Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1959)
8 HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, March 19. i959 Lee Slocum Rites Held at Monument By MARTHA MATTESON Lawrence Lee Slocum, 76 pass ed away March 13 at his home in Monument. He was born March 8, 1883 near Springfield, Penn and came to Heppner when he was about 5 years old with his uncle Albert Slocum who raised him after the death of his parents. He moved to Monument In 1937 where he resided until his death. He ranched and did carpenter work. He was a member of the Heppner Masonic lodge. Funeral services were held March 16 at the Monument Com munity church with the Rev Jack Chan officiating. Seven members of the Heppner Masonic lodge conducted the departing services. ITusic was provided by the Mon ument choir and pall bearers were Elmer Matteson, Henry Durst, George Stirritt, Mead, Miles and Willard Gillman. Interment was in a Pendleton cemetery under the direction of Driskill's Mortuary of John Day. He is survived by his wife Ida; two sons by a previous marriage, Gerald Slocum of Monument, and Jack Slocum of Tacoma; one step-daughter, Beth Hynd, Cecil; two step-sons, Rho Bleakman and Maynard Hamilton both of Mon ument. Word came Monday that Mrs Arthur Kitt, known here as Van ita, had passed away at her home in Klamath Falls and was buried March 16. She formerly lived In Monument and is re membered as a great pianist Dick Williams is busy doing some land leveling at the Ca-pon-Gertson ranch. Babler Bros, Inc of Portland submitted a low bid of $25,217,50 for furnishing crushed rock in the Kimbcrly Round Basin creek area. The workers are staying at Monument and the crusher is about a half mile from town to wards Kimberly. Willard Gilman drove Mrs Ray Davis and young Ray to Heppner where Ray received medical aid. Lex Three Links Elect Officers By DELPHA JONES The Three Links club met at Name Mr and Mrs Wayne Leathers drove to John Day Saturday for checkups for their two children. Gary Osborne and Mr and Mrs tne nom? of Mrs Earl Warner Bob Paxton and two children of on Thursday of last week. The Burns visited Saturday at the meeting was called to order by Sam Scott home. .the acting president, Delpha n- nf dkai4 r-c , nu iiiuiuufs were reaa and children were in John Day dn PPJ i The J3' day Saturday i dinner was discussed and the Mrs Earl Barnard accompanied CfllZ iTp'm Wi" Mr and Mrs Covington to Prlne- 'r f1- sho,wer ville Wednesday. 0T.the fRe kitchen was ? an" Mrs George Capon and her mo- "fj" he!e re,s? ny, ther, Mrs Delsla Sweek spent f edcd "Plenlsh the kitchen. Thursday and Saturday in John A T ll Irvln',?da n towt n ni v, Majeske, Catie Padberg and Dim- t,Airi m. P'e Munkers was appointed to day with pneumonia. f a " Harold Ayers Mr and Mrs Bill Settle drove "ly " Vi u' t "r t n.- to Pendleton Friday on business. r'TV"' Mr and Mrs Elmo Lewis of f " " w. 0. George . ... vlrA nrPKinpnr nnn Ann a roanA I c Cottonwood were Sunday visit- '"J" ,7s" ......... , of h. wi f thai ,,. secretary-treasurer and Catie ter and family, the Ray Davis's. '"Z ; '? lo Virgil Reynolds spent the week- rs. J-T vAs end at the Ray Davis ranch. " " " u " Maynard Hamilton and Gerald " V "c"1 ei.. tv, na tvi. we 's "u jwniuisoii ui ner- OlUUUJIl UIUVC LU tfUUIl J-'iy A 11 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX WARRANTS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to ORS. 311.615 of the ser vice of Personal Property Tax Warrants upon the following listed taxpayers. Payment of the following listed delinquent taxes with interest and costs of service must be made by April 9, 1959, or said warrants shall be filed with the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon to be entered in the Judgment docket of said county and shall become a lien upon the title to any interest in real property owned by the person against whom the warrant is Issued, and the taxes on personal property embraced In the warrant with interest, penalties and costs applicable thereto, 6hall continue as a lien on all the personal property of the person assessed as otherwise provided by law. The effect shall be the same as though the people of the county had recovered the Judgment a gainst the person charged for the full amount of the delinquent taxes covered by the warrant together with interest thereon and co st as provided by law. Albert Schunk C E. Lynch Cals Tavern dba C. E. Lynch day on business. miston, Beulah Ilynds of Cecil, Louie's Woodworking Shop O'Donnell's dba Harry & Claire O'Donnell Storro Brothers Bernard Hartman Walton Young Floyd Hutchins F. E. Moyers ' Admj young lassie named Joyce "eard a chassis noise in her Rolls R0yCe fill she found (with elation!) Stop-Wear Lubrication; When her Royce rolls now, Joyce can rejoice! Remember I Moving partt you hear today may be gone tomorrow! So take the pre caution of regular Stop-Wear Lubrication, lt'i the finest lubrication., because it'i custom, for every make of car. Only at your Union 76 Station. UNION OIL COMPANY of California ttf hti It Spoilt Book! it Union Oil Sltllonl onMrcn t Annie Keene of lone, Delpha nu uia cf,i r,,rt Jones, Margaret Nichols, Dimple MaThSrVt'Theome of Mrs Munkers, Freda Majeske Catie . T?r,r,iac Padberg, Jo Irvin, and the hostess h. n Cora Warner. Delicious refresh- Heppner Wednesday where she nts were served later ln the joined Mrs Ora Evans on a trip L ctiQ m pia!,i,rr,nn ,m Mrs L D Vinson of Monument visit her' daughter, Mrs Bob as a visitor with her parents, Inrluprwnnrl iur anu lvus -rls rdmvci, inurs- Mr onH Mrs Rtnnlov Rnvpf ay- hmnrht their nlrlest son Jimmv L A Palmer is again a patient hr,m TWsrlpv fmm Penrlletnn in Pioneer Memorial hospital. where he had been in the hos-1 Bertha Hunt and Delpha Jones nn.mnni9 were callers in Hermiston on Mr and Mrs Henrv Martin were Monday at the Altha Kirk home. Delbert & Darrel Vinson called to P r 1 n e v i 1 1 e over the Fred Pointer and Bill Kennedy weekend as their son Ansil was of Corvallis were visitors in Lex- down with the flu. They brought ln6ton over tne weekend. Hugh Grim, Jr. u-i. ui- a n, n House euests at the Gar Lewa keep" for a S or o. fhelr home over the weekend were Mr Harry E Lutz - Dan Bill's son lick went wun mem anu will work in a bakery there, of LaKeview, ana Ann sKanns Out of towh people here for and children of Fendieton. J. A. & Grace Shoun the final rites for Lee Slocum Mr and Mrs ranKiin una- were Herb Hynd and relatives of strom of lone entertained with a vvm. n. ranter Cecil; Mr and Mrs Dave Mus- ounet dinner at ineir rancn grave of Mt Vernon; Mrs Mar- home on Sunday night. Those vin Saddler of Klnzua; Mr and present from Lexington were Arnold Braat Mrs Pete Slocum of The Dalles: Mr and Mrs Gar Leyva and Mr and Mrs Jack Slocum, Ta- house guests, Mr and Mrs coma: Mrs Blanche Slocum of Armin Wihlon, Mr and Mrs 0 W . . . livirs iiaroid cecKei oi neppner. anu 1 Mrs Clarice McFadden is visit ing her daughter and husband, Harold C. Baker Mr and Mrs Al Frost ln Kinzua this week. Mr and Mrs Al Frost of Kin- Delbert C. Carpenter zua were cauers in Lexington on Sunday. Fred Garrett MissMarlene Calyer i and Mrs Ra nd Gronqulst V.IieilJ' 1 It. 1 lliu Jl II ITIIC IIIIIIIOIUII visitors this week. Mrs Eileen Padberi? entertain ed with a coffee hour at her home Arnold Hoffman on Tuesday morning for crippled children s Easter seal drive. Those present were Jerry Doherty, Clifford Jones Mildred Davidson, Lois Hunt, T.nrflrirt T.fvlhnttnr Tossi TTatfiplH Shirley McCarl, Faye Thornburg, Rov w- Olmstead Gena Leonard, Mrs Wells a guest L. G. Shattuck of Mrs Leonard s. Mr nnH Mrs TTHnn PaHhprc. and Mrs Aimee Sperry of Lex- Skoubo Bro's & Anna Ington and Mrs Jesse Griffin fo Heppner attended the funeral services in Portland on Tuesday Dave Kaylor of Denice Ahalt. Let's not forget the Easter ham dinner to be served In the IOOF hall! The Three Links club dinner planned for Easter Sunday from 1 to 3 has been changed to 1 to 4 o'clock. At the Judging of the U N Wm. J. Gollyhorn speecnes on Friday nignt cnar- Inn a lntioo lira a rrincnn fr nnm . pete ln the finals in Pendle- M- 1 & Allce Smlth ton on Saturday night. The judg- Buford L. WItherspoon es ior me evening were jean Nelson of Ionp. Mrs Ike Cole of Lexington and Rev Bdulden 0f Rlchard Dewey Heppner. Mr and Mrs Dean Hunt and Lavene VanMarter Sr. children were LaGrande visitors Saturday, and whila there thev visited Joan Patrick. Ray Paplneau L E. Ruhl Woodrow Huston & Myron Huston United Studs, Inc. J Phone your nows Items to 8-9228. FINE KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON lwj Lf.j fPvj 'i, ' , ' , ' 'jesi: v5v III mm mM'iwwMlB ilEBUmttl mature s imest oouroon 435 Hicre is none better ! '2 THE OLD HERMITAGE CO., LOUISVILLE, KY. DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CO, 86 PROOF Gladys Young Henry G. Peck R. B. Rands Roy E. Ball Erwln C. Flock Jack Taylor M. A. Watts W. B. Gottchalk co Van Buskirk & Lloyd Swanson & Hamlett A. E. Stefan! A. A. StefanI Harold Beckett H. J. Delameter ' Raymond Schroth M. L Case, Est Interest To Description Year Tax March IS, 59 Total Trailer House 4 Carpenter tools 1956-57 5.75 $ 30 1957- 58 5.39 .41 1958- 59 5.50 .05 18.00 Logging Equipment 1956-57 212.86 33.36 1957- 58 269.77 20.69 1958- 59 27.50 .23 564.41 Tavern & Restaurant 1956-57 127.30 19.95 1957- 58 149.15 11.44 1958- 59 11239 .93 421.06 Trailer House 1956-57 50.34 7.89 5833 Beauty Shop 1956-57 27.04 434 3138 Horses, saddles & Equipment 1956-57 12.06 L89 1957- 58 4.72 . J36 1958- 59 4.84 M 23.91 Woodworking Equipment 1956-57 " 26.21 4.11 1957- 58 38.23 3.31 1958- 59 34.85 39 106.01 Restaurant, Lounge & Pastime 1955-56 546.03 129.25 1956- 57 711.78 111.54 1957- 58 808.06 61.98 1958- 59 546.92 - 4.54 2,920.10 Contractor & Builder 1956-57 14.14 232 1957- 58 134.99 10.35 1958- 59 116.64 .97 279.31 Trailer House 1956-57 11.23 1.76 12.99 Trailer House 1956-57 45.76 7.17 52.93 Livestock 1956-57 4.99 .78 1957-58 11.80 .90 18.47 Farm Equipment 1956-57 33.06 5.18 1957- 58 28.10 2.16 1958- 59 1&38 J5 87.03 - Farm Equipment & livestock 1956-57 52.72 8.26 1957- 58 31 2 2.44 1958- 59 29.03 34 124.51 Farm Equipment & livestock 1956-57 5.02 .79 5.81 Restaurant & Pastime 1956-57 10.05 1.57 1957- 58 10.13 .78 1958- 59. 17.33 .14 40.00 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1956-57 . 8.16 138 9.44 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1956-57 " 3935 6.15 1957- 58 20.48 157 1958- 59 5.57 .05 73.07 Farm Machinery & Equipment 1956-57 188.48 25.53 1957- 58 58.50 5.66 1958- 59 65.31 M 344.02 Tavern 1956-57 4430 6.93 1957- 58 12.36 35 1958- 59 20.01 .17 8462 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1956-57 112.73 17.66 1957- 58 33.04 2.53 1958- 59 124.02 1.02 291.01 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1956-57 6.98 1.09 8.07 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1956-57 74.34 11.65 1 85.99 Service Station & Consignment 1956-57 80.62 12.63 ' 1957- 58 973 4 7.46 1958- 59 62.43 J52 260.90 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1956-57 75.73 11.87 1957- 58 71.05 5.45 1958- 59 58.83 .49 223.42 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1956-57 15356 24.06 1957- 53 130.90 10.04 318.56 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1956-57 50.61 7.93 5&54 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1956-57 2139 &33 1958- 59 3.98 .03 28.63 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1956-57 429.62 67.32 1957- 58 191.45 14.68 1958- 59 170.93 1.42 875.42 Livestock 1956-57 4188 6JX 48.44 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1957-58 13357 1033 1958-59 113J9 .94 257.73 Farm Machinery & Livestock 1957-58 1151 1.00 1958-59 1159 .09 23.99 Sawmill 1957-58 890.93 6133 1958-59 82450 654 1,790.40 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1957-58 7.04 54 1958-59 2.97 .02 1057 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1957-58 18.24 1.40 19.64 Farm Equip & Livestock 1957-58 166.72 12.79 1958-59 163.98 156 344.85 Livestock 1957-58 9.92 . .76 1958-59 3535 39 4632 Trailer House 1957-58 1256 .95 1958-59 11.73 .10 25.14 Livestock 1957-58 1256 55 13.31 Livestock 1957-58 3.40 36 1958-59 5.18 SA 853 Farm Implements 1957-58 22.64 1.74 2458 Livestock & Machinery 1957-58 22.64 174 1958-59 81.06 57 106.11 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1957-58 37.10 255 1958-59 31.40 35 7051 Farm Equipment t Livestock 1957-58 3150 2 42 Trailer Court 1958-59 4253 55 7650 Farm Equipment k Livestock 1957-58 35.35 2.71 1958-59 35.38 39 74.73 Trailer House 1957-58 7.35 1958-59 755 .06 15.52 Farm Equipment & Livestock 1955-56 267.87 58.05 1956- 57 42140 66.35 815.67 Insurance, Furniture & Fixtures 1956-57 10.30 1 61 1957-58 10.64 82 1958-59 10.74 .09 3120 Farm Livestock 1956-57 166.70 26.12 1957- 58 79.13 6.07 1958- 59 12353 1.03 40258 Farm Equipment 1957-58 279.46 2143 1958-59 18356 L52 485.97 Blacksmith-Welding 1956-57 4150 6 09 1957- 58 3104 233 1958- 59 4259 55 126.10 Farm Equipment 1957-58 46.62 358 1958-59 32.08 37 8255 Amusement Machines 1957-58 37.73 2.89 40.62 Apartments 1956-57 274.18 4032 1957-58 421.97 UX 195859 38536 330 . U37.19 (Continued on P& Nlnt)