Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1944)
: .') ... j . 1 1$ 5 tut Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, April 6, 1944 Volume 61 , Number 2 tan Draft List To Be Checked Closely In Coming Weeks All Available Men To Be Drawn, Says Board Member Draft list are being gone over wth a fine tooth comb and every available prospect's papers are be- tr rf m iron n yy wvyrtcarvim CO-Jinn 1T1 f in an effort to meet the demands for t, .uncr. member of the local draft board, told members of Heppner chamber of commerce at the weekly lunch eon Monday. The board plays no favorites, the J act on any case wnere a reiauve u some other cause for doubt is being tive of one of the board members, vinciriarort in rata rvr h tHr itriei x . decision is left with, a neutral board. r. 1 1 1 This is necessary to protect both the inductee am d the , board from j i ii i r i f-i i. ihiiii criticism. Kclainins the ruling on who HhaU be given deferment, Johnson , 4;, t!lo rrtv ,,ndpr consideration must be a key man in a critical in- jw )f v.a i in thP wfi srouD 18- or ulnHnn vrac of r,hvsical ,'r '. j o,.Qna nf'Pf'l fir MHlllllUclLj la liu aaoun" F IldllLUl-Clf lO nu o.jov...-" . , i. that a registrant will not be called up again and he is quite certain tliat in view of the present deficien- cy in the drait not a few rejectees :n l fiY vo-pvamina- W fTnn wrT also came i n- for considerable dis .i . cussion. His conclusion was tnat the older men and 4-F' group will be faced with the task of carrying ( on the home front if the quota de 'maiided by the armed services is io be met. Mrs. A. M. Phelps Passes at Bend Mrs. A. M. Phelps, former resi dent of Heppner, was laid to rest ) P.cnrI Saturday. Anril 1, accord- ing to information sent here early en and information imparted to displayed Friday evening when the' this week. Death occurred at the St. parents of the participating children junior class of Heppner high school Charles hospital following a brief relative to conditions governing the presented tire three-act comedy, illness. Services were held from -the campaign. No guns will be used in "Tiptoe Inn." Doubtiless many of Niswonger and Winslow funeral the hunt, Isom stated. e several hundred people witness chapel with Rev. R. H. Prentice of- ing the offerings of the young Burial was in Greenwood Churches fro JOIIl people went to the gym with a feel- cemetery Born in 18G5 at Marion, Iowa, Mrs. Phelps was approaching 79 years of age. With her husband and children she came to Heppner in 1905 and made her home here for at b:to a. m. bunday at tne unurcn ot situations in wnicn eacn memoer formation reieascd this week. This meat business both as a retailer and 25 years. Mr. Phelps engaged in the cf Chri;;t. Participating will be, the of the cast becomes involved . ig -n rdercnce to Boy Scout work a buyer and seler, He was aso en grocery business most of the time Church of Christ, the Assembly of Getting into the imxups and get- ;,nd igures show that whereas there gaged in the sheep business with during their residence here. God and the Methodist church. tag out again provided the young were tw troopg at county &t the late,R,A ThompSOn and d Surviving, besides the husband Following the service, breakfast actors with vehicles for exercising beginning of lm one each at a parlnerslup with the late Percy are one daughter, Elizabeth Phelps will be served in the dining room their talents and many hearty Heppner and Leton, there are Hughes in buying and shippng of Vancouver, Wash.; one son Mar- shall Phelps, of Bend; a sister, Ber- tha MarshaU, ot nawau, ana one grandchild. SECOND SURVEY REVEALS MINOR INFRACTIONS A second survey of retail estab- lishments by the price panel found 5 stores conforming and 13 guilty of minor infractions but all agreed to get in line. Monday was spent down Willow creek and Tuesday ihe panel and chairman of the board visited Boardman and Irrigon. LEXlMilUN Uikuuin ci.ui Garden planning should be based a nprsnn's diet, likes and dis- " i ' likes, County Agent C. D. Conrad told the Lexington 4-H Garden club at its meeting Friday afternoon. The club is gettting down to business imrl making a thorough study ot , problems to De met in laying um, . i : . 1 -f. rfr.t.rlartc planning anu. wuug iui 6lu"' The next meeting will be held Jpril 14. There will be reports on ' 1 3 .1 4- ifttitrnl member is to submit a plan of his - garden plot . MAYOR TURNER TELLS OF HEf PNER FLOOD OVER KOIN Heppner's disastrous flood of June 14, 1903 was the subject of. a talk given in Portland Wednesday eve ning by Mayor J. O, Turner.. This talk was one of a series sponsored by the Pacific Power & Light Co. and the Northwestern Electric Co., to acquaint the citizens of Oregon and Washington with their own states, particularly the areas served by the two. concerns. Mayor Turner spoke over station KOIN between 9:30 and 10 p. m. Due to the fact that the G-T radio refused to tune in on the station this newspaper is unaoie 10 cum- . . 11 A . Mrs. Turner accompanied her husband to the city. P.-T. A Schedules kArntUt Prnnrnm . . , 1 1 Three speakers have Deen scnea- uled by the Parent-Teachers assoc- . . . , ,1i rnnntiOv- mppt ? Z tu TTZZT. "ls l" "c "" " f ' .... . . day eVetni"g' r n r3 . ia will discuss some aspects of the 4- . it J Unrmt,r .Inhn Tl'll tpn ".x , A. c V Z. wm on Ul CJ1" state suPPort ror nooib. The nominating committee -will rePort md sSe candates . or cffice for next year and e leses lur Ule t,vt;""l& j . r i.1 IVTvm T-v V Bergstrom, chairman; Mrs. Harold Hill, Mrs. J. L. Hamlin. Mrs. Earl . , , A 1. n lU J Tlob-c Mc ArphlP PnrmPrtf and T . , "n Mrs. Raymond Pettyjohn, will serve refreshments. MeetUngs ot the r-lA have oeen well attended to date, theie being an average of 50 or more. The a.socia tion is Literesled in seeing every nm'DTit onrl -fripnrl nf fvlnrat.ion nar- i-""-"" ticipaung in the work. . ; Magpie Egg Hunt , To Be Organized A meeting to complete organiza tion details for the annual magpie egg hunt will be held at 7:30 p. rn. Thursday April 13 at the Elks hall, announces Blaine Isom, president of the Morrow County Hunters and Anglers club. Teams for the hunt will be chos- I C C SUnriSe DerVICe An master sunrise service nas Been arranged oy tnree 01 tienp- ners cnurcnes wnicn win, oe in the cnurcn casement. nERE F()R jeral Mrs Nam Kummp nf Snokani. sister of Mrs. C. W. McNamer, ar- rived this morning to attend funeral services for Mr. McNamer Friday mrtmintf Arrivincf this affpmnon were Mr. McNamer's sister. ' Mrs. Blanche Moore of Pbrtand, and Mrs. Lucy Butler Nelson, a close friend of Mrs McNamer's from Skamania, Wash. NEPHEW DROWNS Kenneth Blake received word Wedneday of the death by drown- ing of his brother Merle's 10- year 0id son Bobbie in Oswego lake, Kih anH Kis fafVmr. WiMard , ' Blake, left this morning for Oswego to attend the funeral. VISITING RELATIVES Miss Betty Jean Robinson t ii -i:f : j;, ,roniV ociic, uoui., JO opcnUu.s a. Vinro visitintf Vior mint. Mrs. Tom 0 , Wells, her grandparents, Mr. and ivxrs. rx. o. oiiazmuii, ana uuiei iw nf 1VPS. RVlP Will lfflVP this week end to resume her work at Berke ley APrU 13- Date for Cleanup Set by Mayor and Council Monday April 7-14 Time Chosen to Make Town Presentable rVwlnrincf in Faunr nf n tfonoral cpanim .11',. tu itA, tu mavor , rmmp Mnndav Pvenintr sot the 0 for annual spring removal of rubbish and; dirt in general. All citizens - have been asked to parti cipate in the movement during the week April t-14. In setting the date, the city fa thers emphaticaly stated that the citv will not provide free hauling , , , , . - .. . ., . " but a manpower shortage .r Thoro nmc enmo H ,in w . intiv wna jwhv now. There was some discussion about furnishing a truck for some tr, A-rAw arA nwoTr tradK Jm anri hon aursir , nrnnortv wnprs wi,n milst nav ui i wi j t- - ' . . " w 4. jf- r-"j " " " i ior service- was deemed more advisable f0r TOle to the conveyances regularly engagea in general hauling. cin. i,pr ar mSnv drives for war financing, the council is leaving it up to the property own- . eis an'd tenants to go about the iCieanuT) on their own initiative. It is U.K1. .y, rnnp will dean v....,-. . r- - -1 " . I -n i. U meir own Premlse3 DUl Wlil I10L mdined t(J work on neigKboring vacant lots. The city made no pro- vision for uking care of this phase of the cleanup However, in the in terests of satety, some of the haz- wm be removed jf the fire de . . i x i a i j ;a porunent nas 10 get out anu uu u, pai uneiii ii w .u, uo. trash on the walks or in front of your property to wait for the city wagon to haul it away. Contact one oi the delivery wagons for that ser vice. The cost will not be much if you have your stuff ready to go. Juniors Display Talent in Class Play No small amount of talent w ing that they were doing their duty. only to come away convinced that me-y would nave misseci a treat iwa tney stayed at nome xiptoe inn is a cievei oiunuu clever blendir.g wugns ior tne dent mat trie cat nau iae.i u.e rnnrhintf t .Miss Mardock seriously , is- i i t' won laurels for 4.upiVpo mDE snoRT VISIX Lt. Norton King and Mrs. King arrived Saturday, March 25, from Oklahoma,, where Norton finished a course in advanced aviation. After spending a day visiting Mrs. Kings mother, Mrs. Hilma Anderson, and other relatives, they went to Port- land where, the young flyer entrain- ed for one of those unknown desti- nations, presumably an embarkation point. Mrs. King has returned here for the duration, if her husband is . . ' on his way across. m BACK IN STATES Lyle Cox, AMMljc, is back in the of states, according to his father, EI7 W.rt fnv wVio statps that his son y - -- - - called him lrom Alameda, Lain, about a week ago. Lyle s outfit has - wcu irw - temnorarilv. He expects to pay the - home folks a visit but could not lust when ALEUT VETERAN VISITING PARENTS THIS WEEK . Home for he first time in two years, Lt. Donald Drake is enjoy ing the privilege of setting his feet under the parental table. Accom panied by Mra Drake .and their little son, Lt. Drake is spending a week or so at the Ray Drake farm home in Sand Hollow, where the green hills are balm to his eyes but the slightly summerish temperature makes him a bit uncomfortable af ter about two years spent in Alaska and the Aleutians. For the past several mouths Drake was stationed about 10 miles from 1 f 1 TT i X me camP wxlere P1- vawter rap ker was based1 and the two Hepp ner soldiers visited frequently. . Cub Scout Pack Organized This Week Boys in the age group 9-11 have riven an opportunity to learn ihe mdhnents of sxmtme through or scouting through m here this week of ; . 7 , the organization here this week of a cue scout pac. oixieen ooys, a cud scout roacK. oixteen novs have been assigned to Ihe two dens led bv Mrs. Florence Green and Mrs. Conley Lanham. Other leaders 1 . 1 -. -II . -ii. are omey iannam, urvuie omiui ana unaries stout. uuren. wnro ana an aojer xuive uft-n scuieu by their scoutmaster to serve chiefs of the two dens. as Many other boys have signified an interest in joining the cubs, ac- ii,, tr ii tt' i 1 i l coming to fi.ennem mcKenixraom assistant scout executive of the Blue Mountain council, 'who directed the , , ftvrfnn xinnU- ThOGo irr1lfhG "e-"-" ' r will be absorbed ut l the pack as fast as new dens can be organized 'and they are advised by Scout officials to keep in touch with the cubmas ter or the den leaders. BROTHERS VISIT IN jj AjuiN'S MET R01' OUS Mrs. Lera Crawford is in receipt of a letter from her son, Midship man Hugh Crawford, telling of a week-end spent with his brother, Ensign John Crawford, who came from Boston to New York to visit him. The two Heppner young mfn dined in the officer's quarters of one of the swankey hotels, made a visit to -the top floor of the Empire Slate building and climaxed the visit by witnessing Paul Robeson's portrayal of Shakespeare's Othello. The boys are uiging their mother to go to New York at the time of Hugh's graduation from midshipman's sihccl, and there are signs that she is weakening. SCOUTING ON UPGRADE i MORROW COUNTY cccuting hys ken definitely on upgrade in Morrow county dur- . t according to in now troops at lone, and Boardman & ge& gcout SM at .... . . , . J-exington and a cub pacK in nep- pner. A total of 89 boys and 18 yearg ago decided to enter the local adult leaders are involved in the political field by running for coun program. ty commissioner. Any worthy en- In addition to the Boy Scout ac- tivities, a large group of girls have been enrolled in Girl Scout work in recent weeks in Heppner. LFXINrT0N jj, scno0i ' ' ' ' rivii.iii i-au wn.ui Announcement is made .by the Lexington high school that a three- act comedy, "Sadie of the U. S. A. , wm De presented at tne scnooi au- ditorium on the evening of April 11 The plot is built around a girl's ef- i 1 1. .. 1 ",uiedK uf ""B.11 upon oiowing up tne muniuuns works. The olav teems with action. funny lines and hilarious situations. Sjponsors of the play guarantee an evenintf of rare entertainment - - - and more uian your moneys worth - at the extremely popular prices. Judge Bert Johnson will be the ff grange baturday evening. Lexington Stroke Fatal to C. W. McNamer, Co. Commissioner Death Comes as County Court Is About to Take Up A stroke induced by a blood clot caused the death of C. W. McNa mer about 10:30 Wednesday morn ing. The commissioner had entered the county judge's office just prior to the opening of the court session when the attack came. Dr. A. D. Ma Murdo was called as was Mrs. Mo Namtr, and they worked over the prostrate man for half an hour or more before the end came. . , Mr. MclNamers passing was a shock. 10 vie comrauniiy as ne naa attending to business affah, community as he had' d workine on uig ranch since re j i! . turning from California Due to the i..t i i. l i j , u: irir ru uit iingauii(i 111 ma cixicuict iiciu aiiu appeared to standing up to the It was his to be busy to keep in touch with his various interests, and this left him no time for worry over his physical condi tion. Services will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. Friday from the Masonic hall. Archdeacon Neville Blunt will offi UUIC, .TW 1 cUlgU Illfl 1 IS ill C HI CI . . ciate. Arrangements are in charge of Phelps Funeral Home. The body wi be taken q Forest where final rites and commitment will be held Saturday. Conrad Wilbur, McNamer wa3 born Nov. 29, 1875 to Nehemiah and Nancy Kirts McNamer, near Forest Grove,. Oregon He attended .the . Forest Grove public schools and Paulie university where he was the first football coach. In 1398, he and his brother struck out for Alaska to make their fortunes in the gold fields. Five years were spent in the north. At one time word reached his people that he and his brother had Peiishcd- After waiting for somf time and receiving no word lu U1L iauves ana townspeople conduceld memorial services in their honor. Shortly thereafter the brothers landed in Seattle and soon convinced their people that they were very much alive. 1 In May 191G Mr. McNamer bought the lone Meat market and on July 24 of the same year he married Sarah Rcdgers at Walla Walla. They made their home at lone until Au- gust 1922 when they moved to Hop: pner where he continued in the cattle. He took an active part in civ- i(J a backer and rect. . , . or oi me neppner Koueo, ana two teifprise for the good of Heppner and the county could always count on support from him and in his quiet way he helped many less for- tunate in Ume of thclr nee(L , Fraternally, Mr. McNamer was a niCmber of Heppner lodge No 69 A. F & u; Eastem star both of ilevprieti and held a life mem- kersuip m Delphian lodge, Knights of Pythias, at Forest Grove. Survivors are Mrs. McNamer and i ma wsra his sister. Mrs. Blanche Moore of Portland RETURN HOME Mr. and Mrs. Hanson Hughes re turned Saturday from Portland where thev snent a counlo of weeks ""-j ot. during which time Hanson under went a check-up on his physical condition. His friends have been pleased to see him out on the street once more