Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1959)
4 HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, October 1, 1959 gociAL Happenings Josephine Thompson, Social Reporter 3tniHimHiiiintwiHiiiinttnnTm HEPPNER TEACHERS ENTERTAINED AT RECEPTION WEDNESDAY NIGHT The Heppner P-TA entertained last Wednesday evening In the multipurpose" room of the ele mentary school with a reception honoring the teachers in the Heppner school system. The Rev Bruce Spencer gave the welcome and was the master of ceremonies for the evening. L L Robbins gave the response. Joe H Stewart, assistant sup erintendent, lntr o d u c e d the teachers and as each stood he or she was presented with a bouten iere. Carrying out the Hawaiian Alaska theme were murals on the walls of a Hawaiian girl and an Eskimo girl, made by Mrs Alex Thompson and a new flag made by Mrs Paul Koenlg. An Hawaiian dance was pre sented by Sheridan Wyman and Elaine Laird sang a vocal num ber from each of the two new states. A coronet solo by John Cleveland followed with group singing, led by Gordon Pratt, ended the program. Refreshments were served at individual tables, decorated In red, white and blue, by the freshman home economics class. Room mothers for P-TA had charge of the arrangements for the evening with Mrs Andy Van Schoiack, Mrs Herman Green and Mrs LaVerne Van Marter, Jr heading the committee. P-TA yearbooks, printed by the Hehlsch paper staff, were handed out 10 the more than 200 who attended the reception. Coining Events Friday. Oct 2 Sani Souci Re- bekah lodge. Monday, ..Oct . 5 Chamber .of commerce, noon at Wagon WheeL Rainbow for Girls. Tuesday, Oct 6 Wranglers, club house. Wednesday, Oct 7 Wl Hows lodge no 68, IOOF. Thursday, Oct 8 Soroptimists, noon at Wagon WheeL Elks. Friday, Oct 9 Ruth chapter no 32, OES. IONE GARDEN CLUB TO CELEBRATE 10TH BIRTHDAY WITH MUM SHOW The 10th birthday of the lone Garden club and the Little Mum show will be held at the lone Community church Tuesday, Oct 13 from 2 to 5 p m. The program will feature the story of the lone Garden club, illustrated with colored slides. The party Is open to everyone and all are requested to bring specimens of chrysanthemums and mum arrangements. The committees are refresh ments, Mrs Elbe Akers, Mrs Ern est Heliker and Mrs Sam Esteb; staging and receiving exhibits, Mrs Phil Emert, Mrs Frances OES Officers Given Potluck Dinner Friday The past worthy matrons of Order of Eastern Star had a pot luck dinner Friday evening at the Masonic temple, in honor of the new worthy matron and worthy patron, Mr and Mrs Paul Jones. The grand worthy advisor for Rainbow for Girls, Miss Chris tine Pasley, was a gupst at the dinner and about 23 attended. Piper, Mrs Edith Nlchoson and Mrs Ralph Crum; guest book and scrap book, Mrs O L Lundell; invitations and publicity, Mrs Lundell, Mrs Anna M Ball, Mrs Echo Palmateer; guests and membership tags, Mrs Lawrence Jones; welcoming and hostesses, Mrs Etta Huston, Mrs Walter Dobyns, Mrs Carl Bergtrom, Mrs Anna Lindstrom, Mrs Dale Ray and Mrs Kathryn Yarnell; pro gram, Mrs William Rawlins, Mrs Fredrick Martin. St Monica Guild Plans Cooked Food Sale St Monica guild met Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs James Mallon, with Mrs La Verne Van Marter presiding at the meeting. It was decided that there will be a hunters food sale Oct 3, Saturday at the Red and White grocery at 10:00 a m. There was discussion about the annual Christmas bazaar which will be held the first Sat urday In December. Mrs Merritt Gray furnished dessert for the meeting. Large Attendance At Soroptimist Club Annual Card Party Nineteen tables of bridge and pinochle were in play Monday evening at All Saints' Episcopal parish house at the annual hay- ride benefit party given by the Soroptimist Club of Heppner. Fall flowers were used about the room and each table was centered with a small vase, made and given to the club by Mrs Floyd Adams. Dessert was served first, with Mrs E E Gonty In charge, assis ted by members of the club. Mrs LaVerne Van Marter held high score In bridge, with Mrs Harry Tamblyn low. In pinochle Mrs Bill Farra was high and Mrs Everett Kelthley low. Mrs Allen Case received the door prize and the special basket went to Dr Wallace Wolff. The proceeds from this annual party go to help finance the Hallowe'en hayrlde given each year by the club for all students In Heppner schools from the 7th grade through high school. Mark Blakney Has Eighth Birthday Mark Blakney celebrated his eighth birthday with a dinner party at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs Philip Blakney on Saturday evening. His guests were Kevin and Kent Pratt and Mark Koenlg. After dinner they attended the show and then returned to the Blakney home for Ice cream and cake. Surprise Party Fetes Mrs Dougherty On Birthday Wednesday A surprise birthday party-open house was given for Mrs E C Dougherty at her home at 7:00 p m Wednesday, Sept 23. The party was given by Mr and Mrs Robert Lovgren and Mr and Mrs Sam Crawford. Mrs Stanley Cox and Linda Van Winkle helped serve the cake, coffee and re freshments. The cake was dec orated with pink rosebuds and bluebirds by Mrs Albert Shunk. Those attending the party were Mr and Mrs Jim Hayes, Mr and Mrs James Farley, Mr and Mrs Gene Ferguson, Mr and Mrs Stanley Cox. Mr and Mrs George Snider, Mr and Mrs Terrel Benge, Mr and Mrs P W Mahoney, Mr and Mrs Del Jordan, Mr and Mrs Pat O'Brien, Mr and Mrs Al Fetsch and son Bobby, Mr and Mrs Harold Cohn, Mr and Mrs Ray Ferguson, Mr and Mrs Con ley Lanham, Mr and Mrs Clive Huston, Mrs Harry Dlnges, Mrs Allen Case, Mrs Ambrose Chapln, Mrs Ray McDowell, Mrs Earl Gil Ham, Mrs Elaine George, Mrs Bud Marshall, Mrs Al Matoon, Mrs Jim Lovgren and son Frankie, Mrs Archie Alderman and daughter Dovie, Mrs Lowell Gribble, Mrs La Verne Van Marter, and Mrs Dougherty's son, Jerry Dougherty and her grand son Chris Lovgren. HEC MEETS AT .WHITES The Rhea Creek HEC met re cently at the mountain home of Mrs Claud White for a potluck dinner. Mrs Ronald Haguewood was given a pink and blue show er in the afternoon. Mrs Salinq Honored At Baby Shower A baby shower for Mrs Mike Saling was given Thursday even ing by Mrs Elwyn Hughes, as sisted by Mrs N D Bailey and Mrs Roy Quackenbush, at the N D Bailey home. Those attending were Mrs Earl Soward, Mrs Max Buschke, Mrs Matt Hughes, Mrs W C Hastings, Mrs Kemp Dick, Mrs Bud Mar shall, Mrs Grace Hughes, Mrs Ellis Pettyjohn, Mrs Tom Har ris, Mrs Ken Marshall, Mrs R G Watkins, Mrs Wayne Harsin, Mrs Bill Heath, Mrs Alien Case, Mrs Creston Robinson, Mrs Glen Irby, Mrs Delbert Piper, and Mrs Tom Ilamm. Those sending gifts but un able to attend were Mrs Lena Kelly, Mrs Don Bellenbrock, Mrs Kenneth Palmer, Mrs Ned Sweek, Mrs Charles Marquardt, Miss Iris Miller, Mrs Homer Hughes, Mrs Hershal Townsend, Mrs Darrel Harris Mrs Lewis McDonald and Mrs Everett Harshman. Wedding In Portland Of Interest Here The wedding of MLss Betty Jean Johnson, daughter of Mr and Mrs Roy J Johnson of Sunny side, Wash to Warren Dale Hill, son of Mr and Mrs Harold H Hill of Coos Bay, will take place Saturday, October 3 at 8:00 p m at the Peace Lutheran church In Portland. Maid of honor will be Miss Moy Peterson and bridesmaids will be Miss Helen Wolff and Miss Carol Johnson. Best man is to be Keith O'Connor and Ray Justice, Don Hie, Dick Nusser, Ken Manns and Clayton Hill the ushers. Miss Johnson is a graduate of Roosevelt high school and at tended Eastern Oregon College at LaGrande for two years. Mr Hill graduated from Marshfleld high school at Coos Bay, attend ed Oregon State College and graduated from Eastern Oregon College In class of 1959. They will make their home in Powers, Oregon where he is the high school science teacher. Housewarming Party Surprises Wolffs Dr and Mrs Wallace Wolff were surprised Saturday evening with a housewarming party at their home. Mr and Mrs Bill Col lins and Mr and Mrs Robert Jones were hosts for the party. The guests were Mr and Mrs Conley Lanham, Mr and Mrs Jim Drlscoll, Mr and Mrs Bob Brindle, Mr and Mrs Bill Blake and Mr and Mrs La Verne Van Marter. A potluck dinner was enjoyed and bridge was played after din ner. Mrs Wolff won high prize. Dr and Mrs Wolff were pre sented with a gift by the guests. Mrs Tibbies Holds High Score At Bridge Mrs Robert Penland was hos tess last Wednesday afternoon at her home, for the Whats Trumps bridge club's first meet ing of the fall. Those attending were Mrs Gene Ferguson, Mrs Earl Blake, Mrs L D Tibbies, Mrs C E Mc Quarrle, Mrs E K Schaffitz, Mrs Raymond Ferguson, Mrs P W Mahoney, Mrs Lowell Gribble, Mrs Claude Graham, Mrs Allen Case, Mrs Bruce Spencer and Mrs Harold Cohn. Mrs Tibbies held high score for the afternoon, Mrs Gene Fer guson was second high, Mrs Mc- Quarrie third and Mrs Gribble low. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS IT'S LUCKY TO WEAR YOUR BIRTH STONE wm0 FOR October m S8.25 " OPAL TOURMALINE ROSE ZIRCON Symbol of hope and guardian against misfortune for her: Whether it be a lovely Opal, a Pink Tourmaline, or a Rose Zircon she will be happy for years with the beauty of her birthstone ring. for him: A Tourmaline or Rose Zircon in a fine gold setting makes an impressive ring a ring he will be proud to wear. Most birthstones available in genuine, synthetic, or imitation stones. $14.95 PETERSONS JEWELERS 3 m VV'ftJ Deer Hunters Welcome to Kinzua Kinzua Corporation extends a welcome to all Deer Hunters to hunt in its timber area. The season openi Saturday, Oct. 3 "Good luck" is our wish to all of you. Hunters have a responsibility to themselves and to their fellow hunters. That is to be CAREFUL. Be careful with your guns, your cars, your matches, your cigarettes, your campfires. Don't let an accident spoil your hunting expedition. OUR LOGGING OPERATIONS WILL CONTINUE For protection of all concerned, we must ask that you do not travel our Frivate Logging Roads and do not hunt in the area of our Logging Operations. Our fallers and other workmen will be scattered through the area. Our trucks will be on the roads. We don't want them hurt. We don't want you hurt. BE SPORTSMEN BE CAREFUL KEEP OREGON GREEN KII3ZUA CORPORATION Mrs Smith Hostess For Bookworms Club The Bookworms met last week at the home of Mrs Ted Smith. and those attending were Mrs Floyd Jones, Mrs Lucy Peterson, Miss Leta Humphreys, Mrs Fred Parrlsh, Mrs Cornett Green, Mrs E W Hughes and Mrs Harold Beeket. Mrs Peterson reviewed the book "The Scarlet Lily." Dessert was served to the group by Mrs Smith. "Truth Is The Aim Of All Research" Recently a research study was performed to find out if people really read the directions and warning! printed on the labels of patent medi c i n e s. Any medicine can be harmful if Improperly taken, or if used when the ingredients are contra-indicated. It was discovered that a very large number of peo ple do not completely read the directions, heed the warnings, or study the for mula, if simple patent remedies are always as safe as some of the ads state, why are cautions a bout their use required by law to be printed on the label? The truth is that aU medicines should be se cured from a pharmacist We can warn you against any possible danger. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE 6-9962 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE e Pick up your prescription if shopping sear us. o let us deliver prompUy with out extra charge. A great many people entrust us with their prescriptions. May we compond yours T PHIL'S PHARMACY 105 N. MAIN PRESCRIPTIONS CHEMISTS Quotation by Albert Bill rothl (1S29-1894) Copyright 1959 (8W2) Order How-Beat the Rush Christmas ' Cards lib IMPRINTED WITH Your Name FOR 25 for $2 45 And Up Come in now and choose your cards while there is still a large selection. Pick out your cards early and not have that worry when the Holiday rush begin. There is a wide selection beautiful cards as low as SZ45 for 25 six bocks to choose from. Heppner Gazette-Times PHONE 6-9228