Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1948)
Page A Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Dec. 30, 1948 Campfire Girls Of Lexington Honor Mohfers, Leader ,Mrs. Cecil Jones At the regular meeting of the the NeTop-Pew Campfire Girls on Wednesday, Dec. 22, the girls finished their mothers' Christmas Rifts, and enjoyed a Christmas Iarty which was a surprise Riven them hy their guardian. Mrs. Delpha Jones. They had a lovely rake which was beautifully dec orated with yellow roses, and the cross logs and flame. On the cake written in yellow were the words "Campfire Girls." Ice cream was also served. Also one of the out standing things of the meeting was when Beverly Nolan and Glenna Griffith presented Mrs. Jones with a beautiful laee table cloth from the girls and their mothers. This was in honor of Mrs. Jones' birthday and Christ mas, after which the girls sang "Happy Birthday." A good time was enjoyed by all and the meet ing was entirely social with the business being left for next meet ing w hich wil rbe held January 5. Miss Pona Barnett and Mrs. Trina Parker spent Christmas in Portland where they visited rel atives, the Dopplmaiers. the N. A. Leaches of Portland, and Mrs. Virginia Miller of Salem. They report a lovely time, with the party and exchange of gifts be ing held in the party room of the Leach home, after which there was served a lovely luncheon, with the party ending with the I singing of Christmas carols. 1 Christmas dinner was served at the Dopplmaier home in East Moreland, assisted by Mrs. Miller of Salem. While in Portland they also visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Leach. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges ! spent Christmas in Portland with ; their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Dinges. They were acocmpanied by Mrs. Trina Parker and Miss Dona Barnett. Miss June Steagall who attends St. Joseph's academy in Pendle ton is spending the holidays w ith her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall and family. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crump and family spent Christmas with Mrs. Crump's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Breshears. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Way of Pen dleton were Lexington visitors over the week end. Betty Ann Smethurst is vitising her parents over the holidays from La Grande where she at- The Day After Christmas It was the day after Christmas and all thru the shop They were busy as bees from the lube man to pop. Ray was. there with his test set and all For a customer had brought him a Dodge to overhaul. Rosy was jumping like a young kitten He was selling a heater to a customer frost bitten. Frank was busy with a Shidebaker heater installation He said, when the customer turns the switch he will get a sensation. -arl was busy with his torch and his hammer Repairing a DeSoto and Chewy that had been hit wth a jammer. Wilbur was busy inspecting a CMC freeze He said it was too bad this customer did not use Ford anti-freeze. Everett was busy as customers kept him jumping Assigning repair jobs to stop motors from thumping. Jack was behind the counter dishing out parts; The mechanics were happy because they knew the motors would start. Walter and Virginia were in the office as usual Giving the repair orders and sales tickets the regular perusaL Darrell and two helpers were in the parts department counting; He said my list is so long when will it stop mounting. Fred from La Grande was hurrying back; He knew repair Jobs would continue to stack. Rosy stopped to visit with a customer that was nervous He said the good people of this section know where to get service. Don was busy completing a Dodge heater installation; He said here is another customer that will get a sensation. Al was busy pumping gas and doing lubrication; He said customers are smart to service cars while on vacation. Oren was busy on an International from Dayville; He said needed repairs will prevent a bad spilL Rosy came in and took a look at the cold mercury; He said it was fun to work with a gang full of turkey. Apologies to Krfc Kringle. ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. MONEY IN THE BANK is ready when you need It ' There's no substitute for I cash in the bank to bring you continuing security and satisfaction OPEN YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT NOW Savings deposit made before1 January 11 draw inter from January 1 1949 FIRST NATIONAL DANK; - ' ' ' VK News From C. A. Office The Bangs testing program started December 13 is progress ing with rr. Gordon Blake and jDr. L. L. Taylor, bureau of ani Imal industry veterinarians, do ling the testing. These veterinar ians vm test as ions as re are cattle to be tested. Every live stockman is urged to tost his cat tie at this time as veterinarians are hard to obtain when needed. The testing is being done free in cooperation with the county pro gram to free Morrow county of this disease. The work is going along slower than first anticipated as a tu berculosis test is being made at the same time. This test is nec essary if Morrow county is to re tain its accredited standing which expires in February. Ten percent of the cattle will be tuberculin tested for an indication of the disease. Requests for testing may be left at the county agent's office. Harold Wright, Rhea creek far mer, called at the office a few days ago to get recommendations for pasture and hay seedings. While discussing recommended pasture seedings with Mr. Wright it was found that he is very well This Week In History December 86 to January 1 By the Editors of the World Book Encyclopedia. Chrysanthemum and Topaz are the flower and tsone for Novem ber; Narcissus and Turquoise for December. For the first time in history U. S. oil production this year top ped 5,600,000 barrels a day. The United States has about three-fifths of the world's gold stock, 24 million dollars worth. Farm construction is exected to cost farmers 450 million in 1949, the Government estimates. CARD OF THANKS Our sincere appreciation is ex pressed to all our friends for their many kindnesses during our sor row. Mrs. Mabel Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hughes, Mrs. Marjoile Hughes and Jim. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lut-er. CARD OF THANKS We arp deenlv crateful to our I neighbors and friends for their expressions of sympathy in our recent bereavement and for the beautiful floral tributes to the memory of our beloved wife and mother. Orve Brown and family. tends E. O. College of Education Bud Mankin has been renew ing acquaintances with friends in Lexington from his school in i Portland. I Mr. and Mrs. Don Campbell : are visiting in Forest Grove over khe holidays. j Mrs. Cecil Jones entertained her Sunday school class Thurs day with a party. The evening I was spent making taffy, after 'which Christmas carols were : practiced. Later, angel food cake, made by Iris Bloodsworth and served with ice cream, was en joyed. Those attending were Iris Bloodsworth. Betty Griffin, Ida Buchanan, Aileen Shannon, Chas. Buchanan, David and Bud Bu chanan, Charlie Padberg, and Wayne and Ray Papineau. Friday night the same class went Christ -I mas caroling at the homes of .friends and shut-ins in Lexing jton. Thursday night Jo McMillan took the Ne-Top-Pew group of j Campfire Girls caroling until quite late after which Jo attend ed the Sunday school party. I Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wallace ! and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bloodsworth were dinner ' guests at the home of J. P. McMil , lan on Christmas. ! A farewell dinner was served at the Christian church Sunday honoring Mr. and Mrs. Hatch who are leaving this ministry for Portland on Tuesday, j Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael j are spending a few days in Port land and Vancouver with Mrs. ! Carmichael's mother, Mrs. Belle Leathers. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Groves are spending the holidays in Sa lem with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feathers and family are spending the holidays with the Rev. family in Clackamas. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Baker are spending the holidays in Port land. The Lexington women's town team and the high school girls met on the local floor in the first game of the year of volley ball with the high school girls winning by one point. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Yarnell and son Alton were guests at the Clifford Yarnell home on Christ mas. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan, John Spence and Wayne Papin eau were business visitors at Ord nance on Monday. Archie Nchols has been work ing at the Red and White store during the Christmas rush. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brown and daughter spent the vacation in Condon. Mrs. Jack Griffin acompanied her son and family to California where she will spend a few days in San Francisco. Mrs. K. K. Marshall is at home again after a couple of days spent in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Stotts had a family party on Christmas eve with the following people attend ing from Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Gilman and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gilman, Jack and Jim Stotts. For the better and safer world in which we live today, man kind must give great credit to Louis Pasteur. French father oi bacteriology, born on Dee. 27. 1822. Having studied in Paris, he investigated the process of fermentation and his work re sulted in great improvements in the French liquor industry. He discovered the method of arresting fermentation in milk called after him pasteurization. Why we say THANK YOU four million times a day if satisfied with (he newer pasture mixtures of grasses and legumes now being recommended. During the past spring, Harold seeded approximately forty acres of Ran. ger Alfalfa, one of the first seed ings of that variety in this coun ty with alta fescue and tall mea dow oat grass. A good stand was established, in fact two light cuttings of hay were taken from the new seeding. But the out standing results were obtained from grazing this fall. The grass and alfalfa provided pasture for livestock with calves at weaning time making gains instead of the usual loss. Man farmejs in Morrow county are finding that a mixture of grass with their alfalfa seeding not only keeps undesirable an nuals such as cheat from becom ing a nuisance, prolonging the life of the seeding, but that this mixture also provides a very fine pasture in the fall. For those liveslockmen who have not yet sprayed their cattle for lice it is suggested that it be done as soon as possible. Spray ing should be done before lice begin to cause unthriftiness in animals. Spraying should be done with at least a 250 lb. pres sure, 400 lbs. being more satis factory. Twelve pounds of 50 per cent wettable DDT per 100 gallons of water is now recommended. This should be applied at the rate of one and one half gallon per animal. In winter weather spray ing should be done early in the day in order that cattle can be dry before evening. 1 . When the operator says "thank you" as she handles your call, she is of course following a telephone tradition for courtesy. And every day, up and down the Coast, those words are repeated mi. re than four million times by local and long distance operators who arc as always doing everything they can to give prompt, cheerful service. 1 r ' tT. - . 4 As 2. These are busy days in the West's tele phone offices . . . more equipment is handling more calls, twenty million of them each day. And service generally is better, you'll notice. There's relatively little wait for the dial tone. Operators are able to answer more promptly in most places. Long distance calls usually go through in two minutes or less. 4. As 1948 ends, Pacific Telephone adds another "thank you for your patronage. We deeply appreciate the under standing of those waiting for service. We are doing our best to provide the telephones the West needs and to make your telephone increasingly valu able to you. 3. He's "dropping a line" for another new telephone . . . since V-J Day more than a million have been added on the Coast. We're putting in still more thousands every week. And telephone people . . . operators, installers, service represen tatives ... all are doing their level best to welcome our new customers in their usual friendly and Selpful way. The Pacific Telephone ) and Telegraph Company More than 70,000 people working together to fur nish ever-better telephone service to the West HOW! GET THAT MAYTAG YOUR HEART'S SET ON 1 w V New beauty New Features . . . $ If today at . . . Heppner Hardware & Electric Co. MAYFLOWER MILK is safeguarded th rough every step I : .vjjjk PROTECTED JjA In sterilized glass bottles AT YOUR STORE or AT YOUR DOOR HEPPNER, OREGON PHONE 2682