Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1948)
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Dec. 23, 1948 Page 6 ALL SAIKTS MEMORIAL CHUHCH (Episcopal Chritmk wrviccs Friday, ChrMmas pvp: Mxlnipht service, choral FuchariM, starling at 11:30 p m. Christmas day, holy commun ion, 10, Sunday: Holy communion, 8. Church school. M Confirmation service, 11, (The Right Reverend Lane V. Barton). Week day services: Wednes days, holy communion, 10. Fri days, holy communion, 7:30. Miss Beverly Yoeom is home from Oregon " State college to spend the holidays with relatives. JIMMY WHETMORE ond His Orchestra Sat. Evening, Dec. 25 LEGION HALL lone ADMISSION : $2.50 per Person Tax included if 5 2 if More of life's joy and glad ness. More of its peace and cheer; More of its faith and glory, May Christmas bring you each year. Humphreys Drug Co. ft ft ft I & ft m ft ft ft METHODIST CHURCH Lusk, returned Monday and Mrs. J. Palmer Sorlien. minister. Lusk went on to her home In Sunday, Dec. 2f: Walla Walla. Morning worship and sermon Home to spend the holidays at 11 a.m. Special number by the with their parents are Archie Pad choir, Paul McCoy, director. Sun- berg, student at Oregon College day church school at 9:45 a.m. of Education, Monmouth, and Also Youth Fellowship class and Vernon Padbcrg, member of Un Adult Bible class. jcle Sam's sea forces and student Youth Fellowship at 7 p.m., ! at the navy school at San Ysidro, Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Calif., where he is delving' into Bohles, counsellors. ;the science of radar. They are Thursday choir practice at 7:30 sons of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Pad pm. .berg. Womans Society of Christian Miss Mabel Wilson, rnuntv Service meets the first Wednes-1 home demonstration apent left day of each month. I Kv nlane from Pendleton Ti.psrlav For Sunday morning we have for Los Aneoles tn snenrt the hnl- a nursery for small children dur- idavs. er father and mother ing service hour, Mrs. Vernon from Lake City, Iowa, and her Bohles, director. sister who is a student in Minne apolis, will join her there and they will spend the time at the home of Miss Wilson's sister-in-law. I Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chinn have returned to Heppner after an extended visit in Portland. iThey have been gone about two I Here to attend installation cer. lemonies of the Masonic bodies i Saturday evening were George L. Close, Maurice Brown, F. A. Rudd, Andrew Staig, Lester Halverson, and G. O. Hayes of the Fossil Masonic lodge, and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Phillips of Condon,. Whitman college students home for Christmas vacation in clude Marylou Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cohn. Miss Fergu son will remain with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson, until Wednesday when she will i go to Seattle for a few days. Misses Joan Hisler and Betty Mrs. Linnie Loudon drove to Portland Wednesday where she will spend three weeks with her brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Instone paid Heppnei a surprise visit Saturday, coming from Hillsboro where they are spending part of the winter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hatfield. They came to attend the Masonic installations. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Petesron were in irom the Gooseberry ranch Tuesday on a shopping tour. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Skuzeski who are spending the holidays with them, having come from Corval- lis where Mr. Skuzeski is a stu dent at Oregon State college. Mrs. Harold Erwin went to Se attle Friday to attend the wed ding of her brother, Glen Cliborn, and Miss Cora Paradis. which Smethurst, freshmen at Eastern was an event ol bunday. Mrs. Er- Oregon college, La Grande, are win and her sister, Mrs. Leroy spending the holidays with their Mon D or ing ecember 27 day M Between the Holidays It's Our 13th Month Special Purchase! HEW RAYON CREPES A special Penney purchas brings you th good-looking rayon crop print . . at thU low price I Brand new styles, brand new patterns . . . very special even here at Penney's where good buys are the rule! In spring's freBheat colors. MibbtV and women' sizes, too. respective parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Paul Hisler of Heppner and Mr. and Mrs. William Smethurst of Lexington. LEXINGTON . . . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feathers were hosts at a faculty Christmas party on Tuesday night with an ex change of gifts and a lovely buf fet dinner. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Sorlien, Mrs. Glenn Griffith, Mrs. Merriman, and Mr, and Mrs. Joe Feathers. The Lexington student body purchased a score board from the Echo schools lasj week and it is already installed. Charlie Pad- berg and Jo McMillan motored to Echo after the board. The teachers' salary commit tee of the county met at the local school Wednesday with dinner being served by the GAA 'girls and Joy Gerharz. The menu con sisted of macaroni and cheese and baked spam with honey and spices, and hot rolls and ice cream sundae. After the dinner a short program was held In the auditorium with Jo McMillan singing two solos and Betty Lou Messenger and Shirlee Hunt playing piano duets, and these two girls sang a numorous auet, "She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain," accompanied by Mrs. Messenger. The county budget meeting was held in Heppner Monday night with a lovely dinner and a discussion of business. Those at tending from Lexington were Mrs. C. C. Carmichael, Orris Pad berg and Mrs. A. M. Edwards. Vacation started in the Lex ington school Wednesday, with all the school parties being held in their respective rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloods worth, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bloods worth and Ris were all Pendleton visitors last week. News has been received in Lex ington of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lynch of Heppner. Mrs .Lynch is the for mer Elizabeth Edwards of Lex ington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barratt Jr. and Mrs. Cyrene Barratt drove up from Corvallis Saturday to spend the holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bucknum returned Monday from Portland where Billy had been a patient at the veterans hospital. He un derwent surgical treatment to his knee while there. Robert V. Turner passed thru Heppner Tuesday en route from Detroit, Mich., to Portland. He made the trip east to bring back a car for a Portland party and drove in here from Pendleton to visit his father, Frank W. Turner. St. Sgt. Lyle Cox is spending a 21-day leave from duties at the airfield at Moses Lake, Wash., with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Cox. BOARDMAN W. E. Garner, who has been employed the past few weeks at Myrtle Creek, Oregon, returned home Monday. Many folks in the community are ill with colds the past few days, with several students ab sent from school. School will close Thursday, De- cember 23, for the holidays and 'J; ,-; win itme up ugaui .irtiiuaij u. Wehave825 x 20V900 x 20 and 1000 x 20 All-Traction Logger tires in stock now. Rosewall Motor Company. NOTICE Or FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby Riven thut the un deralKiird ilnill;intnilrlx of the estale. of WILLIAM T. OOHKHTY, DweiiHci, hua filed wllh the t'mlmte Court of the State of OieRon for Morrow County, her Final Account of her administra tion of the estate of mild deceased, and aid Court has fixed Monday, th 241 h day of January. 1949. at the hour of ten o'clock In the rorenoon of said day at the Court House at Heppner. Oregon as the time and place for hearing ob jections to said Final Account anil the sell emeni 01 iuu winim k time fixed for said If we don't have it we will get it for you. Rosewall Motor Co. Heppner, Oregon, on or before the hearing. Dated and first published this 23rd day of December, 1948. ROSE DOHERTY, Administratrix. Jos. J. Ny, Attorney, 40-44. lW!t'S! ft Merry Christmas EVERYBODY Heppner Market ft ft ft 8 ft ft PIANOS Baldwin . . Chickering . . Fischer Wurlitzer, and Cable in many styles and finishes. Here you will find the largest stocks in Eastern Oregon to choose from. Prompt Service Free Delivery Come in and tee them, or write to Jack Mulligan, Pianos Box 418, Pendleton, Oregon Owner of Pendleton Music House for the past 35 years. 37-41 HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $2.50 a year single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Eduoi Merrie Christmas . . . and a Heppy New Year! May your heart be filled with gladness. Owen's Hardware Tour Friendly Marshall Wells Store Penney's STAR EE REPORTER Admission prices afternoon and eevninff, unless spe cifically advertised to be otherwise l Children! Est. Prise .17, Fed. Tax .03, Total 20c; (trade and High School Students U years and overt Est. Price .40, Pad. Tax .10, Total 60c; Adults I Est. Prole .60, Pad. Tax .10, Total 00. must have a ticket. Every child occupying a seat Sunday ahows continuous starting at 1 p.ra- All other shows starat at 7:M p.m. Boxofflce open evenings untU B p.m. Do you know the right answer? Every week we call 10 residents of the commun ity and ask WHAT IS PLAYING AT THE THEATER TODAY? If you can answer correctly In 20 seconds you receive a FREE TICKET to the show. Read our newspaper ad and hang this program near the phone so you'll have the right answer I Thursday, Dec. 23 & Saturday, Dec. 25 THE INSIDE STORY CtutrlM Wlnnlnffer, Muih Hnnt, William Lnn diffan, Gail Patrick, Otn Xockhart, Florence Bates, Allen Jenkins. Rustic humor and elementary economics abound in this wholesome, homespun yarn of one man's faith and generosity. And It may give you an Idea to cheer you up if you're worrying about the "next depression" ! PLUS Son of God's Country Monte Hal-, Pamela Blake, Paul Kttrit, Jim No lan. The toujfher the bad men come ... the better Monte Rale liken it! PLUS The City of Little Men A glowing tribute to Father Flanagan, founder of Boys' Town, who believed that there Is no urh thing as a bad boy! SPECIAL I I I I 2 p.m. Saturday Dec. 25 Annual Free Show sponsored by the Elks Lodge and the Star Theater. ROCKY Boddy McDowa.ll in a likeable story of a boy's devotion to his dog . . . momenta of comedy . . . a hint of romance ... and the great outdoors. Popeye Cartoon. Sunday-Monday. Dec. 26-27 THE BABE RUTH STORY William Bendix, Claire Trevor, Charles Bickford, Bam Lavene, William Frawley, Gertrude nieaen America's moat beloved guy! His life... his tlme...hls triumphs! It's the Home-run of Hits! Baseball fan or not, it's a picture that Is good for every member of the family. Tuesday-Wednesday, December 28-29 Give My Regards to Broadway Dan Dailey, Charles Wlnnlnger, Nancy Onild, Charlie Buggies, Fay Bainter, Barbara Law rence. Technicolor comedy with music that Is a field day of entertainment. (Srwitttgs A Merry Christmas to everybody! We'll be closed on Christmas day from 11 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. There'll be no dinner but plenty oi sandwiches Good Food Courteous Service You are always welcome at the AIR CONDITIONED Victory Cafe Roy and Betty Lieuallen lone. Oregon The good will of our patrons and friends is one of our most valu- able assets. The spirit of the sea- son brings to us renewed appre- f ciation of the value of new 1 friends. May your Christmas be happy and success attend your New Year, is the cordial wish of I Heppner Hardware and I Electric Co. I Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Derion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii 3 Si I? si m if 2 STi MP May the greatest gift you receive be the gift of joy ousness and prosperity throughout the year . . . Season's Greetings! t'rfsK ft m 8 ft 8 ft ft Heppner Red & White ft 9"5 ant.. JUST ARRIVED CARLOAD OF Farmhand Hydraulic Loaders with Snow Scoop and Foliage Fork attachments. See Your MORROW COUNTY AUTHORIZED DEALER for immediate delivery. McClintock's Machine Shop Heppner, Oregon AT