Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 22, 1938, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Page Six
Published by the Students of
Heppner High School
Editor Bethal Blake
Assistant Editor ........ Omer McCaleb
Student Opinion Leland Edmondson
Sports, Emery Coxen and Floyd
Humor Betty Happold
Gossip Milton Morgan
Class and Girls' League Elections,
Sibyl Howell
Did You Know That?, Dick Wilkin
son Freshman Initiation, Robert Scriv-
ner and Art McAtee
Social Hour, Betty Robinson ' and
Helen Egan
Band, Billy Barratt and Don Fred
Junior Loud Sock Day, Thomas
Gonty and Andy Davidson
Ten Years Ago Howard Patton
Gas House Gossip Joe Aiken
Fossil Game John Crawford
Students' Opinion of Football Boys
Wearing Whiskers
Omer McCaleb Doesn't affect me
Btty Robinson I don't know
anything about it.
Bethal Blake For some irls it's
not so good, but for me, I think it
is fine.
Jean Hays I think it's pretty
good: it might make them win
Ruth Green Nice work if they can
do it.
Milt Morgan Somebody is crazy,
Mr. Blankenship May be embar
rassing unless they play good foot
Mr. Peavy All right, if they are
men enough.
Art McAtee Tough on somebody's
Alvina Casebeer Looks kinda
F.F.A. Chapter Presents Many
The coming Pacific International
Livestock exposition at Portland is
a great encouragement to the boys
belonging to the Future Farmers
of America, Heppner chapter, be
cause five of them are going to par
ticipate there with transportation
Three of the five chosen boys will
represent Heppner in the cattle
judging contest to be held at the ex
position. The other two boys will be
alternates for the chosen team.
There will be other contests thru
out the year, in which the chapter
intends to participate. First among
these is the sectional contest to be
held at Arlington, which offers con
tests in shopwork, public speaking,
and parliamentary procedure. This
is a form of elimination contest in
preparation for the second, the state
F.F.A. convention at Corvallis. The
winners in the higher types of con
tests at this convention are priv
ileged to go on to district and na
tional contests. The third main con
test for this chapter will probably
be , the livestock show at Union,
where animals from far and near
will be judged and sold.
The Heppner chapter is off to a
good start, with two previous years
of experience, and is expected to be
among the best chapters in the state,
First Social Hour Success
Friday evening after the freshman
initiation the students all went to
the basement of the school house
where they were given refreshments
provided by the senior class. The
freshmen were given refreshments
first to celebrate their actual mem
bership in Heppner high school.
Following refreshments, the stu
dents gathered in the new social hall
to dance. Music was furnished by
the sound machine.
Seniors Elect Officers
The senior class held their first
class meeting, Wednesday, Sept. 14,
At this meeting the following offi
cers were elected for the coming
term: President, Howard Patton
vice-president, Art McAtee; secre
tary-treasurer, Sibyl Howell; 'ser
geant-at-arms, Dick Bogoger.
This week gives us a bit of a new
angle upon the on-coming football
season and the prospective teams to
vie in the struggles. Schools to start
their seasons were the following:
Hermiston, losing 31 to 0 night game
with Pasco; Arlington, playing The
Dalles B team to a scoreless game;
The Dalles A squad, losing to As
toria 26 to 0; Mac-Hi, meeting defeat
at the hands of Wa-Hi by a score of
12 to 6; Union, using 20 men, their
entire squad, to defeat Halfway by
a score of 31 to 13; and Baker, sub
duing Grant Union 24 to 9.
In the six-man league Lexington
lost to Pilot Rock by a score of 10
to 7. Helix won, 8 to 7, from Touchet,
upon the tetter's home field under a
blazing sun. The heat was so intense
that one of the boys was overcome
in the initial quarter and did not
revive until after the half.
Upon the 23d of September Hepp
ner will play host to Fossil upon the
local athletic field located at the
Rodeo grounds.
The local boys staged their prac
tice game last Friday, the winning
team having the honor of breaking
their vow not to shave until a game
was won, the'losers to wear their
? until a scheduled game is won.
If Fossil is not beaten, some boys
are going to look awfully seedy for
a few weeks, as the game was score
less. The team is somewhat lighter this
year than last due to the fact that
the left side of the line graduated,
taking with them La Verne Van
Marter, whose shoes are hard to fill.
Our hope lies in fifteen experienced
and aggressive men who are out to
do their best.
The squad weighs in as follows:
Barratt 147, Drake 168, McAtee 170,
Applegate 180, Armstrong 154, Aiken
135, Crawford 138, Coxen 157, Hayes
174, Morgan 130, Merrill 135, Snow
150, Vance 148, Bogoger 140, Fay 165,
Dick 165, Patton 165, Osborne 146,
Tamblyn 124, Gilman 140, Bennett
120, Pettyjohn 164, Frederickson 145.
This gives an average of 160 pounds
for the line and 150 pounds for the
backfield. A possible line-up would
be Drake, Vance, ends; McAee, Ap
plegate, tackles; Armstrong, Patton,
guards; Craword, center; Gilman,
Coxen, Hayes and Morgan, backs,
Yours truly predicts a hard and
fast game of heads-up football, com
bined with plenty of fight and won-
der-what's-coming-next. The score:
18 to 0 in favor of old alma mater,
Here and Yon
La Verne Van Marter has really
made up his mind to go to Oregon
He had two offers for scholarships-
one to Willamette and the other to
Pacific. He plans to take up the art
of directing physical education.
Another school to adopt the ath
letic insurance is Mac-Hi, announced
Supt. James Burgess. The insurance
is to cover general athletic injuries.
Such steps would be of great bene
fit here at Heppner. Although we
have been lucky in the sense that
there have been no serious injuries
for the past two or three years, this
year might be an exception.
The Umatilla six-man league is
holding a football carnival at Athena
Sept. 23. Four teams will enter to
draw for places anS period of play,
The plan is to have six periods, with
the teams alternated in such a man
ner that a different team plays each
period. The teams to enter are Athe
na, Helix, Adams, and Pilot Rock.
Rumor has it that WSC has re
placed the confusing double shift
with a new and more confusing shift
called "hop-a-diddy." or "Susy Q.'
It sounded funny when Stanford
football men did ballet dancing, but
Pete Hodgen, formerly of Adams,
has transferred to Pendleton and is
proving that he can carry the ba
just as well in 11-man football as
he could in six-man.
Freshman Initiated Friday
Last Friday night the freshmen
were duly initiated into the student
body and have now taken on the
studious look of regular high schoo,
students. There will be no more
green ribbons, bowing to the upper
classmen, or any of the other annoy
ing little inconveniences enforced
by the sophomores.
The freshmen appeared to be
greatly relieved when the Friday
activities were ended by their oat'
of loyalty to Heppner high school,
Gazette Times, Heppner,
5 Years Ago This Week
First game of the season comes
Friday with Condon's Blue Devils,
the play being on Heppners" home
5 Years Ago hTis Wek
Those enrolling for post graduate
courses in high school this year are
Phyllis Pollock, Viola Brown, Wini
fred Case and Beulah Eskelson.
Monday evening after school the
"H" club held its first meeting of
the year for the purpose of electing
Girls' League Holds Meeting
The Girls' League held their first
meeting of the school year Thurs
day, Sept. 15. The main purpose of
the meeting was to elect officers for
the coming year. Those elected were:
President, Bethal Blake; vice-president,
Norma Prock; secretary, Pa
tricia Dooley; treasurer, Margaret
Doolittle; reporter, Betty Jean Rob
inson. A program for the coming year
was also discussed. A dance is being
planned similar to the last year's
Barn Yard Brawl, which proved to
be a great success. The, girls this
year plan to make the club more
worthy of Heppner high and the
girls themselves.
Papa: "Why did you permit Bob
to kiss you in the parlor last mght?
Bethal: "Because I was afraid he'd
catch cold in the hall."
Have You Noticed
Andy Davidson's haircut?
How Bob Applegate loves to dance
ady's choice?
Margaret Doolittles doubt as to
whom she likes the best the trans
ferred tackle from Baker or the
transferred end from Portland. May
be you should toss a coin, Mar
garet! Andy Davidson: "What's an echo?
Mr. Blankenship: "An echo is the
illy thing that can deprive a woman
of the last word."
Bob Scrivner: "I can read my
girl friend like a book."
Dick Bogoger: "Then be careful
to stick to your own library.
Eighth Grade News
This year there are twenty-six
pupils in the eighth grade, with three
transfers. They are Albert Schunk
of lone, Marjorie Cantwell of John
Day, and Ola Hiatt of Pendleton.
The eighth grade elected its offi
cers recently as follows ".President,
Kingsley Chapin; vice-president.
Claude Drake; secretary, Claudine
Drake; treasurer, Dorotha Wilson
Reporter, Jimmie Barratt; Patrol
man, Philip Cohn.
The grade school is to publish t
mimeographed newspaper for this
year in connection with the English
taught by Miss Forsythe. The eighth
grade staff is as follows: Editor,
Philip Cohn; assistant editor, James
Kenny; boys' sports editor, Jimmy
Barratt; boys' sports reporters, Billy
Bucknum and Glen Fell; girls' sports
editor, Dorotha Wilson; girls' sports
reporters, Helen Knowles and Col
leen Kilkenny; personals, Nita Rae
Bleakman and Dick Edmondson;
features, Claude Drake and Wade
Bothwell; clubs, Leon McClintick,
Wilma Beamer and Claudine Drake;
partoons, Lyle Cox and Alton Chris-
Hither and Thither
Bob Applegate might explain his
action Saturday night. If he can't,
maybe Margaret D. can.
There seemed to be plenty of
sparks flying around in Emery's
car Friday night.
Can you imagine our school sec
retary being worried over a missing
Bill Blake's father isn't complain
ing about Billy using the car, be
cause he doesn't burn any gas. How
about giving us the formula, Bill?
Band Enjoys Busy Season
By the latter part of this week, the
Heppner school band will temporar
ily close one of the busiest sasons
it has ever enjoyed. It made its first
appearance of the summer by par
ticipation in the annual Rodeo. This
was later followed by an invitation
from the Oregon Legionnaires to
play for their convention at Pendle
ton and put on an exhibition at their
drum and bugle corps contest This
showing was so satisfactory that a
group of Pendleton business men
made provisions for the band to
play on the streets during the last
day of the Pendleton Round-Up.
Followine participation in ine
Grant County fair this Saturday and
Sunday, the band will officially
close a very successful summer sea
son. The group now plans to organize
under a new system. This system
will consist of a president, vice-pres
ident and other proper officials.
Juniors Have Loud Sock Day
The annual Junior Loud Sock day
was held Thursday of last week.
Loud Sock day has been a matter of
tradition for the juniors for several
years in Heppner. At this time ju
niors are required to wear loud and
conspicuous socks of some sort.
Those failing to abide by this rule
are required to present a ten-minute
play before the student body. This
year's juniors breaking that rule
were Clifford Fay, Dorothy Howell,
Don Jones, Jack Merrill, Harold
Armstrong and Bob Applegate.
Did You Know That-
Frozen foods were used in colon
ial times? American colonists baked
100 pies at a time, froze them, and
stored them in large jars. When a
pie was wanted, it was thawed out
in a pie cupboard in the chimney.
Natives of Borneo use red ants for
Wheat sold for $2,500 a bushel
during the Egyptian depression of
333 A. D.?
You can flavor your glass of water
as you sip it with a straw invented
by a Burbank, Cat, man? A strip of
cotton linters, containing chemicals,
is inserted into the straw to simu
late the taste of your .favorite soft
A California woman sued for a
divorce because her husband would
n't let her eat toast? "The crunch
ing got him," explained the woman,
Albanian brides effect special
wedding complexions by smoothing
their faces with a preparation of
lemon juice and sugar, applied boil
ing hot?
Harold Alfred and oDn Wadey of
Uncle Sam's navy, stationed at Ke
port, aWsh., torpedo base, were week
end guests of Mr. Alfreds brother.
Frank C. Alfred, taking in the
Round-Up and Happy Canyon with
ATwater 4884
5th at Washington
A. D. McMurdo, M. D.
Trained Nora Assistant
Office In Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co.
Office in New Peters Building
F. W. Turner & Co.
Old Line Companies Seal Estate
Heppner, Oregon
Jos. J. Nys
Peters Building, Wulow Street
Heppner, Oregon
Laurence Case
"Jnst the serrioe wanted
when yon want It mestf
Thursday. Sept 22, 1938
J. 0. Turner
Phone 173
Hotel Heppner Building
Dr. Raymond Rice
First National Bank Building
Office Phone 523 House Phone 821
Abstract Co.
Roberts Building Heppner, r.
P. W. Mahoney
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow St. Entrance
J. 0. Peterson
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches Clocks - Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon.
Vawter Parker
First National Bank Building
Dr. Richard C. Lawrence
Modern equipment including X-car
for dental diagnosis
Extraction by gas anesthetta
First National Bank Bulldls
Phone 582 Heppner, Ore.
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician Swgeo
Rec. Phone 1182 Office Phone 4
W. M. Eubanks
on Heppner Branch
V. R. Runnion
Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty
405 Jones Street, Heppner, Ore.
Phone 452
Frank C. Alfred
Telephone 442
Rooms 8-4
First National Bank Building
Peterson & Peterson
U. S. National Bank Building
Practice In State and Federal Courts
Real Estate
General Line of Insurance and
Notary Pufelie
Phone 62 lone. Ore.
your new or old wheat, see
for grain stored in Heppner and
at lone for rest of Branch
Bepresentlng Balfour, Ontkrle Si Oe.