Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1958)
8 HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, Soptombor 18. 19SS Boardman Fair Winners Named By MART LEE MARLOW Winners In the domestic arts division at the North Morrow county fair are as follows: lunch cloth embroidered Madge Bish op, first; Rita Lavorato, second; Hazel Carpenter, third, all of Boardman. Lunch cloth, crochet Mrs Llllls Gerking, Boardman, first; Mrs Adolph Skoubo, Board man, second; Marguerite Hough ton, Irrigon, third. Tablecloth, embroidered Hazel Carpenter, first. Cross stitch piece Margue rite Houghton, first. Pillow cases, embroidered Marguerite Hough ton, first; Laura Allen, Board man, second; Eva Briggs, Board man, third. Pillow cases, cut work Eva Briggs, first; Pillow cases, cross stitch Eva Briggs, first; Laura Allen, second; Ruth Hoffman, Boardman, third. Pil low cases, applique Frances Mc Coy, first; Mrs Fred Adams, sec ond, both of Irrigon. Pillow cases, crochet trim Emma Simcox, Boardman, first; Nellie Knlghten, Irrigon, second; Emma Simcox, third. Scarf, embroidered Nellie Knlghten, first; Rita Lavorato, second; Mrs Leo Potts, Board man, third. Scarf, cutwork Mar guerite Houghton, first. Scarf, cross stitch Eva Briggs, first; Laura Allen, second and third. Scarf, crochet Mrs Adolph Skou bo, first; Mrs Lillis Gerking, sec ond. Pillow cases, tatted trim Eunice Anderson, Boardman, sec ond. Towel, embroidered Rita Lavorato, first. Towel, crochet trim Mrs Fred Adams, first; Emma Simcox, second. Chair set, embroidered Irene Potts, Board man, first. Chair set, crochet, fine thread Rita Lavorato, first and second; Mrs Adolph Skoubo, third. Chair set, crochet, heavy thread Violet Hill, Irrigon, first; Mrs Fred Adams, second; Mrs Adolph Skoubo, third. Buffet set, crochet, fine thread Margaret Klitz, Boardman, first; Rita La vorato, sceond; Emma Simcox, third. Buffet set, crochet, heavy thread Mrs Fred Adams, first. Centerpiece, crochet, fine thread Rita Lavorato, first; Margaret Rlppee, Heppner, second; Mrs Lll lls Gerking, third. Centerpiece, crochet, heavy thread Connie Swearlngen, Irrigon, first; Mar garet Weaver, Irrigon, second; Marie Houston, Boardman, third. Tea towels, embroidered Madge Bishop, first; Violet Hill, second; Gladys Conner, Heppner, third. Tea towels, applique Gladys Conner, first. Towels, guest 1 pair embroidered Laura Allen, first. Tablecloth, crochet Mrs Llllls Gerking, first. Doily, crochet, fine thread Ruth Hoffman, first; Rita Lavorato, second; Margaret Rlppee, third. Doily, crochet, heavy thread Marie Houston, first; Margaret Weaver, second; Long Distance Natlon-Wldo Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans Penland Bros. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton, Oregon Phon 838 c GET YOURS NOW AT THIS LOW PRICE PERMANENT TYPE Ml WINTER TREAD THE GENERAL TIRE Josephine Buchanan, Irrl g o n, third. Edgings, chochet Emma Simcox, first; Rita Lavorato, sec ond; Marie Baker, Boardman, third. Collar, crochet Mrs Adolph Skoubo, first. Doll clothes, crochet Mrs Fred Adams, first. Doll clothes, cloth Carol Getz, Boardman. first. Pot holders, cro chetViolet Hill, first; Ruth Fer guson. Boardman. second; Gracla Stewart, Boardman, third. Hot plate mats, crochet Violet Hill, first, Emma Simcox, second; Ruth Ferguson, third. Needle pointMrs Adolph Skoubo, sec ond. Punch work Mrs Adolph Skoubo, first; Frances McCoy, second. Apron, fancy Frances Gauger, Boardman, first; Mrs Nels Kristensen, Boardman, see on d ; Frances McCoy, third. Apron, plain Viola Berger, Irri gon, first; Mrs Nels Kristensen, second; Mrs Harold Baker, Board man, third. Apron, crochet Mrs Fred Adams, first. Stole, wool crochet Flossie Coats, Board man, first; Mrs Fred Adams; sec ond: Violet Hill, third. Stole, wool knit Emma Simcox, sec ond. Knit socks Mrs Adolf Skou bo, first; Ruth Hoffman, second; Bettv Kuhn. Boardman, third. Boudoir pillow Hazel Carpen ter, second. Couch pillow Fran ces McCoy, first; Mrs William Graybeal, Irrigon, second; Mrs Adolf Skoubo, third. Wool pillow, knit Mrs Adolf Skoubo, first. Cotton pillow, crochet Mrs Adolf Skoubo. second. Rug crochet Laura Allen first. Rug, hooked rag Carol Getz, first. Rug, any variety Ruth Ferguson, second. Afghan, knit Agnes Brown, Irrigon, sec ond. Cotton piece quilt Sedalla Dexter, Irrigon, first. Cotton quilt, quilted Sedalla Dexter, first. Childs coat Bernlce Kuhn, Boardman, first. Set of three In fant garments, crochet Mrs Fred Adams, first; Mrs Adolf Skoubo, second. Chllds dress Carol Getz, first; Janet Skoubo, Boardman, second; Betty Kuhn, third. Boys pants Mary David, Boardman, first; Frances Gauger, second. Boys shirt Ruth Hoffman, sec ond. Three made over garments, girls Janet Skoubo first. Knit sweater Carol Getz, first. Better blouse Carol Getz, first; Viola Berger, second. Cotton blouse Betty Kuhn, first. Skirt, wool Viola Berger, first; Connie Swear lngen, second. Cotton dress Viola Berger, first; Connie Swear ingen, second; Margaret Thorpe, Boardman, third. Better dress Margaret Thorpe, first. Tailored suit Margaret Thorpe, second. TO LEAVE FOR SCHOOL Bob Laughlin and Eddie Gro shens were In Pollatch, Idaho over the weekend visiting Bob Bryant. Bob Bryant returned with them and will attend OTI in Klamath Falls this year. Others returning to various schools will be Lowell Turner who will attend Willamette Uni versity in Salem for his Junior year, Bob Laughlin, who will be driving down with his parents, Mr and Mrs Lester Wyman this week for enrollment In the Uni versity for his freshman year, and Miss Judy Collins, who will also bo attending the University of Oregon. ETHYLENE -GLYCOL BASE 95 GALLON IN CASE RECAPS, 650-16 Ford's Tire Service N. Main Wayne Snyder, Mgr. Savings Bonds Sates Climb in August Mnrmw rountv savings bonds culpa for Aueust amounted to $18,368, Jack Bedford, county savings bonds chairman announ ced here today. Ho comDared this with sales of $11,984 for August of last year and said total sales in tne county for the first eight months of this year are $127,614. stale sales for August were $2,564,902 as compared with $3,632,632 for August of 1957 ana the eight-months' total this year is $24,961,902 as compared with $25,237,145 for the same period a year ago. "Every American who buys savings bonds is not only build ing personal financial security, but also helping in the vital job of helping America retain a free way of life by contributing to his country's financial stability through savings," the county chairman said. Heppner Youth Gets OSC Scholarship Fourteen Oregon high school graduates who will enroll In ag riculture this fall at Oregon State college have been awarded $192 scholarships. Winners of the study grants, sponsored annually by Sears-Roebuck Foundation, was announced by William M Lancan. college agricultural stu dent personnel advisor. Main considerations in selec tion are high school scholarship records and achievement In eith er 411 club, or Future Farmers of America. Among the 14 winners is John David (Jack) Sumner, son of Mr and Mrs J C Sumner of Hep Dner. He plans to major In agri cultural engineering. Justice and Municipal Courts Lewis Wayne Ball, violation of basic rule, $25 fine. Harlow Hopkins Cossitt, over width load, $10 fine. Ralph L Griffin, illegal U turn, $5 fine. HOSPITAL NEWS Delpha Nelson, Lexington, dis missed; Esther Hassing, Condon, dismissed; Robert Ferrell, Kin zua, dismissed; Philip Carlson, lone; Jimmy Swanson, lone, dis missed; Rita Pettyjohn. Heppner, dismissed; Jim K Arbogast, Con don; Marie Fore, Heppner, dis missed; Melissa Hubbard, lone, dismissed; Ivan McDaniel, Hepp ner. POTLUCK HELD There was a "Get Acquainted" potluck dinner held in the school cafeteria Monday evening, Sept 15, for the Heppner school staff and school board and their fam ilies. HEC TO MEET The Uhea Creek HEC will meet Thursday, Sept 25 at the home of Mrs Rod Murray. It will be an all day meeting with potluck at noon. ' Mr and Mrs Frank E Parker and Mr and Mrs Ben Anderson were In Tacoma for a 10 day vis it with Mrs Parker's sister. J LOTS $13.20 UP Phone 6-9481 Party Line PICKUPS- Ernie Winchester and his son Lowell left Friday for a week of fishing In Merritt B C, Canada. Mr and Mrs Jack Bedford left last weekend for a trip to the Oregon coast ' Mr and Mrs Herman Parker were in Heppner last weekend to help celebrate her father's birthday. Mrs Parker is the dau ghter of Mr and Mrs Clive Hus ton. Mr and Mrs Garnett Barratt were In Portland and Salem last week on a business trip. Mr and Mrs Alfred Mattoon re turned the end of last week from a visit in Portland. Keith Imua was In Portland on Monday and Tuesday to at tend a J C Penney Co meeting. Mr and Mrs Lionel Huston have moved to Portland to make their home. In Pendleton last week for the Elks District Clinic were John Hartman, Exalted Ruler, Glen Ward, Sect., and Bill Labhart and La Verne Van Marter, State Com mitteemen. ' Mrs Oscar Borg of Portland was here last weekend visiting her sister, Mrs Sadie Sigsbee and other members of the family. Mr and Mrs Jerry Dougherty have returned from their wed ding trip and are now residing at the Dougherty ranch. Misses Alice Fcrye and Mary Jo Stewart will be leaving this week for the University of Ore gon. Mrs W H Wolff has returned from a four day trip to Wiscon sin, where she was visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs J E Fol ardeau. Miss Lea Uemura from Hllo Hawalla, who was staying with the Dr W H Wolff family left for school in Eugene Sunday. CLUB PLANS BAZAAR The lone Maranatha club will hold a bazaar and food sale at the lone Rebekah hall Sept 26 beginning at 1 pm. NOW IN EUROPE Scott McMurdo, Corvallls, son of Dr and Mrs A D McMurdo of Heppner, Is presently In Vienna, Austria where he is attending an international meeting of bio chemists. While in Europe he plans to visit Italy, France, Spain, Port ugal and Holland. While he was In Vienna, he stated In a recent letter to his parents, he enjoyed a swim in the famous Danube river. IN NEW POSITION Ken Hoyt, formerly with a fact ory appliance service branch In Portland, has recently become as sociated with the Independence Electric at Independence, Ore. Mr Hoyt attended school in Heppner and his wife Is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Beryl Coxen of Sa lem. AUXILIARY INVITED TO CELEBRATION The new national president of the American Legion Auxiliary for 1958-59 is Mrs "Ce" Gunn of Hood River. The Hood River Aux iliary unit has announced plans for a homecoming celebration for Mrs Gunn In Hood River on Sept 20. All Auxiliary members are Invited. , 80.j-ear.old nMned MeGw DriFM, jazzy Stutt Bearcat '03. WcGee'a fUSsyf it' true, the car runs like newt "'deinand Royal Triton," yrhe. Umf Jm Kimt, ShHU, Wuk. Amazing? Ye, that' the word for the purple people-pleasar named Royal Triton motor oil. Can't beat It for protecting your ear's engine... jut as you can't beat Minute Kfan tervice. Stop at Union Oil ttationa lor botn. WIN Jil.M I Send ui a limerick about your favorite Union Oil product or service. If it'i a winner, we'll pay you $25 on publication.. Write to: 76 Limerick, Union Oil, Box 7600, Los Angelea 54, Calif. UNION OIL COM PAN Yof California W,lch N Swxt. Clu M ABC-TV . ::miiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiimnmunnmHa Dr and Mrs A D McMurdo and Mr and Mrs W H Wolff were in Portland, Sept 3 to 8. The Doctors attended the Oregon state med ical meeting. Mr and Mrs James J Farley and Mr and Mrs Verner Troed- son attended a luncheon at the1 home of Mrs Betty Kilkenny Sat urday in Pendleton. They also attended the Round-Up that afternoon. Among those attending the Pendleton Round-Up last week were Mr and Mrs Frank Ander son and sons, Eric, Steve, and Charles, Mr and Mrs Harry O' Donnell, Tom Healy, Mrs Cliff Dougherty of Heppner, Mr and Mrs Tad Miller and Mr and Mrs Bob Kilkenny of Lexington, and Mr and Mrs Sam Crawford and Mr and Mrs George Snyder of lone. Scott McMurdo, son of Dr and Mrs A D McMurdo, is in Vienna and will tour Europe this fall. Mrs James Thomson and dau ghter, Meredith and Mrs Walter Wright and" daughter, Janet are leaving Tuesday for Corvallis where Meredith and Janet will be attending OSC. The Misses Shirley Kononen and Helen Gra ham left Sunday and will also be attending OSC. Mr and Mrs Clyde Nutting were in Union Sunday on busi ness. Mr and Mrs W H Mills of Salem visited over the weekend at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Lowell Gribble. Mrs Robert Penland is visiting this week in Coos Bay with her parents, Mr and Mrs Roy Neal. Mr and Mrs Neil Shulrman left last Thursday for their home in Cupertino, Calif, after visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Claude Graham. , Mr and Mrs Paul Doolittle and their two sons of Portland were weekend guests at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs Lester Doolittle in Heppner. Melvin Moyer and his mother, Mrs Lora Moyer accompanied by Mrs Lucille Owens drove to Port land over the weekend, then on to Tacoma and Seattle where they visited relatives and en Joyed some sightseeing. Their trip home was made through Mt Rainier National Park and Yakima valley. . Mrs James Driscoll and her sis ter, Mrs Clyde Davis, of Condon, were in North Bend, Washington last week for several days visi ting their grandfather, Mr Fred Lucas, formerly of Heppner, who is seriously ill. Mrs Ellis Hendricksen has re turned to her home in San Lean dro, California, after spending the month of August with her mother, Mrs Jeff Jones. Glenn Jones of Portland visited his mo ther over the weekend. Mr and Mrs Roy Thomas of Walla Walla were in Heppner the first of the week. Mrs Thom as attended the Rebekah Con vention at Hardman. FROM HELL TO TEXAS, you'll not find better entertainment than this excellent action film, magnificent western, scenery in Cinemascope and Color. Also DIAMOND SAFARI, filmed in South Africa. Star Theater, Thursday-Friday and Satur day. M It Spt too tf IMIwi Oil SWIM Changes Made in Top PP&L Officers Election of Paul B McKee as chairman of the board of Pacific Power & Light Company and the advancement of D R McClung, executive vice president, to the position of president was an nounced Wednesday following the September meeting of direct ors at Jackson Lake, Wyoming. McKee, president of the com pany since 1933, will serve as chief executive In the board chairman's post, It was stated. The new president, McClung, Miss Mary Jean Hawes of Har- rah, Washington is a guest at the Paul Koenig home this week. Mr and Mrs Wm J Bibby of Renton, Washington were here for a visit with the Kenneth Keeling family. Mi's Bibby is the sister of Mrs Keeling. Mr and Mrs John Williams and Mr and Mrs Paul Koenig took a five day vacation to Portland, ; Depot Bay and Ocean Lake Where they enjoyed deep sea fishing. On their return trip they stopped in Salem and visited Mr and Mrs J G Koenig, the parents of Paul Koenig. Mrs Lucille Parrish and son Alvin spent a week early this month vacationing in Portland. Mr and Mrs Ray Thomas of, Walla Walla were visiting! friends here the first of the week. They are former Heppner resi dents. ' Mr and Mrs Claude Ward and Dick Ward of Bend spent the weekend with the Frank Ham- lins at their mountain cabin. I Penney's pile-trimmed convertible-hood plaid sportster is a smart buy ! 12" Snuggle into warmly quilted woven cotton plaid. Zip the snowy pile-faced collar into a hood. You couldn't be warmer! Fill the pockets with notes and things. They're so big! You'll pocket savings at Penney's price for the smartest jacket that ever raced to class! Colorful plaids. Sizes 8 to 16. OUR PARKA IN COTTON SATEEN 1395 Sizes 10 to 18 A heavy 16 -ounce quilt lin ed parka designed for warmth with a dynel lined zip-off split hood, heavy duty lipper. wiliisiyil ?xiAls!l Also some .tyU In plain g$ gabardine. ' Jff$inMM !MWaMWilMaMBMMMajjMMHl i has a 41-year service record with Pacific Power & Light. He was elected a vice president in 1948 and named a executive vice pres ident in 1952. George Mackenzie, vice presi dent and treasurer, was elected vice president and comptroller, and D C Frisbee, assistant treas urer, was elected treasurer and assistant secretary. During McKee's 25 years' as president, Pacific Power has grown from a company serving 52,000 customers to one with a total of 303,000 customers. Its balance sheet assets have grown from $43,000,000 to $352,000,000. Let'sjalk REAL COST HU ';( ') LES WYMAN. Your Brea Brand Solution Man serving this area, can help growers lower the "real cost" of their fertilizer. Drop In and talk this over with him to day, or call Agri-Chem, Inc., Rep resented by Les Wyman, phone Heppner 6-9619. STRIPE 'N SOLID REVERSIBLES! 995 Boys' sizes 10 to 18 This smart Penney jacket does double duty. . . switch, ei from soft fleecy nylon, to smooth nylon taffetal Colorful knit trim a Penney extra. 3 wanted colors. Machine wash in lukewarm water J sVW f .-if'