Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1959)
Lexington News By DELPHA JONES Mrs Mildred Faircloth of Lex ington accompanied a group of Pendleton women to Portland over the weekend where she was a delegate on "Recognition Day" for Tops clubs of Oregon. She has been a member of the Twi lfght Scalers of Pendleton. There were about 900 women present for the convention in Portland. Others going were Mrs Mildred Rhode, Mrs Edna Stark, Mrs James David, Mrs Tad Holt and Mrs Vernon Springer. Mrs Fair cloth was a second place winner in her division and was given recognition at this time. Mrs Darrell Faircloth of Pen dleton visited last Wednesday with her brother-in-law and fam ily, Mr and Mrs Tom Faircloth, ' Mr and Mrs Eldon Padberg and daughter Jill were Pendle ton visitors Monday. Mrs Morris McCarl and child ren and mother, Mrs Bertha Hunt and Charlene Jones were visitors in Eugene over the weekend with Mrs Hunt's son Donald. Mrs j McCarl and children also visited with Mr McCarl's parents in Harrisburg, and Mrs Hunt and Charlene visited with Nadine Waddill, Phyllis Nolan, and Mr and Mrs Don Campbell. They were shown around the Univer sity campus and Northwest Christian College. Gary Hunt, small son of Mr and Mrs Dean Hunt, returned home last Tuesday from The Dalles where he underwent a tonsilectomy at Mid-Columbia hospital. Mr and Mrs Bergen Ledbetter and Mr and Mrs Johnnie Led better were Spokane visitors over the weekend. , Mrs L A Palmer is at home after a stay in Pioneer Memorial hospital. Long Distance Nation-Wide Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans PENLAND BROS. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton, Oregon Phone CR 6-3111 For More Profit Per Acre From Wheat Land... SSM Use Phillips 66 Agricultural Ammonia Take the amount of nitrogen that soil tests show you need for your wheat land. Then fig ure how many fewer pounds of the 82$ nitrogen in Phillips 66 Agricultural Ammonia will be re quired to fertilize your grain, compared to other less concentrated nitrogen fertilizers. Now, add this big advantage to the higher yields you can get with Phillips 66 Agricultural Ammonia - and you'll see these benefits mean more profit per acre for you. But that's not all. This 82$ nitrogen encour ages deep, strong root systems that resist winter kill, and enables your plants to use more avail able moisture. For more profit per acre from your wheat land, use Phillips 66 Agricultural Ammonia. ORDER YOUR SUPPLY TODAY SOIL TESTING SERVICE EKSTROM FARM CHEMICALS Mr and Mrs 0 G Breeding are visiting their daughter, Mrs Wanda Grant and sons In Yam hill and a daughter, Mr and Mrs Floyd Smith in Roseburg. Mr and Mrs Gar Leyva and Mr and Mrs O W Cutsforth spent the weekend in Los Vegas, Nevada where they attended an air show. The meeting of the Tops Club was held at the city hall on Monday night. The meeting was called to order by the acting chairman, Mrs Faircloth. At this meeting the club projects were lightly covered again by Mrs Faircloth, and election of officers was held with the following be ing elected to office: chairman, Mrs Faircloth; assistant leader, Mrs C C Jones; secretary, Mrs LaVerne Henderson; treasurer, Mrs Kay Winkleman; song lead er, Mrs Faye Munkers; assistant Mrs Rena Marquardt. The group chose the name Be Lighters for the group. There were 14 members present. Mrs LaVerne Henderson, and Billy Irvin and Mrs C C Jones and children Charlene and Ken ny were Milton-Freewater vis itors on Monday, on business and later visited at the A A Durand home in Walla Walla. Mrs A F Majeske, Mrs Flor ence McMillan, Mrs Jo Irvin, Mrs C C Jones were guests at the Franklin Lindstrom home one day last week. There are several people con fined to their home this week because of illness. Mr and Mrs Carl Marquardt and children were Mitchell vis itors over the weekend. Mrs Truman Messenger Sr, re turned to her home in Mitchell last Monday after a few days at the home of her son and fam ily, Mr and Mrs Franklin Mess enger. Mrs Jim Peck was a visitor in Umatilla and Hermiston on Mon day. Let's not forget the Rebekah card party, food sale and bazaar on Wednesday afternoon at the IOOF hall. The proceeds will go to send the delegates to the con vention. Let's all come out. The Women's Fello w s h i p group met at the home of the president, Mrs W E McMillan on Tuesday afternoon. A report was given on the meeting in Hermiston a few days ago, and it was also voted to purchase blessing boxes for the members to use. A missionary chairman, Mrs Mae Campbell was appoin ted to carry out the missionary project for the year, and In this project stamp collecting will be carried out Anyone having the following stamps on letters are asked to cut them out, do not steam off, and turn over to Mrs Campbell or Mrs Jones. These will be sold and the money to go to the missionary project. Commemoration or mem o r 1 a 1 stamps, special delivery stamps, special airmail stamps (except 6 and 7 cent red and blue) for eign stamps. Any stamp five cents and over, special 1,. 2, 3, and 4 cent stamps. We can not use the common stamps up to 8 cents. Leave the stamp glued to the paper and cut carefully around it leaving a bit of the paper. Plans were discussed for this Sunday. Don Campbell will be ordained in the local church. Rena and Betty Marquardt were appointed on this committee. The next meeting will be at the Cuts forth ranch and devotionals will be by Rena Marquardt Refreshments were served to Rena Marquardt, Dona Barnett, Mae Campbell, Trina Parker, Annie Keene, LaVerne Hender son, Mitzie Peck, and Delpha Jones and the hostess, Florence McMillan. Mr and Mrs Roy Martin and Mr and Mrs Fred Pointer of Corvallis were visitors In Las Vegas last weekend. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Phone Your News Items to 6-9228 HUIJ1J.WI ' 111 11 1 1 to US mm t i fill jh " 2$ tijjj Qf top EtfWMS W,t-taiBMWHfe vi-i t otfffi X Cl ',t 1 r ! 4 UeaTwCoyslJ 1 1 C&1 J, fj"j t---5 " '. : ,; ' -tF?5FrX Real MvZJ '- ' u , . 'bs5nL 4 T iL-Z r . - jK y X'"' ' r---, . . " i'i--- : j 7 ; ( , Oregon's FIRST-lelevjsion Stations , ' ' Boardman Notes Mr and Mrs Arthur Allen, Roy Rordell and Mr and Mrs Clyde Tannehill went to La Grande Sunday where the Aliens and Rordell visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Tom Hunt, residents of Boardman about 25 years ago. The Tannehills visited at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Donald Tannehill. Mr and Mrs Arthur Allen have received word that their son, Gene Allen, student at U of W, Seattle, Wash, recently won sec ond in the national intercolleg iate billiards tournament at the University of Illinois in Cham-paign-Urbana, near .Chicago, 111. Mrs Arthur Allen was hostess for the Boardman Garden Club at her home Monday night, with Mrs Elmer Messenger as co-hostess, Roll call was answered by giving a favorite garden tool. RANCH AERO OWNED AND OPERATED BY PAUL N. HANSEN NOW OFFERING assistance to ranchers of this area with Your spraying prob lems. , Coll Heppner 6-9695 or 6-9471 . Nominating committee appoin ted for next years officers was: Mrs Glen Carpenter, Mrs Royal Rands and Mrs Messenger. The club voted to give one-half a 4-H scholarship. Date for the spring flower show will be May 15 at the grange hall. Mrs Nathan Thorpe read arti cles on trimming shrubs and pre serving cut spring flowers, and a poem, "Plant Stubborness." Mrs Allen read an article on ladybugs for destroying pests, and a poem, "A Farm Mother's Song of Seasons." Mrs Dewey West attended a county committee meeting at the home of Mrs Bryce Keene on Rhea Creek Monday. IONE Kenneth Smouse and son, Ken neth Jr, and Grant Rigby Jr made a trip to Portland last week where Kenneth Jr entered his science exhibit in the State Scl- HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, April 23, 19S9 ence Exposition there. The exhi bits will be Judged this week. Roger Kincaid is building a garage on his property on Second street. j Melvin Melena built a fence , around his home on Second street Those from here who attended the Sam Moore trap shoot in H-, From where Little Pinky Roberts was so f i id of her two baby rabbits tasy didn't have the heart to tell her they had run away. "Just had to replace those rabbits before Pinky came home from school," Easy said. "Trouble was the only two available wore full grown. "I figured they'd have to do," he went on, "so I just hoped for the best. Then, when Pinky saw the rabbits she ran into the house, yelling, 'Wait'll you see my rabbits! Those vitamins made them tu-ire as big!'" ( opwinht, Hermiston Sunday were, Mr and Mrs Harvey Smith, Mr and Mrs Hershall Townsend and family, Mr and Mrs Lawrence Jones and Kenneth Jones, Mr and Mrs George Snider, Mr and Mrs Wal lace Garsland, Mrs Ida Coleman and Mr and Mrs Clyde Craw ford. Morrow county came out second in the shoot JJtWfMMt I sit ... ly Joe Marsh Magic Easy Does It From where I lit, children see things as they'd "like them to be," but adults ought to see things as they are. For Instance, we can't close our eyee to in tolerance and call ourselves "good neighbors." If I donl re spect your choice of tea or cof fee and you don't respect mine for beer, that's Intolerance and no excuses. On the other hand, tolerance makes good niendi "multiply." 1"59, United Stain Hrewers Foundation PHONE 8-7289 IONE, OREGON