Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1960)
Boardman Chooses Harold Baker for School Board MAiT Lit MARLOW iu;te4 Mr KwW. r,ui. 130 lr KrlD (1.1 hro hd Mi Jim I'iw hulth lllttav In Ihe rlrrtlnn r.w Wrrfcrnd tititor i I J nsfBslnf, ii!h llr. 1 1 'f Mr r.d Mr It.,trl Sirut were fiaker tecehilij; TJ Voir and i S'rvtf " paieil. Mr ft4 Mr Bob Sirard 44 The balance tf K N-ft O JitrvU and Mailer Gil litany m mianu Mr j Went a CrMialU !! Wrk Wrrfcrnd iutf ( he home 1 rr uf hrf father, FU")J lie ill. Seattle, Weafl ho lit pte Wrre WIHe In. Mr and Mr Kenneth L'adr-a and daufhters Sharon and Linda Mr and Mt Jo tVv m ait.i Ul.iWren Linda, Babble and BiJiie i4 Sunland. tl;f wno weekend!. UslIuwdaJe Uted twa day UkifofS at the hum tf KjJ- j Ui wr-k at the home t,f IV. brother, Mr and Mrt Pale F-idea. Uine larrnt, Mr n4 Mr BUI Mr an4 Mr F4 Kuhn went Fukcr. to Spokane. Vh tn buine' Mr Tart Whiteman and child the flrt of Utt week. They also rr Ronald. Trary n4 Wayne be careful and you'll save cash with General! General's "Ail ln One" Homeowners Insurance means lower costs for careful people. Why? Be cause careful homeowners take pride in their pos sessions -they naturally have fewer losses. This can earn a cash reward with General. Call us today! TURNER, VAN MARTER Cr BRYANT INSURANCE AGENCY m N. MAIN PHONE 6 96 S3 distinctive Wherever it ia served, the character and good taste of Olympia are always refreshingly the same. That is why Olympia, whether in the quart. Stubby or can, has become part of the western tradition of outdoor entertaining. Dis tinctive in character ...refreshing in flavor . . . dependably the same . . . -"It's the Water 3sAt " f( Olympic J k DEER J i v . , .-rftV utio t in a jlul. A 1c mnt Mi Jimm-j.Ii Jvwha (f, KukM-UI ai the -i-r.t uf a ri Urn Julv 17 In Junrty. mf4. Calif, !! t U-en name! J.-(h 14I4 ar4 vn-ifc'he4 fight (h.uiuU. fuur an4 one half ounce Mia lrank Mrltw went to .lUit l Saturday ta attend the e.Min if her rslee. Judith Ann New man, and Inal4 Satch ell, jyte returned home Sunday, frumanlel by her uter. Mr Ufe Smith of Weler. Idaho, and Mr Clarence Thomaa of nitfilna. Idaho. Their father. W W llarile. uho Utle4 lat week at ihe Marlow home from La- Cn. Vah. acvompanled Mr .smith home to vult Mr and Mr Joe Tatan went I to L Grind Saturday and Sun-1 day to participate In the Elkaj polf tournament. I Th txwt office detiartment will Iwiue two more new stamp In the near future, state Mrs Floa kle Coat. potmater. The first one, a 4-renter. will be isauea St)t 16 throuch the Lot Anccles. Calif pwt office to commemorate the 150th annlvertary of Mexican Independence. It will be red and Ereen on white, and will be on aale here Sept 17. The second one. also a 4 center, will be Issued throuch the Bal timore, Md post office Sept 14. and Is the 4th of the American Credo stamps, featuring Francis Scott Wfys words rrom I ne Star Spangled Banner." Red and blue on white, It will go on sale here Sept 15. Mr and Mrs Frank Weber of Lincoln, Nebraska are visiting at the home of Mrs v etxr s brother-in-law and sister. Mr and Mrs Harold Kress. Another visitor Is Mrs Kress's mother, Mrs Frances Meyer of Lewlston Idaho. Eileen Elv is at Elkanah Camp near La Grande this week. Mr and Mrs Ronald Black ana daughter Diane are vacationing at coastal points. During their trip they spent the weeKena vis itinff Mr and Mrs Albert Ball at Taft. Mrs Walter Haves is on a trip to California with her sister, Mrs Louis LcTraee and daughter Barbara of Echo. They also vis ltd at the home of Mrs Hayes son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Jeff Hayes, at Fresno, Calif. The Home Economics club of Greenfield Grange met Wednes day of last week at the grange hall, with Mrs Mvron watts ana Mrs Claud Worden as hostesses. At the meetlne of Greenfield Grange Thursday night at the hall the charter was draped for Glen Carpenter, who aiea JUiy 25. Hosts for the meeting were Mr and Mrs Myron Watts and Mr and Mrs Claud Worden. Mrs Keith Ferguson of Trail was a weekend visitor at tne home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Arnin Hug. Mr and Mrs Darrell Marlow of Pendleton were Sunday visitors al the home of Marlow's parents, Mr and Mrs Frank Marlow. PROGRAM TUESDAY, AUGUST 23 9 ft A x' 1 xit:! juiiirie rk-fina II f A M AM H tattle !.. AH I Y I t !f) (l.e U (rt A. M 4 II 11 !'!,. .n. Ju.I-Idc tifst4t, 1 P. M I II and I I' A C. MeU 3 (l I", M-H A l.le! k Jddt-rd 3 (l I. M ln t'la I I.- rf l litflr Clen (t (ki . M 4Mit t :a H..-r I it i r lea ll.e. ti ti) r. M -1 II ! tv H- fiM Sinm, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24 p i) A M AH rU er tile rlie with Ihe e rpnii i.f ll.-virr. k hi. h are cpen until 10 it A M. 9 00 A. M JtiM"g Iff-lr on ojx-n rlas fruit. ej;. t-Ml irv hay, cr i'. and llame !t,anomti- llht it. 9.00 A- M 4 II llme F-ttomlcs IVmontratlon A Judltu fir Sie lvue. 9 00 A. M 4 II Li-t-k Judged. Halting with Swine. 4 II Shnwmankhlp Content later In the dav. 8 r1 P. M Style Hmue at Fair Tavllion. I1. M "Olen Class Llvrtok Judced. THURSDAY, AUGUST 25 9 00 A. M - I II Shfwmankhlp Conteat. All-around Ctiamplon Showman. Acrlcultural Ivmnniratlons. 10 00 A. M. t 4 i P. M. IVt Show. 7:30 P. M. I II Tig Scramble and Fat Auction- Sal-.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 9:00 A. M Saddle liore Show all day. 5:("0 P. M. Fair F.xhthit released. 5:00 P. M Holeo entries close. SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 10:00 A. M. Rig Sire. Tarade. 12.00 Noon County wide picnic on Courthouse Lav-n. 1:15 P. M Kodeo. S:00 P. M. Special Night Show at Rodeo Arena. SUNDAY, AUGUST 28 6:00 A. M. Cowboy Breakfast at Wranglers Club House on Fairgrounds. 1:30 P. M. Rodeo. HCFFNtl CAZtTTC TlMtS. Thuisdoy. Auju.t 11 1G0 takrt Mr Martin a mint cfen aftrfne.n, dre with white f jv.-Me and a r.rag f tnl! f.r tier itauKhtirra wetldtnii Ttie ptoihrr t the groom. Mi. Wil.iair.. wore a Ht'l.t (Ink afteriuHXt iirek. white a.xe. orir and a while cr-ce. A rrtipiK-n wa ln-ld In the i-ranc hall fui-wlng the t-r emony. The bride's tatde wa centered with a four tiered white cake. divorated wl:h pink roe on a mirror. Aftr the bride and cf"m cut the firt piece of the cake, Mrs Rnlerta Crvker flnlkhetl the serv- Inc. Mr Shtrlev Martin red cdl.-e and Mm Phyllis William served punch. Georgia Lee Stubblefleld wa in charge of the guet book and Mr Mary Alice Corley the gift table. Mr Judy Martin dipjM'd the Ice cream. Mr and Mr Williams left shortly after the reception on a lsoitrmn tiip ta the coaat. Tti- ei-t t lrae lt-fe Aug III f..f K-rSrr Air Force Ba., luUki. Mitl fl. ti make their Mr and Mi Jim Cn-ker and Mr and Mi Otl and their child nit t'k in the Meak supper Siiurdty niht It-at wa M-rel the J. hn Pay F!k's club. Mr and Mr Frank Howell and Mr and Mr K K Howell left early Monday morning for Port land and Vancouver, ah on huklni-s, Murnlng home Satur- d.iv renin. They visited Frank' Uter and niece and also Jack Fad, formerly of Monu ment, May r,ard Hamilton icnt Sat urday up I'H'cr creek shoeing h.if on the old Shicum ranch, now owned by the Pilot Rock Co. Sl'KGlCAL INSTRUMENTS to RARRKD WIHE rculre the RHAPSODY OF STF.F.L. Star Theater, Sunday. Monday. Tuesday. r Vinton art alwayt wtlcomt to Olympia Brewing Co., Olympia. Wath. Oly See a real colorful, exciting, funnv Russian circus, sponsor ed bv the U. S. State Dept. to nromote under s t a n dl n g be tween Deooles. Star Theater, Thursday, Friday, Saturday- plus Audie Murphy western. Both features In color. Pay Y yr WHEN DUE Pit, S and Keep Your Credit Good Pioneer Service Company credit Information U most valuable. No commissions charged on eoUectlons. All moneys paid direct to creditors. PIONEER SERVICE CO., Inc. SINCE 1326 The Merchants' and Professional Men's Own Organization Oregon-Idaho-Utah-Nevada-Division Division Office: Eugene, Oregon WATCH FOB THE GREEN AND BLACK HANDBHX1 WITH ACCOUNTS FOR SALE Williams-Martin Wedding Held At Monument Church By MARTHA MATTESON Miss Carolyn Martin, daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Martin, recently became the bride of Charles Williams, on of Mr and Mrs Frank "Dick" Williams. The wedding was solemnized at the Community church with the Rev Kenneth Thomas offic iating. Reta Cupper and Wayne Leath ers sane "Always" and Clarice Campbell sang "At Dawning ,j all accompanied by Mn Janice Cork, who also played the wed ding music. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street length gown of white lace over satin with a fingertip length veil. She cairied rosebuds on a white Bible. Matron of honor was Mrs 'sir b.ira McDonald, sister of groom, who was dressed r Margaret Martin, dr ..-.. . . . and Laura Lee Sr . - Yecm u-nra Hrllac. t ' all carried caBcf:. gladioli. Best man 'as ushers were "ar LeRoy Buvr;.-;'' Flower u aid anl T dressed . -r. of i S McDo?--l a r were ' i '". i pink m sky ,s A)T fjiuc Blu skies or grey, the sunny atmosphere that prevails here is warm and friendly. You'll enjoy it cud be delglhted with our service. KEPPNER AUTO SALES, INC. Ford Falcon Thunderblrd , Phone 6-9152 or 6-9153 ". 1 -wss of the sky Is due to the minute particles t . -t : . vnded in the atmosphere. It Is not space Itself .t. 1 ropular Falacies, A S E Ackrrman. 2 En cyc.vK1. .tannica, 11th Edition, Vol 25. 3 Prof. John 7ynd.ll, ' l. 'eTOf ?4$WMM ((ni W hm:mti mSZ asm He rot-pacts and protects his neighbor's property as he does his own. He knows it takes more than a fence to stop a fire. Thafs why, when he burns, he takes every precaution to keep the fire under control on his own land. He knows that one fire, carelessly set, or left to burn un controlled, can cross property lines and destroy trees, crops, pastures and buildings. Kinzua Corporation 3