Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1960)
S0CIAL Happenings nosnssnsnnsxnanussnsx PENDLETON LUTHERAN CHURCH SCENE OF GREEN-WOLDEN WEDDING IN APRIL The pr-e Lutheran church In Pendleton was the -tUnt: for the afternoon untitling on April ). of Bun! Wolden. daughter of Mr nd M Wne Wolden of Pendleton to Stephen Green, son of Mr and Mr Cornell Green of Heppner. flev Robert Prewes rend the double ring, candle lit ceremony. The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a drew of thantllly lace and filmy silk tulle, with an oversklrt of ruffled silk tulle and skinner satin. The fitted bodice was appllqued In lace and tulle. Her floor length veil of English silk Illusion. wa held In place by a cap of Chantllly lace, wid ow peak styling, with a cult ured pearl tear drop In the cen ter. She carried a cascade of white rosebuds and stephonotis. Shirley Burnett was maid of honor and bridesmaids were Norma Erlckson, cousin of the bride and Verla Nlckerson. The attendants wore Identical dresses of dotted nylon organza, with large back bow and streamers. They wore white satin bow head pieces and matching white satin gloves, gifts from the bride. Each carried a nosegay of blue and white carnations. Nell Beamer of Heppner was Mt man and ushers were Dick Applegate, V'lc Groshen, both of Appicgaie, vie viuaucu. i .,-- Heppner and Charles Chandler " blue accessories and the groom's mother wore an avocado and beige dress with beige accessor ies and both had eoage of white carnations. At the reception, which follow ed In the social rooms of the churrh. the bride's table was covered with lace over blue and centered with a three tiered cake, decorated In blu and white. topped by a miniature bride and groom. Mrs Chester Bittner and Mrs Sylvester Kelly were hostesses for the reception and the cake on cut bv Mrs Carl Erlckson. aunt of the bride and Mrs Don Campbell, cousin of the oriae. served. Mrs E J Schwelzart, aunt of the bride and Mrs Joseph B Green, aunt of the groom poured. Mrs Robert Kennedy and Betty Hartung were at the punch bowl. In charge of the gift table were Mrs Monte Carnes. sister of the groom and Joanne Green, niece of the groom. Marilyn Llnfoot was In charge of the guest book nd those as sisting with the serving were Mrs Arnold Lane. Mrs Joe Chancy. Lois Martinson and Lin da Mlckels. For going away the bride chose a princess style dress and short hnv lacket of blue and she wore a corsage of white rosebuds and nf Portland. The wedding music was play ed by Mrs Ray Schuenlng. who also accompanied Mrs Henry Barham who sang, "I Love You Truly" and 'The Lord's Prayer." Mother of the bride chose a champagne brocade Jacket dress for her daughter's wedding, with The couple Is now at home at 114 S E 8th St.. Pendleton. frL'fsBV Mrs Davidson Feted At Family Reunion The home of Mr and Mrs Har lan McCurdy. Jr was the scene Monday of a family reunion, honoring Mrs Ella Davidson, grandmother of Mr McCurdy. There was a buffet dinner in the afternoon and those here for the event were Mrs Davidsons daughters. Mrs Elvena Beezley, Dobbins, Calif; Mrs Mabel Ries, Toppenish, Wash and Mr and Mrs Harlan Mccuray, sr, nep- pner. Others attending were Mrs Davidson's brother and wife, Mr and Mrs Gene Lovgren, Hills- boro; Mr and Mrs Ernest Lov- trrpn. Mr and Mrs AiDen ixjv- gren also of Hillsboro; Mr and Mrs Art Ries, Jr and cnuaren, Newport. Wash. From Heppner there were Mr and Mrs Howard Keithley and Jeri, Mr and Mrs Larry Sim mons, Mr and Mrs Victor Lovgren. fell W Y m I . . , - Chats With Your Home Agent If ESTHER KIRMIS Tlii sn k I d like to Ml )u bout the home economic pro. gram pUime.1 for Mii'' count) for the new rtenbn iar t-e ginning In Sejten.tter 1 U an informal cdu 'ration program. A you will see from the project lited we help u to learn skill In all flet.U i-f homemaklng. Two new field have been added to this ear" program family finance and family relation. ! We have een unit (tluhsl in the county who carry on these project through the training of project leader" trained by the county agent. ; Our special air thU year I to organlre several "nlte extension units" In order to bring this pro gram to young mothers who can not attend day meeting. If you are Interested In organ izing such a "nlte unit" please contact me this summer so that w can have you organized be- I m we can nar jou I vfl fore September 1. Ly I Here's the monthly projects w Vyyj ,,r' planning on: lj4i September "Rally Round Th "1 Barbecue" It will take Ju J or two good whiffs of the of meat sizzling on an ! grill to bring unit mei The Just one aroma open HCffNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thutwtey. Just 1 t0 1 rallvlnti to the first meeting. I A barbecue will be prepared by the unit officers to give every one an opportunity to get ac quainted, select project leaders n rdu. sted f. ; i;M In ! W ntj al wht Mur money iluOU'lt U apt to Ik- t sft-u Mi-i-s in .-ur l:r . . Th l.-Min wi: x-t the state f.-r fur ther t-fcon on letfal matters MiiU snd etes, mhUI security, and preparation lr widow IunmI Apnl "S '( and deiergents" What is ttse difference between a ..ap and a detergent? What sle package ef detergent Is n.t ec onomlcal to bus? What U the tvlatUe cit of liquid compared to granular? When a hang tag on a garment sas an in a mild soap". What do I ue? Can I ue a synthetic detergent if drainage Is to a septic tank? How d.i I know bow muth de tergent or so.ip to ue? Can I switch brand of detergents or from soap to detergent from week to week? How can I rest mv water for hardness? These are some of the question an swered In thU lesson. May "Gisxl weight for good health" Mst of the patent meu- loln and fancy devices for -slenderizing" on the market are harmless but they're also worthless! Food faddists prosper on your fears Let's take a sen- j slble lok at what Is normal weight? How do I take otf Kunds? How do we put on pounds? How can 1 prepare meals for a grow Ing family and still maintain my own good These questions mbers M(.ght? ' iun uH STEPHEN GREEN (Bonl Wolden) now at horn In and appoint hostesses for the MR AND HBS Surnui i i ..rh.rnn church. v.-ir Tins on barbecuing will Pendleton otter an spm ' Mallons Entertain For Out Of Town Guests Sunday Night Last Sunday evening. Mr and fr Jumps Mallon entertained with dinner and bridge at their home in honor of Mr and Mrs James Sumner of The Dalles. nthr euests were Mr and Mrs Gene Hall. Mr and Mrs Ralph Richmond, Mr and Mrs toaie Gunderson and Mr and Mrs Gor don Pratt. Prizes were presented to Mr Pratt for high score and Mr Hall for second. 1M iS " 13 (I In Satin h" Jl ri,,, " 1 "I tfifM ii. only & IJs - Two Hostesses For Dessert-Bridge Party Mrs Robert Abrams and Mr Roderick Murray entertained five tables for a dessert-bridge at the Murray home last Thursday night. Traveling prize for the even ing was won by Mrs Fred Gim bel, low was Mrs Robert Jones, second Mrs James Mallon, and high for the evening was Mrs Clinton McQuarrie. Cake Honors Three At Soroptimist Club t i -ii, rial- cukp was served Thursday noon at the luncheon Soroptimist Club of Heppner, in honor of Mrs W C Collins, Mrs James nager unu Mrs Robert Dobbs. Piano u'orp discussed for help ing with the tea following the A.unntinn nt the new museum lH-UH-wi'"" " - , on May 29. Also discussed and volunteers asked tor, 10 ah&isi. m the Community picnic on Mem orial Day. Mrs E E Gonty reported on her visit to the Installation banquet last week of the Soroptimist Club of The Dalles. She was accom panied to The Dalles by Mrs Pearl Devine. Rebekah Group Feted At Potluck Dinner The Past Noble Grands gave a potluck dinner at the nome of Mrs Mabel Chaffee, Monday evening, May 23 to honor the Mesdames Merle Kirk, Gerald Rood, Lincoln Nash, Frank Ayers, R G McMurtry, Frank Payne, Delbert Wright and Teresa Bailey and Miss Esther Bergstrom, who had taken part in seating the state officers at -i.- TKnb-oh Aacpmblv In i ntr - Eugene. Twenty three were present at the dinner. Wedding Vows To Be Read Saturday fr nnrt Mrs Wilbur Steagall announce the coming marriage of their son Wilbur F to Miss Marjorie Melners, daughter of Mr and Mrs William Melners of Pendleton on Saturday, June 4 at 10:30 a m at St Mary's Cath olic church, Pendleton, with the Rev Philip Soreghan S J cele brating the nuptial mass. A reception, for the families only, will be held at the country home of the bride's parents. After a wedding trip to Calif ornia the couple plan to make their home in Pendleton. Fifty Year Member Honored By OES Past matrons and past pat rons night was held Friday, June 27 by Ruth chapter no 32, OES, at the Masonic temple. An nddenda was given and gifts presented to Mr and Mrs Paul Jones, the ouigomg wormy matron and worthy patron. Tra P. v. r.llllam was escorted t tho Fast and introduced as a 50 year member of the Order of Eastern Star. Refreshments were served by lure r.on Hall. Mrs Roderick Murray, Mrs Clarence Rosewall and Mrs David Wilson. Many Gather at Evans Home For Reunion Thirty three members of the family and friends gathered for dinner at the home of Mr and Mrs Earl Evans on Monday. Out of town guests were Mr Mr N H Fehnerling, Mr and Mrs Robert Hyle and Sally, and Mr Ron Kimpton of Portland; Mr and Mrs S A Karl of Pendleton and Mr and Mrs Fred Buschke of Elgin. Those from Heppner were Mr and Mrs Claude Buschke, Mr and Mrs Jerry Buschke and son, Max Buschke, Mr and Mrs Delmar Buschke and sons, Mr and Mrs Don Evans and children, Ed and Lewis Buschke, Bob Buschke, Bonnie Hannon, and Mr and Mrs Archie Munkers. Phone your news itams to 6-8228. rtttiiiiiiHtms ...alt 1 ,on pp or '9"- fUELS IN SECONDS g OUKV. Iufr0B (ctiOfl tyil,m. Q rETERSOH'S B- Am I Evr GM Tliot I ,t Bought Somi Hail Inw-o"1, rcitmmini" ' iiiiiiiinmmTt .8 s 1 s 3 B it AND IT'S TIME TO SEE US ABOUT YOUR POLICY . . . RIGHT NOWI r A RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY P enrwr .9625 HEFFW BOX 611 Saturday Wedding To Be In Hermiston PYlonris are Invited to attend ihr. uAi-irilnfr of Miss Irene Grant, Hermiston, and Mr Harold Holtz, lone. Thev will bp married at the Trinity Lutheran church, West 5th and Locust Ave, Hermiston at 8:00 p m, Saturday, June 4. A reception will follow at the church. Pinochle Club Meets At Earl Evans Home Mrs H C Happold, Mrs Fred Mankin. Mrs A S Watkins, Mrs Oran Wright, Mrs Robert Lowe, Mrs Ben Anderson ana Mrs Charles Becket gathered at the home of Mrs Earl Evans last Friday for an afternoon of pin ochle. The pinochle was held by Mrs Becket and Mrs Anderson, high was Mrs Evans and low was Mrs Happold. year. Tips on barbecuing win be given. October "Food labels tell the inside story" Don't be a "guess" Jmnnnr! When shopping for canned foods, develop the habit of using the information on tne label. The label U important be cause it serves as a window of the can. This lesson will teach you some of the tnings mai juu loam from the label, and how they guide you to better selection. November "Better kitchen Ktnrnpp" Do vou ever nave trouble finding enough room to nut thinM In vour kltcnenT LKJ t.n fint Vfll irsplf walking back j"" j - -- and forth needlessly : inciuueu m, this lesson will be ideas for simple Inexpensive ways to( make dividers, step sneives, anu f other kitchen storage devices for, organizing your kitchen for top .ffiripnrv. All these ideas will be practical for the home renter as well as the home owner. December A free choice meeting This is a meeting that can be devoted to a topic of your choice. Something in the making of holiday gifts, foods, decorations, etc. are suggested. January "Let's broil meat" Is the broiler the least used equip ment on your stove? Do you shy awny from broiling because it messes up your oven? . . . This lesson will show you new ideas in broiling, the broiling will help get variety Into your meals, and that It Is one of the best ways to save minerals, vita mino unit other food values. A complete broiler meal will be served with the meat. i-ohrnarv "A look at a wo man's world" This is the begin- r,inr nf a studv in family re lations. What are the stages of a woman's life? How can she prepare for each stage? What o-o iho nmhlems the satisfac tions from each era of her life? This lesson will lay the loun dation for further study into each part of the family cycle. March M a n a g 1 n k yu. , Mnnev isn't everything-- goes the phrase but it sure is nice 10 nave sumc niuu-.v.. tmo loccnn will set the stage for understanding the handling r mou Wp find tnai our u;anle flrp alwavs apt to exceed our Income. It will bring out a inner look at money in your iam ily life cycle to help you use villi iM answered. Menus and recipes for a unit luncheon will be given with this project. Eyc-Opcncrs: Pointers on the art of conversation will be given as "eye-openers" at the beginning of each unit meeting. (This means vou will nave to be on time to get these little tips!) These tins will Include person al public relations, ways of be ing at ease and conversing in unusual situations, leads on conversation starters and how to avoid pit fills. "Eye open" leaders will be i,cn tfi.l tritu;'i t-t tHf..r Sr t 1 M r tr tinfc" " Let hve a fucr-tit-f ! lo N.-ntlon wnh lite Mrruw tuunty CwtH-ll-. Y'u'v prvb ably had Umn p or l-g f Un.H on rfti.m, but did ou rt-lie that there are mie than a d.'e cut if lmb that are nuuitloui and laty. and give a welcome change to everyday meal? "Mfie on mental health" Ma meeting chaltmanel by Mr Velma t;i.w. Morrow cunty health nure. We Jut rtched the mirfac on the ubjtvt of keridne our co".l mental health this pat year. We now plan to crr' on more Mudy if this timely uhjet by mass meeting In ariou communlttc. Plans are to have a panel of a doctor. mlnUter. and public health nure d!cus this subject. WOKKSIIOrS: tressmklng II (Retter Pres Workshop) We plan to continue In our dremaklng ccle which we be gan in 1 '.". The purpose of dressmaking II Is to teach prin ciples of sewing that are Impor tant to handling fabrics of any fiber or blend and to using pat terns with dressmaking details. Till training will be given to project leaders who In turn will conduit workshops In their com-munitlt-a. Pattern ulteratlon was tecom Continued on page 7 FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hanntston, Oregon Ph. JO T-6651 On Hermlston-McNary Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE MEATS Mrs Al Bunch recently went to Portland with her uncle, Homer Mankin where he went for medical attention. LUNCHEON PLANNED The Heppner Past Noble Grands are planning a luncheon A onfortninmpnt for the PNGs aim iiii..."."- r iiorrimnn Lexington and t Mnndav. June 6 at tne court house park. EPISCOPAL ANNUAL Birthday Party SATURDAY, JUNE 4 Luncheon - Bridge - Pinochle Sponsored By St. Elizabeth Circle Everyone Welcome 1 P. M. PARISH HOUSE Noxt step to success Graduation marks an achievement to be proud of . . . and marks, too, a time to plan the next step toward your goal in life. Whatever the goal, there'll come a time when cash on hand can help you make a big stride forward. Prepare now . . . start now to save regularly, s you'll have money when you want it. Take the next step now . . . open a Savings Account at your local home-ownad bank. Youll enjoy watching your money grow ... and Interest compounded reg ularly, helps it grow faster I Tour Locally Owned And Operated Independent Bank at HEPPNER. IONE and ARLINGTON ANK OF n I astern Oreqon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. I