Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1960)
Sandra Harshman Head of Hcppner High Homemakers Chapter Future Ilomemakera of Amer ica and their mother from thi Heppner chapter altemled their regular monthly meeting Wed nesday evcnlnjr, Feb 17 In tha homemaklnff room. Dlano MfCurdy Installing of ficer, assisted by Sandra Rich ards, led on Impressive Instal lation ceremony when thi fol lowing officer were Installed for the coming yer. President. Sandra Harnhman; vice president. Laura Lee Sum ner; secretary. Itose Nash: his torian. Llbny Van Scholack: par llamentarlan. Shannon Maho rey; and decree chairmen, Jackie Brlndle and Ronnie Bel Kma. Absent from the Instal lation wad Linda Valentine, treasurer and Ann Jones, aecond vice-president. Miss Leta Humphrey gave an Informative and educational talk on the history and aclectlon f rhinn dishes and classware. She had two tables filled with a display of the dishes and glassware to show the various quality of each. Miss Humphrey arranged for Ginger Springer to show two colored films on selection of dishes and glassware. refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Mem bers and mothers were highly Intrested to have more evening meetings with similar programs. I IUf III: At " - I Ing of the Heppner chapter of was won the Future llomemakera is scheduled for Wednesday, March 16 nt the Heppner school home making room. HEPPNEH CAZttTE TlMtS. ThuiQT. JL'? SOCIAL -aPPENIN6S ttmaaamattttimxtxtummxn Mrs Frank Anderson Receives High Score At Renegers Club The Kenegers bridge club met at the home of Mrs William Bar ratt Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs Barratt's guests were Mrs Richard Meador, Mn Bill Lab hart. Mrs Gene Hall. Mrs Alex Thomjmon. Mrs Creston Robin son. Mrs P W Mahoney. Mrs Frank Anderson and Mrs James Farley. High score for the evening wis held by Mrs Anderson, second high was Mrs Meador and Mrs Labhart was low. Mrs Mankin Hostess For Pinochle Club Mrs Fred Mankin was hostess for her pinochle club Friday af ternoon of last week. Those attending were Mrs Wal ter Becket. Mrs Art Watklns. Mrs Earl Evans, Mrs Henry Happold. Mrs Orlan Wright. Mrs Ed La- Trace and Mrs Max narns. High prize for the afternoon by Mrs ManKin, iuw ' . . .... was won by Mrs wbirhis the double pinocnie prize w won by Mrs Becket and Mrs Mankin. More than a thousand Drugs line our Well-Stocked shelves, enabling us to provide exactly what your Doctor has prescribed for You I THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS 77c Pastel Pink BUBBLE BATH Giant Sack Enough for 150 baths TOY CARS ONLY 77c CHAMOIS, Regular $2.00 $139 HANDY-MAC Toothpaste Dispenser Regular $1.49 '7GC KRAZY-IKES, Reg. 98c 79c Regular $1.69 value no- POLIDENT Cr DENTURE BATH 98c Regular 60c Johnson's BABY LIQUID CREAM 2 for 60c METRECAL DIET Can $1.59 The balanced diet that was written up in Pageant SPECIAL TABLE OF CLOSE-OUTS Our Mistakes of 1959 GIVE-AWAY PRICES! Many Here Saturday For Elks Annual Ladies Card Party The Flks ladles annual card party was held Saturday after noon with a great number at tending, from Heppner and also out of town. Mrs W P Kilkenny of Pendle ton won high prize In bridge. Mrs Grace .Mckerson was second high and low was Mrs Frank Hamlin. In pinochle Mrs John Lane won the high prize. Mrs Jerald Rea second high and low was Mrs Jerry Buschke. The door prize was won by Mrs Sam Turner. Mrs Del Jordan was In charge of the card party ana ner com mlftee was Mrs tvereu n.eun lev. Mrs LeRoy Gardner. Harley Young. Hum Mr Glen rvRrien. Mrs Kemp Dick, Mrs Robert Flatt. Mrs Jack Van Winkle. Mrs Raymond Ferguson' and Mrs LaVerne Van Marter, r James Farley ana Milton Morgan were In charge of the hospitality and tea room for those who didn't play cards. Coming Events rrtdoT. rb thoptw bo t CboaxMf oi Monday. rb commerce. WbeeL American Legloa. Elks Bridge tournament Tuesday. Manta 1 Wrangle?. Elk pinochle tournament Wednesday. March J Willows lodgo no 68. IOO r. Thursday. March 3 Sotoptimlits. nooa at Wagon WboeL Elks radios night Friday, March Sans Soucl Re- bekah lodge. Anderson Home Scene Of Baby Shower In Honor Of Mrs Wolff A baby khower was given Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs N C Anderson honoring Mrs Wallace Wolff. Mrs Bill Col lins was co-hostess. Those attending were Mrs Ray Williamson. Mrs C E McQuarrie. Mrs Rolc Fulleton. Mrs Kenneth Keeling. Mrs James Drlscoll. Mrs Morvln I-eonnrd. Mrs Bob Ab- uh'!ram Mm Marshall Lovcren. Mrs y Gardner. Mrs BU B,ake Mrs con Pratt. Mrs Mrs Conley Lan-'Frp, pni,,,,, Mrs LaVerne Van Ward. Mrs Pat Mr iweii Cribble. Mrs Ray Smith and Mrs Bob Jones. Those sending gifts but unaoie .in attend were Mrs L UlCK. .Miss Connie Anderson. Mrs Paul Mrs !., ... nA Mnrrnv and Mrs Wirnii, .'1 4 j . .v . a-' - j Rainbow Girls Fete AvAasons At Dinner A Masonic and Rainbow Girl dinner was held at the Masonic temple Monday evening, Feb ruary 15 with each Rainbow girl Inviting a Mason to do ner Din ner guest. Following dinner initiation In- to the Order of Rainbow for Girls was held for two new mem bers, Kathy Rea and Sherrle Ol son. Visiting dignitaries were Mrs Harold Becket. grand deputy of the state of Oregon; Sandra Jones, grand representative from the state of Mississippi; Mr and Mrs Tnul Jones, worthy matron and worthy patron of Ruth chap ter no 32, OES; Gene Hall, wor shipful master of Heppner Ma sonic lodge no G9 AF & AM and Oliver Cruswick, royal high priest of the Heppner Royal Arch Masons. Tom Wilson. Sunday Brunch Held At Van Marter Home Mr and Mrs LaVerne Van Marter entertained with a brunch Sunday at their home with about forty attending. Out of town guests were Mr and Mrs Val Bulger, Mr and Mrs A P Vengelen, and Mr and Mrs Wrex Crouse of Portland; Mr and Mrs Bunk Moore of Prlnevllle; Mr and Mrs Maurice Brown of Klnzua; Mr and Mrs Robert Miller of Condon; Mr and Mrs John Williams and Mr and Mrs Del Jordan of Pendleton; Mr and Mrs Delbert Parks of Milton Freewater and Mr and Mrs G B Urlie of Arlington. Mrs Kelly Named To Rebekah Position Mrs La Krlly was elected to fill a vacancy at recording irfurv .t m'r -t S.hi.1 lUbekah Mie February 19. Mrs Karl S.ward had resigned from the portion. A special officer' practice was called for 2 pm. r Mrs John Rogers ws accept a new member by iran-d'f. She elo won tne penny prTh next meeting on March 4 will be the quarterly birthday party. . , Mrs Rufus Piper, noble grand, presided at the meeting at which .. . ft. anil there were v rncmoer guets present. Mrs Mabel Chaffee. Mrs Una Kelly and Mrs Gerry Rel were the refreshment committee. Soroptimist Club Sees Film Thursday At the Thuri.y lumheon meeting of the SoroptlmHt t lub c,r llri.p.u-r Mi ,,uw-pU-ys. program chairman, ihowed a film on -ttystal . Each meeting of the club a wrdor girl from Heppner high attend as a guet. On jThurluy Jeun Collins was ne repreM-ntatlve irom whool to attend. Hans are b-lng made by tho dub for the spring project" i a mong which are several to raise money and the annual tea for the senior girls of the high school and their mothers. McQuarries Honor Out of Town Guests At Saturday Party Mr and Mrs C E McQuarrie en tertained with a cocktail party at their home Saturday evening In honor of Mr and Mrs Bunk Moore of Prlnevllle and Mr and Mrs Maurice Brown of Klnzua. Out of town guests besides the guests of honor were Mr and Mrs Fred Stefanl. Oregon City: Mr and Mrs Howard Mills. Salem and Mr and Mrs John William. Pendleton. Moore Is the state Elks presi dent and Brown Is the general manager of the Klnzua Corpor-atlon. SUNDAY DINNER GUESTS Mr and Mrs Jim Lovgren en tertained at Sunday dinner. Guests were Mr and Mrs Tom Sumner and children of Arling ton; Mr and Mrs Jim Sumner and children of The Dalles; Mr and Mrs Paul Hlsler and son Paul and Mr and Mrs J C Sumner. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Lexington News nrtHl tONES Mr and Mrs O G Breeding and son Paul were LaGrande visitors on Tuesday. Lee Cornellson who has been spending some time in Portland is again at the home of his grandparents. Mr and Mrs Joe Cornellson. Miss Dona Barnett and Mrs Trlna Parker accompanied by Mr and Mrs Frank Parker of Hep pner were Hermlston visitors on Sunday. Holly Rebekah lodge met on Thursday night for the regular meeting with noble grand. June Davidson in the chair. Names for secret sisters was drawn at this time, and refreshments serv ed later to the Oddfellow's pres ent and the Rebekah sisters Mr and Mrs 0ti.bu'fcVi of S;,.fleld were callers In Uxui ton lt week. Mr and Mr Newt OlUrta left u Mond-y fur Yuma Ariiuna uhcre they will spend -me time. Mr and Mr Jlmnl Udtelter were Pendleton vUHors Saturday night. Mr A F MJeke ba ending a few day In roftlamt Mr Roger Campbell and Mr Dean Hunt were Pendleton vH Itor Tuesday cf last week. Mr and Mrs Roy Campbell have returned from Portland where they attended the McCoy funeral services therts mm r.r.'. i Hrrrnni aWwal mvwtrrr-m . UnHd INCOMl Fond United SCIENCE Fund Unlf.d CONTINENTAL Fund United ACCUMULATIVE Fund Tot Pro.pwrul ud drtcflpth liitntua-. without H.i.iiw. I.ll ia nd MtTVIN THil "'' MINT. WADDEll & REED, INC frintlpol )ndmtn -Of(lra from Cot To Cot" CON LET LAN HAM Box 869 Heppner NAMff ADDRKIS THE OFFICE OF DR. E. K. SCHAFFITZ HEPPNER HOTEL BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED Monday & Tuesday, Feb. 29, March 1 -" "' St Albin's Spaghetti Dinner Successful The St Albin's annual spa ghetti dinner was held Sunday afternoon at the Episcopal parish house with a large attendance. The boys who assisted with the dinner were Eric and Steve An derson, Alvln Ayers, Arthur uur kenbine, Tom and Timmy Drls coll, Doug and Stewart Gribble, Chris Labhart, Danny McQuarrie, Neal Tenland, Bruce Thomson, Chris Brown, Gerald Bunch, Michael Crist, Bobby Dobbs, Har old Gray, Timmy Loyd, David McBath, Johnny Pfeiffer, Bruce Soencer and Gerald O'Malley, senior advisor. The two cooks were duy oar net and Winn Crist. The money made from the dinner will be used for the furth nrincr nf St Albin's Acolytes and Servers Guild and for their sum mer outing to the Wallowas. Michael Prock Has Fourth Birthday Michael Prock celebrated his fourth birthday with a lunch and party at the home of his par ents, Mr and Mrs Jimmy Prock, Monday afternoon. Michael's guests were Howard and Gregory Green; Tod Peter son; Jimmy, Bobby, and Joan Ployhar; Debbie, Terry, Eddie and Heidi Feller and Trisha, John and Tami Prock. Following lunch and birthday cake and ice cream, games were enjoyed. McCurdys Hosts For Elks Dignitaries Mr and Mrs Harlan McCurdy hosts for a luncheon party Saturday at their home for visiting Elk's dignitaries. 1 5 Their guests were Mr anu s rt Rnlnnr Mr and Mrs A r Vengelen, and Mr and Mrs Wrex S Crouse of Portland; Mr and Mrs Del Jordan of Pendleton; Mr and ittrc r. n iTriio nf Arlington and Mr and Mrs LaVerne Van Mar- ter. COURT STREET MARKET I r ! .w"".'"' j s . ivi :-.. . i ; " - " - " -Jp - '-' - f . - . - . v . -rr ' - --VJ In, i i -ir- 1 1 mmmm, fe"-- , FREE PARKING PHONE 6-SG43 CHERRY. APPLE. PEACH U rrTinff'Coi -nm ml J ELLO ASSORTED FLAVORS g PKGS. 49C PILLSBURY'S FLOUR 25 LB. BAG $89 a- e ooott Phone your news nenuwo r HUnt'S 14 OZ. IT'S LUCKY TO WEAR YOUR BIRIHSIONE ?BIRTHSTONE ars. Tx" V-? .1 9m 111 T -L J ft Ivwwg ft HhhmWMXIiU ftk.-. ... -mfJm E --mt-m mi wwin hi n mm 111 -T the AMETHYST Symbol of Sincerity for her: A gift that will be prized for years... a beautiful Amethyst ring to remind her of your thoughtfulness and sentiment for him: The Amethyst in a white or yellow gold setting makes an exceptionally fine-looking ring for a man. Ujjt birihttcirs aiailablt t'l ffiuine. lynthttit f imifatioi Btontt IfflAtfSOlPS.ferSS'l I GERBER'S STRAINED BABY FOOD 10CANS 89c HURRY FOR THESE MEAT SPECIALS Swift's Premium Beef Short Ri bs lb. 19c PORK iSTEAKS Ib- 49c SMOKED PORK ROLLS, Bar-S lb. 89c Swift's Premium - rj, BEEF. By the Side b- " w ' 1 Cut and Wrapped SMELT, Fresh Columbia River lb. 29c LARGE SIZE This Weekend BARBECUED BONELESS PORK ROASTS CALAVOS 3 for 19c PETERSON'S JEWELERS BULK CARROTS 2 LBS- 17C PINK GRAPEFRUIT 12 F0R 98C prriALS FOH FRI. & SAT, FEBRUARY 26-27