Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 07, 1935, Image 1

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Volume 52, Number 35.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Conference With County
Locals Draws Large
Morrow Only 100 Percent County
In Lecturers' Reports; Palmiter
Talks for Cooperatives.
A large crowd of grange mem
bers and friends attended the state
grange conference held in Legion
hall at lone Wednesday, Oct. 30.
Due to extremely cold weather,
fewer people attended the morning
session, but the afternoon and eve
ning meetings showed good attend
ance. The morning meeting was devot
ed principally to group councils, an
officer of the state grange presiding
over each group. In this manner
discussions were held for masters,
lecturers, secretaries, home econ
omics, agricultural and insurance
committees. "
Ray Gill, state master, was absent
as he was attending a session of the
legislature. However, a splendid
conference was held and the attend
ing patrons derived much good
from the meetings.
In the afternoon talks were made
by the different state officers. Mrs.
Alice Goff, state lecturer, had as
her topic, "Planning the Program,"
and gave an interesting talk on lec
turer work. She reports that Mor
row county at present is the only
county 100 percent in quarterly lec
turers' reports.
George Corson from the Grange
Bulletin advertising department
talked on "Save Your Sales Slips."
He explained very thoroughly how
saving sales slips helps finance the
Grange Bulletin while also helping
the home granges by the cash prizes
awarded each month to the granges
spending on largest total per capita
basis. Several Morrow county firms
are at present advertising in the
Bulletin, giving the grangers in all
parts of the county a chance to
trade with Bulletin advertised firms.
. Mrs. George Palmiter of the state
home economics department was
an interesting speaker, and her talk
on H. E. work was enjoyed by all
Fred Goff, chairman of the agricul
tural committee, used agricultural
committee work as the basis for his
George Palmiter used "Enlarging
the Field of Grange Cooperatives"
as his subject, and among other
things said that one-sixth of the
business in Great Britain and one
third of the business of Sweden is
handled through cooperatives and
is found to be very successful. At
present there are eleven gas supply
stations in Oregon handled coop
eratively. Household, goods, hard
ware, etc., are handled by these co
ops as well as gas and oil.
Joe Belanger, county agent, gave
a talk on how the grange can help
the extension department. His talk
included such subjects as market
ing, weed and rodent control, 4-H
club work, soil conservation and
range lands.
Chas. Wicklander, state deputy,
answered the questions from the
question box covering a wide range
of problems. C. G. Patterson, sec
retary of the mutual fire insurance
department, talked on mutual fire
insurance, stating that fifty per
cent of farm insurance is carried
in the mutual. Mr. Patterson told
of many ways of eliminating fire
hazards and thus preventing many
of the numerous fires which annu
ally cost thousands' of dollars and
an average death toll of 10,000, of
which 6000 are children.
The report of Mary Lundell, dis
trict deputy, was interesting in that
it had to do mainly with Morrow
county. Two of these granges have
new homes and another a building
project The report also showed
that Lena, the smallest grange,
shows the largest membership gain.
Five county granges report active
home economics clubs.
S. J. Devlne, promona master,
talked on pomona and council
meetings, asking that subordinate
masters emphasize the need of
membership turning out for pomo
na meetings.
Miss Bertha Beck, state secretary,
gave Interesting pointers on what
it takes to make a good grange. She
stressed it is not "numbers" but "in
terest" that Is required, and told
many ways the officers and mem
bers can Improve the organization.
Promptness and willingness are two
things that help materially.
Mrs. Gertrude Sanford, state rec
reation leader, arrived In the after
noon and did her part in leading
songs and games, and by Inspiring
talks on phases of recreation work.
In the evening a closed meeting
was held for a short time. Green
field grange of Boardman was the
only grange to enter a team for
seating the officers, and their work
received much favorable comment.
The other county teams were dis
qualified by the absence of too many
regular officers.
The dinner and supper served to
those in attendance was pot luck as
at the regular meetings of the coun
cil, with the home economics com
mittee of Willows grange as hostess.
During the supper hour Miss Fran
ces Troedson of Lexington grange
sang a Hallowe'en song accompan-
Total Collections Almost Equal Cur
rent Levy; New Bookkeeping
System Good Barometer.
Fifty-six percent of the current
levy and 25 percent of the outstand
ing delinquent tax as of January 1,
1935, had been collected in Morrow
county November 1, according to
records of the county clerk. Total
tax monies collected for the year
of $307,159.12 do not quite equal the
current levy of $330,060.22.
Of the current levy, 183,950.66 had
been collected November 1, leaving
an uncollected balance of $146,109.57.
The total delinquent tax on Janu
ary 1 was $496,182.81, of which
$123,208.46 had been collected, leav
ing an uncollected balance of $372,
974.35. Tax payments of $22,901.11
must yet be made before the end
of the year to keep the delinquent
tax figure down to that of last Jan
uary 1. However, failing In that,
the tax situation for the year will
show considerable improvement, as
the amount of delinquent tax has
mounted by" much larger amounts
the last several years.
Taken as a general business bar
ometer, taxpaying shows a rising
tendency from the slough of de
spond. These tax figures are totals of the
various accounts as shown in the
clerk's account to the county court,
the report itemizing each tax-levying
and tax-spending account for
which the clerk acts as clearing
agent. That it was the first time
the court had received such a re
port Is accredited to the recently
Installed double-entry bookkeeping
system which Charles W. Barlow,
clerk, now has up-to-date after
spending many hours overtime in
stalling. With the new system It takes but
a few minutes time at any time to
determine the exact financial status
of the county or any account han
dled through the clerk's office.
Famous Swaggart Horses
Purchased by Hoot Gibson
A tentative deal for eight cream-
ollne horses of the famous Swag
gart breed made when Hoot Gibson,
movie star, visited here two months
ago was completed this week, an
nounced Grover Swaggart when in
town last week end. Included were
one stallion and seven young mares.
Gibson will use the horses for
polo ponies, Swaggart believed. The
movie star once managed a string
of Swaggart race horses on coast
race tracks before going into the
moving picture game. His famous
Palomina horse on which he him
self rode to fame in many cinema
westerns, was also bred on B. F.
Swaggart's ranch north of Lexing
Nancy Jane Robson, 71, mother
of Mrs. F. N. Moyer of this city and
resident of the county for the last
20 years, died in this city Friday.
Funeral services were held Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the
Phelps Funeral chapel, Alvin Klein-
feldt, Christian minister, officiating,
with interment in Masonic ceme
tery. Nancy Jane Snyder was born
Sept 15, 1864, to Francs L. and Sar
ah (McDonald) Snyder, at Spring
City, Missouri. She was married at
Fairfield, Mo., in December, 1882,
to Hugh a Connor, and to this union
six children were born, of whom
four survive, namely Percy B. Con
non, Oregon City; Mrs. A. L. Tuck
er, Grandvlew, Wash.; Mrs. Nora
Caldwell, Yakima, Wash., and Mrs.
F. N. Moyer, Heppner. She Is sur
vived also by one brother, Francis
L. Snyder of Junction City, 14
grandchildren and one great grand
child. She came to Oregon for her
health In 1899, staying a year, and
after returning to Missouri again
came to Morrow county with the
entire family and settled at Lexing
ton in 1900. She had resided in Or
egon and Washington since. She
married Robson about 1911. She
was a member of the Baptist
Judge C. L. Sweek this morning
ruled in favor of the defendant,
Wm, Huebner, represented by J. O.
Turner, attorney, in the case of
John Her, plaintiff, vs. Wm. Hueb
ner, defendant, for eviction and
cancellation of lease, due to non
payment of rent. Huebner has the
Iler farm leased,,
Due to next Monday being Arm
istice Day and a legal holiday, the
Lions meeting will be held Tuesday
at the regular hour.
Jasper V. Crawford, President.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Johnson of Monument at the home
of Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. N. D. Bailey, in this city yes
terday morning, a IVt pound girl.
Mother arid child are reported do
ing well,
Ferd Prince, general traffic man
ager; W. S. Wade, district traffic
manager, and Mr. Nock, also an
official of the Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph company, visited the lo
cal office Tuesday. The gentlemen
are all from the Portland office.
Mr. and Mrs. Honry Baker and
children were in the city this morn
ing from the farm home In the
lone section.
led at the piano by Miss Helen
Bangs Disease Control
Sought in Testing Work
Dr. L. L. Taylor, U. S. Inspector
who has been working In the coun
ty for some time testing cattle for
Bangs disease with a view to its
eradication, announces that he will
test range cattle at the convenience
of stockmen, asking range cattle
owners to notify him through the
county agent's office when It is suit
able for them to have the work
The Bangs disease eradication
program is being carried on under
the department of agriculture, cat
tle owners being paid $25 a head
above the market price for each
animal reacting to the test In his
work here so far, Dr. Taylor has
found the disease quite prevalent
in spots. More than a hundred re
actors were found In the Boardman
district, and the Heppner district
has been found to be heavily in
fected. The work so far has been
largely with dairy cattle and one
dairy herd is reported to have been
eliminated entirely.
Bangs disease is especially de
structive to the dairy and cattle
industry as it causes premature
birth, thus greatly lowering the
rate of increase. The Infection is
very contagious and spreads quite
rapidly in any section where it ap
pears. Dr. Taylor reports good coopera
tion on the part of dairy and range
cattle owners generally.
Disbarment of Mahoney
Handed Down at Salem
"P. W. Mahoney, Heppner, was
disbarred as an attorney," reported
a Salem dispatch in yesterday's
Oregon Journal in reporting pro
ceedings of the state supreme court.
The item continued:
"Mahoney was accused by the
grievance committee of the old Ore
gon Bar association last June of
appropriating money from an es
tate to his own use. He made no
answer to the charges and did not
appear before the court. Disbar
ment was routine.
"The association charged that
Mahoney, while attorney for the
estate of Carl E. Mattson, filed ah
inventory and appraisal with the
Morrow county clerk showing
$1164.65 in cash and several thous
and dollars in real estate.
"Later he was said to have with
drawn $688.69 from the bank and
failed to account for it."
The local attorney was absent
from his office when the report was
received, a sign on his door saying,
"Will be back Friday," and no
statement has been given by him.
Bernie W. Gaunt Was
47 Years a Resident
Bernie W. Gaunt, 52, a resident
of Morrow county for the last 47
years and well known as a sheep
shearer and hunter, died at Mor
row General hospital Monday fol
lowing a short illness resulting
from complications following a
serious illness more than a year
ago from which he had not entirely
recovered. Funeral services were
held at 2 o'clock yesterday after
noon from the Phelps Funeral
chapel with interment in Masonic
Bernie W. Gaunt was born No
vember 4, 1883, at Blalock, Oregon,
the son of Reuben J. and Cora (Mc
Cullough) Gaunt, natives of Yam
hill and The Dalles, Oregon, re
spectively. For the last 47 years
his home was made at Heppner,
though he made trips for many
years into California and Montana
in line with his work as sheepshear
er. He was married here In 1915.
He is survived by an aunt, Mrs. Su
san Morris of Walla Walla, and an
uncle, John Gaunt, of this city.
Francis Fitzpatrick, the 13 year
old son of M. J. Fitzpatrick, died
at his home on the ranch five miles
northeast of lone on Monday, Nov.
4. The cause of his death was
diphtheria of which he had been ill
for two weeks. Due to the nature
of his illness a private funeral was
necessary with interment in the
Heppner cemetery. He leaves to
mourn his passing his father, his
sister Jane, his aunt Cassie Mc
Devitt who has assisted in his care
since the death of his mother about
ten years ago, and other relatives
and friends Including his school
mates. Miss Margaret McDevitt came
from Bend on Monday, being call
ed by the death of her nephew,
Francis Fitzpatrick.
Mrs. William Chandler of Cecil
is in a hospital in The Dalles where
she Is recovering from an operation
for appendicitis.
E. J. Blake was home from Kin
zua on Thursday.
In spite of the cold weather a
very nice sized crowd attended the
grade school program and carnival
last Friday night. All pupils In the
grades had parts In the cantata,
"The Land of Sometime." A total
of $130.31 was taken In. Expenses
were $59.15, leaving a net of $71.16
which will be used to serve hot
lunches at the school this winter.
Quito a few pupils were absent on
Monday and it wsa found that over
the week end an epidemic of
mumps had broken out.
The honor roll for the first six
weeks of school is as follows: Third
and fourth grades, Alice Nlchoson
and Alton Yarnell; fifth and sixth,
Allen Howk, Marianne Corley and
Van Rietmann; seventh and eighth,
(Continuad on Pasv Four)
Hardman, lone, Boardman
to Have Latest Red
Cross Service.
Ralph E. Carlson, Field Represen
tative, Addresses Chapter Meet
ing and Lions Club.
Highway first aid stations will be
established at Hardman, lone and
Boardman in the near future as a
result of action taken by Morrow
County chapter American Red
Cross at a special meeting at the
library Monday evening. Ralph E.
Carlson, Red Cross first aid field
representative, was present and ex
plained the plan instituted all over
the United States as well as in sev
eral foreign countries in an attempt
to combat the huge toll of life taken
annually in automobile accidents.
In speeches before the Lions club
Monday noon and again at the
chapter meeting that evening, Mr.
Carlson explained the latest Red
Cross humanitarian project, funds
for which are provided by the roll
call held annually between Armis
tice Day and Thanksgiving.
Explaining that the province of
the Red Cross is not that of reliev
ing poverty but of helping distressed
mankind wherever possible, Mr.
Carlson said that the latest project,
first aid on highways and preven
tion of accidents in the home, have
ben undertaken in an attempt to
save the great toll of life on the
highways and in the home which
annually surpass the total number
of lives taken in all the wars in the
last twenty years.
The highway first aid program in
which Mr. Carlson was immediately
interested in instituting in Morrow
county contemplates installation of
the standard first aid kit and leg
splint at service stations at points
where medical aid is not imme
diately available, as well as the
training of service station employees
in giving first aid. The local chap
ter stands the expense of the equip
ment and transportation charges of
instructor in conducting the classes,
while the service, are voluntarily
contributed. The cost to the local
chapter of the stations authorized
will be approximately $50.
Announcement of the classes in
first aid will be made in the
near future. Not only employees
of the service stations where the
first aid equipment is to be installed
but anyone else interested is urged
by Mr. Carlson to take the course,
as knowledge of first aid may prove
of immeasurable value at any time.
He cited instances where Red Cross
stations are definitely known to
have saved the lives of accident
victims, and other incidents where
lives might have been saved had the
simplest rules of first aid been ap
plied. A conspicuous sign is placed at
each first aid station. This sign is
of standard design so that it may
be Immediately recognized, and dis
tressed motorists are urged to avail
themselves of the service it repre
sents. The appearance of these signs on
the highways itself has a beneficial
effect on motorists, Mr. Carlson
said, as it tends to make the mo
toring public more accident con
scious. In places where the first aid
stations hp.ve already been estab
lished, there has been a definite de
crease in automobile accidents,
which Mr. Carlson attributed large
ly to the signs. One just cannot see
these, signs without being a little
more conscious of the risk involved
in reckless driving or other viola
tion of the rules of the highway, he
The highway first aid program In
this county is in charge of C. J. D:
Bauman, county first aid chairman,
who assisted Mr. Carlson from Mon
day until yesterday in instituting
the program. The attention of the
public is especially called to the
fact that their membership dollars
this year will contribute to the ad
vancement of this safety program,
and that a generous response to the
roll call will speed such advance
ment. Mr. Carlson read last minute re
ports from headquarters showing
the speed with which the Red Cross
had got on the job in earthquake
stricken Montana and 'other disas
ter areas.
First Lieutenant Ralph Hayes,
who was In Heppner last summer
as construction officer at the CCC
camp, Is spending ten days at the
camp assisting Captain Wm. R.
Reynolds and hia staff with work
there. Lt. Hayes came here from
Beacon Rock OCC camp near North
Bonneville, Wash.
Gay Anderson, Jr., has taken over
the Heppner - Pendleton - Arlington
bus run, installing a new car for the
purpose. Franchise for the run was
formerly held by Cole Madsen and
Johnnie Hiatt.
We express our sincere thanks to
all those who assisted us, and for
the expressions of sympathy and
floral tribute in the passing of our
mother, Nancy Jane Robson.
The Children.
Waterways Association
Asks Help on Program
A drive for emergency funds
with which to prepare a brief show
ing immediate feasibility of Uma
tilla Rapids dam construction is be
ing made by Inland Empire Water
ways association, It was announced
by S. E. Notson before the Monday
Lions luncheon. Mr. Notson was
named county drive chairman with
C. J. D. Bauman, treasurer, and
Lawrence Beach, secretary.
The new brief becomes imme
diately necessary because of the
opinion given by army engineers
that the project is now only 85 per
cent feasible. Mr. Notson himself
contends that it is more than 100
percent feasible on the grounds of
national defense alone, an angle
which the engineers so far have
failed to take into consideration.
Mr. Notson says that the cheap
power to be provided along with ac
cessibility of materials makes the
site ideal for construction of a ni
trate plant, the products of which
are suitable for land fertilizer in
peace or making of munitions in
case of war. Officers of the asso
ciation are satisfied that Justifica
tion may be completely shown on
other grounds also.
Later word was received by Mr.
Notson that a hearing on the mat
ter will be held in Washington, D.
C, in January. H. G. West, water
ways executive secretary, is at
tempting to have the date set for
January 15 as he has been called to
Portland on December 15 to attend
another hearing on the matter of
channel development between Van
couver and The Dalles, the object
of which is to permit ocean-going
vessels to dock at The Dalles. This
part of the river program, if ob
tained, will also add much to the
value of Umatilla Rapids dam, Mr.
Notson said. He urges everyone to
do their bit in contributing to the
association's work. Organization
memberships, such as granges, ser
vice and commercial clubs, are be
ing solicited at the rate of $1 for
every ten members.
Free Lamburger Given
By Auxiliary on 16th
To assist in making the Heppner
public more conscious of the value
of lamb in the diet and thereby fos
tering the growth of one of the
county's principal industries the
sheep industry, Morrow County
Woolgrowers Auxiliary will give a
pound of lamburger free to every
cash purchaser of meat at the local
markets, Saturday, November 16.
Both Central and Heppner markets
are cooperating with the auxiliary
in this event
There are no qualifications to the
offer as made. Everyone who makes
a cash purchase of meat at either
market on the 16th will be given
one pound of lamburger free, the
auxiliary announces.
Each Wednesday has been estab
lished as "Eat More Lamb" day,
and the auxiliary urges the public
to order lamb on that day. Many
choice cuts of lamb will be avail
able at the markets.
Library Open 15 Hours
a Week With PWA Help
The library association announces
a change in the schedule of library
hours. Under the PWA a librar
ian will be in charge thirty hours"
a week. Part of this time will be
spent in mending and putting the
books in good condition. The sched
ule is as follows:
Tuesday afternoon and evening,
2:30 to 5:30 and 6:30 to 9:30.
Thursday afternoon and evening,
2:30 to 5:30 and 6:30 to 9:30.
Saturday afternoon, 2:30 to 5:30.
These hours will be strictly ob
served. Since not enough members were
present at the meeting Monday eve
ning to constitute a quorum, the
president, Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers,
appointed Louise Becket as acting
secretary and treasurer to fill the
place of Evelyn Humphreys, re
The Add-a-Stitch club met at
their club house yesterday and In
stalled new officers. All went to
hotel for dinner at 4 p. m. The
table was decorated in orange and
bronze chrysanthemums. The linen
cloth was bought at the first world's
fair held in Chicago In 1893. Pre
sent were Elsie Cowins, Bernlce
Bauman, Grace Shown, Zella Du
fault, Ordrie Gentry, Nettie Flow
er, Nina Snyder, Emma Garrlgues,
Shirley Whitson, Irene Padberg,
Gladys Gentry. The next meeting
will be at the club house next Wed
nesday at 9 a. m.
We wish to thank our many kind
relatives and friends for their help
during the last illness of our 'be
loved little son, brother and nephew,
Francis Joseph Fitzpatrick, and for
the many and beautiful floral offer
ings and kindness.
Michael Fitzpatrick,
Cassie and Margaret McDevitt.
Catherine Jane Fitzpatrick,
Gus Nikander motored to Port
land this morning accompanied by
Mrs. L. W. Brlggs, Miss Opal
Briggs, Mrs. Peter Curran and
daughter, Mary Ann. He will re
turn home Sunday accompanied by
Mrs. Nikander who has been visit
ing In the city.
Dr. J. P. Stewart Eye-Sight Spec
ialist of Pendleton, will be at the
DAY, NOV. 13, hours 1 to 5:30 p. m.
Native of Ireland Came to Umatilla
County in 1876; Had Resided
In City 27 Years.
Death called another helnveri
Morrow county pioneer yesterday
morning when Mrs. Jerry Brosnan,
92. passed awav at her home in thin
city at 7:45 o'clock following a last
niness or one week s duration. Fu
neral services will be hslrt fmm St
Patrick's church tomorrow mnm-
ing at 9:30 a. m., Phelps Funeral
nome in cnarge and Father P. J.
Stack officiating. Interment will
follow in the Vinson cemetery.
Mary Gaffnev was born in ritv
Carrigalen, County Leitrim, Ireland,
in 1843, the daughter of Thomas
Gaffney. She came to what was
men umauila county about 1876,
and on May 18, 1880, was married
to Jerry Brosnan. amonc the pb ro
ller settlers of the Lena district in
what later became a part of Morrow
county. The family home was made
near Lena until 27 years ago when
Mr. and Mrs. Brosnan retired from
the farm and moved to Heppner to
make their home. Mr. Brosnan
died several years ago.
Surviving are the son, John Bros
nan of Lena, and daughters, Mrs.
Katie Currin of Pilot Rock and
Mrs. Mary Gingrich of Portland;
ten grandchildren, one great grand
child and two nephews.
Mrs. Brosnan, familiarly and lov
ingly known by her many friends as
Grandma Brosnan, was another
representative of that tvne of nlon-
eer motherhood who withstood the
rigors of pioneer days uncomplain
ingly, who was ever thoughtful of
her family and friends, who met ob
stacles with courage and overcame
them bravely. She was ever viva
clous and cheerful, shedding joy in
the paths of those with whom she
came in contact Even after be
coming bedfast with a broken hip
as the infirmities of ae-e came imon
her, when unwatched she was wont
to take up her cane and make her
way alone about the house. Hers
was that indomitable spirit of the
pioneers which was unwilling to
give in though obstacles appeared
insurmountable. Grandma. Rrnn-
nan has gone to a well earned rest
CCC Mess Master Here
Concocts Mean Mulligan
For his recipe of hamburger
roast with vegetables, which was
submitted in a CCC cooks contest
conducted by "Sam Skillet" of Gen
eral Foods, Joe Lessard, cook at the
Heppner CCC camp was awarded
a $10 prize, according to word re
ceived here Tuesday. The recipe is
to appear in a column, "On the
ange," conducted by the company
in its New York publication.
Lessard won a $10 prize two years
ago with the same recipe, which he
submitted to Happy Days, national
CCC newspaper.
Following is the recipe, listed in
quantities necessary for feeding 200
men, the standard enrollment in a
4 qts. rice
25 lbs. potatoes, diced
15 lbs. carrots, diced
12 lbs. onions, diced
16 lbs. cabbage, diced
30 lbs. hamburger
6 No. 10 cans tomatoes
Use two 100 man bake pans, put
ting rice in the bottom of the pan.
Follow with diced potatoes, carrots,
onions and cabbage. Spread ham
burger on top, and pour tomatoes
over all. Salt and pepper each layer
to taste. Cook for three and a half
hours In a moderate oven, adding
beefsteak occasionally, as needed.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Case re
turned home the end of the week
from a motor trip to Shelby, Mont.
They were in the Montana city at
the time part of the state was
rocked by the earthquake, but the
tremor was not felt at that point
On the return they struck 10 below
zero weather at Kalispell, Mont.
The Icy road and a high wind made
travel hazardous, and they were
forced to come to a dead stop at
times to prevent being swept off the
road. Several cars were piled up
in the ditch, they reported, with
four persons reported killed and
eight others seriously injured.
Owing to the fact that Condon
has cancelled its game with Hepp
ner because of fear that diphtheria
might be carried into their town, a
game has been scheduled instead
with the local CCC camp for Sat
urday, Nov. 9, at 2 o'clock. This
promises to be a fine game to end
the football season, as the CCC boys
have all had high school experience
In Massachusetts. Regular admis
sion will be charged the public.
Ruth chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, will meet In regular session
at Masonic hall tomorrow (Friday)
evening. There will be initiation
and all members are urged to at
The Elks entertainment commit
tee has announced a dance for
Thanksgiving eve, November 27, at
the Elks hall with Kaufman's, or
chestra of Pendleton playing.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Palmateer
were in the city yesterday from
the farm home in the Morgan sec
tion, bringing their children to a
doctor for Inoculation against diphtheria.
Charles Notson Writes of
Experience While Evad
ing Chinese Reds.
Narrow Escape Had from Bog on
"Wild Goose" Chase; Mrs. Not
son Plies Handicraft.
First word from their son Char
les since he and wife began their
hazardous journey down the Yellow
river by goatskin raft in evading a
Chinese Red invasion of the Hc
chow mission district where they
were stationed was received this
week by his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. E. Notson. The letter, written
when they were five days out on the
raft was dated Sunday, October 14.
The 14th is shown by the local cal
endar as Monday, though Charles'
position on the opposite side of the
globe accounts for its being Sunday
when he wrote.
This letter was received before
any direct word of the safe arrival
of the party in Peiping, and word
of more experiences of the trip will
undoubtedly be forthcoming. The
many friends will find this epistle
of interest:
On the Yellow River above Ning
sia City, Oct 14, 1935.
Dearest Mother:
It will soon be supper time, so I
had better get off a few lines with
the hope that the airmail service to
Ningsia is not interrupted.
I am sitting in the middle of the
raft in front of our shelter. It is
warm and the sun feels good on my
back. Most of the time the rafts
men are sitting down and let U3
drift smoothly with the current, but
sometimes when we get to one side
they operate the sweeps to pull us
into the main current. There are
approximately 300 goat and sheep
skins on this raft, kept inflated with
carbon dioxide from the lungs of the
raftsmen. The floor of our shelter
is about ten inches above the skins.
It is a mat of woven twigs. A cocoa
mat of ours, my canvas, and a
straw tick from the mattress. We
tie to the framework of our shelter
pockets to keep odds and ends In,
for If anything drops it is apt not to
stop until it hits the bottom of the
Hwang Ho. We've not missed any
thing yet.
The cooking is done on stoves (5
gallon oil tins lined with mud and
a grate put in.) I have a little pres
sure stove that burns kerosene to
use when the fires are slow.
Wild geese, ducks and cranes fill
the mr.rshes all the way. How we
should like a taste, but if we did
have a gun, we could not get them,
the ones we hit. Just now we are
passing some bustards a large
white crane with meat like a tur
key. Three days I've had good sun
baths on the side of the raft, boots
off and pants rolled above knees,
and bare to waist I had a few in
Lanchow, too.
Tuesday, 2:30 P. M. Wind hin
dered us yesterday and finally blew
us against this mud flat It is only
an hour or two to Ningsia, but we
can't move. It is now fairly pleas
ant as the sun is warm, but all
morning the wind was like a knife.
Ruth was washing dishes with Miss
Haupbereg and had to surrender her
post as it faced the wind. I took
her place and finished with my teeth
chattering, and nose and eyes run
ning in spite of warm clothes.
Ruth and Miss Birrel are to cook
supper tonight, so they have asked
me to prepare a bed of hot ashes
for roasting potatoes. I was pre
paring wood and was about to make
a dug-out In the bank similar, to the
raftsmen's stoves, when they, the
"rafters," as Mrs. Syn'der called
them, offered the use of their dug
outs and fire, so I have nothing to
do until 4 o'clock but write. It is
some job running the little pressure
stove, but I brought a coal oil case
that held two five-gallon tins. By
wrapping a blanket around this to
cover cracks I can generate with
alcohol the burner and protect the
black during cooking. Kerosene is
$2.80 Mex. per gallon in Lanchow,
so we do as little burning of lt as
Last evening there being many
wild geese and ducks on Islands In
the river, I thought perhaps we
might find some feeding about a
couple of hay stacks about three
quarters of a mile down the river.
Mr. Vigna of the Pentacostal Mis
sion, (he and the Haldorf party
from Sweden occupy half of the
other raft) and I took a walk down
that way. Returning, he walked
into a bog and was up to his shins
before realizing what it was. Being
a little behind him, I took one long
step into the bog, keeping one foot
and hand on solid mud, grabbed
him, at the same time lurching
backward with all my weight This
freed one foot of his and my next
lurch from a firm purchase, pulled
him out. My left leg had gone In
clear to my boot tops, and how the
stuff resisted washing! That wag a
"wild goose chase"! If only we had
a row boat and a gun! (The mar
ried couple of the Haldorf party
and a single lady from Labrang
went down by truck some time ago,
also Mra Vlgna. They traveled
with the Grlebenows.)
(Confirmed on Pt Four)