Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1929)
Jleppet nn Htato1 Society, 1 Volume 46, Number 32. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Oct. 24, 1929. Subscription $2.00 a Year GRANGERS GATHER IN DISTRICT MEET Stan field is Host; Large Class Initiated; Busy Time Had. MRS. ALGOTT LUNDELL Morrow and Umatilla county Po monas met In joint session at Stan field on Thursday, October 17. This meeting proved one of the most in teresting and instructive Pomona meetings that the writer has attend ed. A large crowd assembled for the business session in the morning, at which time the reports of the sub ordinate granges of both counties were read, nearly all showing growth. Two subordinates report building new grange homes to start in the early winter months. Many helpful suggestions were offered by Geo. A. Palmiter, worthy state mas ter. By vote of the order, Morrow County District Pomona name was changed to Morrow County Po mona. About three hundred guests were served during the noon hour at a sumptuous cafeteria dinner, besides the down-town lunch rooms being filled. In the afternoon a splendid pro gram under the supervision of Mor row County Pomona lecturer was enjoyed. The Irrigon Club band added materially to the program with its "peppy" music. Vocal solos and quartet numbers completed the musical features while several hu morous readings added zest In his address Brother Palmiter mentioned some of the achieve ments in which the grange has had a vital part law making, postal service, etc. He also spoke of the future projects In which the grange is interested, Including lieutenant governor for Oregon, development of natural resources, income tax, farm relief bill, and the effect of the proposed Hawley-Smoot bill. The business of the evening ses sion Included the adoption of sever al resolutions: First, favoring a committee on public domain for Or egon the names endorsed by Baker County Pomona, Messrs. Phillips of Baker, Warner of Pendleton and Jameson of Prlnevllle; second, Uma tilla County Pomona favoring the proposed provision of funds for a much needed court house at Pen dleton; third, thanking Stanfield grange for their royal hospitality. A band concert opened the eve ning program. The beautiful grange memorial ceremony was read in memory of Warren Cool of Willows grange, who passed away on Octo ber 11. A drill by the Willows drill team, composed of the young folks of the grange, was much enjoyed. Greenfield grange exemplified the degree of Pomona in an Impressive manner to a class of 32, sixteen be coming members of Umatilla Pomo na and sixteen joining Morrow Po mona. Tableaux of "Hope" and "P. of H." added beauty and dignity to the degree work. As Greenfield grange had the lar gest delegation when the count was made at 2 o'clock, the Morrow Coun ty Pomona banner became its charge for the next three months. Everyone in both counties greatly enjoyed the joint session and hope to meet together on a future date. U. P. Offers Excursion Rates to Livestock Show Special low coach excursion fares are announced by the Union Pacific to stimulate travel to the $100,000 Pacific Intrenatlonal Livestock ex position to be held at Portland Octo ber 26 to November 2 inclusive. The coach excursion fares will apply from all main and branch line points on the O. W. R. & N. and Camas Prairie railroad, east of and Including Arlington and including the Bend and Joseph branch lines, the tickets to be sold for the night trains, October 25, limited to return In coaches on any of the regular trains leaving Portland October 26 to 27. These special coach excursions are offered In addition to a blanket rate of fare and one-third for the round trip to Portland and return from all points on the O. W. P.. & N. and O. S. L. units of the Union Pacific system. The Pacific International Live stock exposition is the largest live stock exposition in the world, hav ing 10 acres under one. roof. It will bring together the finest thorough bred stock of the entire country. Chinese pheasant hunting, accord ing to reports of the State Game commission has not been as good in Oregon this season as It has been in the past. This is said to be due, in no small measure, to the fact that the late, cold and rainy spring cut down the first hatch of young pheasants. The second and third hatches, which came In dry warm weather proved up to normal. On the other hand quail hunting in those counties that have an open season, has been extremely good. Strange as It may seem, in open counties there appear .to bo more birds than there are In those dis tricts that are closed. This Is due, It is contended, to the breaking up of flocks and the consequent cutting down of Inbreeding, which results in more non-fertile eggs. Lions Gain Headway; Committees are Named Fixing of dues and discussion of committee appointments was the main business before an executive committee meeting of the Lions club In Legion hall Tuesday eve ning. Careful consideration of com mittee appointments is necessary to get the right men, and the right men in the right place is essential to a successful organization, Is the belief of Jas. M. Burgess, president Directors also wanted it to be known that the Lions club is not an exclusive organization, and ex tends the invitation to any desir ing to become members to make application. A lively meeting Monday noon developed a still more lively inter est among members, who look for ward to a great season of activity. President Burgess Is arranging a special program of entertainment for luncheon next Monday, and ex pressly urges all members to make it a point to attend. HALLOWE'EN PROCLAMATION. "Whereas, there is danger of prop erty damage and Injury to life by many of the reckless pranks of Hal lowe'en prowlers that have been customary in past years; especially the obstruction of streets which might result in wrecking automo biles, and possible loss of life; and believing that such pranks are in direct violation of the law, and not In accord with the spirit of the oc casion; "Therefore, I, W. G. McCarty, mayor of the city of Heppner, do hereby urge the young people of the city to conduct themselves in a proper manner, while enjoying the festivities of the day, and to give consideration to the life, property and rights of others. I further here by give each and every property holder within the city the power to arrest any trespassers of a suspic ious nature, and to turn them over to the regularly constituted author ities. "Signed, "W. G. McCARTY, Mayor." WHY HEPPNER'S YOUNG PEO PLE ARE GOING TO THE DEVIL. You may not believe they are but by whose standard do you Judge? And do you care whether they are or not? We are going to talk about this on Sunday night at the Church of Christ but the thing that is need ed most is that we DO something about It Our morning service is always centered about the Lord's table where we remember His death and suffering for us. The sermon will be, "This One Thing I Do." 9:45, a great bible school with a place for all. 10:50, morning worship. Food for the soul. 6:45, Christian Endeavor, the young folks' own meeting. 7:30, the evening service begins with Bervlce of song. Preaching at Pine City every Tu esday night at 7:30. MILTON W. BOWER, Minister. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Rev. B. Stanley Moore, mlsslon-ary-in-charge. Holy Communion at 8 o'clock. Church school at 9:45. Morning prayer and sermon at 11. "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold." Prov. 22:1. For Sale or Lease 480 acres, 300 plow land balance pasture; fenced in four fields; plenty water, springs and well; 6-room house; barn and other buildings; good garden spot; 1H mile from town. Address Box 43, Heppner. tf. HARDMAN. Mrs. Bert Bleakman delightfully entertained a number of her friends at a quilting party Tuesday after noon. Refreshments were served, consisting of cake, fruit salad and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. John Byland have moved to town for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers have gone to Zellah, Wash., where Mr. Leathers will be employed during the winter. Several Hardman hunters enjoy ed the season. Those killing deer are John and Carry Hastings, Owen Leathers, Herbert McDaniel, Chas. McDaniel, Dick and Gus Steers. Mrs. Blaine Chapel and Miss Lou ise Torre motored to Pendleton on Saturday. Chas. Furlong of Eight Mile was a business visitor in Hardman one day this week. Klnnard McDaniel and daughter Elma spent the week end at Lone Rock. Len Knighton and Mrs. Fred Ash baugh are visiting Mrs. Ashbaugh's aged father at Bliss, Idaho. Friends were sorry to learn that fire destroyed the Wm. Greener house south of here last Monday. Mrs. Rodgers was a visitor at the grade school one day last week. The Sewing club girls met Friday, Oct. 18, and elected officers for the coming year. Those enrolled this year are Lois Adams, Delsie Bleak man, Maud Farrens, Neva Bleak man, Charlotte Adams, Nellie Bleak man and Dolly Farrens. Mrs. Hat tie Bleakman has been chosen for their leader. Miss Zoe Hadley visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. Chas. Mc Daniel last week end. Wm. Mahrt was absent from the garage most of last week. He has been at the Krebs Bros, ranch near Cecil where he has been installing a Delco light plant Opens New Funeral Home at Heppner R. C. Phelps, who recently came to Heppner from Wapato, Wash., to make this city his permanent home, announces the opening of the Phelps Funeral Home on Mon day, October 28th, In the Mahoney residence in southeast Heppner. Mr. Phelps, who is a licensed embalmer in both Oregon and Washington, has had much experience in this work, and he will have as his as sistant, Mrs. Phelps. The large dwelling has been remodeled for the convenience of their work, a repos ing room, casket display room, and preparation room being installed. Room has also been provided for holding small funeral services when desired, and Mr. and Mrs. Phelps also have their living quarters in the residence. .A nice little gray motor hearse, and also a sedan am bulance will be a part of the equip ment, Mr. Phelps states, and the ambulance service will be available day or night ' Mr. and Mrs. Phelps arrived at Heppner some four weeks ago, and they have been quite busy since in getting the funeral home in readi ness and properly equipped. As yet the all-important question of who is the champion croquet player of the city has not been set tled. A battle royal was on the first of the week at the Phelps court Messrs. Phelps and Dix contending with Huston and Humphreys, the latter being victorious by a scratch, so the report has it Dix has been high man during the season and this has caused Humphreys a lot of worry, to say nothing of sleepless nights, lying awake planning how he was to get the lead, Dix being the only player that caused him this unsettled state of mind. The con test is still on, however, and the only way to prove the championship is for Humphreys to take Dix on single handed, and if he wallops him, then he may be privileged to lay claim to champion for the sea son. We understand the challenge is out and that this will be the next battle to occur on the Huston court After that some of the other play ers may step in and lick the winner, no telling. Mrs Henry Cohn was quite ser iously burned on the arm and body Monday morning by scalding water from a hose she was using to fill the washing machine at the Cohn home in this city. The hose slipped from the machine and the boiling water was thrown on Mrs. Cohn. Her injuries required the attention of a physician. R. C. Phelps, who is opening a funeral home at Heppner in the residence formerly occupied by the family of W. P. Mahoney, drove to Yakima on Sunday, being accom panied on the trip by his nephew, Claude Hill. The gentlemen return ed on Wednesday evening, bringing over a hearse to be used by Mr. Phelps. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rood of Hllls boro are visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hum phreys. Mr. Rood is a brother of Mrs. Humphreys and is also one of the executors of the estate of the late Mrs. Fannie O. Rood. Claude Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hill of Willow creek, will make his home in Heppner this win ter with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Phelps, and attend high school. W. W. Bechdolt is one of many Morrow county farmers who would like to see a good rain. He was in the city Saturday from the Hard man farm home. Bert Johnson of lone was looking after business here on Wednesday afternoon, taking time to call on the G. T. force and offer substantial encouragement Louis C. Campbell and wife were in Heppner on Sunday from their home at Pendleton, visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Campbell. W. F. Pettyjohn, who runs the Webb Bros, ranch, 17 miles south of Heppner on Thorn creek, was looking after business in this city on Wednesday. 4-H Stock Judging Team to Pacific International Chas W. Smith, county agent will accompany a 4-H stock judging team from this county to the Pa cific International Livestock exposi tion to be held in Portland October 26 to November 2 Inclusive. Com posing the team are George Wick- lander, George Graves and Marvin Ransier, all of Boardman. Rules of the contest In which the boys will take part provide that each team shall be made up of stan dard 4-H club members from 9 to 18 years of age, and be from the same club. The Boardman boys were selected, Mr. Smith said, be cause each has been In club work two yearB or longer and shows es pecial possibilities of doing good work. They were selected follow ing tryouU at the Umatilla Proiect fair held recently at Hermlston, and special Judging work at the Eastern Oregon hospital in Pendleton where a high class dairy herd and other breed livestock are kept Winter Apples $1.35 sack If you furnish sacks nitd nlolt vmiranl TP Burroughs, lone, Ore. 81-33! O.E.S. ' ENJOYED AT HE Halloween Party Planned ; High School Loses to Condon. MRS. JENNIE E. McMURRAY, Correspondent Locust chapter No119, Order of Eastern Star, was honored by an official visit on Thursday last by Mrs. Carrie Jackson of Baker, asso ciate grand matron of Oregon. In the afternoon there was a school of instruction, and in the evening an exemplification of the work of the order in accordance with the new ritual. During chapetr Mrs. Jack son gave a very pleasing address followed by talks by Mrs. Carolyn Johnston of Heppner, at present grand sentinel of Oregon, Mrs. Re becca Patterson, past grand warder and Mrs. Charlotte Gordon, worthy matron of Ruth chapter, and Frank Parker, worthy patron of Ruth chapter, and others. Refreshments were served In the dining room at the close of chapter. The district meeting Order of Eastern Star will be held In lone Tuesday, November 8. Mrs. John Krebs and son depart ed Friday for Portland where they go for a visit with relatives. Joseph Fox and Earl Uphara of Portland, auditors for the O. W. R, & N., were in lone Friday on offi cial business. ; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feldman mo tored to Walla Walla Friday. Condon Defeats lone 19-0. All who saw last Saturday's game between lone and Condon will ad mit that the lone boys made a very good showing against the heavy and speedy Condon squad. Condon scor ed the first touchdown in the last minute of the first half. The last two were made In the last half. The try for point was bucked over after the last touchdown was made. Earl McCabe deserves special mention on account of his two long end runs which netted big yardage. Next Friday lone Journeys to Fossil. lone made a very good showing against their heavy opponents, so most like ly the local squad will have no trou ble beating Fossil. lone's line-up was P. Smouse re, K. Smouse rt, Everson rg, Ritchie c, Esteb and Ely lg, Mason It Lundell and Mor gan le, McCabe q, Swhnlon lh, Kin- caid rh, Clark f. Referte, Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Gardner and son Teddy of Hlllsboro arrived In Morgan Sunday and are the guests of Mrs. Gardner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Harbison. Mrs. Dale Ray went to White Sal mon Thursday of last week, return ing Sunday. She visited her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goodrich, also her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Brashears. J. E. Swanson, C. W. Swanson and J. W. Howk made a week-end trip to Lewiston. Mrs. Albert Petteys returned home from the Hot Lake hospital on Sunday. She Is much improved in health. Congressman Robert R. Butler was Calling on friends In lone on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Ida Fletcher's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Calan dra, who have been living in The Dalles, are now residents of Hood River. Mr. nad Mrs. Harold Ahalt have moved to the Herman Havercost ranch near Rhea Siding. Mr. Ahalt and Mr. Havercost plan on farming together. Rev. and Mrs. Cecil Ahalt were holding religious services in the Pentecostal mission last week. Rev. Mr. Ahalt has resigned his position as pastor of the church at Toppen- lsh.and has been called to the pas torate of the church at Baker. Mrs. Verda Ritchie and daughter Ellen of Portland passed through town the first of last week. They visited briefly with Mrs. Barbara Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Ritchie of Heppner and Mrs. Ida Cochran of Portland were guests of Mrs. Bar bara Ritchie the first of last week. Mrs. George Frank has been quite ill with tonsilltis. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo McMillan and daughter Beverley of Salem arrived on Wednesday of last week for a week's visit with Mrs. McMillan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swan son. Krebs Brothers are installing a Delco lighting plant on their ranch at Cecil. Mrs. Earle Brown is recovering from an attack of the "flu." Mrs. Daniels, who resides on Sec ond street has been very ill. Mrs. M. Jordan has been caring for her. The 60 h p. Monarch tractor pur chased recently by the county was delivered in lone last week. It will be used for all the heavy work on the Ione-Boardman road. Accord ing to present plans work will be gin on this road this week. The road is to follow up Rletmann canyon to the head, then angle across past the Lone Tree school house and on to ward Boardman. About $52,000 will be spent In the building. Many of our hunters harkened to the call of the mountains and went In search of deer during the closing days of the season. Clifford Chrls topherson, Marshall and Clinton Jackson and "Shorty" Reese left the first of last week to try their luck on Sunflower flat Dwlght Mlsner (Continued on P Eight) First Tryout for Talkies Here Sunday-Monday B. G. Slgsbee, manager of the Star theater, announces the first tryout of the theater's new sound equipment for presenting talking pictures on next Sunday and Mon day, the feature being "Hurricane. This will be followed by a synchron ized picture, "Submarine." The the ater will probably be opened defin itely with all-talking features on November 3, he says. "We are fortunate in having but a few silent features bought so that when talkies start we will play sound features all the time except a silent one each two weeks for a short time. Silent comedies will be used until expiration of present con tracts about the middle of Decem ber," Mr. Slgsbee says. Future bookings include such outstanding talkie successes as "The Hollywood Revue," "Moran & Mack," "The Cocoanuts," "Cockeyed World," "Flight," ..Harold Lloyd's first talkie "Welcome Danger, "Four Feathers," "Virginian," "The Broadway Melody, Madame X in fact a selection of the best the market affords. LOCAL H ITEMS Albert Peterson and wife passed through Heppner Wednesday after noon, returning to their home at Ukiah from a short visit with rela tives of Mrs. Peterson at Lone Rock. Mr. Peterson informs this paper that the people of Heppner and vi cinity can now travel all the way to Ukiah on a good macadam high way, as the road has now been fin ished and graveled by the state to that point He stated further that the annual cowboy dance will be held at Ukiah on Saturday evening, this being the occasion of the elec tion of officers of the Cowboy con vention. Friends from over Hepp ner way are invited on the promise of a good time with the best avail able music Father P. J. O'Rourke, formerly pastor of St Patrick's Catholic church at Heppner, but since leav ing here the pastor of the church at The Dalles, is enjoying a visit with his former friends and parish oners at Heppner this week. He is accompanied by his niece, Mrs. Jo seph Sernec, who was formerly Miss Peggy O Rourke, and a popular young woman of this community when she resided here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomson, Mrs. W. P. Mahoney and Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Parker formed a party driving to Pendleton Tuesday after noon to attend a meeting of the dads and mothers of University of Oregon. President Arnold Bennett Hall of the university and Mrs. Walter M. Cook, president of the Mothers of Oregon, were the speak ers of the evening. Mrs. W. J. French has disposed of her residence property In Hepp ner to Riley Munkers of Lexington. She will leave shortly for Portland to make her home, having two daughters residing in the city. A son of Mr. Munkers with his fam ily will occupy the residence. Maxine Vincent daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Vincent of Uma- pine, spent the week end at Hepp ner visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Mattie Adkins. Miss Maxine Is a student this year at McLaugh lin high of Milton-Freewater. F. W. Turner & Co., realtors, ne gotiated a trade the past week wherein Frank Mason disposed of his farm west of Lexington to Law rence Palmer. The consideration was $3600. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Ferguson left on Tuesday for Jacksonville where Mr. Ferguson goes to close up some business affairs connected with his ranch he had leased there for a time. The O. E. S. Cheer club will meet with Mrs. C. W. McNamer on Sat urday, Oct 26, at 2:30. Members are urged to be present as there is work to do. The Willing Workers of the Chris tian church will hold a window sale at the store of Humphreys Drug Co., Saturday, Oct 26. P. P. & L. to Rebuild Line on Main Street Authority was received the first of the week by Paul L. Marble, local manager of the Pacific Power & Light company, to proceed Imme diately with rebuilding of the pow er line on Main street between Cen ter and May streets. This improve ment has become necessary, de clares Mr. Marble, owing to the in creased load required by the dis trict The line will be rebuilt with a view to carrying load sufficient to care for the demands for many years to come, the manager says. At the same time better service will result for those now being served by this line. TIRE CONTEST ON. Bergstrom & Kane are engaged in the Firestone World Champion ship Sales contest underway for several weeks. The contest Includes every Firestone dealer in the Uni ted States. Besides making a strong effort to obtain one of the many prizes offered, Al Bergstrom of the firm asserts it is their Intention to gain national recognition for Hepp ner, as a list of winners will be an nounced over the Pacific Coast net work of the National Broadcasting company. Fossil Defeated 66-0; Lexington Here Friday Heppner High school was on the long end of one of the largest scores ever made by a local football team when they defeated Fossil at Fossil Friday, 66-0. After running up quite a large score many of the local regulars were relieved by substi tutes but still the scoring continued, This is the third game for Heppner in the Upper Columbia Athletic league, all of which have been won. Tomorrow afternoon the locals tangle with Lexington in what Is expected to be a much harder game, as Lexington has a strong team. Lexington's scoring power was shown against Fossil whom they de feated by more than 30 points. They lost to Arlington last Friday by a score of 6-0. While Lexington has one of the lightest teams in the league, the boys are scrappy and well trained. The game will be played at Rodeo field at 2:30. NEW TRAPPER HERE. Harold Dobyns, in charge of gov ernment trappers for the U. S. bio logical survey, with headquarters at Portland, was in Morrow county the first of the week. He was locating a new trapper, D. V. Nicley, whose headquarters will be at the ranch of Luckman Bros., at Lena, and his territory will extend from Sand Hol low to Butter creek, and from the mountains to the Sand country. His address will be Lena, care of Luck- man Bros., and he will be on the job of exterminating the coyote and other varmints that prey upon sheep and livestock generally. Mr. Dobyns passed through Heppner Monday on his way to Clackamas Lake ranger station to investigate the report of depredations of wolves in that vicinity. FARM HOME BURNS. The residence with all contents on the Wm. Greener place at Toll Rock burned Thursday morning last the fire originating, Mr. Green er thinks, from a defective flue. The men were at work some little distance from the house and by the time they could get there the fire was beyond control. The loss Is fairly well covered by insurance. They were able to keep the fire from spreading to buildings adja cent to the residence. SOME LIVESTOCK ITEMS. Hynd Bros. Co. put 2000 head of extra good feeder lambs over the scales at the Parker feed yard early in the week, consigned to Rodgers Livestock Co. of Ogden, Utah. The Jas. Carty sheep stopped over Tues day night at the same yards, being on the way to the Tubs Springs ranch from the summer range in the high mountains. Harold Cohn made delivery of a band of ewe lambs to Krebs Bros, of Cecil the first of the week. - During the past two weeks 234, 000 Eastern Brook trout have been planted in the lakes and streams of Klamath county. Additional plantings were made as follows: McKay dam, Umatilla county, 12, 000 Eastern Brook; Siletz river, Lin coln county, 40,000 rainbow and Eastern Brook; John Day river, 10, 000 Eastern Brook; Warm Springs reservoir, 20,000 Eastern Brook; Rock Creek lake, Wheeler county, 10,000 Eastern Brook; drainage ditch Umatilla river, 30,000 rainbow; Walla Walla river, Umatilla county, 210,000 rainbow; Umatilla river, 149,000 rainbow; Mecham creek, Umatilla county, 40,000 rainbow; Ed- wood lake, Lane county, 12,000 steel head. More lambs will be fed east of the Mississippi river and fewer west of it than last year, according to reports received by the market service of Oregon State college. Prospective supplies of feed lambs are especially reduced in Washing ton and Oregon, and to a less extent in Idaho, Montana and Nevada. IRRIGON MRS. W. C. ISOM. Correspondent Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Coe and Mrs. Webb, all of Echo, visited at the Fred Markham home. Mrs. Blanche Watkins and son Mac, formerly of this place but now residing at Wren, Ore., were here looking after business interests Wednesday and Thursday. Word was received here Sunday of the death of Mr. Grieves from pneumonia. Mrs. Coryell will re main in charge of the sixth and seventh grade room until Mrs. Grieves returns from her home in Seattle. Mrs. George Haskell has been quite ill from the effects of having several teeth removed. Mrs. Roscoe Williams was a call er at the Isom home Wednesday. Mrs. Chas. Benefleld died at the Hermlston hospital Friday night after a few days illness. Funeral services will be held at Irrigon Mon day at 2 o clock and will be In charge of the Masonic lodge of which Mr. Benefleld Is a member. W. C. Isom made a trip up Butter creek about 30 miles Saturday eve ning after a load of turkeys for Mr. Suderth. The joint meeting of the Pomona granges of Morrow and Umatilla counties held Thursday at Stanfield was a decided success, being well attended by members from both counties. The Irrigon band played for the Joint Pomona grange meeting at Stanfield. Fred Markham has accepted a po sition in the pastime and barber shop at Echo where he will remain for the winter. LEXINGTON STORE ENTERED TUESDAY Some Cash, Goods Taken; Evidence Leads to Local Talent, Belief. After making off with the cash In the till, helping themselves to sev eral cartons of tobacco, a side of bacon and a portable typewriter, one of the supposed three men who broke into the Howard Lane mar ket and pastime at Lexington Tues day night may have left his card. A receipt from a Lexington store issued for the purchase of some silk stockings to a man known by Mr. Lane, and found on the floor near the cash register, is the card which may serve as a clew to the Identity of at least one of the men, is Mr. Lane's belief. That there were three men involved In the break is conjectured from three helpings of ice cream, the remains of which were found in the pas time. Apparently entering through the pastime, which is partitioned off from the market the men bored a hole through the door between the two store rooms and slid the bolt to gain entrance to the market They attempted to open the safe but were unsuccessful. The first covering of iron was laid back in top of the safe, as one would open a can with a jacknife, two slits crossing and the intervening sections bent up ward. After digging into the filler beneath for several inches, this pro cedure was evidently given up as hopeless. The combination knob and bolt handle were broken off the safe door, also. One of the men likes cheese, It Is thought as a brick of cheese waa found with a corner bitten out leav ing very distinct teeth marks. Among missing articles, Mr. Lane reports. Is an "N. S. F." check which was among others In the till. This check, drawn by a man whom Mr. Lane says is a good friend of the man to whom the receipt was is sued, was apparently sorted out from the rest as no other checks were taken that the owner could ascertain. The sheriff's office at Heppner waa notified immediately the break was discovered Wednesday morning, and officers who arrived on the scene shortly were successful in picking; up finger prints. The receipt was picked up later as the boys In the - store started to put things in order. That the men were In the store tin cloBe to opening time is Indicated by the state of the ice cream left in the cartons from which they had been eating. This had not entirely melted. Car tracks were found In the brush behind the store where it is thought the men had the auto mobile parked in which they made their escape. Edward Stevenson Dies of Sudden Heart Attack Edward Stevenson, aged 60 years, was called by death some time dur ing Friday night at the Bruce Kel- ley ranch on Willow creek six mile east of Heppner, being a victim of heart disease. He had been to the lower ranch for some supplies on Friday evening and had appar ently retired as usual It was noted on Friday morning that the sheep in his charge were not being cared for and upon Investigation Mr. Ste venson was discovered dead in his bed, having passed away in the night without a struggle, Funeral services were held from the Meth odist church on Monday afternoon. Rev. Glenn P. White, pastor, offi ciating, and interment was in Mas onic cemetery. Edward Stevenson was born at Weston, Oregon, and came to Hepp ner with his parents when just a small boy. He attended the publio school here and his entire life was spent in this community. He never married, and the only surviving; member of the family is a brother, John Stevenson, of Buhl, Idaho, who could not be present at the funeral because of illness; nieces and nephews are Mrs. Ida Freund of The Dalles; Mrs. Glen Tlcer of Oakland, Calif., Delta Crawford, Seattle, Wash.; George L. Steven son, The Dalles, and Harold Davis, Oakland. Those attending the fun eral from a distance were Mrs. George Stevenson, Mrs. Ida Freund and Geo. Lawrence Stevenson of The Dalles. M. E. CHURCH NOTICE. 9:45, Sunday school. 11:00 a. m., preaching. Topic, "What God's Love Did for You." 6:30 p. m., Epworth League. 7:30 p. m., preaching, "Life's Race." The young people will sing in the evening. GLEN P. WHITE. ENJOY A REAL MASK BALL Spooky Hall (Pavilion) Heppner SATURDAY NIGHT OCT. 26 LOTS OF FRIZE8: Best Costumed Couple, $5 Funnimt Costumed Couple IS $10 Divided Between Two Beat Dancers. 20 Merchandise Prizes. $1.50 Adm. Dancing Starts at 9:00