Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1960)
i I 18&K Riverside High Names Its Top Honor Sludents If WAST Lit MAKLOW run I f ii !, . f ri. m ..t!. l Inig.n, ha twrti ihoten liu..;ian if i!.e !' ta of River ile Ugh nh.d m. Alan It T.'l"t, f Mr and Mr Gene T)lr f Board man. ha l-e-n n -In led s lui at. man Darl U the sludeM body pu Idem, and ha b--n ery active In spoils during hit high h.x.l car II U also president of the Leltermen's Club, whi. h he ha br-en a memUr f fr four year, lie tx-etl tas pri-sl- dent, hell other offices, and on lh annual staff fur three jears. iAan T-lr. also active in lirt. ha h-en class president during his junior and senior years, ar.d he president in hi sophomore year. Hi I a mem ber of the Future Farmers if America, an. I has been l viie president l he past two yearn. He was captain of the football learn In Ills Junior and senior years, played In the school band two , n, wan on the M)vil staff ;lhl Vrar, arid Mat member of I!. RlVrtkide high s ti..J hTU t!.; Jrar titix alauirale M-iMn-i f..r the jii if J'.! if l;ivri.l,le tilh I Mil) h luld in the whwl ; (, i!iri jluit unda. Ma)' 2"J. l . h p ft. !H ,iKrr Mill be the Rev 'John R)dgren. akr of the Lutheran itturvh in lleppner. I Cinmeu eitiritt e e r r I e of Riverside high shoid Mill be held in the hhtx-l g.vmnalum : Thursday. Jane 2, at m, Wal- laiv Mit'rse. suj rlfitendent .f hds. IViidU-u-n. Hill be the J eiker, Graduation cserciM-s for the eighth grade students of Board man tlll be held In Irrigon Tues day. May 31. at H p m. .May Day cfcerciM' will le held at the Boardman school Friday. May 27. Marling at 10 a m. A ntjle show Mill be a feature of On mornlnfi. A picnic lunch Mill be held at n.H.n, and a trade school track mei-t Mill start at DANCE SATURDAY NITE TO THE MUSIC OF . I asr , ' i mem LACEY and FRANK On Electric Guitars Bringing Modern Cr Western Stylings Pizzas Any way you lika Served Saturday Night from 10 To 12:30 DON'T FORGET TRY OUR STEAK DINNERS - A REAL TREAT - C, f FINE bteranis food AT IONE oj0ii Great Whi l::X;of the Old West 1 Sunny Brook Kentucky Blended X. Whiskey tastes SUJVNY BROOK , - L :ZZm better than any ffl other whiskey! lT- -r-rJ J300 S4SO . JjT. n45 QT. 12 At 2 p m there Mill be a bawhail fame t--le-ti Ihe hlth ihind and the Tin ntlenrn. The immuitUation tlini" Mill t held at the M'huut ThunMlay. May Jd. Mr and Mrs Flvln Fly nd daughter. Kllern -nt the Meek rnd in Wrnatchee, Wash. lal ine ai ihe home of Mi Fly "i hli.lhrt n. law and sister. Mr and Mrs C 0 Pavldmn. Mr and Mrs Sid Ferguson and rKll.lwn Trirr and TefTV lt ihillitbur. Mont Mere Meek eid Utior at the home of Mr Ferguson' parents, Mr and Mrs Arnin Hms, They leH lor unny side, Wash. Mhere Ferguson Mill be rmnloved. Mr and Mn Claud Coats Ment to llardman Sunday to visit Coals brother. Jrs Coats. Mr Blanche BarloM' of lleppner ac etimnanied them home to visit and to visit at the home 01 Mr and Mrs Zearl Gillespie. Mr and Mr Al'en Ely and children Renee. Ricky and Rena, M-ere weekend visitor In La Grande at the home of Ely brother ln law and sister. Mr and Mr Eldon Lilly. Mr and Mrs Harold Baker ana Mr and Mrs Clyde Tannehlll Ment to LaGrande Sunday Mhere ihe men attended the rural mall carrier's convention. The Baker also visited at the home of Mr Baker' brother-in-law and sla ter. Mr and Mrs Vern Carpenter, and the Tannehlll' visited their ton and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Don Tannehlll. Mrs La Vern Partlow and ton !iiee and Johnnie. Mi Ada'.ine tiaker and ratty M tiler Ment to Baker Saturday tin Way re MeVk old daughter. Ti -y i'lii at-ih of Santa Mua. Calif U H4 at Meek at the home if hrr parents. Mr and Mrs V C, chafer. On her return she Ma met at Sacramento. Calif by her t... 1.4111! and they Ment lo lm. ha. Nebraka. Mhere the Mill live In the future. ir c J Finch ha relumed 10 her home In Tacoma. Wah ft u.iiim; a Meek at the home of her son In-law and daughter. Mr and Mr G C ivits. tr and Mrs lon Farmer and t,il.lrn Marv and Jimmy of ls u-ri Mere weekend ikltr at Ihe home of Mr Farmer's bro- Iher-ln law and sister. Mr and Mr Henry Zlvney. Tri-v Anderetc of MeadoM- lan.l Dalrv In Tortland Mas a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr and Mr Charles Amieretfg. Mr and Mr Tom Gardiner left Sunday to visit relatives In Cald well. Idaho and other points in Idaho. Mrs Bessie Nicker son of The DaiiM is visltinc at the home of Mr and Mr Karl Brls and other friends here. Mr and Mrs Glen Carpenter Mere weekend visitor In La Grande at the home of Mrs Car penter sister. Mr F-sther Em-mon. George Wiese and Joe Tatone plaved In the Rolf tournament In Walla Walla. Wash Friday through Sunday. Mrs Tatone ac companied them Saturday. Mr and Mr Darrell Marlow have moved to Pendleton. MtrrNCR GAXETTt TTMC. JtsuisdaT. May I. IHO KONOICO ON IIHTMDAT Mi !uM-li Miller h.teS t r Hie l i vitiiy I ieni.n l ull 1 hrt h -me TurJ f Ul Mn-k f r an s:i Cay rrav::r.s .! e tt MitMt t) Mi Afthur Allen Ttiey Mele ead-u if Ihe nr-ling ul)x t if Mhlih Mai Buflt l J hleHallUng " The) ser ed hanv l.-af, peas, gri'H salad .m . 1. L k 1 1 ft tax.' ..l A ! i-a a ml Seattle tier the werken.1 ti.tfee Mrs Ri. hard Va m.,e, Tt-ey Men! Ihne as . hai-rone. preseMetl Milh a IEXINGTON Krftity J.H-s was a gort if lle Melrna family In l-e Sun 1a Mh-ie all rriK'jH tine Inmluig in llermiston. Mi rl Mr C C J" Mere leitring rhalrman of the unit f ihe m imo year Mr and Mrs Harold Mai low and daughter. Anita of LaGiande were weekend UiU-r at the home of Mallow's rarrnis. Mr and Mis Frank Marlow. Satur day they all Ment to Veton t Uil at Ihe home of Mrs Frank Marlow s uiule and aunt, Mr and Mrs A C Knudson. and her cousins. Mr and Mrs tan Knud son. Mrs Joe Tatone was hostess for a party Saturday In honor of her daughter Linda's 10th birthday In the Saddle Ritom of the llltchln' Tost Cafe. Guests Mere Karen Gronqulst. Annl Ober- meier. Cheryl Daniels, Mrs Ron ald Black and Plane. Flberta CarH'titer, Mr Wayne Kuhn and Pam and CMy. Theresa Ball. Teresa Thore. Terry Waymlre and Jmly Tatone. Mrs Frank Marlow visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs Ernest, Zerba. in Walla Walla. Wash three days last week. 1 aMiiur 1 - w - wuh part of the M-nlor ila r-f ine lO.'iP m ll.n'l n MMr Iheie the class enjoyed a tilp around Ihe l"uget S-und. a sigh! srring trip if the ny by bus and a tour of ihe Olympia Beer plant and the Slate Capitol ground In Olympia. Washing ion Sluiletitt going front laS' ington Mere FauU Barak. Cirf Lrva. and Chailene Jones. , Don't k'I up In arm over Mem- Trial Day traffic enjoy the outstanding entertainment at the Star Theater. I'SE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED AD8 Mi lirl riM!i Mas urpllM-d with a blilhday rake and happy wuhet Ui Friday afternoitn by ht fellow workers at the coutl- U'UM, imxminmuttiimunnixmnmxuiuui AYERS PEST CONTROL ron root srnAnwa Tiees. Tad and Grata it or 99 nesldsnt and catnmar rial fogtna. Clayton Ayers Phone 6-9953 wnmmnmtmmi v1 ' a V " HftlL STORf.l! niwronct rODAV.., C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE Phona 6-962S Box 111 lleppner I have more time to enjoy life because a wi Ds Mm Kilore fMi For Rfle! ...and for so little cost! Hope you're enjoying the 'round the clock comfort of electric living, too. If not, better see your appliance dealer soon. Live better electrically... you'll love it! si 1 '''" EA.CIFIO POWER. &r, LIG-HT Electric Service . . . Today's Biggest Value