Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1959)
Two Are Injured In Falls af lone By ECHO PALMATE EH Robert Bendikson Injured his back while working at the Mor row County Grain Growers ele vator Thursday of last week. He slipped and fell between two box cars and fell on his back. He was taken to the Pioneer Mem orial hospital for treatment. His home Is In Rathdrum, Idaho. Morris Bos fell at the Jordan elevator last week and struck his leg on an auger cutting a deep gash just below the knee. He was also taken to the Pioneer Memorial hospital for treatment He is with a contractor from Sunnyside, Wash and have been repairing the Jordan elevator. Mrs Alfred Nelson Is a patient in the Pioneer Memorial hospital. The Three Links Club of the Rebekah lodge met at the home of Mrs Charles O'Connor Friday afternoon, July 24. Plans for their picnic in the city park, August 9 were made. The club will fur nish the punch and coffee. A pic nic dinner will be served at noon for Rebekahs and Odd Fellows and their families and friends. Each should bring their own table service. At the club Mrs David Rietmann had charge of gamesp.and refreshments were served by Mrs O'Connor. Mrs Rietmann received the door prize. Mark Halvorsen, son of Mr and Mrs Lewis Halvorsen, cut the palm of his left hand while water 6kiing at McNary Sunday. He was thrown in the dock and was cut by something there. He was taken to Hermiston for treat ment 8 stitches were required to close the wound. Mrs Olive Engleman returned home from the Pioneer Memorial hospital Saturday of last week. Her daughter, Mrs Esper Han sen of Portland is staying with her. Mrs Ruby Nichols and Mrs Roger Kincaid and children spent last week at Cannon Beach. Mrs Nichols attended a Bible confer ence while there. Mr and Mrs Rodney Crawford Jr and children of Portland spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs Ida Coleman. Mrs Geo Drake is spending a lew days at the coast and visit ing relatives in Forest Grove and Portland. She went down with her daughter and family, Mr and Mrs Ray Turner of Pendleton. Mrs Charles Hudson and child !ren spent a few days in Pendle- Iton with relatives. Mr and Mrs Delmer Crawford gave a birthday party in honor or Robert Jepsen's birthday Sun day evening. Others present were Mrs Jepsen, Mr and Mrs Gene Hall and sons, Mr and Mrs Walter Jacobs and children, Mr and Mrs Pete Cannon. Mrs Cecil Thome and Mrs Gordon White attended the American Legion Auxiliary con vention in Salem last week. Mr and Mrs Tommy Brlstow and children of Portland visited his parents, Mr and Mrs E W Bristow last week. Miss Alice Nlchoson of Port land spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs Edith Nichoson. Mrs Hattle Crabtree returned home last week from Salem where she spent a week. She is now assisting her daughter, Mrs Archie Munkers in Lexington during the harvest Mr and Mrs James Barnett and children, Mr and Mrs Ray Bar nett and Mr and Mrs Eldon Tuck er and children spent Sunday at the James Barnett cabin In the mountains. Lyle Kincaid went on a camp ing trip near Florence. Mr and Mrs Francis Connor and children moved to the Har vey Smith ranch south of lone. Ws the Water When you're thirsty for a gla$$ of cool, refreshing draft beer, look for the blue and red neon window sign that tellsyou there's rare good taste on tapinside. OlYMPIA IRfWINfi COMPANY, OlYMPIA, WASHINGTON, U. I A., 'OlK ' 0-1 They had been living at The i Dalles. Mr and Mrs John Martin and children of Maupin spent Sun day with his brother and family, Mr and Mrs Fredrick Martin. Mr and Mrs John Mulr of San Jose, Calif were visitors at the homes of Mr and Mrs Verner Troedson, Carl Troedson and Jo han Troedson. Mrs Mulr is a cousin of Carl and Verner. Mr and Mrs Dwight Gabbert of Chico, Calif are the parents of a son, Kevin Brlstow, born July 9. Mr and Mrs Holmes Gab bert of lone and Mr and Mrs Frank Kelly of Oswego are the grandparents. Mrs Grace Woods of Portland Is the great-grandmother. Mr and Mrs Lee Crutcher of Portland are the parents of a daughter, Lisa Ann, born July 11. Mr and Mrs Warren Crutcher of Gresham are the grandparents. Mrs Anna Llndstrom of lone is the great-gTandmother. Mrs Dallas Shockley and child ren are spending a few days at the coast and visiting relatives in Portland. The Warren family reunion was held in the city park Sunday with 47 attending. Some came from Naches, Wash, Condon, Spray and Hermiston. A picnic dinner was served at noon. The High school Pilgrim Fel lowship group of the Community church held a swimming party at the pool which was followed by worship at the community church led by Phil Emert Jr, and Linda Halvorsen. Refresh ments were served afterwards at the parsonage. 20 attended. The Baptist Sunday school classes held a picnic in the city park Sunday. Guests present were Tom Lott and Blanchard Hinton of Hattiesberg, Mississippi. Mrs C E Brenner and Judy Eu- banks went to Portland last week. Judy remained at her home in Portland. Mrs Brenner attended the Centennial. Mrs Ida Coleman attended the Centennial in Portland last week and saw the Lawrence Welk show, and also visited at the home of her daughter and fam ily, Mr and Mrs Rodney Crawford Jr. Her granddaughters, Nancy and Patti Crawford and Linda Williams returned home with her. Mr and Mrs James McLarty of Portland were guests at the Ernest Hellker home last week. They also visited the Donald Hel lkers. Mayor and Mrs Charles O'Con nor and daughters attended the Centennial in Portland a few I 65 farmers voted on the wheat I . - . - t nnlrtn hall Tiiim quotas bi uie ucs'u" "uu' day, July 23. In Morgan com munity 24 voted yes and 1 no; In the lone community 24 voted yes and 1 no; In the Gooseberry community 15 voted yes. Mr and Mrs W E Melena re turned home from Idaho Falls, Idaho last week. He is building a grain elevator there. j Mrs Franklin Llndstrom and! Miss Shirlee McGreer were Portland visitors last week. Mrs E Markham Baker and! Mrs Rod MacKenzle left Sunday1 for Camp Adams, a church camp I near Molalla. Tney are attend ing the sessions this week. Dates to Remember:- August 2 Morrow County picnic at Laurelhurst park In Port land. August 4 City council meeting at 8 P M. August 9 Rebekah and Odd Fellow picnic in the city park with a picnic dinner at noon for members of the Rebekah and Odd Fellow lodges and their families and friends. Coffee and punch will be furnished. Each should bring their own table service. Those from here who attended Pomona grange at Irrigon Sat urday were Mr and Mrs Wate Crawford, ..Mrs .Alvin ..McCabe, Mrs Sam Esteb, Mrs Lewis Halv orsen, Mrs Hattie Crabtree, Mrs Harold Dobyns and Linda Halv orsen. Mrs Dobyns is Pomona lecturer and had charge of the program. Wate Crawford Is Po mona steward. Most of them wore centennial costumes. A deer jumped in front of Larry Rietmann's car when he was returning home from Con don a wek ago Sunday. The hood of the car was badly jammed. The deer was killed by the im pact. Larry and Kenneth Bren ner who were with him, returned to Condon and reported the acci dent Books added to the lone Pub lic library are: The Forest Cav alier, Flanagan; Hear This Wo men, Ben and Ann Pinchot; The Little Ark, DeHartog; Long Storm, Haycox. Renee Leathers is visiting her grandmother, Mrs Golda Eu banks In Portland. Dalene McDonald and Marllee Leathers are visiting In Seattle. LEXINGTON Dinner guests on Friday at the E E Peck home were Doc and Mrs Wilbur Millet of Eu gene, Ette Millet and Emma P Peck of Pendleton. HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, July 30. 1959 Mr and Mrs James Peck were Farkdale visitors at the Grover Peck home on Sunday. Mr and Mrs T E Messenger Sr were Lexington visitors on Sun day and Mrs Messenger remain ed for a visit with their child ren. Printing Is Our Business I See Us LUTHERANS May we show you what Luth eran Brotherhood will do for you. Write STANLEY McCALLUM 1923 W. 5th Ave. Kennewick, Wash. nnn n ran iiiiir i r riAinni UV uu IM Q U E E s u no N FOR Wheeler County Fair & Rodeo DESCRIPTION- SEX-FEMALE MARITAL STATUS-SINGLE AGE-14 THROUGH 17 EYES-ANY COLOR HEIGHT-ANY HEIGHT WEIGHT-ANY WEIGHT HOBBY-HORSEMANSHIP RESIDENCE-LEGAL RESIDENCE IN GILLIAM, WHEELER OR MORROW COUNTIES itHmiiimiiiHiMiiiiiiiiittMiittiiitiiiiiiiiimiitimitmiiiiHiiiimiiiii TRYOUTS AT FOSSIL FAIRGROUNDS FOSSIL, OREGON SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 AT 8 P. M. llinilllMUItlllllllllHIIIIIHMIHIHHMIIimMUMMIIIIIHIIHIHIIHIHHIIlim For Further Information, Write JACK STEIWER, Secretary, Fair Board Fossil, Oregon PLAN YOUR EXHIBITS WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW . ' ' ' ..... NOW OR THE jj Big Days --F A I R--AUG. 26, 27, 28, 29 --ROD EO--AUG. 29 and 30 AVAILABLE NEXT WEEK AT COUNTY AGENT'S OFFICE PLAN YOUR EXHIBITS NOWI fflmmttmmtimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiii:iimiiiiiiiii mim EVERYONE IS WORKING TO MAKE THIS THE Biggest Fair Yet YOUR EXHIBITS WILL HELP OREGON WHEAT LEAGUE Cake Baking Contest PLAN TO ENTER mtiniiiiiiii::;mumu;mi;iiiiiiiiiii::;uwnu) MANY OTHER CONTESTS SEE YOUR PREMIUM LIST wmttmtiiiiiiiimimntin) REMEMBER- 4-H FAIR STARTS ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26 OPEN CLASS STARTS THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 Join in the Fun! Sweepstakes Awards FOR HAY, GRASSES b GRAINS With the bountiful crops this year, now Is the time to pick out your best samples for display. A big grain and hay ex hibit is interesting. NEW AWARDS THIS YEAR CHAMPION 4-H HORSE SHOWMAN Award Given by Paul Pettyjohn, lone CHAMPION 4-H FAT STEER AWARD Award Given by Herbert Ekstrom & Sons, lone 4-H AGRICULTURE AWARD Given by the Harold Beach Family, Lexington A NEW EVENT THIS YEAR 4-H Saddle Horse Show Wednesday night in the Arona