Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1947)
0 HISTORICAL, 1 C AUDITORIUM RTLAMO. ORE. ETY Ga Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, May -29, 1947 Volume 64, NumberlO HEPPNER ZETTE 1 JLlVJLJCfv3 Hermiston lakes Fill-in Game 6 to 4 Here Sunday Heppner Got Most Hits But Couldn't Cash In on Them It wasn't a league game so the boys don't feel too bad about losing Sunday to Hermiston. As a matter of fact, the score indi cates a pretty good game 6 to 4 with Heppner taking the hon ors on hits and Hermiston donig the honors on runs. Schoonover, Hermiston twirl er, allowed nine hits with which Heppner was able to muster up four runs. On the other hand, he struck out 17 Heppner bat ters. Massey, pitching a good game for Heppner, stopped the visit ors with four hits, yet they went on to win. Broadfoot smashed out a three-bagger which might have been only a two-bag run had not the ball hit a pole in the corral fence and bounced back onto the baseball field. Had it gone through the fence he would have been limited to two bases. Interest was added to t he game with the addition of a sound wagon to announce the results of each play. The jun ior chamber of commerce pro vided the wagon and LaVeme Van Manor emceed. Cloo Drake of lone umpired. Luncheon Group to Meet at Elkhorn s Huppner chamber of com merce, without a regular meet ing place for several months, has made arrangements with the management of the Elkhorn restaurant to meet there each Monday. The group met in the main dining room last Monday. A room to the rear of the kit chen is being fitted up to ac commodate the luncheon group and it is expected it will be ready for next Monday's , lunch eon. CHANCE FOR GI'S TO OBTAIN MOTOR EQUIPMENT Portland, Ore., May 29 (Spe cial) War Assets administra tion's sale of automotive units at the Umatilla ordnance depot. Ordnance, Ore., will be held Tu esday, June 10 instead of Sat unlay, June 7, as previously an nounced. The postponement was necessary because the army will not have sufficient personnel on duty Saturday to handle the an ticipated crowd. Seventeen units, needing re pairs, are offered at fixed pri ces. These are five 1 12-ton cargo, dump and bomb service trucks, $S00 to $!I25; six 112 ton truck tractors, $1150 to $1-150; three trailers, $1.39.58 to $700; two jeep engines. $S0 each; one 34-ton Dodge truck engine, $15. Fifteen others needing consid erable repair, will be sold by bids. They are two 1 1,2-ton dump and bomb service trucks, seven trailers, two hand-operated bomb trucks and four cargo-typo truck beds. The sale is for veterans only but purchase certificates will not be necessary. The ox-GI need only show evidence of hon orable discharge from service. Inspection, offers to purchase and bids may be made from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., after which awards will be determined by lot drawing. o ON EXTENDED VACATION Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tolleson are in Seattle visiting at the home of their son, Floyd Jr. They expected to stay there a week or so and their future plans were not announced. The vacation at this time Is being taken on doctor's orders to give Mr. Tolleson a good rest. Vaca tions have been few and far be tween in recent years for the genial Union Pacific agent. Dur ing his absence, II. J. Folker of Arlington Is supplying as agent. MacHaughton Busy Retired Retirement from the presiden cy of the First National Bank of Portland does not mean that ho is retiring from active duty, says K. B. MacNaughton who Is scheduled to turn over the of fice to a new man on Juno 1. He explained that "I Intend to be the busiest retired gent you have ever seen." And that Is typical of the man who took over the reins of the big financial Institution In 1928 and saw it grow from 129lh po sition among the banks of the United Stales lo 281 h position from the tl- IurlnR this per iod deposits of the bank in creased from $29,400,000 to over $r00,()00,00(). MacNaughlon has been a res ident of Oregon since 1903 and has always been an enthusias KEEP THIS DATE! Don't forget the Memorial Day service at 11 a. m. Fri day at the Star theater. A good program has been ar ranged which will not extend over one hour. Rubber Checks Land Issuer in Limbo George Tholberg was taken into custody Tuesday morning by Marshal Dean Gilman upon complaints from Aiken's and Cars tavern that checks issued by him could not be honored at the bank. Tholberg, lumber piler at the Heppner Lumber company plant, was lodged in jail pending a hearing before Judge Watts some three weeks hence. Stockman Reports Annapolis Openings Congressman Lowell Stock man will have two vacancies at the United States Naval acad emy, Annapolis, Maryland, to be filled by boys from the Second District of Oregon for the class beginning July 1, 1948. He will have competitive examinations conducted by the Civil Service commission on July 21, 1947, lo aid in the selection of the nom inees for the academy. Applicants must be residents of the Second Congressional Dis trict of Oregon and should be high school seniors, or gradu ates of high school, or college students, and in perfect physi cal condition. Candidates for the naval ac ademy must not be less than 17 years of age nor more than 21. years of age on April first of the calendar year (1918) in which they enter the naval academy, unless the candidate has com pleted one year of honorable service in any of the armed for ces of the United States during World War II, in which case he may enter the academy if he is not more than 23 years of age on April first of the calendar year in which he enters the na val academy. All boys who are interested and qualified should write im mediately to Congressman Low ell Stockman, House Office Building, Washington, D. C, so they may receive additional in formation and be admitted to the examination. BIRTHDAY TEA SLATED The Women's Service league of All Saints Episcopal church has scheduled a birthday tea from 2 to 5 o'clock p.m. Thurs- ) day, June 5. Cards will be the diversion for the afternoon and those not wishing to play are cordially invited to drop in for tea. o George Peck, in town Wednes day morning, stated he had re ceived word that his brother-in-law, E. C. Callaway of Corval lis, had passed away Tuesday evening. Mr. Callaway was a chemistry instructor at Oregon State college, from which he was graduated in 1909, and aside from two years spent as city chemist in Portland, had been connected with the college since graduation. Aged 63, he had two more years to serve be fore attaining the retirement age. Mrs. Callaway Is the for mer Loto Peck. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pate and little daughter will leave next week for Flathead Lake, Mont., on a short vacation, fol lowing which 'they will return to Heppner where Mr. Pate will work during the summer' with the forest service. At Flathead Lake they will visit at the home of Mr. Pate's aunt and will be joined there by his mother, whose home is in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner and Mrs. Ethel Adams and daughter Nancy left Monday afternoon on a vacation trip. They drove to Portland and from there plan ned to take highway 101 down the const into California, going as far south as Sacramento, thence across lo Reno and re turn by an interior route. They planned to be gone about two weeks. Says He'll Be Bank President tic booster for Portland and the state. Ho will be remembered from his visit lo Heppner when the local branch was opened and again when he spoke to the Eastern Oregon Wheat league In Heppner a few days before Pearl Harbor. His talk to the wheat league was a topic of discussion for many weeks af terward. Succoodng Mr. MacNaughton as president of the great finan cial institution will he Frank N. Helgrano, now president of the Central Bank of Oakland, Cal ifornia. Belgrano is a past na tional commander of the Amer ican Legion, former financial adviser to the United States high commissioner to the Philippines, and for 13 years president of the Pacific National Fire Insur ance company, HEPPNER YOUTHS LEAVE FOR NORTH TO WORK Heppner will be well repre sented In labor circles of Alaska this summer due to a migra tion in that direction of several young men this week. Among those heading north Tuesday were Glenn Coxen, who spent last summer at Valdez working on road construction and maintenance along with Jack Parrish. Glenn was ac companied by Tom Hughes. Kenneth Schunk and Jack I'lo har. Clarence Greenup accom panied Earl Smith of Valdez and will seek employment in the northland during the sum mer. The boys hope to make enough money to enable them to enter college in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schunk and Mrs. Kenneth Hoyt drove to Pendleton with the boys. They caught a plane from there to Spokane and from Spokane were going by rail to White horse, B. C, thence by bus to Valdez. Some of them expected to go to Fairbanks for employ ment. Student Awards Made at Graduation Exercises Friday Several members of the class of 1947, Heppner high school, were accorded honors at the commencement exercises held in the school auditorium Friday evening. The mystery holding the class of 24 young people in suspense throughout the eve ning was solved when Principal Leonard Pate anounced the se lections made by the faculty for the annual awards. Betty Keeton was named val edictorian for her outstanding scholastic work not only in the Heppner school but in the pre vious high schools she has at tended. Jo Anne Graves, outstanding in scholastic work and extra curricular activities, was made salutatorian. The leadership award was ac corded Bob Mollahan; citizen ship, Ramona McDaniel, and ac tivity, Shirley Wilkinson. Ramnna McDaniel having sig nified her intention of attend ing Eastern Oregon College at La Grande to prepare herself for teaching, was awarded the Heppner ParenUTeaeher schol arship fund. Jack Parrish re ceived the La Grande Elks club $74 scholarship award, and Randall Peterson's name will be inscribed on the honor plaque. Enlarging on the honor aw ards, the faculty this year men tioned the outstanding students of the four high school classes. Miss Keeton again scored a first as the outstanding student of the senior class, with Don Gil liam rating second. Gladwyn Hudson scored first in the jun ior class, followed closely by Leila McLachlan. In the soph omore class, Roy Carter and bob Bennett rated first and second, while In the freshman class, Marlene DuBois and Gerald Bergstrom took the honors. The subject, "Wanted, Riders for 50 Billion Horses," v;'s in, c clear to the graduating class and audience by Dr. Virgil lion-.i of Eastern Oregon College in an address spiced with hit 'or rn I containing a lot of solid thot. One cannot imagine bo billion horses In terms of animals but in terms of horse power it is something in line with present-1 day trends. He pointed lo ie great opportunities open to the young people if they will p,e-i pare themselves for building 1 great bridges, great dams and other achievements characteris tic of our modern age. ! Musical numbers were nlnved by the school band, which showed marked improvement since Billy Cochell took over the direction, and Joan Corwin, ' whose piano number showed j exceptional talent. I ONE MAN'S FAMILY . -. . .f . " B1 This is the picture of the N. D. Bailov family reunion held at the 18. All of their children and their families were home, making a ww.ti. in in yiuup mtiuae mr. oauey s Dromei ana wiie ana some trlends invited tor the occasion. Carloadings Show Decrease During Present Month Wheat Gone From Branch; Lumber Holding Up Well Carloadings out of Heppner decreased during the month of May, a summary by the freight office at the Union Pacific de pot shows. With wheat being cleared from the elevators ear ly in the month the volume has dropped appreciably, according to A. R. Shamblyn, freight clerk. Wool is being shipped out at present, according to Shamblyn, but this commodity doesn't cit the figure in carloadings on the branch that it once did, what with flockmasters retiring from the business as they have been since the early days of the war. Seventeen cars of cattle have gone from the local yards dur ing the month. Of these, Fred Hoskins shipped three cars to Duncan for summer pasture; Jess Foster shipped three cars to Enterprise for the same pur pose; Frank Wilkinson shipped one car, Harry Dinges two and Cornett Green two to the River side Livestock Feeding Co., Port land. Charles Walsh also ship tied two cars from the Heppner yards. Lumber remains the heavy cargo from the Heppner termin al. Up to Tuesday of this week, 85 cars had been shipped. At present the shipments are from I he local mills, Heppner Lumber company, Scritsmier's Re id Lumber company, and Big Four Lumber company. Transit ship ments sent in here by a Wil lamette valley mill for planing at the Heppner Lumber com pany and thence east have sus pended temporarily. Incoming shipments during the month have consisted of oil for highway surfacing; five car loads of combine harvesters to Heppner and Lexington, and t lie Columbia Basin Electric Co-op received a car and trailer of poles, for construction of the LEA lines if and when finances are forthcoming for continuing the work. In conclusion, Shamblyn stat ed that Joe Donaldson shipped a carload of horses to Ogden, Utah during the month. o SPECIALISTS HOLDING CLINIC HERE THIS WEEK Dr. A. B. Copen and Dr. Olive Knight of Los Angeles and Mrs. Marian Diehle of Rochester, N. Y. are conducting a health clin ic at the Office of Dr. C. C. Dun ham this week. The clinic is conducted in conjunction with installation of new therapy equipment. The specialists will go from Hepp ner to Klamath Falls at the conclusion of the clinic here. o Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forsythe are the proud parents of a five pound 12 ounce girl born Tues day, May 27, 1947 at the Henp ner hospital. This is the For sythe's second child ; ml the first granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe of lone. Born Tuesday, May 27, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Jones, a son, Ronald Clifton. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Huston came from Yacolt., Wash., Wodnesilv to spend Decoration day with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Ludwig will sjiend the summer in their permanent home at College Place, Wash., returning in Sep tember to resume their positions in the Lexington schools, of: which Mr. Ludwig is superin- ' cher in the grade school. A daughter was born Wednes day to Mr. and Mrs. Jack For sythe of Lexington at the Hepp ner hospital. .i ... , , " THIS AREA PRODUCES EIG RAINBOW TROUT Fishermen who like to tell tall tales about their casting prowess seldom think of the streams in this area as the lo cale for "big ones," yet now and then local fishermen go out and hook trout that would do credit to the Deschutes, the Ro gue, McKenzie and others of Or egon's noted streams. Unrlam- orous stream names like Wil low creek, Mallory, Wall and Potamus have little appeal to big shot fishermen but local nimrods know the right places and the right time to visit these wild mountain streams to snare the worthwhile specimens. Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gentry drove to-Potamus creek for a day's fishing. When they returned that evening they had two rainbow trout that would be the en.vy of many an adherent to the Izaak Walton principle of recreation. One of the beauties measured 28 inch es, the other 26. Not all the trout cruising the riffles of Pot amus are like that, but the Gentrys surely had a field day, piscatonally speaking. Riding Club Plans Jaunt to Condon Cal Sumner, president of the Wranglers, Morrow county rid ing club, announces that the club is making plans to attend a drill and parade in Condon on June 8 and calls attention of all members who will go that there will be drill practice at 2 o'clock p.m., Sunday, June 1. Sumner says it is .essential that those planning to go to Condon come out lo the special practice and asks that he be no tified at once relative to their intentions. DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL UNDER WAY Tht Union Daily Vacation Bi ble school has had a very good beginning. There are 94 enroll ed to date, Tuesday, May 27, and the leaders of the depart ments have the work well on the way. The leaders of the de partments are Mrs. Douglas Drake, beginners; Mrs. J. P. Sor lein, primaries; Mr. Sorlein and Mrs. Rice, junior, and Mrs. Jew ett, intermediate. Other helpers are Marlene Miller, Eunice Keithley, Jewell Easter. Beverly Yocum. Mrs. Cornett Green, Mrs. Al Huitt, and Lorene Mitchell .as office secretary. ATTEND SOU'S GRADUATION Mr. and Mrs. William Ludwig of Lexington went to Richland, Wash., Tuesday to attend the graduation of their son Curtis fom the Richland high school. Curtis was a member of a class of 129. This is the class he was a member of during his fresh man and sophomore years. WEDDING ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter Carolyn to R. D. All stott Jr. The wedding will be an event of Sunday, June 8. at 2 p. m. at the home of the bride elect's parents in Eight Mile. Relatives and friends are invited to be present. o Eob Gammell left the first of the week for Pendleton where he will work in the Red and White store. Harry Munkers and son Don motored to The Dalles Monday, taking Jerry Waters who will spend the summer there. Mrs. D. N. Dean and children, Chloe and Bob. of Condon spent Tuesday with Mr. Dean in Hepp ner. A family picnic, honoring Mrs Harvey Harshman and Walter Farrens on the occasion of their birthdays, was held Sunday at Elackbums mill. Fifty guests were present. A daughter, Willetta Wilma, was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Warren at the Corda Saling home. . - t family home in Heppner May family qrouD of mote than 40 Wickard Approves Allocation Of $200,000 to Local RE A For Transmission Facilities Telegraph lines between Wa shington, D. C, and Heppner were busy Wednesday carrying messages from department heads and Oregon congressmen to the Columbia Basin Electric Co-operative relative to alloca tion of funds to the local REA for construction of transmission lines to carry Bonneville "juice" into the farm areas of Morrow and Gilliam counties. First message to arrive was received from Claude R. Wick ard, rural electrification admin istrator, who informed Henry Baker, president of the Colum bia Basin Electric Co-operative as follows: "Pleased to advise allocation $200,000 approved." A little later Senator Guy Cor don wired the following: Have! learned that REA administrator ! Wickard has just signed the al-1 location of two hundred thou sand dollars for your account. The loan contract will be for-' warded to you for signature ' within a short time. Signature ! is subject to final agreement ' between Bonneville and both your co-operative and the Pa-1 cific Power & Light. Congessman Lowell Stockman ! wired as folows: I am today in- ! fcrrr.ed thot the Rural Electrifi cation Aa.,iiiioii'.ji has ap prove' a loan to yn'jr coopera tive for fit' u'jO or transmis- sion fa service t Glad the, '.ifcs irciudir.g repair dr the usual terms, we e r:;ade available to you. Senator Wayne Morse sent 1 this message: REA today advis- ed that they have approved loan ' of $200,000 for Columbia Basin: Electric Co-operative, Inc., to j be used for transmission facili- ; ties to provide for electric ser vice. Regards. Approval by Administrator Wickard does not necessarily mean that the funds will be im mediately available, officials of the CBE state. Much depends upon the outcome of the con- News items of Interest Around lown By Ruth Payne Miss Carolyn Bergstrom, bride elect of R. D. Allstott Jr., has been feted at a number of par ties during the past week. On Thursday evening. Mesdames George Gertson. Pete McMurtry and William Barkla entertain ed with a surprise miscellane ous shower at the Gertson res idence. Invitations to fifty guests were issued for this oc casion. Saturday afternoon. Mesdames Floyd Worden. F. E. Parker and Walter Becket were hostesses for a shower hoionjig Miss Bergstrom at the Worden home. Thirty guests were pre sent. Miss Bergstrom has chos en June 8 as the date of her wedding at the country home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom. Mrs. LaVeme Van Marter and Mrs. Charles Hodge Jr. enter tained with a stork shower hon oring Mrs. Kenneth Hoyt. Guests present included Mrs. Harry O' Donnell Jr., Mrs. Jack Carsons. Mrs. Willard Blake, Mrs. Rich ard Hayes. Mrs. Grace JCicker son. Mrs. James Hall and Mrs. J. B. Coxen. Miss Margaret Hughlett, home economics teacher in the local high school this past year, de parted Saturday for her home in Salem. Miss Hughlett does not plan to return to Heppner in the f-11. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Thompson returned the end of the v.-ek from a honeymoon trip to Sea side. They are at home in the Holton Court anTt"ients. Mrs. Ellen Bue;ck Schwartz, who hn.s been visiting her niece, Mrs. Alma Morgan, has return ed to her bono in Portland. Mrs. Echwnr'r v is met in Echo bv a -.other I'icv and husband. Mr. am' Mr- r.-eve T.vnn. the forme.- EiKi'lvtV. S'.alter. From there iIv.- tt-u. ; ;i southern route liv '.-i-h !e lew. Klam it h F.-l'. Cn:.r lake and up the coa;t highway to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Barr. former Heppner residents but mee recently of Redmond, are) making an extended visit to the east coast. The B:irrs flew to Detroit where they purchased n new car and are "totoring to New York. Washington, D. C., and other places of interest Howell was a business visitor in Pendleton the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meador motored to Baker Friday to pend the week end with rela tives. They returned Mondav. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Fisher made a business trip to Tcndle ton and Athena Mom' y Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becket made a business trip to Walla Walla the end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Brown were celled to Astoria by the death of Mr. Bnnvn's mother on Tuesday. Funeral services are scheduled for Friday evening In Astoria with burial in Portbml. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Couture and children of Fossil spent the gressional ecoHomy program, as i to how much Bonneville appro priations will be restricted and also on the outcome of tenta I tive agreements between the Bonneville administration and I the Pacific Power & Light com- I pany relative to power trans i mission from Hermiston to Jor- 1 dan. The house vote on the ec- onomy program was unfavor able to REA and it remains to be seen what the senate will accomplish ii restoring some of the appropriations. Wckard's approval of the loan to the local cooperative is in line with a request made by Henry Baker and Albert Scou ten on the occasion of a hurried trip to Washington a few weeks ago. Up to the present, Bonne ville has been unable to offer any assistance to the CBE and it was suggested that if the REA would advance necessary funds to the CBE for construc tion of transmission lines, Bon neville would lease the lines at a figure that would amortize the loan. If the money is forthcoming construction of the transmission line from Hermiston to Jordan will be made possible. At pre sent a tentative agreement has been reached between the Paci fic Power & Light company and the Bonneville administration whereby PP&L will "wheel" Bonneville power over its line from Pendeton to Hermiston to be transferred to the Hermiston Jordan line. This will be a 66,-000-volt line and will serve both the CBE and PP&L lines in Mor row county. The Columbia Basin Electric Co-operative has most of the materials on hand for construc tion of lines into the rural ar eas but is waiting for delivery of wire. Until the financial hor izon is cleared, however, it is not expected that much in the way of construction will be done. week end in Heppner visiting with relatives and friends. Ac cording to reports the Coutures have sold their store in Fossil and are looking for a new lo cation. Mrs. O. M. Y'eager left Thurs day for Longview, Wash., to be with her daughter who is ill. Mrs. Oscar Borg returned to her home in Portland Tuesday after spending a few days In Heppner visiting relatives and friends. While here Mrs. Borg was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Sadie M. Sigsbee. Mrs. Nettie Flower Harper has gone to Athena to convalesce at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy McQueen. Mr. and Mrs. McQQueen and Mrs. Wrex Lang don of Tendleton came over Saturday after Mrs. Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcher of Ukiah were visitors in Heppner Friday. Gordon and Elmer Bucknum arrived Sunday from Los An geles, called by the serious ill ness of their father, E. L. Buck num. Mr. Bucknum Sr. was moved to the home of Mrs. Mat tie Rood Wednesday afternoon for nursing care. Mrs. Orderie Gentry will assist with caring for him. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gilman returned the first of the week from a vacation trip to southern California and Mexico. Mrs. Gordon Bender of Port land is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ada Cason, and sister. Mrs. Har old Scritsmier. The Benders,' who have been residing in Bend until recently, are moving to Portland to make their home, i Les Matlock, who has been very ill at his home, is reported i t o be improving. I 4-H Beef Club At The Dalles Morrow county's 4-H beef club exhibit won second place in the Eastern Oregon Wheat League show and sale at The Dalles which closed Wednesday even ing after a two-day showing. This report was brought back to Heppner today by Nelson An uersiin, county agricultural ac ent who accompanied the exh. biters to The Dalles. Sherman county was first. Morrow second, Grant third. Umatilla fourth, Gilliam fifth and Wallowa sixth. Eight counties were represented. Anderson made a record of the Morrow county groups win nings in each event and these inclure: Herdmanship Wallowa first, Morrow second, Grant third. Class judging: Shorthorns 2nd, Ronald Laker: :'nl. Jo Antic Graves; .hi). Ditane Baker; 5th, Neil Pea mer: 7th, Betty Graves; 10th, Ingrid Herman. Showmanship. Junior class: Ingrid Herman 1th, Ida Lee Cha pel Dili. Senior class: Jo Anne Graves 1th, Belty Graves 7th. Hearing on Milk Licenses Held in Heppner Tuesday Hermiston Dairy Operators Would Enter Local Field Should the Oregon milk board see fit to grant licenses to dairy operators seeking franchises there would be three concerns delivering milk in Morrow in stead of one. Two applicants' cases were heard here Tuesday morning when Melvin J. Conk- lin, examiner for the state milk board, took statements pro and con relative to the present ser vice and examined the applica tions of Olin L. Hodge and Rich ard Barham of Hermiston who seek to enter this field for wholesale distribution of milk. Conklin took up the applica tion of Olin Hodge first, asking questions as to the present vol ume of milk handled by the ex isting distributorship; distance his truck would have to travel to and from Hermiston and pro bable cost per mile and what the average cost per quart of milk would be. Hodge's figures in answer to the above resulted in an estimated delivery cost of six cents per quart. He later stated that he is delivering milk in Arlington now and if granted a license to distribute milk In Morrow county would make a circuit trip, delivering to Hepp ner, Lexington, lone and Ar lington. Hodge stated that his milk is acquired from farmers whose barns meet Grade A specifica tions. He also expressed the be lief that a second milk delivery concern in this field might cause a slight raise in price of the product. If permitted to op erate here he will deliver in wholesale lots only that is, not run a local house to house de livery. Herman Plass, manager of the Umatilla Dairy Co-operative, which has the local franchise, took the stand in defense of his concern. He stated that a div ision of the volume here would more than likely necessitate adding a little to the consum ers bill inasmuch as it would cost practically the same to de liver a smaller volume. He stat ed that the co-op is doing its best to give the people good service. W. C. Rosewall and R. B. Fer guson, called to make state ments, both declared they have been using the co-op's milk ever since that concern entered the field and that they found ser vice and milk okeh. George Corwin took a some what opposite view in relation to the public school milk ser vice. He stated that some of the milk was sour when placed be fore the children and despite ef forts of Mr. Plass to remedy the condition, th cafeteria service at the school found it necessary to discontinue buying the milk about two weeks before school closed. Corwin's statement was cor roborated by Mrs. Elizabeth Dix, primary teacher, who said the work of her department in get ting the children to drink milk was handicapped much of the time by the condition of the milk. P. W. Mahoncy, an avowed milk drinker stating that he drinks neither coffee nor tea Continued on Pkk Six Rates Second Show and Sale Livestock judging contest: Ronald Baker second. (07 club members participating). Class judging: Hereford 2nd Ingrid Herman, 5th Ida Lee Cha pel, tUh Vesta Cutsforth. 8th Jo Anne Graves, 1.1th Ida Lcc Cha pel. Ingrid Herman's calf brought 51 cents a pound for a total of ?..'0.20 third highest at the sale. Ronald Bak.-r realized 3ti cents a pound or $.IGS.:!i) for his calf. i K. B. Ferguson's choice Short- horn was shown by Ingrid Her I man. The animal was bred by Sherman & Ferguson, j All animals on exhibition i were fed on rations coiitainlnu at least .') per cent wheat, a ; re,inren:cia set up by the East ;crn Oron.'ri Wheat league to 1 encourage greater use of wheat j as a stock feed, j Business houses of The Dal , les bought most of the KiH head i f cattle, '62 sheep and 31 hog offered by the 4-H club exhlbi I tors.