Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1960)
iv- KCTfwtiflJirrrncTmi:i.nriT.iBi)ii Boardman News r WAIT LIE MARLOW kit. Ray CronquW waa hoa i r, ih mwtlnir of tha Board man TlUlcum club Tufaday nlcht of laet wn-k at her noma. Mr. Joe Crouch was a rurt. Tha club otrd to npona. IIUmt'rn party tha aftrrnoon of Oct, 31 for the hdrn ft grad-a 1 . with prlwt to given for tha bet coaturnaa, Mra. LaVarn Partlow wu ap pointed to ba In charga of tha yearbook. The club voted to set a doll for their yearly project. They win hive a 'Dutch- auction at ona meeting each month. A meet' ing will be called of all organl aUon to aet up the community calendar. Data will be announ ced later. A the next regular meeting date filla on election day the club will meet at the home of Mrs. Joe Tatone, Nov. 15. More than 400 persona atten ded the funeTal of Husaell K. Miller here last week. Relatives from out of town here Included Mrs, James Harding of Sacra mento, California, Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth Akers and Fred Grif fin of Portland. Dean Griffin of Vancouver, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Baker of Corbett, Mr and Mrs. Vern Carpenter of La Grande, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Long of Eugene, Mrs. Charlie Thll lips of The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ball, Mr. and Mrs Francis Ball, and Vernon Ball, all of Yakima. Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ball of Heppner; Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers and Berl Jr., Bob and Bill; Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Akers and Ralph, Ivan and Johnnie: Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Aken and Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ball and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ball, and Elmer Ball, all of lone. EVERYBODY'S WELCOME TO THE Card Party & Bazaar Rhea Creek Grange Hall Time, 7:30, Sat, Nov. 12 Pinochle & Bridge 50c per person Sponsored by Rhea Creek Ext. Unit Mr. ar.4 Mi. Crl Akrrs nd daughter Bonnie of lone kited at tha noma of Akers' sister. Mrs. Rutiell Miller, Sunday. Other Ultort were Mrs. Miller's son In law and daughter. Mr. and Mr. Vera Carpenter and aons Rutwrll and Tommy of La Grande. Mrs. Carpenter and sont remained here for the week. Saturday vWlturs at the hme of Mr. and Mrs Henry Ganten be In were Gantenbelnt cousins. Mr. and Mrs Sherman Smith of Vancouver. Wah., and Margaret Gantenbeln of Portland, who wera returning from Miles City. MonU where they vlalted thetr sinter. Mrs. Douglai Randall. They recently returned from a trip to Switzerland, and brought news of relatives r the Ganten belna. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Raah and daughters Valerie and Dcnlsa of Portland wera weekend vUltors at the homes of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rash, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zlvney. Sun day, Mrs. Harold Rash entertain ed with dinner for both families. Mrs. Lulu Stevens was also a guest. The latter returned to Portland with the Danel Rashes after visiting the past month at the Zlvney home. Mr. and Mra. Nathan Thorpe and daughter Teresa and Randy Stewart went to Haines Sunday to visit at the home of Mrs. Thorpe's brother and slster ln I nor Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith. Mrs. Thorpe's parents, Mr. and Mra. Paul Smltn, ana ner auni, Mrs. Laura Potter, of Union, ac companied them. They also vis- Ited Bob Smith, wno is in me Baker hospital. Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Wrenn of Seattle, Wash., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Wrenn parents. Mr. and Mrs Charlie Dillon, and her sister, Mrs. Carol Getr Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow and W. W. Hartle went to Pen dleton Sunday, from where they accompanied Mr. ana Mrs. uar roll Marlow to Weston to visit at the home of Mrs. Frank Mar low's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knudson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lehman of West Linn visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen Wednesday of last week, and attended the funeral of Russell Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hayes nd Mrs. Rollln Bishop went to Portland last Friday where Hayes received a medical check up. They also visited Nate Ma- comber, who 1 In St. Vincent hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Charlla Woolity of piHt), Vh.. visited at the home of Mr. and Mr. Frank Marlow Wednesday of laet week. Tie Rlvewlde high school band presented the half time show at the Riverside Echo foot ball game at Jrrtgon last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Keller are the parents of a son born In Portland. CM. 31. Grandparents art Mr. and Mr. Arnold Her man of Boardman. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Killer of Condon. Great Grandparents are Mr. and Mr. Ernest Brandt of Walla Walla. Wash, Mrs. Frankle Ca son of Condon. William Adlard of The Dalles, and Mrs. Vivian Hoffman of Dufur. Great great grandparent Is Mr. Louis Halnka of Mapleton. Minn. The baby weighed eight pounds, four ounces. Mr. and Mr. Jame Ferdon are tha parents of a daughter born Oct. 22 at the Good Shep. herd hospital In Hermlston. She has been named Tammy Jean. Grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Wilbur Ferdon and Mr. and Mrs, Fay Eddy of Portage. Wise. Great grandparent Is Robert Fer don of Stevens Point. Wise. Tht baby weighed five pounds. Pomona Grange Among those who attended Po mona Grange at Irrljjon Satur day were Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tan nehlll. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fer guson, Mrs. Cecil Hamilton. Mrs. Arthur Allen, Mrs. Earl Brlggs, Mrs. W. G. Sechafer, Jim Thorpe, and George Zlemer. Mrs. Allen resigned as secre tary of Fomona grange, and Mrs. Brlggs was elected to replace her. II. E. Butler, trust officer of the U. S. National Bank In Port land was guest speaker, speak ing of wills and estates, telling how to save Inheritance taxes. He then answered questions from the floor. Other numbers on the program Included piano solos by Linda Rowell of on. and ae-. TOPS Clubs was hl4 her Tua rordtun aoU by Steve Warren uy tmlr.g a Ut k at tht of Rhea Creek grant- Ciy4 Sf .:) nh tlu ttdma Tannehtll. county deputy, dem- clut, 4 f,o,t dubs repren ontrte4 tht new nag prrwn latton adopted by tht Oregon Statt Grange. Th dl.trli-t meeting of tht thi k;t by th Ifcrmlaton club.; U apur.r Mr. Mron aua - as print fr loalng tht most Metratda Sehaal Camleal In conjunction R''rr' id school carnival here Nov. 5 tht Rumldt high fc'hool tuii a talent show In ih gmr.alum. TJ iuvrra .Ian.- 'land Hilt be featured. Tht tuii.rr.ltu in tlurjo a the than will be Paul Partlow. chairman. hifl.-v Lrwufd. Wilaint let- ct-rt and Sharon Franke, hnw will Mart at 8 p. m. Tht Are you smoking more now x but enjoying it less ? i Aw If;,:,. .ami amomo oianti. That's Dck Nolan, dtltnsivt bachfiald star of tht N. Y. Giant. Nolan Is a Camtl smoker. Ha says ha s boe row) othtr brands. But Camtl is tha clgaratt Ftbuys lor complttt smoaing sannacuon Long DUtanea Nation-Wldt Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans PEN LAND BROS. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton, Oregon Phone CR 6 3111 , , r CD "S r nnrDfl , -:hi' nr -;0 . rr v j ft. wn S.l.m. N.C. "S. aT ENJOYS A CAMIl AFfW A OAMI You'll tnjoy a Camtl anytima and every time. So, If you'ra smoking mora thest days, but enjoying It lass . . . changt to Camels. B. I. BoaaliU ToOcw Cvapwir. WUitoo-l The best tobacco makes the best smoke I IAV? -v.-. - I. i'VS. OREGON will be proud of MAURINE IGJDERGELl We're STRONGER with Maurine in the U.S. Senate working foil a National deftnta progrimi to slots tht mlssil and spaco gap. a Paaceful aolutlon of world problomi through United Nations. t Aid-to-oducatlon to provids mor elawroonn. icholarshipi for prom ising students. a Housing programs to provido I obi. stimulate markets for Oregon lumbar. a Development of tourist Industry with Oregon Dunes Seashore park, recre ation in National Forests. a Medical care for senior dtlrene un der Social Security System. a Columbia River dama with lowort power and navigation which bmii payrolls. a Food for peace, to put surpluses t work winning friends overseas, re ducing price support costs. t Protectton ol consumers through truth-hvlendlng and curbs on monopolies. VOTE FOR MAURINE NEUBERGER DEMOCRAT lor U.S. SENATOR Ft a. tMaerpi let tenter CeeatM cixmi aw '' a i STEADY, AMERICA! Let's Be Done With Wiggle and Wobble VOTE DEMOCRATIC! WE CAN MEET THE CHALLENGE! From Cuba to the Congo, the world ia in turmoil. Here at home too many areas of our national life suffer neglect. A dazed Republican Administration is so lacking in purpose and ideas that America is in increasing danger of being second best in the world struggle. We can meet the challenges of a stormy world with the leader ship of a man and a party that will face our problems and do something about them. It is time for a Democratic President who will bring new Amer ican leadership. It is time to elect Senator John F. Kennedy President of the United States. I 1 '? : r . J ES E BJ BJ B VOTE KENNEDY-JOHNSON ON THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET (TIME FOR GREATNESS) (A GREAT LEADER) (OREGON WILL BE PROUD OF MAURINE) (HE GETS THE JOB DONE) (ABLE. EXPERIENCED. EFFICIENT) (SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MAN) JOHN F. KENNEDY LYNDON B. JOHNSON MAURINE NEUBERGER AL ULLMAN MONROE SWEETLAND WARD COOK w . lAnkiTAtl (EXPERIENCED. ENER- ROBERT Y. THORNTON getio BEN MUSA (EXPERIENCED) U C A TU CD COD H (EXPERIENCED. XN FLU- FRANK WEATHERFORP ential) SADIE PARRISH (experienced) PAUL SLAUGHTER ALBERT LAMB (Taid Adv.. Morrow Co. Pern. Central Corn (PRESENT COMMISSION ER) (PRESENT PORT SECB.E-TART) FOR PRESIDENT FOR VICE PRESIDENT FOR U. S. SENATOR FOR CONGRESSMAN FOR SECRETARY OF STATE FOR TREASURER FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR STATE SENATOR FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE FOR COUNTY CLERK FOR PORT COMMISSIONER FOR PORT COMMISSIONER -it f AH U.S. Representative DEMOCRAT " Jgr paaiatJJ ' He gets I the job j donel Al Lamb. Chairman .LIU I I I I I- II-. Ml I I ' "-" I U. II