inches of tmiw on the ground there, Tfiey had an rnjabl time k!ing and sledding. Mr and Mr Arvhle Fjeb r irued wi-rd that their son Ron r.l was rtn-ently married In R.ti!e Ground, Wah. Na dHalla were given. Mr and Mr Caiklna of OtU. Oregon were weekend visitor of her mother, Mr. and Mr. Sam F-teb. Mr. Calkins will return to stay for awhile In the near future. Lexington Boy At NIT In Colifornio tidd G. Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alono Henderson, Lex ington. Oregon has been accep ted by Northrop Institute of Technology. Inglewood. Califor nia, for enrollment In the Air frame and Towerplant Mechan ic Course. A graduate of Lexington rub. lie High school. Ladd expect to complete hi Intensive Air frame and Powerplant Mechanic Course In fifty weeks. He will be graduated qualified to apply for his Federal Aviation Agency Certificate as an "A A P" Mechanic. Dinner guests of Mr. ana ir. r. , Rosebure rnia Carlson on Jan. i were ana , . - Louis tanson on ..- ,,,., fh ho idavs. Melvln re- nfr nrt Mrs Walt HI 1 ana iam- aurnig i f,y of Pendicton. Mr. and Mrs. turned to college bef ore the VnhJ , rraves Mr. and Mrs. How- Martins returned home, ard P?Sohn and family. Hep- Christmas dinner guests of Mr. h Mr and Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Phil Emert were Dr. SsafndmnyrrHePpner. and Mrs. llne of Golden- Mr and Mrs. Oscar Peterson dale, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bensei spent several days In Beaverton and family. Mr. .and My Dm visltinc their daughter and fam- Follett and family and Mrs. ilv Mr and Mrs Rod Kvistad Faith Follett of Hermlston and & S week " Mr. Melvln Follett and family rioraiH Ppterson spent a few of days in Tacoma where he did &UIHC foWMh' Donald and Kerry Peterson also spent a few days skiing st White Pass with Mr. and Mrs. u-tvi prk of Lexington. iCllUVll Mary Emert ana oue rfitncta nf Mr. and Mrs. i;iiiiiii bw--- - Fredrick Martin Dec. 26 were Mr. and Mrs. Phil Emert and family. Mrs. Harold Dobyns entertain ed last week with a coffee hour. Those present were Mrs. James . tlarm Ann Lindsay, ivirs. ncu Mary Emert and Sue lown-iunasay send motored to the vaney on Mrs. cien -Thursday to bring Brenda Kay, er, Mrs. Marion Palmer and Mrs. Townsend home from college Lee Palmer and daughters nMurday Mrs- Lee Palmer g3VCu 0 Gfe ts of Brenda Kay Town-'day party Dec 27 in honor of wnd'S during part of the holl- her daughter Barbaras fourth S were Se and Sandra Zach- birthday. Among the guests X r S Mora Miss Zachary is a were: Christine Llnds om, Meg, roTmmate of Miss Townsend's. Jeanette and Kern Lujan. Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Norman Nelson Lindstrom, Mrs. Lujan Mrs. .Max and Mr and Mrs. Garry Tullls ion Palmer and Mrs. Paul Petty o.h families spent a few days john also were guests. TolSit duriSi the Christ- Also on Friday. Dec. 27 Mr at Tollgate during m palmer entertalned "!!.r is home from he? parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lin- Oregon visiting her pa, coin Nash. Rose ana . . it- -v, ' ; h s v.- .v. -faLrr.' -:' . ents and other relatives and friends during the holidays. Darlene Donald spent Christ mas with her mother, Mrs. Elby Akers and family. Leslie Madden spent several days during the Christmas va cation visiting relatives in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smouse entertained Mr. and Mrs. Phil Emert and family on Friday evening last week. A smorgas bord buffet was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ball and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ball and Wayne and Elmer Peterson spent New Year's day in Pendle- irivn.j in fVio vfninff. UUiau " " Mrs. Delmar Crawford enter tained the bridge club this week at her home. Mrs. Walter Jacobs received high, Mrs. Robert De Spain 2nd high and Mrs. Ray Boyce low. Mrs. Harry Ring and Linda spent several days in the valley visiting her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fletcher. On Dec. 23, Mr. John Berg and his uncle of Eugene came to the Kenneth Smouse ranch to pur chase a palouse hog for the FFA class project of that city. Due to the icy road conditions the two Happens Every Day But being sorry isn't e nough. It takes hard cosh to pay for broken bones and torn muscles. .oJuronce with ad. yovr policy and th-n check us. C. A. RUGGLES , INSURANCE AGENCY vrnvn. OREGON BOX 111 mm r . .' it r 1 1 T. 1 Jt - V f ' t w 7. " , I ! a . ''! $ t i " 4 . , about electric living Here's what Fr&L customer mrs. . "With four youngsters, I count on my 38 electric appliances for lots of help! ft "Talk about time and work savers . . . why, without the help of my washer and dryer, I'd really have my hands full in just keeping up the laundry. Of course, all of our other electric appliances are wonderful helpers, too-and such a bargain at only 45tf a day!" Electric living means modern, more pleasurable living to thousands of PP&L customers who, like Mrs. Salvo, are using lots of low-cost electricity these days-more and more all the time! See your appliance dealer soon. Take a look at all the work-saving electric appliances, and be sure you are making full use of PP&L electric service -today's biggest value! FLIGHT COIVI RATTY 38 feJ 45 APPLIANCES ' Tft7Ylr Th. Salvo family makes u of all th... appllanc.s for batter living tltctrlcallyi Range Refrigerator M' Washer 0 Dryer W Water Heater 1 Vacuum Oeaner 0 floor Waxer yjlroner Television fvRadio fFry Pan Food Mixer Blender (v?l Toaster H Coffee Maker 53 Deep Fryer Electric Docks 3 'in Bottle Warmer Iron (V Furnace Motor g Ventilating Fan y Heating Pad M Portable Fan 0 Waffle Iron H Sewing Machine Power Tools 2 P Hair Dryer 2 Shaver f (Vaporixer 7 Corn Popper Film Enlarger Film Dryer Sunlamp g Slid Projector g Lighting You Live Better. . . Electrically I HOW MANY OF THESE APPLIANCES WORK FOR YOU IN YOUR HOME? VHU.lli 0 30J -