Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1960)
HttPNER GAitTTE TIMES. Thursday. -PU - 10 won po mr orj ucse rarass" Classified Rates Se pee wl I. rtilana Ids per laeertlea. ilex foce e Mpb deuM rat Card 4 Thank AM CLASSIFIED DtADLWl I p. m. Wednesday LOST dark grem llt--l, tan Mit. banket in fiont, Rwiard given to any girl or boy fr Information as la lu where- bout Call S or 6 iM. 6-e (ilMUwNI, "u.r,;.(-n ItiiTI.OLl X SALt AND SCR rtab.uhin hutn fr the! iftNt lu-r.e C SCU. 6 P V1CE-J T Cailin. fco ti Her muu.n. Oregon. Itum Jordan Tl 6tfc Kilt SALE llJJ KriiRuie kiih.i -r and dA-r tvV ll.un fi.JVIt SALE 3 bedroom toou ; ... - " - ----- - i in IOR SALI good upright puna, Phone 6-91 48. 6 7c EASTER LILLIES Jut Arrived 4 la I feWm. Wlil deliver In Hepfser. Lingtun end lone, hkrd lU-atonablv. Dicks Flow. Shop, phone 0 9102. la m you. Day phone 6 c (.cation, large M. phone 6 ?r.i Ford Foiceo Tfcusideibud U )mu ere planning on bujkrj Mr cvticrr xcrrauT OPENING t Plomwr Memorial hup 11 fur relief cuuk. Con tact Mr Hunt M hospital 6 c FOR SALE Three b d r e m horn, about one year old. Cov ered patio, large utility room, garage, 1 and 2 3 bath, JNiO will assume FHA. Phone 6- WM. 4tc w at i t.i nouseworx, tr anyl type of work, full or pari lime. Write box 121, co Gazette- Times. 5 Cpl ELECTRIC ORGAN. Want re sponsible party la assume amall monthly payments. Also spinet piano. Write Credit Mgr. 281 Linden Way Tallman Piano Stores. Inc.. Salem. Oregon. 6 PI 52. night paon 6 &342 8tf UT 01TNELD Cablaei work. Interior decorating, or all around carpentry work done? Call Avery Taylor, 6 &3US. 19tfc i'Vll SALLYS bedroom home and 3 luta lu lus Call 6 913d. FOR SALE one registered year- c ling bull Jerry Anderson. I NEED VOLU LAWN MOWED? phone 6 iy.2. S tic Call Don Keeling. 6-9J3G. 6C WHEAT TltEATlNG. call llene Wyntan, phone 6 9019. 50 tfc WANTED I. ?r)on In town la com out to the Band Carnival, April 30, fair pavilion. 6e of lleppnrr. Oregon, for the minimum prle of M0a. THEREFORE. I will on Ihe Cth day f May. WX. at ihe hour of 10 W A. M. at the front door if the Courthouse In lleppner, 7 Z Oregon sell said prvjvriy to Ihe Sheriff. Morrow County, C. J. D. Raumsn Oregon By Lillian R. Sweck. Deputy 38c THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL I BUY AN FFA slave April 15 a 5 00 p m to do those odd Jobs. 5 tic Model :) Ironrlte Ironer. ud $119 95 L. E. DICK. APPLIANCES Ph. 6 9920 51C 6-8c SAND ft GRAVEL delivered dally any amount, any time. Call lone 8-7277 or Umatilla 735 or 603 collect ue Hams or Pete Hams. 30-tfCDONT FORGET Triple Link food FUH SALE 60 by loo building lot In Heppner. Ideal for day light basement home. Priced reasonably. Phone 6-3808. 4 7c DR R W PrEIFFER. Chiropractic FOR SALE lOttxluO lot on S physician. 6 E Willow, phone 6 9C94. 9 to 5:30 Monday through Friday, 9 to 12 Satur day. 22-tfci Chits street, with 30x24 metal buililing. Phone 6 929H. 6-c FOR LUMBER Good farm and ranch lumber at Stud Planer Phone 6-9440 Hsppner 45-47c GOOD BUYS In used pianos. Two small studio pianos, one Bald win Acrosonic, one large up right for $100. JACK MULLI CAN, PIANOS, box 537, Pen dleton, Ore. 5-6c SALE 11 D7 tractor with power takeoff; 5 bottom Case plow; 3 Case semi deep furrow drills with hitch; 10 foot cjuble disc. All machinery' In good condition. Call Don Rob- I I A f fTTTivr. info Lvftiv m ml inson, piione o-ioi. m-VK sale, Saturday, April 16 at Hep pner Red and White store. 5 6c cat, hear the concert. Ical treat. Play the you're sure to win. Yes, Its Carnival time again. Saturday, Acril 30. 6-c Hey Kids! Are you saving your money? You'll have the best of fun when you spend It at a mus- Sl.vjtK sewing Aiacnine Lom games, I pany representatives will be in Heppner area 1st and 3rd Wednesdays every month. Re pairs on all makes sewing ma chines and vacuum cleaners. Contact Mrs David Eckman, Heppner, phone 6 9101. 41-tfc the Carnival and show Mom I UNEXPECTED CHANGE makes tho nrlzes vouVe won. Satur- local Kawieigh business avail dav ADrll 30 6-c I aD,e- Splendid business secur R A N C H E S 3GO0 acre wheat and stock ranch, 160 acres In barley, ed here. For details write Raw lelgh's 306 Adeline, Oakland, 5-8c -.. l ; 1 lv I SLAV Eb-bLAVLa-bLA LS, 8 e M .. in -vheat. tood barn, cood I FOR SALE-10 rugged polled i I l la t A CMl'O nap II L inn I " I . it T I i ponnnci and ana nornea yeaning nereiora bulls. For further information, call Don Robinson, phone 6 5125,000, $48,000 NOTICE Nolle Is hereby given that the Stale Land Board of Oregon has received from the Eastern Oregon Stale Hospital at Pendle ton, Oregon, caah to the credit of former Inmate of snld Insti lutlon as follows: Ralph E. Bar ton, $59 67; that under ORS 120. 210 said sum less claims of cred llors. If any, and of the Stale of Oregon against the estate of said Inmate Is subject to escheat to ihe Stale of Oregon. E. T. rierc. Clerk STATE LAND BOARD 5-7c CALL TOR BIDS The City of Heppner, Oregon will accept sealed bids for the purchase of one piece of Class A fire apparatus to be mounted upon a 4 wheel drive truck, be capable of pumping 750 GPM and carry at least 750 gallons of water In addition to other specified equipment. Complete detailed specificat ions for the required piece of fire equipment may be obtained from the City Recorded. City of Heppner. Oregon. The City of Heppner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to accept any bid deemed In the best Interest of the City. Bids will be accepted by the City Recorder until 8 pm, April 25, and will then be publicly opened and read by the common council of the City of Heppner, Ted Smith City Recorder, City of Heppner, Oregon 5-7c MORROW COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, R l NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING Notice U hereiy given that at Ihe annual school dittrkl meet Ing hereby called, to be held at the established srhcud dUtrlct polling placvs at Heppner Grade School, lone Svhnl. Boardman School. Irrlgon School. Lexing ton School and HarJman School, In and for School District No. R l. of Morrow County, Oregon, on Monday, Ihe 2nd day of April, II"). between Ihe hours of 2:00 P. M. and 8 00 P. M . four 4 board members will he elected. One board member shall be elec ted to represent the Irrlgon DIs trlct. Zone 2; one to be elected to represent the Lexington Dis trict. Zone 4; one to be elected to represent the lone District, Zone 3, and one member to be elected to represent the Heppner City Limits, which comprises Zones 6 and 7. Dated this 14th day of April., 1900. Frederick T. Martin, Chairman Board of Directors School District No. R-I, Morrow County Attest: Beverly Gunderson, District Clerk -7c riRIT BAPTIST CRUNCH lone Monday school 10 a m. Service 11 a m. EVenlng service 7 HO p to. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 In the homes. VALSY LUTHERAN CHURCH Worship servlcee. 15 a m. Sunday school, 9:13 a m every Sunday. Jtarvlcee held the second and fourth Sunday of ihe month. TRX THE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Austin McChee. Pastor Church school, 9:43 a m. Mrs Tom Wells, Superintendent MihvlUf Youth r.llovuihto at T:O0 d m l ASi EMILY Or COD CHURCH Homer Wolflngton. pastor Sunday echool 9 43 a m. Morning worship, 11 "0 a m. INrnlng service 7.00 p Si Tuesday evening service, 7:44 LEXINGTON CHURCH OF CHRIST Walter Smith, pastor Sunday school, 10 00 a in. Worship 11:00 a m. I HOPS LUTHERAN CHURCH ' Alfslfa Street I Worship sen Ices, 11:00 a m. I Sunday school. 9:43 a rn. IONS BIBLE CHURCH Rev James W Riley, pastor Bible school 10 a ra. assess Church 11 a is. Everyone wel come. iAHr muunwrrr rmrarir Youth Fellewshlp. SO p m Sunday. Rev Rod MacKetule. pastor CooJ Ntwi elub for ehUrt Easier sunrLse service at 6 A , ckur,hM Mondays. 143. M In the city park followed by Blb, ttorlM, ng gimM. breakfast at the Community ,,,,, jntlng and Bible church basement. sludy, Thursday, 7:30 p ra. Church school Easter program A meetings are held In the at 9:43 A iL ' Riley residence on 2nd street. .,mn. 1 i-v-is-ifl fnnrno Vnn roH a tf April 15 at 5 o'clock on main ' r street. Sold bv the head, nound vl . 411 c"' . - ; tf ' I . . a.. in1! nstwna rT II' 11 n Q r In I au iJii i.uuiiiaviii viivnv. v 1 19G1. Price: NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, MINNIE VAUGHAN, the executrix of YOUR FULLER BRUSH man for Heppner area is Loren Bade,L lntr,r(,sf On state hichway 420 N W Defense Way, Pendle- Th rancn has run m head of ion. nere reguiariy. rattle one of the best bunch NATIONALLY ADVERTISED on grass ranches In the state. I the estate of LESLIE L. MAT loan, pays off $3500 per year at COMING NEXT MONTH Car- LOCK, deceased, has filed with load ireezer sale, u t jjick., tne county Court of the State of wnere your aoiiar nas more ;0regon for Morrow County her cents. 'IIC. final account of her administra tion of the estate of said de CARD OF THANKS Garroway's NBC TODAY Tel- Would like to have cash differ- t want to thank the hospital ceased and said court fixed Mon evlslon show. A profitable bus- ence above loan. staff for their care, and my day the 25th day of April. 1960, iness of your own. Credit a- friends for the cards, flowers,' at the hour of 10:00 In the fore- vallable. Car or panel truck ioo acres irrigated meadow, boo and gifts sent to me while (noon of said day in the County necessary, writ xo vvaimns rUn 17d head yearlings last year, was a r,atient In Pioneer Mem- Court Room at the Court House rroaucis, inc., jiaw urooKiyn wm handle iw cows ana caives orial hospital. at Heppner, Oregon as the time Avenue, Seattle 5, Washington during summer months. On state for FREE Information. highway near good town, scnooi 3J$c bus and mail route. Extra good irnvQ irriCTatoH nactnro fnr Imnrovoments. $15,000, with rent. Will carry 30 cows and $15,000 down. Will take in good paivPQ fnr nhnuf !. months, home or a cood trade on down Chas Dillon, Boardman, Ore. payment, balance pays off by 6-9e year at 5 interest. Come In And See About Our BUICK "EASY OWNERSHIP PLAN" You can buy a new 1960 Buick on Your Own Terms USED CAR SPECIALSI 1957 Mercury, excep t i o n a 1 1 y clean. 1955 Pontiac, full power Excellent Hunting Jeeps 1956 Willy pickup 1955 International pickup, com pletely reconditioned. 1951 Chevrolet pickup THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1956 Ford Exceptionally clean, single lo cal owner, new set of nylon tires. An exceptionally good buy. ATTENTION FARMERS FOR TRAP WAGON We have taken in a 1941 Chev rolet truck with new motor, 500 gal diesel tank, pressure grease gun and compressor. See this I HUNTERS 1956 WILLYS 4 wheel drive station wagon. like new. Radio, heater, Warni hubs. This is the buy of the year I WE ARE TOUR FRIGIDAIHE DEALER See the new 1960 FRIGIDAIHE FROST-PROOF REFRIGERATOR 13 cuu ft model as low as $422 a week TREMENDOUS SAVINGS I 2 FRIGIDAIHE CUSTOM IMPER IAL ELECTRIC RANGE3 (school plan ranges) Both have double ovens and robsserie. These are like newl FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY ppBJj!b:twr-GMO 40-tfc I have other good irrigated ranches, also stock ranches In r.rant county and other locals, If interested contact me by phone at Heppner b-iw V. R. "BOB" RUNNION 6-7c EXPERT RUG SHAMPOOING in your home. J T Carlin, Box 982, Hermiston, Ore. Phone JOrdan 7-6623. 6 -tic FOR SALE Servel refrigerator (flamo), Maud Craber, pnone 6-9719. If FOR SALE Registered yearling Hereford bulls. Frank M won ahan, Condon, DUnkirk 4-5536. 1-tfc FOR SALE 10 by 46 1959 Great Lakes 2 bedroom trailer house, excellent condition. Phone 6 5838 after 5 pm. 52-tfc LAWNMOWER and saw sharpen ing. N D Bailey, phone 6-949L 5-tfc MAKE YOUR RUGS and carpets look like new. Call Case ur niture Co. for carpet cleaning service. 46tfc FOR APBLIANCE REPAIR call or bring: to Case Furniture Co. fi-9432. 5tfc h' - Neva Matteson and place for hearing objections 6-c to said final account and the CARD OF THANKS 'settlement of said estate and all I would like to express my Persons having objections there sincere appreciation to the many, to are hereby required to file friends and groups for their, the same with said court on or thoughtfulness in sending cards before the time fixed for said and flowers during my recent hearing. hospitalization. I Dated and first published this Oscar E Peterson 24th day of March, 1960. g.c' Minnie B. Vaughan Executrix -non u Tuauire . . , .l..,. ,i .. Joseph J. Nys iwuKi iQ uisiis u my Attorney for Executrlx for the cards and flowers sent. ' CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev C Bruce Spencer, rector Holy Communion, Sunday, 7:30 a m. Family service, 10:00 a m. Holy Communion Wednesdays, at 10 a m and 10 a m all Holy days. Inquirer's and Confirmation classes Tuesday, 7:30 p m in Rector's study. 10 a m Saturdays, Catechism classes for children at Rector's study . CHRISTIAN CHURCH Charles V Knox, minister Bible school, 9:45. Worship service 11:00 a m. ST PATRICK'S CHURCH Heppner Rev Raymond Beard Sunday Masses, 7:30 and 11 a m. Weekday Masses, 7:30 a m. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS CHURCH Or JESUS CHRIST Or LATTER-DAY SAINTS' American Legion hall Prieethood meeting, 8:30 a m. Sunday school at 10:30. Sacrament service will begin at 11:30 a m. CHURCH Or THE NA2ARENE Robert Why brew, pastor Sunday school 10 a m. Worship 11 a m. Nazarene young peoples soc iety 7:00 p m. Kvening service, t.jw p m. Meeting in Seventh Day Ad ventlst church. Everyone wel come. FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hermiston. Oregon Ph. JO 7-6651 On Hermlston-McNary Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE MEATS SEVENTH-DAY ADVXNTI8T C L Vorles, Pastor Saturday services Sabbath school, 9:30 A M. Church service, 11:00 A M. "Quiet Hour" radio broadcast ever EGO every Sunday, 8 PM. Voice of Prophecy radio broad - cast over KGO every Sunday, P M. Livestock Market Cattle Hogs Sheep SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON On U. S. Highway No. 30 NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. JO 7-6655 Hermiston, Oregon Don Wink, Mgr. Res. Hermiston JO 7-3111 Frank Wink & Sons Owners ST WILLIAMS CHURCH lone Rev Raymond Beard Sunday Mass, 9:15 a m. USED CARS WITH AN me during my stay in the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland. Also for the excellent care by the hospital staff. Mrs Dale Ray 6-c 3-7p FOR SALE Modern three bed room house, large lot, lovely view. Can assume GI loan. rail fi.9298. 6-C ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, portables, electric and stand ards; sales, service ana repair. Office equipment office sup plies. Roscoe N. Allen, Milton -Freewater, Ore. For service call tTnntvr 6 9228. 33-34c "-I BVGS AND CARPETS cleaned in vour home. Woj' or cotton Fast Service. Phone e.ttr FOR SALE 1S51 Nash Metro politan. S395. Good condition. 2 new tires. 3-) rr.Hes per gal. Phone 6-9TC5. 5-tfc FOR SALE Harley - Da idson motoirvcle. Georo Herrr.ann. p.hore 3-S409. 5-tfc Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 16, 1960, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. at the Pioneer Memorial Hospital in HeDDner. Oreeron, the Pioneer Memorial Hospital will offer for sale to the highest bidder, one 1949 Cadillac Ambulance, Motor No. 498619366. The said ambu lance is being offered for sale without any of the customary equipment used In ambulances, and the Pioneer Memorial Hos pital reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Pioneer Memorial Hospital By: HARRY M. BONGERS Administrator 6 c NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, DATED April 6, 1960, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price here in set forth NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the undersigned have been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, the administra tors with the will annexed of the estate of R. D. ALLSTOTT, Deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the under signed at the law office of Jo seph J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, with proper vouchers duly ver ified as required by law within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published this 24th day of March, 1960. Dolly Allstott R. D. Allstott, Jr. I Administrators with the will annexed I 3-7e NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY given, that the undersigned has been; duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, the Executrix of the estate of WILLIAM F.; MUNKERS (also known as Frank Munkers), Deceased and all persons having claims a- gainst the estate of said deceas ed are hereby required to pre sent the same to the under signed at the law office of Becinnlng at the corner of l,f fi. Block K. P.ovces Ad-IjcjseDh J. Nvs. at Heppner, Ore dition to the Town of Hard-igon with proper vouchers duly man, Morrow county, ire- venriM as requirru oy jaw wim gon, thence running east 52 feet, thence North 200 feet, thence West 52 feet, thence South 200 feet to the point of beginning, for the min imum price of $10 00. All cf Lot 7, In Elock 4, ?dor rew's Additions to the City in six months from the date j of the first publication of this, notice. 1 DATED and Erst pu b 1 1 a h e d this 24th day of March, 19G0. Mary Edna Munkers, Executrix 3-7C, THAT COUNTS 1958 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 door, Tnrboglide $2185 1958 Chevrolet Bls cayne 2 door ... $1600 1958 Chevrolet Station Wagon, 9 pass. Powerglide $150 1955 Ford Station Wagon, V8 - $120 1954 Ford 4 door $650 1954 Chevrolet station wagon $900 1953 Chevrolet t door, 6 cyL - $ 1950 Ford coupe $150 Trucks - Pickups 19S7 CMC ton pickup, radio, beater, 4 speed trans, heavy duty bumper Sl$9f 1855 Ford 4 wheel drive pickup $1450 1954 Willys 4 wheel drive pickup $1300 1951 Willys 4 wheel drive pickup $800 BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY -e Heppner City OUnCII xm steam Citizens having matters for discussion, please bring them before the CounclL Ph. 6-8818 Dr. ilob't W. Pf eif for Chiropractic Physician Heppner Hotel Bldg. Phone 8-9694 HASKELL & HASKETT, INC. TV and Radio Sales A Service 323 N. Main Ph 6-997S Wallace H. Wolff, M. D. Office Hours 10 to 12, 2 te 8 Monday through Saturday Ph. 8-8253, Res. 6-9620 Thrifty Financing Of Course! FULLETON Chevrolet Co. Morrow County Farm Bureau Reg. Meeting 4th Tuesday Bill Barrett Insurance Agent The Heppner Clinic C M. WAGNER, M. D. D. J. BAYLINK. M. D. Physicians and Surgeons Ph- Day or Night 6-9114 If No Answer 6-9133 PLUMBING SERVICE Gilliam & Bisbee HARDWARE CO. Phone 6-8433 J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry A Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW 127 W. Willow Street Heppner, Oregon Turner, Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 6-821$ Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon CRESWICK MORTUARY Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 8-9600 Heppner, Oregon MAHONEY AND A B RAMS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building Phono 6-8141 Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 6-9485 - t Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building lee. Ph. 6-8210 OIL Ph. 6-9616 Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. TITLE INSURANCE Office In Peters Building MONUMENTS - MARKERS - Oliver Creiwl Creewtclc Mortaea-y C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 6-962S Box 611 Heppner. Oregon