Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 16, 1942, Image 1

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A Week
of the War
4 O
(Summary of information on im
portant developments of the week
made available by official sources
through noon, EWT, Monday, July
War Production Chairman Nelson,
speaking in Detroit, said the U. S.
will hit the real "peak" of its war
production program by next March.
Mr. Nelson said "our ability to pro
duce is much greater than anyone
dreamed. The armament objectives
as announced by President Roose
velt last winter and which seemed
too vast at the time will be readily
realized . . . our productive capacity
is apparently limited only by the
raw materials available.
"The engineering genius of Amer
ican production, when turned from
peace to war, has proved a reservoir
no one could gauge," Mr. Nelson said.
"When American men and machines
stopped competing with each other
and turned all their competitive en
ergy and abilities against Hitler and
Hirohito, it knocked all previous cal
culation of our productive powers into
a cocked hat . . . the real problem
now is not one of production. It is
the problem of a better distribution
of the materials from which war
production springs."
Chairman Nelson 'said "at all cost
we must not get into the frame of
mind that this is either an easy or
a short job. If people build on false
hopes of an easy victory or a short
war, then they are certain to feel let
down when the bad days come, as
come they will. ..."
Production and Subcontracting
WPB Chairman Nelson announced
a "realignment" of the Board to
permit him to devote his time to
essential allocation policies between
the needs of the armed forces and
the civilian economy. He said essen
tial civilian needs, such as those for
the communications and transport
ation systems, must be met. The civ
ilian economy, though "thin," must
Continued on Page Four
Rose Leibbrand Quits
Civic Post for Army
Rose Leibbrand resigned as coun
ty chairman of the Morrow County
chapter of the American Red Cross,
Monday, following her induction in
to the Women's Army Auxiliary
corps in Portland, July 11. She leav
es for Des Moines, Iowa, for eight
weeks' intensive training before be
ing assigned to active, non-combatant
Candidates for the WAAC must
pass a mental test with a minimum
rating of 110; a personnel interview
and a thorough physical examina
tion. Miss Leibbrand was sent to
Salt Lake City by the U.'S. army
authorities for an interview before
officials of the Ninth Corps Area
headquarters, June 20.
Commisary administrators were
chosen from that group for imme
diate assignment. Miss Leibbrand
along with 30 other Oregon women
will seek officer's training in tech
nical classes.
Miss Leibbrand said she especial
ly wished to express her apprecia
tion to everyone in Morrow county
who has assisted so willingly with
time, talents and contributions to
wards the work of the American
Red Cross.
I. N. Hughes, 76, father of Mrs.
Laura Driskell of Eight Mile, and
uncle of Hanson Hughes of this city,
who resided here for a number of
years before moving to Milton in1
1900, died Tuesday at his home in
McMinnville, according to word re
ceived by Mr. Hughes. Mrs. Dris
kell left Monday for McMinnville in
response to word of her father's last
illness. Mr. Hughes lived at Belling
ham, Wash., for many years before
going to McMinnville the first of
the year. Nine children, George,
Bertha, Laura, Maude, Bernard, Ar
gus, Clarence, Ralph and Eva, sur
vive. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
H. Schoenberger, an 8-pound daugh
ter, July 8, at the Corda Saling
home in Heppner. She has been
named Carol Ann.
Born An 8-pound son to Mr. and
Mrs. Alton Lee Osmin, July 10, at
their country home near Heppner.
Volume 59, Number 16
Business Life Will
Return To Hardman,
Correspondent Says
Growth of Cereal In
dustry Noted; Store,
Gas Station Slated
A few weeks ago these columns
noted with regret that Hardman was
without store, service station, or any
business except for the postoffice.
Good news is conveyed this week
by Elsa M. Leathers, who has ac
cepted the position of postmistress
in the little neighboring city by the
mountains, and who corresponds for
this family publication, that con
struction of a store and service sta
tion are in progress, and "that by the
time school bells ring, Hardman will
be back on the map 100 percent."
Noting the return of better times
for the pioneer town of "Yellow Dog
and Dog Town" the dual name
Hardman carried in more halcyon
days Mrs. Leathers reports:
"Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knighten re
turned Saturday from Portland with
a new Dodge panel for a delivery
truck for their Satisfaction Cereal
manufactured here in Hardman
The demand for the cereal has
grown to the extent that a larger
truck was necessary.
"The Knightens service stores as
far as northeastern Washington, and
all of eastern Oregon. The territory
is widening each month as' they
open new routes.
"Hardman is very much on the
map, especially with the recognition
it receives from this Satisfaction
cereal. A new grocery store, gas and
oil station are in progress. By the
time the school bells ring again,
Hardman will be back 100 percent."
(Additional Hardman news on
page 2.)
The Room Improvement Club,
Irrigon 4-H club girls organiza
tion, took the lead in giving com
fort kits for boys in the service.
Miss Rose Leibbrand, retiring
chairman of the county Red Cross
has just received the Irrigon girls'
contribution of $15 for purchase of
kits, with the following letter, sign
ed by Mrs. Ladd Sherman, club
"We are sending a money order
for fifteen dollars to be used for
comfort kits for our soldiers.
"My 4-H club girls in Room Im
provement planned and gave a pro
gram to raise funds for this pur
pose. We cleared fifteen dollars so
we are sending the entire amount."
Rubber Salvage Drive
Yields 1 54,664 Lbs.
With Irrigon, Boardman, Cecil un
heard from since the first of the
month, the total yield of scrap rub
ber from the salvage campaign in
Morrow county was 154,664 pounds,
reports C. D. Conrad, county sal
vage chairman.
This makes a per capita yield of
36 pounds, and should the unre
ported places show much additional
collection, this figure will be still
larger, Conrad pointed out.
Word has been received here of
the death of Lester Meadows, for
many years a resident of this city,
at Oakland, Cal. Mr. Meadows spent
most of his boyhood days in Hepp
ner when his father, Sam Meadows,
ran a livery stable here hthe early
Shellar Prock was brought to
Heppner by ambulance last night,
suffering from severe injuries sus
tained a few hours before in an
automobile accident near Arlington.
ffinzua, Heppner Lbr.
Forest Areas Closed
The slash and logging forest areas
of both Heppner Lumber company
and Kinzua Pine Mills operations
have been closed to all entry except
by those who have business in the
sections, and only these may enter
through special permission from the
forest service, according to an
nouncement this week by F. F.
Wehmeyer, ranger in charge of the
local district.
This closing regulation is more
stringent than that affecting other
portions of the forest, closure of
which was announced last week, and
no fires or smoking whatever are
permitted in the lumbering ditricts.
Wehmeyer stressed that in the
other closed portions of the forest
only small cooking fires may be built
on the permits required by every
one. Fire protection units are now com
pletely organized in the local dis
Feeding Wheat Still
Available at Loan Rate
Government stored wheat for live
stock feeding will continue to be
available in Oregon through the
month of July, the state USDA war
board has announced. Under the
feed wheat program nearly lVz mil
lion bushels of Oregon wheat has
been sold for feeding livestock and
poultry since last February.
Prices during the period will con
tinue to be based on 1941 loan val
ues. Orders may be placed through
any county AAA committee.
The state war board heard from
its technical committee at the latest
meeting that continuation of the feed
wheat program is a vital factor in
whether Oregon farmers meet the
goals set up under the food for free
dom campaign.
The technical committee submit
ted a preliminary report on this and
other related matters after complet
ing an intensive statewide survey of
1942 farm production and prospects
for 1943.
Output of meat, milk and eggs are
closely related to the availabiiiay of
government owned wheat under
some such plan as that now in op
eration, the committee pointed out.
Large increases in these commod
ities have been encouraged to meet
war-time needs.
Game Commission
Takes Elk Applications
Applications are now being re
ceived at the office of the game
commission in Portland for the lim
ited number of special tags to be
issued for the taking of cow elk,
doe deer and antelope in certain
areas of the state.
There will be 2000 cow elk tags
issued at $5 each for the open terri
tory, exclusive of Wallowa county,
in northeastern Oregon. Doe deer
tags will be limited to 3000 and will
be good for a specified area in
Grant and adjoining counties. Fee
for the doe deer tags is $3.50. Prac
tically the same portion of Lake,
Malheur and Harney counties will
be open again for antelope hunting
and 1500 tags at $3.50 each will be
Individuals wishing to apply for
any of these tags should forward
to the game commission office the
proper fee Together with informa
tion as to the number and kind of
hunting license held. If by August
1 the applications exceed the quota
of tags, a drawing will be held on
that date to determine to whom
tags shall be issued. Otherwise, ap
plications will then be taken care
of in the order they are received.
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Wehmeyer an
nounce the wedding today at Los
Angeles of their daughter, Miss Ed
ith Wehmeyer, to Mr. Claude Suit.
They will be at home at 205 S. Cat
alina St., Rodondo Beach, Cal.
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, July 16, 1942'1
trict, and Supervisor Carl Ewing and
Assistant Overby are this week mak
ing an inspection tour over the en
tire Heppner district. John Clous
ton, range inspector from the Pen
dleton office spent last week in this
district and found excellent cover.
Louis Gilliam, emergency fore
guard will report to the army en
gineers to work until called for
service in the navy.
At the various forest posts are
Clarence Wise, Potamus; Hugh J.
Deeney, Wheeler; Ernest Kirkpat
rick, principal of Asotin, Wn., chools,
at Tamarack; Norbert Peavy, Ar
buckle; Roland Farrens, Ellis; El
mer Hinton, Opal; Ellis Carlson,
Tupper; Bert Bleakman, Ditch
Creek; Max Buschke, Bull Prairie;
Robert Buckholtz, Matteson.
A forest road crew under Ray
Huddleston is now working in the
Ellis district.
Paul Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Chris P. Brown of Heppner, and
Norman Griffin, son of Phil Grif
fin of lone, arc captives of the Jap
anese army, according to a radio
report heard yesterday by several
local people, although no official
word has been received from the
war department.
Both Morrow county boys had
formerly been reported as missing
following the fall of Bataan where
they were serving in the army.
. The radio report, from a station
in a neighboring city, was said to
have given a list of names released
by Japan through the Red Cross at
Geneva of persons held captive in
Japan, among which were the names
of the two Morrow county boys.
Knowledge that the boys are still
alive has been happily received by
their relatives and friends.
Insurance Users May
Get Big Premium Cut
Oregon farmers who have parti
cipated in the federal all-risk crop
insurance program since its intro
duction in 1939 may be eligible for a
50 per cent reduction in premium
rates on thir 1943 wheat crops, the
state AAA office has announced.
A premium reduction plan has
been put into effect that will bene
fit the grower whose accumulated
paid-in premiums equal or exceed
his insured production for any crop
year. Growers who qualify will re
ceive a 50 per cent cut in premium
If a farmer is not eligible for a
reduced premium rate in 1943, he
may become eligible in any subse
quent year when premiums accumu
lated, minus indemnities, exceed the
insured production for the year.
A son was born yesterday to Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Hayes at St. An
thony's hospital in Pendleton, where
Mrs. Hayes is seriously ill. Her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hanlon
are with her. Mr. Hayes is in Aus
tralia with the armed forces.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCarty and
son Paul drove up from The Dalles
Tuesday to spend the day with
friends and Paul remained over
Wednesday. He is still awaiting call
for service in the army, being an
officer in the reserves.
Jack Merrill left Tuesday evening
for Salt Lake City where he will
work at an ordnance depot. His
mother, Mrs. Mark Merrill and Miss
Norma Prock accompanied him as
far as Pendleton.
Miss Pat Cason started work this
week as clerk at the Soil Conserva
tion Service office at the CCC camp.
Mrs. Harold Stiles of Portland ia
a guest this week of her mother,
Mrs. Josie Jones.
Information Plan '
Organized Here
Community Leaders
to Take Messages
to All Parts County
War emergency program affect
ing agriculture and the part agricul
tural and rural people can take in
helping the war program will be
taken to every rural family and ex
plained by local neighborhood lead
ers in Morrow county as a result of
an organization meeting of com
munity leaders at the county agent's
office last Saturday evening.
To assure that every rural family
fully understands the national war
emergency programs that affect them
and to assure the fullest support of
every farm family, the U S. depart
ment of agriculture has called upon
the extension service to develop a
plan for more efficiently contacting
every rural family.
The plan as developed in Oregon
attempts to do this with the least
amount of effort and travel on the
part of anyone and will employ the
cooperation and services of some 100
men and women as neighborhood
leaders in Morrow county. The lead
ers will be called upon to carry in
formation to the other five to ten
families in their neighborhood only
when the information is considered
of sufficient importance to every
family's living to warrant. County
Agent C. D. Conrad states it is not
expected that the leaders will be
called upon more than about once
every two months, but will be de
termined entirely by future devel- ,
The prime purpose of the organi
zation, adds Conrad, is to insure an
efficient means of disseminating
facts to all our people about those
things that so definitely affect their
every day life, as does the nation's
program to control the cost of liv
ing and prevent inflation. Explain
ing the seven-point inflation con
trol program will be the first job of
the new organization because it does
so definitely affect every rural
With 16.2 per cent larger national
income in 1942 over 1941 and with
12.2 per cent less consumer goods
because of the diversion of pro
duction into materials for war, the
inflation control program has been
set up to prevent increased living
costs and divert the extra national
income into channels where it will
further the war effort.
Community leaders from lone,
Lexington, Heppner farming area,
city of Heppner, Butter creek, and
Eightmile and Hardman attended
the Saturday meeting and divided
their communities into neighbor
hoods. The name of the neighbor
hood leaders are expected by the
end of July. A similar meeting was
held at Irrigon Saturday afternoon
for the Irrigon and Boardman com
munities. The organization plan as develop
ed for Oregon was first submitted
to the state agricultural planning
committee and state USDA war
board and received the approval of
those two groups. It was then sub
mitted to chairmen of the county
agricultural planning committees in
each county and received their ap
proval. Plans are to get the organization
completed as soon as possible, but
activities will be held to a minimum
until after harvest because of the
demands already being made on ev
eryone right now.
The local rationing board has an
nounced office hours from 10 to 12
and 1 to 4 on week days, and 1 to
4 on Saturdays.
Cooked Food Sale Sat., July 18,
10:30 am., at Case Furniture store,
sponsored by ladies of the Methodist
War Emergency