Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1890)
NO. 382. THE GAZETTE. ISMIIKD EVKttV THI'KMDAT AFTEUNOON. B OTIS PATTERSON, At $2Mi pr yar, $1.2-1 for eox months, $t.75 for thrw moiiinit; in advanc?. If imid for at the n( of hU lnontliH. 2.5U a year will he elutrgiMl. ADTEBTIHINO BATKB. 1 inch, single column, pr month $ 1-50 2 2.50 " " 5.00 i: " " ' 8.50 15.00 DOUBLE COLUMN. inches $ 3.) 4 " 5.00 column tt.M 4 " 15.00 LK'a! aivojiifunt( 1N: per lin. Kach subee qunt iriNfrtkon at half rains. Hpucial ratm will ieliarKod tor personal digs and tMiiitirai slush. CEE301T ornciALS. Governor B. Pnnoyer. Hno.of Htate W. McBride. irwmuiw - Phil Metiwhan. Hiipt. Instruction li. "J- J ihIich heveuth District J. n. Bird. lUtrint Attorney W. H. Wilson MOKItOW Joint Hnat or. . . ... . K'prHHnUiti v 1 bounty JntlKH Com id issioners . , Vaughn. Clerk " Sheriff Trensuitw AHHtttMHjr , Hurveyor .... School Hup't '' Coroner COCNTY. Henry Blackman, J. ( :. ThomiMion, Wm. Mitchell. ...J. li. Ely. H. M. J. W. Morrow. ieo. Noble. ,...J. W. Matlock. J. J. McUee. Julius Keithiey. W. I. Haling. James Dangherty. H KPPNKR TOWN OFFICERS. Maoi Henry Blackmar CouniuliutMi Nlson Janes, J. W Morrow. E. L. Matlock, O. E. Farnsworth, M UullnrvHiid W..I. McAlM. IteoonJer.... A. A. Roberta. Treasurer W.J- ieezer. Marshal J. W. liaamus. HEPPITER SOCIETIES. lioric lAHige No. 20 K. of P. meete ev eryTue4layeveiiinKRt7.BOo'clK!k in I. 0. O. K. Hall, Sojourning brothers cor dially invited to attend. J. H. Stanley, C. C. K. K. riWINBUKNE, K. of K. & H. tf KAWLINS POST, NO. 31. G. A. K. Meet at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of each montli. All veterans are invited to join. Ihk Brown, J- 8. Booth by. Adjutant, if Commander. PBOFESSIOn-Ii. Am A. WOIIICWTH, Real Rut ate. Insurance and Collection Ollice in COUNCIL CHAMBKKH, Heppner, tf Oregon J. N. BROWN Attorney at Law. J AS. D. HAMILTON. Brown & Hamilton Pruritic in rII court of the state, Insurance, rtv wUtte. oollecti.mitnrt loan nnHuts. Prompt attention Kiven to all business entrust ed to them. Opposite Gazette Ojjh-e, Heppner. tf V. K. ELLIH. Attomey-at- Law Not&ry - - - Public, UEPPNKIt, OREGON. Will gh e prompt attention to anj und all business entrusted to him. OKFH" ket KFlrE on Main Street, over Liberty Mar ti DR. B. F. VAGHAN. DENTIST. 1LATE WOKK A SPECIALTY. Extracting ami Fillin liv the Latest noil Most Improved Methods. Ottice over Hlocum's Dnmstore. tf . NATIONAL BANK of HEPPNER It. P. THOMPSON. F.t. K BISHOP. President. Cashier. f BASSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. COLLECTIONS Made od Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. HEPPNER, tt OKEGON. First National Bank OF HEFPNER, RHEA. FKANK KKLLOGO, President. Vioe-Preeident George W. Conser, Cashier. Transaots a General Bnnliin Business EXC I I ANGE On all lrt of the world Bought and Sold, Collection made at all points on Bea. suitable Terms. $150,000 to loan ou improved farms at 8 per cent. WHEN YOU WANT J1 DON'T FORGET That the best nlaee to get it is at the GAZETTE SHOI. Heppner, : : tf : OreyoFi. rOC CAX SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY NEWSPAPER AT THE GAZETTE SIIOlMf AND Canyon City STAGE LIIC, Chas. 11. Lkb, Proprietor. STAGES LEAVE MONUMENT DAILY EX CEPT SUNDAY. FARE: Canyon City to Monument : : S5.00 Jiong creen : : o uu uekest and cheapest route. - points in this vicinity . A. H. TYSON". L. D. HOYED. j Tyson &loyed, Contractors, Luilders and Archi tects. Special attention given to plans, designs and estimates for nil kinds of buildings. They lire puftiric in their Heppner Brick Yard t-hn machinery for making a nuperiur quality if prenei brick. office, upper main st., IIEPPXEU. t - OKEGON, GEO. W. LORD, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Estimates for all kinds of build ings, town or country. Moving Buildings a Specialty HEPPNER, tf OREGON We have the CHEAPEST and Bes! WOVEN WIRE FENCING Wire Rope Selvage- 60 INCHES HIGH AT 60 CENTS PER ROD. nwn. Garden, Poultry and Stock Fencinsr. all s.zi'Handwi(lthii.(:iat8toma.tch. Pricesluw. Sold by dealers. Frt-lttht 1'nlil. Send fur circular. IHK HrM!.'I.I.KN WOVEN WIKK FENCE CO., CHICAGO, 1I.L. VOICE from r bio. Here li portrmil of Mr. Lirri lon, of Salem, ltai. ,Hf writ: "Wm l work on larm for a month ; 1 now be an Rnry ititin and oftaa make JttUSO a day." (Signed) W. H.Gakk15(. rl. C. Allen & lo H siliini ana uudii- illinm Ktinr, Harrlsl)UrK, Pa., wnlri: "I have neTcr known anylhinfr to sell like your allium, i eaterdajf I tiMk ordtm enoufeb tg pay iua over $2.. ' W J. El- ir, nanicor, me., wnm: to an order fur your album at ilmoat every houM 1 itt. tly protttit otienasmurua vsu Other are doinir quite ai well ; tract! from their lettem. Ever ' not spare to give ex oni who UkeH bold of thil (rranti bualneaa pile up Brand proflii. Shall we start VOL in this business, nader? Write to aa and team all about it for youraf If. Wo rnatarlfnir rr.any; we will Hart you if you don't delay until anothrra-eta ahrad of yon In vour part of the countrv. If yon take bold you will be able to pick up (told fa!. (W lei On at-rouut of a forced manufacturer sale 1 tC,U40 ten dolltar I'liotoKni ih Album mtu be ld to the p-o(.le for each. Hound in Kt.yal Criniaon Silk Wlv.'t fluili. Charmingly decornted inside. Handaomest album In th world Larfreat Size. Gretet barirain ever known. Aprnta wanted. Liberal term. Big money for apent. Any one can bm-otiie a aucreasful aifent. Hell ilH" ou i);ht liltle or no talking iieceary. Wherever shown, every one want to pur chnae. Apenta take llmuHand of order with rapidity never before known. Great pro til await every worker. A runt ara making fortune. LucJit-a wake aa much a men. You, render; can do a well as any one. Full information and term free, to thoae who write for same, with particular and term for our Family lliblr. Books and Periodica la. After you know all. bould vou conclude to g" mi further, wby uo harm la done. Addreaa t. C. ALLLS t(J AUOL3TA. Main. 'HeBest 24in.safetyEverMaD ADJUSTABLE IN EVERY BEARING AGENTS WANTED CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUR FULL LINE OF WHEELS SENT ON APPLICATION LOZIERerOSTBlCLE..,;.. Toledo. Ohio. Mr Printers' Ink. A JOURNAL FOR ADVERTISERS. Xi iHtiei os tie first and flftiesth dayi of each mactli, lad Is tie reproseatathi journal tie traia jroraal of Aaeriean adTertiaera. It lsllcates to tls Inexperienced advertiser how. Then, and vhare at ihauld adTtrtis9 ; ho to write an advertisement ; hov tc dliplaj one ; vlat nevspapera to uie ; lo muca money to expandin fact, discoanei an every point that admits of profitable discussion. Advertising ii as art practised by many but understood by few. Tie condactori of F3I2?TSS' IKE understand It, isf their advice is based os an experience of store thai twenty-five years is placing advertising contracts for many of the largest and moat successful advertisers. A year's subscription costs but One Collar : sample copies Tree. Address : CEO. P. ROW ELL & CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, io Spruce St., New York. EXAMINE OUR M i t eurtiuc unui ai r q wiiwii u nun nbki WAVER LY SCHOOL r SHOES rtc LOW BROAD HEELNP LcaTMCR liinp FOR SAAK BY J. W. SMITH, tf. AKLISGTOX, OK. 13a hav3 fhe Exclusive Control of 55 ma $AVn WH0LE 1 1 School ll UAS0LID HEEL TEST SOLID riS VsSOLE LEATHEjJ-- 2Y& SB x? J V. s- HI l I Ml III I IIB, Urn. don't ao (0 offer a prlzt to It thil eootfj. for iu Uie BEST HADE. Exry Cm hotd ONE AND OKE HALF POUKDS. H. BLAGKMAN & CO., HEPPNER, OREGON. HP "5AKlNG POVOER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar bakiuj; powder. Highest of all in leaveniDg etreDgtb. U. S. Government Re) tort, Ang. 17, Great English Remedy. MURRAY'S SPECIFIC. A euarantw?fi enrp for all nervouN diseftMfs, Mitch as Wwtk Memory. Lowe of Hrairi power Hysteria Heudache, Pain in tht Bark, Ner vous Prostration, Wakefulness, Leucorrhfpa. Universal JLaHMitudt? (Seminal Weakness, Impotcucj. and general loss of power of the General Organs in either wx, canswi by iniinc ration or over Before Taking, exertion a. which nltiuihtftly lead? to Premature Old Aee. In- Tmde Mark. sanity and consumption, $UK a bx r six boxes for $r.U). Seat by mail on receipt of prim. Full particulars in pamphlet sent free to every applicant. We Guarantee 6 Boxes to cure any case. For every $5 ftrrlur n'niDpH WA HArifl rilx boxes and a written guarantee to refund After 1 a ky ti the money if oiir Specific tloes not effect a cure. Address all communications to the sole manu facturers, the MURRAY MKDIC1NE CO., KansiH ('ity. Mfc Hoi in Heppner by A. D JOHNSON Ac CO . Bnleaieents. July 1 CONSUPTiO j u-i:a: Gn COLD SCSOFULA i "lasting cf Flesh Or any Disease where- ihc Throat and Lungs re Inflamed, Lavk of flfmnjth or Serve JPoioer, you can be svEercjJ cwi Cured by PURE COD LR OIL With Hypophospliites. PALAtABLE AS MILK. Ash for Scott's Emulsion, and let no ex l&mnatian, or solicitation induce you to eocoept a substitute. Bold hy all Druggists, SCOTT & BOWNE,ChemEsts, N.Y. The Solebrated French Cure, tOCUra - a a. refuuded. Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cu re any form of nervous disease, or any disorder of the BEFORE generati re or- AFTER Sans of either sex whether arising from the) xcesHive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, or through youthful indiscretion, over indulg ence, ftp . ftlirh ms I .iMH of Hra.ii Pmvar Waa-ofn I. E neti. Bearine down Pains in the Back. Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emission: , Leucorrhcea, Dizziness, Weak Mem. ory. Loss of Power and Impotency, which if ne glected often lead to premature old age and insan ity. Price $1.00 a box, 6 boxes for $5.00 Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every 15.00 order, to refund the money if a Permanent cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials lrorn old and young, of both sexes, permanently mired by aphhoditine. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WKSTKRN BRANCH BOX 27 PORTLAND. OR Sold by A. D. Johnson & Co., Drag- Cists, Heppner, Oregon. June 20 (J1 NOTICE OF INTENTION. Idtnd Office at La tirande.Or., May 36, W. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hit claim and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county. Or., at Heppner, Oregon, on 18th day of July, IbiW. viz: Joseph Swart z. D. S. No" 8504, for the SEi Sec. 12, Tp. 1 N. R. 38, K. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land viz: A. B. Stanley, Joseph Cnha, Andrew Alrot and John Rhodes, all of Echo. Or. 77-3ti2 Henry Rinkhaet, Register NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. June 12 '90. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make nnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judtre of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on July "Jtith, IbikK viz: Manuel Satcyer, Hd. app. No. 2359 for th 84 SE?i and SV, SW h fee a Tp 3 8 K 24 E M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Alfred H. Hooker. Pascal Halley and Wm. Williams, of Eight Mile, Or. and lieorge Hall, of tiootneberry. Or. 7S-83 John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., June 18. 90. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice -f his intention to make hnaJ proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge, or in his absence before the .county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on August 4, isyo, viz: Abrah a m H ia 1 1, Hd. 8595. for the 94 SW1, NWH SWH gee. 10, and SE1, SEJ Sec. 9. Tp. 3 S. R. 39. E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to piove bis contiuuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: James Dauaherry. W. B. Daupherty, Charles K. ('ate and Andrew J. Cook, all of Lena, Morrow. Co., Or. 79-S4 Hesby Rhinehabt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. SOOTTS OF Land Office at The Dalles. Or., June 17, '90. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make nnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Hepp ner, Or., on Aug. 1. 18ft), viz: Chfsman O. Haines, D 8. No. &5 for the SW Sec 3 Tp 4 S R 25 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: Chas. E. Kirk and Chas. E. Miller, of Heppner. Or., Chris. Reininger Sr., and Otis Shaner, of Hardman. Or. 79-M. John W. Lewis, Ketjitfter ML'RDEli AND C. H. Hewett, the Attorney, Shot Dead by Charles Belgrade. . I SLAYER THEN" CUT HIS OWN THROAT The French Murderer Deaf to the Appeals for. Mercv. SELI.WOOD'8 GHASTLY TRAGEDY. A Woman, as Fflnal, at tbe Bottom of It Tba Morgue ThroDKed by a Cnribas Crowd inquests Will be Held To-day. Portland Oreganian, July 9. For sensational murders and suieidetCi Portland's suburbs are making a record that eclipses anything that has occurred in the great metropolis for several years. Only a ew weeks ago a young man liv ing back of Milwaukie, in Clackamas county shot his aged mother while she was lying in bed asleep, and then took his own life with the same weapon, anu" yesterday a tragedy was enacted in Sell- wood that not only threw that burg into a fever of excitement, but created a big sensation in Portland as well. Charles Belgrade, a French sport and gambler, shot and killed Chas. H. Hew itt, the well known Portland attorney, and then locked himself in his room and cut his throat with a razor. Bellgrade lived on the corner of Ninth and Uma tilla streets, Sellwood, where he owned a whole block. On it are two bnildings the St.Charles hotel, formerly kept as a resort for French demimonde and sports, and the other as a saloon on the corner, in which he lived. The saloon has not been open for some time, Bell grade using it as a home, while the ho tel, which stands back in the center of the block, has been closed for six months or more. The circumstances immediately lead ing np to the fatal quarrel could not be learned and never will be known, for the two men were in the house alone. This much, however, was known there was A WOMAN IN THE CASE. Charley Hewitt left Portland Monday evening in a light one-horse livery rig, and arriving at Sellwood, put up his horse in Clayton's stable across the street from Bellgrade's place. He erecting a large building diagonally across from Belgrade's house and has frequently driven out there to see how the building is progressing. After taking a drink or two at Citty tou'a saloon, Hewitt went over to see Bellgrade. They spent some time to gether and drinking, emphasizing their friendship by a hearty shake of the hand after each drink. They finally began to quarrel, but their only weapons were emphatio adjectives. Fred Clayton who happened to go over, soon learned that the bone of contention was a wo man. "Why don't she come and tell m( that?" asked Belgrade of Hewitt. "Ah, she wont tell you" was Hewitt's reply. Beyond this Clayton was able to catch but little, as every time he appeared a little over anxious to catch the drift of the conversation, Belgrade sent him away to take a drink by himself. "Here is 1U cents. Get yourself a drink and keep away or it will be your turn," said Bellgrade to Clayton the last time. Clayton did not understand but concluded it was best to go. Tf WAS 'WEB FOOT MAKV." The woman Hewitt and Belgrade were wrought up over is said to be "Webfoot Mary," a female alleged to be Bellgrade's wife. It is understood that she is en deavoring to procure a divorce from her husband, and that Hewitt was her attor ney. But whether this fact alone led np to the quarrel which terminated so fa tally next morning oan never be known. Both Hewitt and Belgrade took a glass of beer in Clayton's saloon at a late hour last evening. "Do you see this beer?"' asked Bel grade of Hewitt, with an ominous look in his eyes that meaut more than Hew itt ever dreamed. "My life has been as pure as that beer. I have never hurt any one, I have never killed any one. YOU Wild, BE MY FIRST MAS. I mean to kill you." Hewitt merely said, "uinpb," and passed the remark as if it had been nothing more than a joke. Soon after that the men started back for the bouse, and then another dispute arose as to where Hewitt should sleep. "You sleep in that house," said Bel-" grade, pointing to his St. Charles hotel. "No, I'll be d d if I will," replied Hewitt. "I wuuldn't sleep in that bouse for 31000. That house is cursed. No, Pll not do it, I'll chance it sleeping with you. That was the last heard of tne two men that night. Yesterday morning both got up bright and early, and took several drinks to gether iu the 6aloon across the street. Neither was under the influence of liq uor but thore was a treacherous look lurking in Belgrade's eyes that boded no good, while that air of bravado charac teristic of Hewitt had partially given way to unconsoious timidity and sus picion. Hewitt asked Belgrade to take a ride with him and the latter refused, saying that he would not leave his place for a thousand dollars. Not able to per suade Belgrade he then had Clayton bitch up bis horse, and took him along for a ride through the city and a short distance into the country. Hewitt had very little tu say, and nothing at all bearing on tbe quarrel between he and Belgrade. They soou returned and Hewitt went back into the house of Belgrade. Nothing more was beard of either the men until about 11:30 o'clock small group of men standing in fro the saloon across the street were staniZfarl by three pistol shots from the direo of Belgrade's house. The next mon Hewitt came running out und started to escape through the back yard. He had gone perhaps fifty foet, when Belgrade appeared, armed with a double barreled, breech-loading shotgun. Seeing that he was pursued by the determined Frencb man, Hewitt begged for bis life. Get ting down on his kuees and turning around he said, DON'T, CHARLEY, DO.n't!" Young Clayton and several other wit nesses to the scene shouted to Belgrade nqtt ta shoot, but the Frenchman had f blood in his eve aud was determined. He. paid no attention to the appeals of Hewitt or the protestations of those standing ocross the street, aud before Hewitt had gone thirty feet farther (he had started to run again) Belgrade put the gun up to his shoulder, aud, taking deliberate aim, fired. He was not over j twenty-five feet from Hewitt when he fired the shot. The charge took effect in the left side and Hewitt fell over ot some potato vines a dead man. Havuig finished his man Belgrade turned his attention to those who had dared to address him while bent on his murderous mission, and holding his gun m a menacing way fie said, ".Now you look out." The few witnesses to the bloody trage dy, among whom were F. ClaytOD, Tony DageDdorfer, Andrew Anderson and William Kilpatric, needed no second in vitation. They stood not on the order of their going, but went, just bow aud where they themselves hardly knew. Such scrambling to get away was never seen in Sellwood before. Some jumped over fences, others hid iu barns and woodsheds, and several women sought refuge in a cellar. All knew the treach erous nature of the bloody Belgrade, and no one cared to risk his life in his pres ence. The entire village soon was in a fever of excitement. The news spread from house to house, and every one witbiu ten blocks of Belgrade's house was warn ed not to venture too close. No one was foolharde or brave enough to see what had become of Belgrade. The offi- la of the town voted themselves a va cation and word was sent to Portland. The stillness of death reigned in the Belgrade house until the arrival of the officials from Portlaud. ARRIVAL OF THE CORONKK. Coroner George H. Biver was the first to make his appearance. He took charge of the remains of Hewitt and carried them across the Btreet, where a sheet was placed over the body, awaiting the arival of a proper wagon to convey it to the city. As he bad no business to fool with a Jive copse, the coroner did not go into the bouse to inquire iuto the health of Belgrade, who was supposed to be alive and only waiting for another vie tim. Sheriff Kelly, Deputy Sheriff Mizner and Jailer James arrived about 2 o'clock. 1 ney were also warned to keep aw ay from the house, as to enter it, they were told meant certain death. Fortun ately, however, Multnomah county has some courageous officers and the strong rigbt shoulder of Jailer James soon was bearing against the back door of Bel grade's residence. It broke in with i crash, for it was securely fastened from the inside, and James, Kelly and Miz ner stepped inside. They were now ic the long bar room whioh runs the entire length of the building. From this they went into the dining room and kitchen, and then into a small hall leading into one of the two bed rooms. A GHASTLY, GORY SPECTACLE. Here a horrible spectacle greeted their vision. They found no prisoner but a oorpse. Belgrade had committed suie'de and made another subject for the'eoroner instead of the courts. Ly ing in front of the bureau with his head resting against the bureau and one hand in which was clasped a bloody razor, was all that was mortal of the murder ous Frenchman. Ho had made a good job of it, aud must have died almost in stantly. The body was already cold aud a pool of clotted blood was on the floor. snowing that iielgaade must have com mitted the bloody aot immediately after firing the fatal shot at Hewitt. Judging from the position the body was found in, Bellgrade must have stood before the mirror in order to make a sure job when he cut his throat. He first drew the ra zor across the right side and then finish ed by making a much deeper cut across tbe left, and severing the jugular vein. The appearance of the room would indi cate that there had been a struggle. There was considerable blood spilled about the walls, and the furniture was somewhat scattered and disarranged. As soon as the fact of Belgrade's death became known the courage of Sell wood's inhabitants rose '30 degrees, and it was difficult to keep the crowd away from the house. When finally the premises "1 cleared the marshal locked up the ' house. -V THE CROWD AT THE MORGUE. The two bodies, after being brought to Portland, were plaoed on stretchers in the small room in the rear of Coroner Rivers' undertaking parlors, on Fourth and Yamhill streets. Here a large and curious crowd soon collected, all eager to get a glimpse of the two bodies Among them were quite a number ot la dies. Up to 7 o'clock when the morgue was closed, several thousand people had satiated their morbid curiosity, and many were obliged to go away disap pointed. THE WEAPONS USED. Hewitt was shot with a 44 calibre Ame rican bull-dog revolver, and a double barrel breech-loading Baker gun. The revolver was found on the bureau in Belgarde's bedroom, and had four empty shells, and one chamber in which there was no shell. Only one shell in the shot gun was empty. The razor used was a Johnson pipe pattern. PEN PICTURE OF THE TWO MEN. Chas. H. Hewitt was about i2 years of age. His face was familiar about the different oourls in the oity, and he had a lucrative practice. At times he was a o cnsrrelsome, but he always quickly ''his temper and never was eon Hngerons. ?ned New York as his native upon his arrival in Oregon ' in the office of Judge Staban in Albany. He was admitted to the bar with the class Judge Stearns was a mem ber of, and since then practiced his pro fession in this ciiy. His relations with Belgrade, for whom he acted as attorney, were always the most friendly until a few months ago. Just at what time they had a falling out is not known. But it must have been about the time Hewitt undertook to procure a divorce for Bel grade's wife. He leaves a, wife who is a practicing physician in Vancouver. Very little can be said of Belgrade in his favor. It is said that he was driven out of Sacramento some years ago, and since his arrival in Portland his associ ations have not been of the beet or most respectable class. While living in this city he played the role of a macquereau, living off the earnings of French courtesans. Dnriu his two years' residence in Sellwood, he kept a resort for fast women and sport ing men. His hotel has been closed for six months, and it is rnmored about Sellwood that the house is hauDted or "oursed," as several women expressed it to a reporter this afternoon. They say that whoever goes in there to sleep eith er gets killed or commits suicide. In appearance Belgrade is of medium size and build, has black hair and the conventional heavy black moustache. Be was about 40 years of age, and be yond the woman he olaimed as his wife as far as can be learned, he leaves no relatives. He was worth considerable money, his place in Sellwood being one of the finest and most attractive in the town. THE INQUEST TO-DAY. Coroner Kiver wili ernpannel a jury this forenoou and hold an inquest at 11 o'clock. All of the eye witnesses were ordered to be ou hand yesterday. A TKiiltlliMi STRUWiLK. Compelled t Slioot His Father to Save His Mother. Chicago, July 9. Wilbam Eittamel, a German carpenter, shot his wife in the head to-day. A 30-year-old son, a theo logical student, heard the shot, and en tering the room seized his father just in time to prevent him firing again. A ter rible struggle ensued, and the son was finally forced to shoot his father i n order to save his mother. It is thought that both husband and wife will die. Ritta mel has been slightly demented for some time past. Tells A Clever Story. Atlanta, Ga., July 9. Mrs. Chas. Gould, who is confined in jail at Murphy, N. C, on a charge of murdering her husband, declares the killing was unin tentional; that she was forced to do it to protect herself from a man who, when sober, was a loviug husband, but who, when under the influence of liquor, was an inhuman brute, whose chief pleasure lay iu torturing her with threats of vio lence. It was not the husband that this quiet, golden-haired little woman killed, it was the beast. The stcry in brief is thatGouldand his wife came to England, where they spent money with princely liberality. The other day Gould returned from a hunt, aud being drunk, began to abuse his wife and struck her with a riding whip Iu the struggle which ensued she drew a dagger from her belt and stabbed him blindly and furiously till dead. Heart broken, she is now in jail awaiting trial. At Nashua, N. II., July 11, Edwin Holt, a milkman, brutally assault ed his mother, crushing her face with terriffic blows. He next dragged his sick father out of his bed to the fireplace, where he pounded his head to a jelly, killing him. In the meantime neighbors arrived, and a desperate battle en. sued before Holt was finally captured. Two of the neighbors were badly wounded in the fight. Had help not arrived it was his intention to murder his mother and aunt. When the coroner arrived the sick room presented a terrible sight, the prernisis being covered with blood, while the body of the father lay on the floor al most unrecognizable from the terrible pounding he had received. Last Sunday Holt called his mother to one side and told her he felt strange and thought something should be done with him before he harmed the members of the family. Holt was taken to the asylum to-night, he being pro nounced insane. A locomotive for British Colum bia was being hoisted into a vessel at San Francisco the other day, when the rope broke aud the ma chine fell into the bay. It weighed 6ixty-five tons, and sank so far in to the mud that it could not be found the next day. SPORTS. HURTS AND ILLS OF mft END BEKST ARE PEOJimi CURED BY Such as : Sprains, Bruises, Wounds, Swellings, Soreness. OntheFiold, Tho Water, The Turf. Athletes and Sportsmen L'so It. THE Chas. A. Vogeler Co., SSaltimoref Sid. PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! The Pioneer Firm of has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of General Merchandise-"' To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are Ladies' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc. Their Celebrated Boot called 2Sa,3lx.xra.,xa.'5 Best' Is unsurpassed for durability. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suitevery body . both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc. In our Grocery Department everything is First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Special Inducements in ieep Sip lokcs, Maolilnery, Ejtc. A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will convince the public that we carry the goods required whioh will be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated v Bain Wagon always on Hand An nn rl DnUrt D Aiiroll-i- Iati n nil nil I TiinrlA urn dim icifoDUMi u udMi a u o Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties will do well to price our Goods before purchasing else where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to make all feel at home. Do Not Forget the Places Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marveiously low prices within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. Columbia Brewery Depot, AXTGTJST BUCHLER, Propriet or. Of the Columbia Brewery, at The Dalles, would inform the citizens of Morrow and snrroundin counties that he has leased from John B. Natter the City Brewery in Heppner, and has established a depot at the well known stand, for the sale of the beet Lager Beer and Porter, either in the keg or bottled, which he will be pleased to supply customersin any quantity wholesale and retail. The Public are invited to call and examine his stockwith tlve assurance that they will find it first-class. jSr The Heppner Depot will be in charge of Mr. Dan Osmers, who will oheer fully supply all orders. tf Where can you get the Most Candies, Nuts, Notions, Cigars, Tobaccos, Etc. FOR THE LEAST MONEY? Where did you Say ? wiiy: .at "THE MODEL," Just removed to the Minors and next door to Ice Cream and Berries. All kinds of Fruits and Vegetables in Season. Don't forget "THE MODEL," for the Choicest Goods. tf MRS. OTIS PATTERSON, Proprietor. Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians. Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the taatfl. Children takn it without nhiwrtion. iRv Hrnrrfrists. P$izm. !ii' 121 H. Blackmail & Co. Sulphur, lime, Wire, Building, opposite the Hotel Mat Lichtenthal's