Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1960)
tttttntn gazette timei. twt. J ti ANSWERS GIVEN ON $50,000 LIMIT PHASE OF FARM PROGRAM n- Vmi it. . of muil of Iht this 150 000 llmtl? A It U re ntal I'tU ii rlrU o '.iulftJ fur TJud crop by a pro 1 fielders, ji,!r aJP kubjtt-l u a S50noo'M,I-fi -f the!:ural Aj District Growth Below Of Rest Of State (Little League Va(.tni;ton. D C The In crease In population In Oregon's econd ronirrcMlonal autrict vc iween th lWn eenus and the count carried out this er wit m,iv aixiut half a rapid thi .mt at a who . An analysis ,.t rn-limlnarv figures for the i' rrmui was by the office f Congressman Al Lllman D Off her today showing that the population ' r'Eh'een counties In the second district row. from 2I7.3K3 In 19M to current level of 2C3.323. Thla li an lnrrraie of about 6 percent a comnarcd with a statewide growth of about 11 percent dur Ins the mr ten-year period. Trie most rapid growth In i a r.astcm wrcKon reKiei "., uarr Wasco, Jefferson, and Klamath SECOND HAtr counties. Wasco county register-1 ....,.. irt .w,IUiams I'd an increase ui iwui i - i .. rem, vMuni - I. , bout 27 rcr cent, and Klamath I ' county one of about 12 per cent iCoatlnusd from faf a 11 Afrr -.r.2 2 tn a rcw. the Rrsvr-s ruixv alive on Tues day to win a 1-j UId 19 la game from the Deigns. Th Braves sewed In every Inning but the 4th an t went on to win eautly. Ttie Dodgers got 1 run In oach the 2nd and 3rd and picked 3 nvre In the Cih for their I runs Kevan Pratt ana ism Bauman wrnt fur the Brave al having 1 run on 9 bit. 6 walk. mt a strikeouts with ruMT limit. Fllwlr.if ate i-rrs la proprlatUm Art for the I960 fis .im of the inont fr.-qu.-ritlyjeal year. aokrl uu-ktl"lis alJUl thin fra I o Ta tvhlrh CfODi doet the !utt i f the program. iVi.noo limit apply? A. It appllea Q Jut what I inrani by a ia Mheat.barley, craln aorshuma. Solium limit on price aupport? upland cotton. eMra lnf ataple it r. .!! that Hie ariUiUMl -,,!(, ,n r ci neanutl. iuncro, i,f i.nrpi'unM pfle aupMrt il.i msv Im retelvrd bv an In- dividual prhli-rr of one of Ihe turidua r I limitfd tg $VJ. (m uf l- be cuta bl acreage l)ran ltiblnm and I-ary ItU'h- mond. who allow'el 19 runa on 11 hlta, 12 walka. and 10 atrlke- out and the fielder jreitin(r a put out. nUST HALT Indiana 1 Brave 2 Glanta 6 I Dodcera 8 and 9 atrike outa wi n i.e.u-.-, , M helo na- Ihe cauM? with 9 put , l" ' ' out. t;lng f..r the lsvn were.', ...,,.. ni nr'i'urM'" price uprt? A. Niiiirecoursr kupport mean up IM.rt In the frm of a loan that rnav if M-ttlcI In full by deliv ery of the commfxllty to the gov ernment. It alo can mean aup jH.rt In the form of a purchase. Q. How d we happen to have won 7 6 3 1 makeup 1 1 loat 0 1 1 2 won 2 1 1 0 Indians I . . A. - .. -v. . I .omil io Dm piaitoi Kiamatn continues as me mmi - - .... : . . . .u. l June i.i nravea va rwmumu counrv east oi me w r ...ji - . ....... , June i'l uraves vs iiunnns cades, wnn umauna couniy un . ranking aecona Vr . vg TOW no 1 oy ucscnuim coumy. - ... in,(an replacing Malheur, which .lipped - g ffi? Vg'r. to fourth rank on a decrease of u"r a iut 2 per cent in us population u ovrr the past decade. The anal- 5pCCIOI Meeting nCICi; ysm reveairu uioi uian """i nw rhlirrh Leader Wallowa counties also have lost lY V-nUrCfl t-CQOCr ......lif L.rt tlnvA 10ri And thflt I a t In.a m.uillno tit KlP I'wiruiu iivii biiivv. - i uunuiuoa i i i a. Wheeler county registered the church of Jesus Christ of Latter most rapid decline, dropping bylrjay saints was held Tuesday io per n-iu. I evening ai ine numtr oi u Another Interesting aspect of Mrs Ralph Richards. the flcures released by Ullman'a Thnso attendlnc were Mr and office Is the closeness of current I , pBni Warren. Mr and Mrs i..,nnl.ilnn Invnlft In thron roun-lr. n....iii,i f mil Mr'i r.,n m.o ties which are wiaeiy separaica Arnold Raymond and Mr ana Mrs eeographlcally. Jefferson (7,057), Richards. t 1. T Art nn1 L'o llriU'O I rl .1 I . I .. U nntu 03G) counties arc all within 21 branch president of this area and STUDENTS HOME m-Ana vf KtlrtfT thA ATT1A cl 7 A I . . . . . 1 Anl!n Ih nplnr 9 In terms of population. to organize Sunday school classes Sherman county Is shown by nri tn uplnct and set aoart these preliminary figures as con- teachers for the various classes tlnulng Its position or the least- doduIous county In the aecond .. i -lUt-lot Th anht!.intllll ilmn In JUJIICB and S4 IAY D HUDSON IN GERMAN EXERCISES GRAFENWOHR. GERMANY (AIITNO Army Specialist Four Iav n Hudson. 20. son of Mr and Mrs Darl Hudson, Heppner Ore, Is participating with other K-ronnel from the 4th Armored Division In a field training exer iki In Crafenwohr. Germany. The training Is scheduled to end June 22. The exercise, being conducted under realistic combat condit ions is designed to evaluate the combat effectiveness of the unit. a ma lor element of the NATO shield of defense In Europe. Specialist Hudson, a Jeep driver In Headquarters Company of the division's 35th Armor In Erlangen, entered the Army in October 1958 and completed basic combat training at Fort Hood. Tex. He arrived overseas Wheeler county's numbers has it Municipal Court A !. JJIUV.I'H ...U.I. ..w " ' . . smallest county In population John B Key Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the Hep pner Methodist church, for John B Key, C3, who died June 15 after four days In the Veteran's hospital In Tortland. He was born November 25, 1896 In Manes, Missouri, the son of Wesley and Mary Key. Mr Key was a member of the Missionary Baptist church In Green Valley, Missouri. Survivors are his wife, Opal of Heppner; one daughter, Mrs Lois Hunt, Lexington.... one son, Doyle Key, Heppner; two sisters, Mrs Dora Massey, Hugglns, Miss ouri, Mrs Ollle Frye, Mountain Grove, Missouri; two brothers, Lee Key, Michigan, Vernon Key, Bend, Oregon; two grandchild ren and several nieces and neph ews. The Rev Austin McGhee of ficiated at the service and inter ment was in the Heppner Ma sonic cemetery, with Creswlck Mortuary in charge. BATJCH FAMILY REUNION There will be a reunion of the Rauch family on Sunday, July 3 at the Civic recreation center In Hermlston. It will be a potluck dinner at 1:00 p m and all friends and rel atives are cordially invited, Alda Ruth Graybeal. exceeding ha limit of trout. $25 line. William E Graybeal. exceeding bag limit of trout, $25 fine. Michael James Donahue, fail ure to disDlav motor vehicle li cense plates, $10 fine suspended. Ray D Schoonover, violation ot basic rule, $10 fine. Dan H Richie, violation of ba sic rule, $25 fine. Phillip Blevlns, failure to stop $5 fine. Dee Bailey, violation of basic rule, $25 fine. Overtime parking tickets, with $1 fines: Vernon Flowers, John Adelblue, G C Verna, C C Garri son, T II Mull, Roy Stamp, Ell wynne Bergstrom. HOSPITAL NEWS Patients Josephine Rhodes, KInzua, dismissed; Jack Yokom, Lexington, dismissed; Riley Munkers, Heppner, dismissed; Karl Palmer. Heppner. dismiss ed; Mary Bailey, Heppner; Nan Edwards. Fossil, dismissed; Clar ence Leonard, Drain, dismissed; Susan McGee. Condon, dismissed; Phil Dooney. Hardman; Viola Sllnkard, KInzua; Laura Rice, Heppner; Effle Lane, Heppner RHEA CREEK HEC The Rhea Creek HEC has been invited to the mountain home of Mrs Claud White Sunday, June 26 for a potluck dinner. SEE FORD'S TIRE SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR Farm & Implement NEEDS STANDARD BATTERY GENERAL TIRES KRAFT CAPS Ford's Tire Service Hudson Is a 1957 graduate of Heppner high school. Students home from college for the summer vacation are, Janice Beamer, Shirley Kononen, Helen Graham of Oregon State, Judy Brannon, University of Ore Ron. Marilyn Calvin and Robert Mahonev. Pacific University. fafn! Ann Anlnrann Jflmna fnr. I f ; In U.-t, u III kiuaii; uui i n. v. Eastern Oregon College of Education. mrn. rye. oat. t-oUonn-ea, iiax --d. and aovtx-aii. () What can t done to ret a larger I"n than $50,000? A. x.m ran be made In excesa of JVM) on a rcctmroe bi. wltn farmer a?rt-4-lni! to repay all amount ndvanced In excea or .). AIo If you reduce acre fc of a crop at leant 20 percent b. low what It was In there I no limit on the amount of nnn recourse price aupport you may obtain on that commodity. Q. Does the limit apply to all price support crops on the farm or to each crop Individually? A. To each one Individually. Q. What do I do If 1 want to get a loan In excess of $50,000 on a surplus crop? A. Talk with vim r rountv ASC office. There Is a eclal application form that will have to be filed In advance of harvest. National Convention "Would ou Ilk a "Wetern Star" In your horUon"? qurt-tl-rn Mn AhaUe Laze. rTi dent of the Oregon noma econ omics extenlon council. Hood River. Ilcr I how It tan happen! The Great Northern railroad ha offered special rat on the Western Star to travel to the national home demonstration council meeting In Madison. Wisconsin, August 2 31 If 30 or more Oregon extension women are Interested, a fare of ST 1.25 (plus taxi Is quoted for the round trip from Portland to Madison. The group would leave Portland on Wed nesday. August 25. 9: 15 p m and arrive In Madison on bunaay. Aueust 28. at 1:25 p m. The return trip would be on Sept 1. arriving In Portland on sepi . Hn-at Northern has the rep utation of having the best food of any train on the road", com ments Mrs Lage. "If we can all travel In one car we have the setting to make our own fun." Anyone Interested In Joining this caravan of Oregon house wives Is asked to contact Mrs Athalie Lace. Route 1. Box 335, Hood River, Oregon before Aug ust 1. Room reservations and regis tration fee., totaling $30.00, Is INQUIRERS CLASS TO MEET s i -I Alt CfalnfQ1 Episcopal church will be Mon- also due on August 1 . i states i i.. - o- h ii m ine ureEon smic unmuiii day cvrninu. - r ... ,ast ? 'ir. National Home Demonstration VUUIIVit at the Masonic temple. RODEO COUHT IN PORTLAND IWCIC line " - J- Susan Partlow, Boardraan, week visiting Mr and Mrs John Queen of the Morrow county Hartman. Kerry is staying on rodeo and her court, princesses ' Wnh the Hartmans for another Geialdine Swacgart, Lena; Mar jorle Peck, Rhea Creek; Sharon i MnTvarin ldiiuui wa a Crabtree, lone and Charlene nrnvp wno came up last week- t T 1 . TI,,.. I . - 1 Junes, L.fAiiiKioi wt-it- in i"u- : H , th hpr nnrenlS lana Monaay io appear ai rori- Irg Rogcr land Meadows tnat evening. OES TO INSTALL Omciiu sivt.rof SaattU flaw down I a . p,.th chanter no 32. OES will to Tendleton last Saturday wnere L..u - ..kii incfaitatinn of of- his erandmother, Mrs Ambrose fleers Friday evening. June 24 Chapln met him. He plans to lima ' J r I ...i.u 1.1. n,anrlnoronta for V1SII Willi IU3 (10liuin'" a week or two. Xnena those attending tht theater televised flcht in Yakl ma Monday night were Dr A D !vfcMurdo. LaVerne Van Marter, Sr, LaVern Van Marter. Jr., and Mr and Mrs C R McDowell. Mr and Mrs Lowell Cribbla and Barbara were in Salem the first of the week visiting Mrs Gribble's parents, Mr and Mrs w II Mills, also Mr Gribble's father at Woodburn Mrs Dick Bormcra returned Sunday from a week's vacation visiting her daughter and ram llv. Mr and Mrs Richard Dun lan In Corvallls and relatives and friends in Portland and Kel so. Washington Mr and Mrs lerrv Rood were In Walla Walla Saturday to at tpnd a family reunion at the home of Mrs Rood's mother, Mrs Helen Williamson. Tha Rev and Mrs Bruce Seen cer went to Portland Wednesday to attend the ordination or Mrs Spencer's father, The Rev M C Mnvnlhan at St Stephens ca thedral. Mr and Mrs Euaena Hall re turned Monday after spending week In Eugene and the coast tn Fiioone. Mr Hall, who Is wor Khlnful master of the Masons, attended the Masonic convention thaaa attending tha funpral services for Alex Llnd say In Pendleton. Monday were Mr and Mrs W J Bucknum, Mrs Annin Healv. Frank Anderson I. Groshens. James Farley, i nwTPncp Brad v. Jack Healy, M and Mrs Al Lamb, Mr and Mrs Harlan McCurdy and Frank Tur ner. Dr and Mrs L D Tibbies wera Eueene to attend the grad uatlon of their son Lance from the University of Oregon. Mr and Mrs Al Mattoon and Kerry, former Heppner residents, were here fro a few days last week. TOM CURRIN ON HONOR ROLL Mr and Connor Is spending this week with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Frank Connor Mr and Mrs Skip Connor and fsmiiv nf Pilot Rock were In A nnnnniiamnnt nf thf Rnrlnp term honor roll achievement by Heppner Sunday to visit with ..... . J f.n r.nnb- students at Oregon Technical nis parents, wir unu wis r.a.. Institute was made today by the .Connor registrar's office. Mrs William Cunningham is tvy, r-.i-rir. roonivpH a irrnrlo ' in Pendleton to be with her nus fnr tiii tprm hand who recently underwent which ended June 10. surgery In St Anthony's hospital DANCE SATURDAY NITE TO THE MUSIC OF GENEVIEVE and LACEY Guitar and Vocal Modern & Western Styling Pizzas Any way you like Served Saturday Night from 10 To 12:30 DON'T FORGET TRY OUR STEAK DINNERS - A REAL TREAT - FINE Stef efani s FOOD ij pi r Nancy Clrload rsturnad Sot- nomemoKers nan ron d v ,lht from a two m. with relatives In Arlington. Xathlaan Spaoear will lm Friday fur Camp GallW at Lake Taho to attend tha Youth Cn ference. She Is the Eastern Ore gon representative, Mr end Mrs L C Dick Sr of Helena. Montana were her vis. Itinff with their sons and their families. Mr and Mrs L E Dick Jr. and Mr and Mrs Kemp Dick. Tonai Heooner rasldants. Mr and Mrs Marvin Smith and fam ily of Coos Bay. were here for a week to visit wnn many oi their friends. Mr and Mrs B C Forsythe. par ents of Mrs I. E Dick. Jr. visited with the Dicks for a few days. Mrs Henry Happold rtturnad this weekend from tne nospnai In Walla Walla. Mr end Mrs Barnay Malcora and family have moved Into the former Glen Way residence. Mrs Roberta Whlttamors of Wdner. Idaho, visited over the weekend with her daughter and son In law, Mr and Mrs William Marshall. Mr end Mrs Austin Chaff of Spokane were weekend guests of Mrs Mabel Chaffee. Mrs Ethel Zelmanti has r turned to Heppner after a week's trip to Conrad. Montana and Spokane. Wash. Her daughter. Mrs W J Billings of Seattle ac companied her. Doug Drake returned to his home Monday, after undergoing surgery In Emanuel hospital In Portland. Mrs Earl Bryant accompanied by Miss Phyllis Brunson of Port land, spent three days at Wal lowa Lake last week. Miss Nellie Doney, Dave Hynd and Mr and Mrs Robert Lowe drove down to the river for some boatinc Sunday, but the wind was too strong for boating so they drove over to the Washing ton side of the river to look at the locks at McNary dam. They were joined later by Mr and Mrs Orln Wright and had a picnic at Hat Rock Park. Mr and Mrs Hillard Brown left on Tuesday for Los Angeles where they will attend the NEA convention. Mrs A C Bechdolt accompanied them. Mr and Mrs James Mallon and family left for Corvallis on Sun day where Mr Mallon Is going to attend summer school. Mrs Bernard Damon of Eug ene left this week for LaGrande after spending a week with her parents, Mr and Mrs Claude Gra ham. Barbara Bedford of Portland is visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Jack Bedford. Mr and Mrs A D Raymond of Ogden, Utah arrived Sunday for a visit with Mrs Raymond's bro ther and family, Mr and Mrs Claude Graham. jarnet Haly. MfUa Mar tin and Shell rrturned this weekend from a trip to southern California. Mr and Mrs Cana fli ,j!v a liU li.lnf last wii-K on the Umatilla River nrar Bingham. Rachel irunnw el Fedltoe) Is visiting fr a f-w weeks with Mart he Pierce Mr and Mis Jatk Loyd end Tlmmy were at Moses Lake Sat urday and Sunday visum friend at the Larn Airitc bae. orxri Van Hout. Morrow county school suerlntendent. at tended a class A sup.-rintend.-nt meeting In Salem lt Thursday a nit Krlil.lV. Dr end Mrs Dick 0Sh end son Pat e.f Oswego tp!ed over night with the llirold Cohns, They wer- enmute to a Dude Ranch at Bingham Springs to spend their vacation. Mr end Mrs Robert Pratt end children of Southwlck. Idaho were weekend guests of their nephew and family. Mr and Mrs D II Schel. Mr and Mrs Hailey Toune end family returned on Friday night after Kiicndlnir a few days va cation on the coast at Seaside. Mrs Mary Van Sttvens ol Tn Dalles visited the Claude Gra hams for a few days last weeK. Janic Beamer. Miss Northwsst Rodeo, will be In Kelso. Wash-inL-tuii the 25th and 2Cth of June to attend the Cowlitz Stam pede. I VV1N YOUR RACE For Biuioeis Supremacy By Advertiin A Mutixd United INCOME Fund offw y aa fetvMtMr Is thaa 100 Aaarkoa CupiiaSiM thrwigk sWtiflwJ Btt tmm mom odu mUctod tmr S m coma ponlbltlilM. For PnMpwnu aad imliif Umnn, wlibool abllnriM, M la ud KtrviM Tmii Ainmna MINT. WADDUl & REED, INC "OtOmm tM Otwa CuaT CONLET LAN HAM BOX 353 PH. 6-5890 NA1IB- AJDDRXaS. I AS. I I I 2 DAYS ONLY BEGINS JULY 1 Get a Beautiful 5x7" Picture of Your Baby PIN-UPS .... MtxVX, fl m w -mm I. ill AGE LIMIT 5 YEARS One or two chil dren in any one family will be pho tographed SINGLY at 49c each for the first picture. Each additional child under five. $1.50 for the first picture. Cheese eny en of tvral completely finlhd photographs ...ell In dHTrnt potS ... for only 49c. You will not b urgd to buy, but If yeu with you can buy th remaining photographs et only 1.25 for th first, $1 for th 2nd end 95c for eny additional pl tvrs bevght In th store. photookaphir's hou$ 9j3Q To 5:30 Pixy Pirt'Ups Exclusively at Penney's for A Ph only VA i N. MAIN HEPPNER I AT IONE