Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 08, 1933, Image 1

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    ... unTORlCAl SOCIETY
PU!ilC.,M0. ORE-
Volume 50, Number 13
Subscription $2.00 a Year
100 Per Cent Sign-Up of
Petition Given Against
Railroad Action.
Twenty-four Hour Delay Occasion
ed; $150 Payroll Lost; Action
Result Lions' Discussion.
Heppner business Interests were
one hundred per cent in signing a
protest against the new train sched.
ule which took effect on the branch
line June 2, and which removed
$150 a month payroll from Heppner
and resulted in 24-hour longer mall
service out of Portland. The pet!
tion expressing the protest was cir
culated the first of the week as the
result of action taken at the Lions
club meeting Monday noon.
On the petition circulating com.
mittee were J. O. Turner, M. L.
Case, Frank W. Turner, Dean T.
Goodman and Jap Crawford.
Discussion of the matter before
the Lions club brought forth one
possible explanation of the change
In schedule. It was said that the
new schedule would speed up stock
phipments east about ten hours, and
that some local stockmen had sanc
tioned the change because of this
It was further brought out, how
ever, that in the case of shipments
ol ten carloads or more of stock
the railroad company is required
to give special service, which was
done In many instances when the
old schedule was In effect
Business men generally express
ed the opinion that the former
schedule was more satisfactory In
every respect, and were especially
indignant at the mall delay occa
sioned by the new schedule.
A Similar protest was registered
by the citizens of Condon, against a
similar new schedule put into effect
on the. Condon branch coincident
with the local change, it was said,
with the report that the railroad
company was heeding their protest.
W. W. Smead, postmaster, ex
plained how local mail service out
of Portland was delayed 24 hours
by the change. In the case of an
order mailed under the old schedule,
the order left here at night, was in
Portland the next morning to be
filled that day and the goods came
back the next night to arrive on the
following morning's train. As it is
now an order mailed in the evening
does not leave Heppner until the
following morning, gets into Port
land the next day after business
hours and is not filled until the next
day, with the goods returning that
night and arriving in Heppner the
following morning.
(Mr. Smead also announced to the
Lions that beginning next Saturday
the local postofflce would be closed
Saturday afternoons, so that peo
ple wishing to do business at the
window that day must get Into the
office before noon.
S. E. Notson reported for the
Red Cross chapter that something
over $30 of the county's $40 Red
Cross earthquake relief quota had
been raised and sent In to head
quarters, and hoped that enough
more would still be forthcoming to
put the county over the top.
Registration books for the spec
ial state election to be held July 21
will close June 21, and any persons
who have not been properly regis
tered by the closing date will not
be entitled to vote at this election.
Persons who have moved to a dif
ferent precinct or whose names
have been changed since voting at
the last general election, or those
who did not vote at the last gen
eral election are required to renew
their registration.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lucas, who
for several years made their home
at Lexington, moved to Heppner
this week and have taken up their
abode In the Mrs. Agnes Curran
residence in the south end of town.
They are continuing the operation
. of a residence hotel, such as they
recently conducted at Lexington.
Mrs. Curran and daughter, Miss
Helen, have set up light housekeep
ing quarters In the rear of the
Kate J. Young lodge Degree of
Honor Protective association, will
meet Tuesday, June 13, at 8 o'clock
In Odd Fellows hall. Sunshine
group of Juveniles meets at 3:30 In
the afternoon In the hall. All mem
bers are urged to be present. Clara
Beamer, secretary,
J. G. Barratt and Harold Cohn
shipped their sheep this week to
Browning, Montana, for summer
range. Mr. Barratt returned from
there the end of the week after
making arrangements to receive
the sheep.
Members of the W. C. Cox family
have constructed a tennis court on
property belonging to the Morrow
County Creamary company on Main
street across from the postofflce,
and many young people of the town
have been enjoying its use.
Council Aids Fence Repair
And Discusses Ditch Fill
The city council Monday evening
voted to cooperate with school dis
trict No. 1 to the amount of $10 in
fixing the fence along the lower
school playgrounds on Baltimore
street, the present condition of
which was said to be a menace to
school children. It was also voted
to have the street light removed
from in front of the Gazette Times
office on Willow steeer, it being the
opinion that the light was not need
ed. Besides paying current expense
bills, accepting"and filing of the wa
termaster'a monthly report, which
constituted routine business trans
acted, the council discussed at
length the matter of filling in the
ditch beside the Frank Turner
property on lower Main street, be
low Church, and the matter was
left in the hands of the street com
i mittee to further ascertain what
might be practical to do in the mat
The Woman's Topic club met at
the home of Mrs. Edw. Rietmann
Saturday. The subject was Japan.
Roll call: Name an ancient city of
Japan. Mrs. Lana Padberg review
ed a book; Mrs. Omar Rietmann
told the story of the book, "A
Daughter 'of the Samurai," by In
agaki which was an autobiography
of the author and gave an interest
ing account of Japanese customs.
"Korea's Fight for Freedom," a
book giving the personal observa
tions of the author, McKenzie, of
the part played in Korea by the
Japanese in the years from 1910 to
1919, also the history of the warfare
between those nations prior to that
period. After the study hour it was
decided that the club purchase the
material needed for ceremonial
gowns for the girls in the Camp
ire group sponsored by the club.
Homemade ice cream and wafers
were served at the close of the
Helen Farrens went up to the
Clark brothers farm Monday. She
win tie employed there during hay
ing. Mrs. Kenneth Kistler and child
ren are spending some time with
Mrs. Kistler's father, W. P. Prophet
at the Lum Rhea place on Rhea
Members of the Masonic and
and Eastern Star orders of lone,
Arlington and Heppnar are plan
ning a picnic for Sunday, June 18,
at the Grant Olden farm on Rhea
creek. Games, races, etc., for young
and old are being arranged.
Misses Constance and Dorothv
Bork of Monmouth were visitors
during the week at the ranch of
the Timm brothers. They are cou
sins of Mrs. Peter Timm.
Marjory Christopherson enter
tained a group of her little friends
on Monday afternoon in honor of
her sixth birthday. The afternoon
was spent in playing games after
which birthday cake and ice cream
were enjoyed. Those present were
Wayne and Dickie Christopherson,
Eileen and Charlotte Sperry, Helen
and Joanne Blake, Maxine' Allen
and Dorothy Heliker.
Miss Maxine McCurdy spent the
week end in Heppner with Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Peterson.
Mrs. Earl Blake went to Portland
on Wednesday, returning Thursday.
She went down to take her daugh
ter, Joanne, to a children's clinic
at the Shrine hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell were
hosts to a group of friends last Sat
urday evening at their home on
Main street Bridge was the diver
sion of the evening. High scores
were won by Mrs. Frank Lundell
and Kenneth Blake and low scores
by Mrs. Kenneth Blake and Carl Al-
lyn. Delicious refreshments of cake
and Ice cream were served. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Cleo
Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allyn, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Lundell, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Christopherson, Mrs.
Evelyn Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Lee How
ell and George Ely.
Norma and Carlton Swanson took
their aunt, Mrs. E. P. Newton, to
Arlington Sunday evening to catch
a train for Portland where she ex
pected to stop over for a day on her
way to her home at South Bend,
Miss Rogene Swan of Portland
has been offered a contract to teach
the fifth and sixth grades in our
school next year. ,
Wlllard Grabill returned Friday
from Fossil where he has been em
ployed on a sheep ranch the past
few weeks,
Kenneth Seeley and two friends
of Everson, Wash., and H. B. Seeley
of Arlington were visitors at the
Charles Christopherson home Mon
day. H. D. McCurdy was a business
visitor in Portland during the week.
Ernest Heliker motored A. M.
Zlnk to Portland last week, return
ing Sunday.
J. A. Ries and family returned
last week to their home at Toppen
ish, Wash. They left their daugh
ter, Delvena; who will stay with
her gradmother, Mrs. Ella David
son, for a few weeks.
Bunchgrass Rebckah's enjoyed a
social hour after lodge Thursday
night of lust week. Cards and
dancing were the order of fun with
Jcllo and angel cake served at a
late hour. Hostesses were Mrs.
Ella Davidson, Mrs. Kenneth Blako,
Miss Lucille Bristow and Miss Mar
garet Crawford.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray came
down from the Taylor road camp
Saturday for a few hours' visit.
(Continued on Page Four)
Pete Fisk's Homer Nets
River Boys Two-Run
Blalock First to Trim Undefeated
Fossilites; Heppner Boys Stage
Ninth Inning Rally.
Won Lost Pet.
Fossil 6 1 .857
Arlington 5 2 .714
Heppner 4 3 .571
Blalock 4 3 .571
lone 1 6 .143
Condon 1 6 .143
Last Sunday's Results; Heppner
4 at Arlington 6, lone 21 at Condon
23; Fossil 9 at Blalock 11.
Where the Teams Play Next Sun-
duy: Blalock at Heppner, Condon
at lone, Arlington at Fossil.
While Heppner was losing to Ar
lington last Sunday, 6-4, Blalock,
now in a third-place tie with the lo
cals, was busy treating Fossil to its
first defeat in the Wheatland league
series, 11-9. With three games of
the ten-game schedule yet to be
played, Heppner will meet Blalock
twice and Fossil once, Blalock com
ing here next Sunday, Fossil the
following Sunday with the last
game to be played at Blalock in
three weeks. Condon and lone bat
tied to a cellar tie Sunday, after a
hectic game which resulted in a
3-21 score in favor of Condon.
Roy Gentry started on the mound
against Arlington and had very
guoa success until the fifth when he
made the mistake of feeding Peter
Fisk three slow ball's in a row, the
tr.ira or wnicn feter landed on with
all of his 190 pounds, sending the
little rawhide sphere so far out of
the lot that it was not retrieved un
til several plays later, when two
boys shagging for Arlington picked
it up.
Ogilvy had walked just ahead of
feier so that two runs scored on
his circuit clout.
Shortly after this disaster, Ray
Massey succeeded to the mound,
and himself got into a little trouble,
not all of his own making, in the
seventh, when a brace of hits and as
many errors let in two more Ar
lington scores. A run each in the
first and fourth, combined with the
two each in the fifth and seventh
innings accounted for the six Sand
digger scores.
At times the tiny silicate pellets
became quite promiscuous and a bit
bothersome to both players and
spectators, as they were driven by
a stiff Columbia river breeze.
Lawrence Stevenson stayed on
the mound straight through for the
river boys, and the Heppner visit
ors had considerable difficulty pick
ing the rawhide pellet from among
the tiny sand balls for a time,
gleaning only three scattered hits
up to the sixth.
Then Ferguson made a safety on
Steve's cocksureness of hia easy
grounder, was forced by Harold
Gentry who replaced him at first;
Robertson took one in the ribs and
there were two on. Rod Thom
son's single scored H. Gentry after
Roy Gentry had filed out to mid
field. Thomson stole second and in
the attempt to catch him, Robert
son scored, Thomson going third
on Crawford's scratch infield sin
gle, and Crawford being taken for
the third out attempting to steal
Heppner's final scoring threat
came in the ninth when two runs
were scored and the bases loaded
before a single out was obtained.
Those two runs were all there were,
however. Rod Thomson started it
by making a safety on flrstbase
man Farley's bobble of shortstop
Ogilvy's throw of his grounder.
Crawford singled, and both run
ners advanced on a passed ball,
Thomson scoring on Bucknum's
single and Crawford taking third.
Hayes walked to fill the bars, and
Crawford scored on a bobble of Ray
massey s grounder. Bill Massey
laid down a fielder's choice on
which Bucknum was thrown out at
heme; Harold Gentry was out on
a called third strike, and Robert
son was taken, pitcher to first,
when Stevenson knocked down his
(Continued on Paite Four)
A change in postal service occa
sioned by the recent railroad sched
ule was announced by W. W. Smead,
postmaster, this week. First class
mail is now accepted up to 7:30 o'
clock of the morning the train
leaves, while all second, third and
fourth class mail must be in the
office by 5:30 o'clock the preceding
evening, according to the announce
ment. Postmaster Smead also an
nounces a new local ruling, in ac
cordance with the practice general
ly followed by offices of the same
class, that beginning next Satur
day the office will be closed on Sat
urday afternoon. This ruling makes
It necessary for those who wish to
get money orders, register mall, or
transact other business at the win
dow to make the Sunday morning
mail, to get to the office before
noon on Saturdays.
Home Folks Told of $1,250,000 Gas
Blow-Up at Long Beach, Which
Cost Several Lives.
Loy M. Turner) son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Turner of this city, is
on the engineering staff of the city
of Long Beach, Cal. Between
quakes and explosions, Mr. Turner
has been led to wonder what is com
ing next Regarding the more re-
I ?ent " explosion, he has written
"uuie xuiks unuer aate oi June o as
"Am on the job again this after
noon and while business is rather
quiet will peck a few lines to tell
you that we had a h 1 of an ex
plosion in town yesterday after
noon, about a mile from us, but for
tunately no one in the water depart
ment was injured. The noise was
terriffie and about seven minutes
after the blast several pieces of
sheet iron roofing fell around the
buildings and a hail of small parti
cles of charred wood and various
other things pattered upon the
sheet iron roof of our temporary
office. However, none of the ar
ticles were burning and there was
no danger of fire.
"The explosion was in a Richfield
gasoline absorption plant in which
five men were killed and two others
are missing, also a woman 50 years
oia and her daughter, 8, were
trapped In their home and burned.
Sixteen oil well derricks were des
troyed and several homes in the
vicinity were badly damaged. Many
piate glass windows were shattered
in the down town area, many of
wnicn nad been recently installed
since the quake. Scores of homes
had windows broken also. The pa
pers state that $1,250,000 damage
was done and I don't know whether
that will include the damage to
private homes or not
"At our house there was only one
glass in the rear door, 18x18 inches,
broken, but all our windows are In
sured and we can have it replaced
free of cost. However, several of
our neighbors lost many windows
ana nad no insurance. I have heard
that many homes within three or
four blocks of the explosion were
worse wrecked than during the
"As luck would have It Ella (Mrs.
T.) had gone to Los Angeles to visit
Blanche and had no knowledee of
the blast until 3he Law the smoke on
the way home. She stopped at a
meat shop near home and the but
ch told er what had happened. I
was at home when she arrived and
cher told her what had happened. I
back to L. A. Don't know what will
happen next but guess we will be
here when it does happen."
Henderson Stout Home
Consumed by Flames
Fire about 4 o'clock Friday after
noon gutted the Henderson Stout
house in the north end of town near
the depot, and consumed practically
all the personal belongings con
tained therein. Mrs. Stout was vis
iting at a neighbor's house and Mr.
Stout was out of town when the fire
broke out. It was discovered bv
Milton Spurlock, in passing, and he
turned m the alarm.
Quick response by the fire truck
and the volunteer fire crew found
the house completely filled with
flames, and water from two lines of
hose was played on them for some
time before they were finally sub
dued, leaving the house a black
ened wreck. Some Insurance was
carried, an adjustment on which
was expected the first of the week.
The family received temporary re
lief from neighbors and friends.
While many folks about Hentmer
have their yards in ship shape, with
lawns well trimmed and shrubbery
and flowers nbw producing profuse
ly, prorjaoiy no one has gone to
greater effort than has Dr. A. B.
Gray, who among other improve
ments to his premises, has install
ed an iron fountain that shoots
forth a refreshing spray of water
in his yard facing Baltimore street
at the corner of Main. Dr. Grav is
also making a Japanese garden
near the fountain, and what, with
a lattice fence along the side, a cin
der path bordered with varicolored
rocks and many varieties of tastily
planted shrubs and flowers, this
corner promises soon to be one of
the outstanding beauty spots of
The ten Morrow county boys ac
cepted for enlistment in the citi
zen's conservation forest work re
ceived notice Tuesday afternoon to
report at Enterprise, Wallowa coun
ty, and departed yesterday for that
place. They are George L. Scarlet,
Irrigon; Raymond L. Fletcher and
Marquis S. Greenwalt, lone; Basil
Brookhouser, John McNamee, Joe
Swendig, Ralph Breedon, William
Cunningham, Jr., Ray Massey and
Ralph Forgey, Heppner.
Notice is hereby given that out
standing registered warrants of
School District No. 1, Morrow
County, Oregon, numbered 2044 to
2061, inclusive, will be paid upon
presentation at the office of the
Cork of said District on or before
June 15, 1933. Interest ceases on
these warrants after that date.
District Clerk.
From Happenings Here and Yon
s Concerning
Help for Wheatmen j
I and Overlordship
and other things of more or less f
5 mumeni as seen ny :
News carried in daily dispatches
from Washington this week should
bring cheer to debtor Morrow coun
ty. First in importance is the Re
construction Finance corporation's
loan of $50,000,000 to China, $10,
000,000 of which will be used to pur
chase American wheat and flour,
sufficient, it is said, to take up half
of the Northwest's 30,000,000 bushel
surplus. The Northwest is the Or
ient's most accessible market.
Higher freight rates eastward,
said to have been the cause of the
recent 10 to 12 cent differential be
tween Chicago and Portland Dricea.
reduced the outlet for Northwest
wheat The differential is exDect-
ed to be narrowed by the China
loan. Activity thus stimiilnterl in
uie local market should give local
growers a better price.
Mayhap of less immediate henn
fit, but significant to borrowers none
the less, is news of the president's
signing or the resolution to abro
gate the gold clause from public
and private contracts, permitting
mortgages calling for payment in
gold to be settled in legal tender
Instead of having to repay cheap
dollars with dear ones, this action
is expected to result in enabling
debtors to - liquidate obligations
with money in value more nearly
eyuai to mat Dorrowed.
Thus may the debt load be at
least partially lifted from the shoul
ders of many overburdened Morrow
county people, who, with rehabili
tated buying power, will again af
ford a paying market for the pro
ducts of mill and factory
Sales tax and repeal of the 18th
amendment are two Issues to be de
cided at the special election in Or
egon on the 21st of next month
Registration books close June 21st,
and those not registered will not be
permitted to vote.
These are issues affecting every
one, ana in which everyone quali
fied to do so should have his say.
The matter of registration should
be attended to at once.
Each will vote his personal con
victions in the matter of prohibi
tion, and there are few but have
their minds made up.
The sales tax Is different. Though
not exactly a new thing, the pro
posed Oregon law is new, and just
exactly how it will work, if enact
ed, appears to be not definitely un
derstood by either advocates or op
ponents. It Is claimed by advocates to be a
substitute for property tax, and
that it will not increase the tax hill.
but make it easier to pay. Oppon
ents say that it does not tax ability
lu pay; discriminates against the
It does put extraordinary powers
In the hands of the state tax com
mission, conceived originally as an
advisory body. If passed, its suc
cess will depend largely on how the
act is administered by this body.
But maybe Oregon people can put
up with an additional petty over
lordship for two years, if the doing
will establish the state's credit
In the meantime something more
than 300 laws passed by the last leg
islature win go into effect tomor
row. Many affect only special in
terests; a few affect the general
public. They are mainly of import
ance to the legal fraternity, mem-
Ders or wnich will be busy for the
next six months attempting to as
certain what they are all about.
If Grist is in the dark as to any
thing else that should be brought
to ngnt, tne blame may be laid on
the city dads who ordered the
street lamp removed from in front
of the Gazette Times office.
Jess Ray Beezeley, 13, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Beezeley of Goose-
oerry, was bitten by a rattlesnake
while doing chores on the farm this
morning, and a physician was call
ed from Heppner to attend him.
The doctor found the boy had giv
en first aid to himself, having im
mediately made a tourniquet above
tne wound on his leg. stonnlnir the
flow of blood, and on reaching the
house a chicken was split open and
put on the wound. The wound was
not deep as the boy's overalls par-
tiuiiy stayed the strike of the fanes.
and the doctor believes there will
be no 111 results. The boy's know
ledge of first aid was a mighty good
thing, however, the doctor said. It
was he first case of snnke bite he
had been called upon to treat in his
19 years of practice locally.
Newspaper avertislng Is the buy
ing guide of millions of people.
Grand Jury Clears Way
For Circuit Court Term
Clearing the way for staging the
June term of circuit court which
convenes Monday, the grand jury
met last Thursday and returned one
true bill and one not a true bill.
This jury empaneled for the last
December term of court, and held
over to the commenceement of the
June term, is composed of S. J. De
vine, chairman; R. K. Drake, J. H.
McDaniel, W. H. Ayers, R. H.
Quackenbush, Clyde G. Wright and
Clive Huston. The report follows:
"We have been in session one day.
We have inquired into all matters
pertaining to the violation of the
criminal statutes of the State of
Oregon, committed or triable in
Morrow County. We have return
ad one true bill and one not a true
"We have inspected the offices
connected with the administration
of justice and find the records ac
curately and properly kept so far
as we could ascertain. We have in
spected the county jail and the
county poor house. We commend
the county court for the improve
ments made in the county jail.
"Having completed our labors, we
respectfully request the court to
excuse us from further attendance
on the court
Lexington was quite a popular
city Saturday afternoon, at least it
was if we are to judge by the num
ber of cars lined up along the
streets and by the large number of
people seen about town. Two im
portant meetings were held here on
that afternoon. The Morrow Oil
company held their annual stock
holders' meeting at Leach hall and
reelected Fred Mankin and J. O.
Kincaid as directors. The annual
stockholders' meeting of the Lex
ington Farmers Warehouse com
pany was also held Saturday after
noon and the following officers were
elected: president S. J. Devine; sec
retary, George Peck; directors, J.
E. Gentry and O. M. Scott
An examiner of operators and
chauffeurs was in town Saturday
also and a large number of resi
dents of Lexington and vicinity
availed themselves of this oppor
tunity to obtain their new licenses.
A wedding of interest to-Lexing-
ton people occurred Sunday, May
28, at Colton when Miss Clara Holey
became the bride of George A. Gil-
lis. The ceremony was performed
at 8 o'clock P. M., at the Lutheran
church in Colton. Both young peo
pie are well known here. Mr. Gillis
is the fifth and sixth grade teacher
in the Lexington school and Mrs.
Gillis taught here two years ago
They have a host of friends here
who wish them happiness.
In the program at the Church of
Christ Sunday morning, Mr. Sias
will speak on the Crucifixion of
Christ. Bible classes convene at
10 o'clock; communion occurs at
11 :20, with benediction at 11:30. Mr.
Sias speaks regularly each Sunday
night at Pine City where a very
good community congregation
greets him. Solos were given last
Sunday evening by Miss Gertrude
Tichenor and Dan Lindsay, which
were well appreciated by the au
dience. A good song service is al
ways a delightful feature of the ser
vice. Miss Eula McMillan has been vis
iting friends in Antone.
Mr. and Mrs. James Leach return
ed from their honeymoon last week
and are living on the ranch north
of town. On Friday evening a large
number of friends went out and
gave them- a regular old fashioned
Miss Velle Ward of Corvallis is
spending her vacation in Lexing
ton with her mother, Mr3. Viola
Edward Hunt returned Saturday
from a two weeks visit at the Earl
Hunt ranch near Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lucas have
moved from the Leach residence
and are now located in Mrs. Agnes
Curran's house In Heppner where
they will operate a family hotel.
The regular monthly business
meeting of Lexington Grange No.
726 will be held at the hall Satur
day evening, June 10. A program
will precede the business meeting.
The ladies of the Home Economics
club are in charge of the program
and it promises to be interesting.
Mrs. Minnie Leach and daughter
Opal have moved from their ranch
to their home in town recently va
cated by Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lucas.
There was a good attendance at
the Sunday school picnic which was
held at Reaney's grove last Sunday
and all those present report a most
enjoyable day.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schriever and
family and Miss Tillie Nelson re
turned Friday evening from a week
spent In Portland.
Mr3. Trina Parker, Miss Dona
Barnett, Miss Opal Leach, Fred
Fulgham and daughters Alberta
and Lourene, and Mrs. Beulah Nich
ols were among the Lexington peo
ple who went to Heppner Thursday
evening to hear W. E. (Pussyfoot)
Johnson and Dr. T. W. Gales, noted
prohibition speakers.
Mrs. Merle Miller returned Friday
evening from Fossil where she was
called last week by the death of her
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Clark of
Gresham were overnight guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer Thurs
day. They were on their way to
Lewiston, Idaho.
Among Lexington folk who spent
Sunday picnicking at various places
In the mountains were Mr. and Mrs.
(Continued on I'aga Four)
Three Avenues of Financ
ing Provided by New
Farm Loan Act.
W. Mahoney and M. E. Cotter
Are Correspondents; Lower
Interest Rate Feature.
Several sources of financial relief
authorized in recent farm emer
gency relief measures by congress,
have been brought closer to home
by the appointment last week of P.
W. Mahoney of Heppner and M. E.
Cotter of lone as Morrow county
correspondents through whom ap
plications for loans may be made.
One avenue of relief was afforded
through lowering of the rate of
interest on the Federal Farm Bank
loans for the five year period begin
ning July 11, 1933. On loans made
through national farm loan asso
ciations the rate was reduced to
i per cent annually for the five
year period, while on loans made
direct to borrowers the rate was
made 5 per cent for this period. The
4 Mr per cent rate will be charged
on loans outstanding May 12, 1933.
Furthermore, no payment of the
principal portion of any installment
will be required during this same
five year period if the borrower is
not in default with respect to any
other condition or covenant of his
The purposes of this loan are (a)
to provide for the purchase of land
for agricultural uses; (b) to pro
vide for the purchase of equipment,
tertilizers, and livestock necessary
for the proper and reasonable oper
ation of the mortgaged farm; (c)
to provide buildings and for the im
provement of farm land; (d) to
liquidate indebtedness of the own
er or the land mortgaged incurred
for agricultural purposes, or In
curred prior to January 1, 1933; and
(e) to provide the owner of the land
mortgaged with funds for general
agricultural uses. The prospective
oorrower must state in his applica
tion how he intends to use the pro
ceeds of the loan if it is made, and
if it is granted, he must use the
money for the purposes stated in
his application.
Federal Farm Bank Loans are
available up to $50,000 in amount,
but may not exceed 50 per cent of
the appraised value of the land
mortgaged and 20 per cent of the
appraised permanent, insured im
provements thereon. Preference is
given loans under $10,000, and on
loans between $25,000 and $50,000
the approval of the Farm Loan,
commissioner must be given.
Another avenue of relief is af
forded through loans to farmers by
Farm Loan commissioner, (1) to re
finace indebtedness of farmers; (2)
to provide working caDital for
farm operations, and (3) to redeem
or repurchase foreclosed farm prop
erty. Under this provision of the emer
gency farm mortgage act of 1933,
one tarmer may borrow up to $5,000
with the total mortgaged Indebted
ness of the land on which the mon
ey is borrowed not to exceed 75 per
cent of the appraised valuation, in
cluding the loan made by the Farm
Loan commissioner.
The application must state the
purpose for which the money is to
be used, and if the loan is granted
the money must be so used. The
stated purposes are (a) to provide
funds for refinancing, either In con
nection with proceedings under
chapter 8 of the Bankruptcy Act of
July 1, 1898, as amended (relating
to agricultural compositions and ex
tensions), or otherwise, any indebt
edness, secured or unsecured, of tha
farmer; (b) to provide working cap
ital ior iarm operations; and (c) to
provide funds to enable any farmer
to redeem andor purchase farm
property owned by him prior to
foreclosure which has been fore
closed at any time subsequent to
July 1, 1931. It is believed that in
many instances the farmers who
are eligible for a loan from the
Farm Loan commissioner may find
that their creditors4will be willing
to accept compromise settlements.
,The loan is repayable on the amor
tization plan.
Another avenue through which
relief has been extended affects the
mortgage giver In a less direct
manner. It provides for the ex
change of first farm mortgages for
Federal Farm Loan bonds.
One of the purposes of this pro
vision of the act is to make it pos
sible for present holders of farm
mortgages to acquire in their place
tax-exempt Federal Farm Loan
bonds which will be more liquid
than the mortgages. Farmers whose
mortgages are acquired by the Fed
eral Land banks will benefit by be
ing entitled to have their mortgages
refinanced in accordance with the
provisions of the Federal Farm
Loan Act on a long-term amortiza
tion plan on the basis of the
amounts paid by" the banks for the
Further particulars concerning
these various financing set-ups may
be had from either Mr. Mahoney or
Mr. Cotter, who have the b!ank
forms for application, or from C,
W. Smith, county agent.