Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1938)
Thursday, May 5, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three LEXINGTON NEWS Mrs. Sherman Honored By Many Friends By Bertha Hunt Mrs. Ladd Sherman (nee Lavelle Leathers), was pleasantly surprised with a miscellaneous shower held at the W. D. Campbell home on Wed nesday evening of last week, with Mary Alice Reed, Carna Campbell, Lorraine Beach and Rita Cutler as hostesses. About forty ladies were present and an enjoyable evening was had by all. Mrs. Sherman re ceived many lovely gifts. Delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. Golda Leathers who has spent some time in Portland recovering from a major operation has returned to her home here. Owen Helms was a business vis itor in this community last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Breshears and Mrs. G. J. Ryan attended the Altar society meeting at the St. Patrick's rectory Monday evening in Heppner. Remember the bazaar and food sale, May 12, put on by the Three Links club at the Leach Memorial hall. The quilt will be given away at 3:00 p. m. - Erma Scott, Edith Edwards, Lou- rene Fulgham and Glenn Thomp son returned home Monday from Oregon City where they attended the Christian Endeavor convention held there over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson and daughter Carol spent the week end in Portland. Mrs. Lawrence Beach underwent a major operation in a hospital in The Dalles Friday morning. Lawrence Beach spent Sunday in Lexington. He expects to move with his family in a short time to make their home in The Dalles. A special meeting is called for next Saturday evening at the Lex ington grange hall. A complete rer port of the membership committee is requested. A large attendance was present at the Lexington grange old time dance last Saturday night. Don't forget the last P. T. A. meet ing of the school year to be held Wednesday evening in the school auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Breshears mo tored to The Dalles Wednesday of last week. Carol and Marcella Jackson are confined to their home with chick- enpox. On May 12 the budget committee, Mrs. Breshears, 0. W. Cutsforth, El mer Hunt and B. H. Peck, will meet with the school board to prepare the budget for the coming school year. The next Home Economics club meeting will be held at the home,i of Mrs. Frank Saling on May 12. ., Mrs. Etta Hunt arrived in Lexing ton Wednesday to visit for a time with relatives in this community. Elmer Hunt and two children, Claire and Louise, met her in Arlington. School News ' By Wilma Tucker The high school students enjoyed a picnic up the creek near Bauman's place the evening of April 28. The losing team of the ticket sale con ducted before the presentation of "Tip Toe Inn," gave the party in hon or of the winners. Games were play ed and refreshments served. Ev eryone had an enjoyable time. School was dismissed Friday, Ap ril 29, for the annual May Day fes tival at Heppner. Many of the grade school students participated in the track meet, and a large number of both grade and high school students took part in the program in the eve ning. Kenneth Jackson has returned to school after having been absent be cause of chickenpox. Eugene Ma jeske is now absent for the same reason. Ellwynne Peck and Bob Campbell represented the Lexington track team at Pendleton last Saturday. Campbell qualified as one of six in discus but failed to place in finals. Peck tied for second in shot put with a distance of 40 feet 8V2 inches, and won fourth in broad jump with a distance of 19 feet 9 inches. The total score of the team was 5 points. Harold Woodward of Hermiston was a caller in the city yesterday. Tif was Drominent on local ball lots a few seasons ago when he did the chucking for the Heppner team. FFA Elects; Trip to State Meet Reported By FFA Member New FFA officers were elected at a meeting held April 26, as follows: President, Omer McCaleb; vice pres ident, Howard Patton; secretary, Dick Wilkinson; treasurer, Bill Blake; reporter, Guy Moore; sergeant-at-arms, Dean Gilman. The boys attending the state con vention at Corvallis started about 5:30 Thursday morning. They had breakfast at The Dalles and were held up for about 31 minutes on a tunnel that was being repaired. They arrived at Corvallis about 2:00 and went to the agriculture building and registered. Mr. Bennett had the 500th ticket. We then took our beds to the gym where we slept in army cots which were donated by the army at Salem. Howard Patton and Omer McCaleb put on their demonstra tion for the elimination contest at 3:00. We ate dinner at the M. U. building and then attended a dele gate meeting from 7:30 to 10:00. We swam from 10:15 to 10:30 in the men's gym. We then went to bed at about 11:30. We didn't get much sleep the first night. We got up at 6:30 and had breakfast at 7:15 in the M. U. build ing, then attended officers' meetings until noon. We had dinner at the M. U. building at 12:15. Then some of the students went on campus tours but most of us rested and studied on our demonstrations. We then at tended a very exciting game between Oregon State and Washington State. The Washington State coach got mad and kicked the water bucket over. We then got ready for the banquet at 7:15. This banquet was enjoyed by everybody. The Oregon public speaker from Scappoose was there and gave his speech. The new state officers were installed, the president being from The Dalles. There were several speeches and plays. We then studied our demonstra tion till 11:00 and went to bed. But not to sleep. Some of our wits, or would you say half-wits, had some fun by putting hooks in our instruc tor's bed, and finally ended up by putting a bed over one of our boys, We woke up at 6:00 and went, out of town to get some sheep shears and a sheep for Dick Wilkinson and Le- land Edmondson to use in their dem onstration. We then ate breakfast at 7:15. At eight o'clock we put on our demonstration. Leland and Dick won third in their demonstration of wool and the shearing of sheep. Howard Patton and Omer McCaleb won first on their demonstration of sharpening the plane. These lat ter boys would have had a good chance of winning a banner but they left out the best part of their dem onstration. Dick Wilkinson, Leland Edmondson and Howard Patton, forming out dairy judging team, placed seventh in the state, with Howard placing tenth high point man. Some very good looking dairy cattle were seen. We left Corvallis at 3:30 and arrived at Heppner at 1:45. Although officials of the re-employment service appeared before the Board of Control six weeks ago with a demand for immediate ap proval of a lease on a new office space in Portland to save them from being thrown out into the street, the deal is still pending. At that time the re-employment service was urging rental of a building at $850 a month. Negotiations conducted by the Board of Control reduced the rental to $700. New conditions writ ten into the lease by the bureau re sulted in a stalemate. The Board of Control this week reiterated its will ingness to approve the lease on the $700 basis but so far the bureau and the building owner have been unable to get together on an agreement. Oregon Known as Source of Supply Of Crested Wheat Eastern Oregon counties are be coming known throughout all west ern states as a source of crested wheat grass seed, reports E. R. Jack man, extension crops specialist at Oregon State college. Frequent inquiries are received as to sources of this seed, and in re sponse to these and other outlets, Oregon growers have shipped seed to nearly every state west of the Mississippi river. All eastern Ore gon counties produce some crested wheat grass seed, but leading coun ties in out-of-state shipments are Union, Malheur and Gilliam, Jack man reports. Eastern Oregon has about 50,000 acres of crested wheat grass, most of which is sown on wheat land re tired from production for the time being. Even so, every eastern Ore gon county is expected to increase its production in 1D38. Stockmen would like to use this grass for improving the carrying capacity of ranges, but so far seedings on range lands have not been as successful as on culti vated land, Jackman point out. Sev eral of the eastern Oregon county agents are experimenting, however, with plantings on sagebrush lands in an effort to work out suitable seed ing methods. Among the methods being tried are seeding in furrows, burning the native wild grass and weeds and seeding in the ashes, dragging a railroad rail to kill weeds and brush and seeding behind it, seeding broad cast and covering with a brush drag, pasturing the ground closely and seeding on virtually bare ground, and broadcasting and tramping in by driving sheep across the seeded area. To date, the furrow method has given the best results on un plowed lands. Ernest Smith, in town Monday from the Lexington farm, reported his crop prospects very favorable. VOTE FOR Judge Hall S. LUSK Incumbent Oregon Supreme Court POSITION NO. 5 Non-partisan judiciary election May 20, 1038 Paid ad Lusk for Supreme Court Committee, Lawrence T. Harris, ch. 826 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ore. IF LOWER COST IS YOUR PROBLEM Here's the Answer! YOU WILL FIND THESE FOUR OUTSTANDING VALUfS IN "CATERPILLAR" TRACTORS url 17 ft LOWER FUEL CONSUMPTIO (DIESEL) FULL POWER PERFORMANCE (DIRECT ENGINE POWER TO TRACKS) EASE OF HANDLING . . . . (DEPENDABLE STEERING CLUTCHES) LOWER MAINTENANCE COST (QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL) "CATERPILLARS" are lowest in price because they give the biggest per dollar value in quality, performance and operating economy. Thousands of "Caterpillar" Tractors in the field are daily proving these facts to their satisfied owners. ik Used Hillside Special "Caterpillar" 50 Diesel Thoroughly reconditioned. New guarantee. Looks $ C fft like new, is like new TV 11 Several Good Bargains in Used Combines. New Combines on Display at All Stores. Now Is the Time to Pick Up a Good Bargain. Braden-Bell Tractor & Equipment Co. Pendleton PHONE 518 WALLA WALLA, WASH. PHONE 474 Athena Heppner and PHONE 171 PHONE 42 Arlington, Ore. PHONE 892