Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1960)
gociAL Happenings Helen S-lffi'. BOARDMAN GIRL BECOMES BRIDE OF KENNEWICK MAN ON JUNE 25 T MART LIE MARLOW Mi Ciuiie Uni Raker, daush. i ,4 Mr and Mr WUlard A Baker tf Raardnsan. lcam the bride of CliH.rf D B U n l Mr and Mrs William C, Bctoe of Kennewick. Wah. In a double rii.g crremuny at 3 p m. June 23. at the lVardman Community church. The candlelight wrvlc was informed by the Law retire KlIint. paur of the Methodist chuah at Wasco. Mr Wayne Kuhn sang "Al ways' nd "The Lord Prayer", the latter while the couple knelt t the altar, accompanied by Mrs Harold Baker, who also played the wedding marches. The bride, given In marriage by her father, wai lovely In a white aatln gown with chapel train, and fitted bodice trimmed with aeed pearl, and a low. round neckline. She wore match ing mitts, trimmed with seed pearls, and carried a white or chid on a white Bible. She wore pearl on a gold chain, a Rift of the groom. She carried an old handkerchief, given her by her grandmother. Mrs Laura Allen. She wore the traditional blue garter, which was made by the groom's mother. Mrs Bolce. Miss Carolyn Baker was her sister's maid of honor. Brides maids were Arlene Patterson of Gooding. Idaho, and Janellc Bolce, Kennewick, sister of the groom. All three wore matching dresses of street length orchid taffeta, fashioned with fitted bodices and cummerbunds, and full skirts. They wore matching headdresses of orchid net, and carried white carnations. Johnny Tartlow. cousin of the bride, and Jim Miller were the candlcllghters. and ringbcarcrs were Ronnie and Randy Baker, cousins of the bride. Leonard Christiansen of Ken newick was best man, and ush ers were Billy Bolce, brother of the groom, and Pete Sams both of Kennewick. Following the ceremony, a re ception was held in the Green field grange hall, with about 90 people attending. The beautiful four-tiered cake, topped with bridal figurines, centered the table. After the first piece was cut by the couple, it was cut and served by Mrs Harold Baker and Mrs Arthur Allen, aunts of the bride. Mrs Arthur Compton of Kennewick poured the coffee, and Mrs LaVern Partlow, aunt of the bride, served the punch. In charge of the reception were Mrs Rollin Moore, Mrs Ray Gron quist, Mrs Eldon Shannon, Mrs Louise Earwood and Mrs Leo Potts. Jane Bell of Milwaukie and Nancy Swanson of Pendleton were in charge of the gift table, and Susan Partlow, cousin of the bride, had the guest book. Cam! Allen, cousin of the bride, juii.ri; Wah. p-J I ill t..., f ti.v. and fc. btiW Allen. o'Utin of lit brute. l'"d I'Uhv f the cnn,' cake. Fur her daughter's wedding, M: luker r a blue har.tung and lac dr- and a white hat .r fur a f l,it cr' nati.r.. The bflJ.-jrwin nvlhr re tetjje satin dtes with ttwuhing ivcrte. Her it r wa of white carnation. The bride U a graduate tf Boardman high school and at tended IXX at La Grande thr ar. The groom 1 a graduate of Kennewick high school. The couple I living at Pomeroy, Wah. where the groom l a sur eyor with the corps of tng In ecru. Out of town guests were Mr and Mrs Ben Harrison and Mrs Golda Cox of Seattle. Wanh. Jos ephine McF.ntire of IVrtland. Mr and Mrs IVte Sams and Mr and Mrs Paul Dyer of Arlington, Mr and Mrs Manning Patterson of Gooding. Idaho. Ted Nlergoda of Pasco, Wash. Mr and Mrs Clay ton Allen and children Caml and n,.i.ii of Sunnyhlde, Wash, cousins of the bride, Mr and Mrs Arthur Compton. Mr and Mrs Chct Compton. Mr and Mrs" W E Sullivan. Mr and Mrs M E Clark. Mr Annie Sutton and Jerry Ma loy, all of Kennewick; Mr and Mrs Vern Carpenter, Mr and Mrs Delbert Houston, Fern Hutchison and Helen Broomficld, all of La-Grande. Soroptimists Hear Talk On Bicycle Tour Of Europe Mrs Raymond Williamson showed slides and gave a talk on a bicycle tour of Switzerland and France, at the Thursday noon meeting of the Soroptlmist Club of Heppner. She toured Europe but because of lack of time could only cover a small part of it In her talk. Afterwards she answered many questions put to her by the members. Mrs Harold Laird was also a guest at the meeting. Seven Couples Host Forevsell Party For The Paul Kcenigs rou!e rf. h! U iM1"' f-tluiW dinner In hw of Mr and Mrs raui aw ihe rm of Mr and Mrs fbilip HAr.r rr lrwi and at dimes l arl Ajrr. Jm FarWy. WtSUrl PUa. Claude Ct ahsm. Tat O tmen. Wil lum Brratt. Tim inert- and Mrs llene Wman. Ms Gerirut AptWate. C E M.uanl and the Rev Rmond Beard. fot if I.n cu and Mrs Fred Sander and Mr and Mr William Gicnnl f P-n-diet on. Iltwi t--ide Mr and Mr Llakrwy were Mr and Mrs How ard Cleveland. Mr and Mrs Harry OlKmnrll. Mr and Mrs Robert Brlndle. Mr and Mrs Harry Bon ger. Mr and Mrs William Sowe II and Mr and Mr Jerry' DagCHt The Koenlg were presented with a gift of a sterling sliver caning set. Fetschs Entertain At Barbecue Party Sunday Afternoon Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs Al Fetsch entertained relatives and friends with barbecue and pot luck at their home, In honor of their son Larry, who Is home on leave and Mrs Fetsch's birth day. The young people enjoyed a good ol' water fight with hoses, buckets, kettles and whatever would hold water. Those present were Mrs Nat alie Rauch. Mr and Mrs Hank Rauch and family of Hermlston, Mr and Mrs John Hartman and children. Mr and Mrs Forrest Thornburg and children, Ander son Hayes. Mr and Mrs Archie Munkers, Mike Griffith. Jlmmle Steagall. Diane McCurdy. Jerry Brace and the Fetscn lamuy. FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hermlston. Oregon Ph. JO 7-6651 On Hermiston-McNary Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE MEATS Mrs David Wilson Honored On Birthday Mrs David Wilson was honor ed with a birthday dinner on Tuesday night at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Wil lard Blake. Guests for the dinner and an evening of bridge were Mr and Mrs Don Pyle, Harlan McCurdy, Jr. and Mr ana jurs w.nnC Van Marter. Mr McCurdy had nign scuie for the evening. Miss Maureen Groves Tells Engagement Mr nd Mrs Archie Munkers announce the engagement of Maureen Ann Groves to Oliver Jay Devln, son of Mr and Mrs O A Devln. Maureen has made her home with the Munkers for the past nine years. Oliver is a 1955 graduate of Heppner high school and Maur een Is a 1957 graduate oi Lex ington high school. No date has been set lor tne wedding. Duplicate Club Meets At Willard Blakes . i nra iviiiarH Rlake en ail anu nno , tertained the Duplicate bridge club with a potluck dinner at their home fnaay nigm. -...t0 Harlan McCurdy, Vjuuaia yv-. - - Jr Mrs David Wilson, Dr and Mrs Wallace Wolff, Mr and Mrs W C Collins, Mr and Mrs Conley Lanham, Mr and Mrs LaVerne Van Marter and Mr and Mrs James Driscoll. Mrs Collins and Mrs Driscoll v,)rrVi Kpnrp for the even- ing and Mr Collins and Mr Van Marter were second mgu. Kreimeyers Hold Open House In New Home Mr ant Mrs Victor Krelmeyer hPiH onen house on aunaay afternoons of the tenth and sev enteenth of July from 4 to 6 p m In the new Forest Ranger's residence In whtcn tney are re- etrtln(7. Refreshments of punch, conee and sandwiches were served 10 the fifty people who called dur ing the two afternoons. Recognize the BAR6AIM-HUMTIMS SAPSUCKER Has the neighborhood's sharpest eye for bargains. In 5 years she's saved so much money buying so called "bargain" watches she's sapped her budget. None of 'em work any more and she's finally learned that the way to save money is to buy BULOVA. W'miilfTl Mrs Seek Has High" Score At Bridge Mi Krmp IuK r.H.:fed he,HtdirMN iUyrsm ii.i t rr w V.;; Mutkei. Mis I-"' rteite,t.i-k. mi rr?'; :1 Mr ItuharJ ' lum llath. Mr ,n ad Mr JrW ... t. .cnlne w mi S-eeV -- hlt,mLvl? Munker. l. w wa Mi rwi'.en- ... ,ul Ja.k Mfc'h I"- ,r,rHnl H Mi Urnnetl- Jonice Beomer Feted j On 20th Birthday j . Tk.,t,!jv rminfi Mr Ju.tie Hiannon rr.tettalned at the home i.f her parent ", M . Crl pauldlng. with a party In hm.r of Janl.e Burner ( on her '.ith birthday. ' Guei were U-ulah DaU. Mr( ... i . j-.tu. Mri Vern ln. Mr lk R..Iion. Mr ,irlev Kononen. Helen 1 Graham and Karen Valentine ; Ice cream and coffee were served. ftcrrxta cAZtTTt TiMrt. ThuiJar. UM ti. ina ,.,. tnai..,m,.t. ei Mr i tlrt..l T1 ! ' iU ai..l Mt J n 1W. ik tJ Mei i rer. Monument H.-H l..rly l-att). Jaly 9. ' J ;5"; ,,rN"7; f'i t;.r 1 .t.rtl ta v .. tt.rtr r U e.t tii f inMm-;!"'). ) "" ? : ' o,, hr.rluirn f.e?r, madLy Mr Wheel-'. Mi I r-1 M.AMtU. M-numca. j Uml rvrmntf 1-11. u.,e 42 -rt andll .Ve. j, !L, salad and ! l f market t y cn MXarty . . . il.. . rt iKrt i.a,trt k. rs! 'IfUtK 3 Mrs Laird Hostess For Nine Tricks Club Mr Harold Laird was hostess last Friday evening at her home for the Nine Tricks bridge club. Gum.! were Mrs Bruce Spen Mr. in.tvd Jones. Mrs Wal lace Wolff. Mrs Robert Abrams. riu Wilkinson. Mrs Robert jone. Mrs Rod Murray and Mrs William Slewert. Mrs Wilkinson held nign score. Mrs Wolff second high and Mrs Jones low. Dale Munkers Has Fourth Birthday of Mr and Mrs Don Munkers. celebrated his fourth birthday rnaay wua -party at his home. p..ri. um tilanle Ball. UUC513 Shirley Nichols, Dee Ann Angell. Kay MunKers anu iu lone; Mrs Bill Nichols. Lexing ton and Mrs Jim Angell, Port land. Refreshments were served feat uring birthday cake and Ice cream. Mrs Watkins Hostess For Pinochle Club The Friday Pinochle club was entertained at the home of Mrs A S Watkins last week. Mrs Ben Anderson and Mrs Oran Wright won the prize for having pinochle, Mrs Fred Man kin was high and Mrs Earl Evans low for the afternoon. Other guests were Mrs Walter Ruggles, Mrs Max Harris, and Mrs Walter Becket. JOHANNSEN vs. PATTERSON at 9 p. m., Thursday-Friday-Sat- i,.. Cfoi- ThMtpr. DluS tWO uiuaji ' fast-paced actioners. Frankie Avalon sings, nonneui ornla's beautiful Feather River Country. Phone your news Items to 6-9228. ... . COURT STRIEET MARKET mmmmmJ i fe "a MPHMaf - , J PHONE 6 9C43 CAMPBELL'S 46 02. CANS SPECIALS rOB JULY 22 AND 2J TREE PARKING CLIF'CHAR BRIQUETS 10 LB. BAG 0 C GRANDMA'S COOKIES ASSORTED CREAM-FILLED g PKGS. $00 POWDER ROOM TOILET TISSUE 4 ROLL PACK JQC FARM FRESH PRODUCE doz 45s LARGE GREEN PEPPERS EA. zrc 5' SEEDLESS GRAPES LB. OCC 25' DRY ONIONS 3 LB. BAG MEAT SPEC I ALS OREGON CHIEF, half or whol ASST'D LUNCH MEATS LB. ggC , j it mnvhc time to see your Shell dealer. 1 If your car doesn't seem as perky as it used to, it may be time to y j t,nnt bavins vour car run right. Inats wny At Shell we feel the same way as you do about having jour 8 . we encourage every Shell dealer to attend one of our 85 training hools. ere he learns to understand your car so that he can do what is needed to give you carefree driving. And if your tank needs refilling.why not try Super Shell gasoline w, hTCP ? youH discover how smooth your car can run - how far you can go on a gallon. STORE HOURS 9 TO 6 PETERSON'S JEWELERS