Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1904)
- c THE HEPHHEH TIMES. THURSDAY. OCT. 20. 1904. Subscription, 11. OO Per Yoar. NOTES. SOtiO rolln of wall par at reluced piiwil at Yeager'a. Frank I',. Mt-K night In from Hut-li-r creek conpl' of Una week. K. P. Uiownlrw of llltn kliorne, wat a tmnlntiK vUitor in the cily 1'iiiWy laat. Mr. ami Mra. W. T. Caniplull of Ltx-' Dr. M. A. Lcntli, dentist, office in the new l'air lniililiiiK- J. S. lluili k wm in town Sa'unlay frtiin.IUiitoti cmk. 1'. P. VaiiKlian waa In thu city Salur day front Klhl Mite. Henry C. Gay of Ulna creek, lilil bufti- iicm in town Saturday. Your money refimiU'cl it Ileppuer flour falli to nlve tainfitctton. Dr. Ailklna will be in Iteritmer one week cointncncing October Only fiw mote of llioe lare IHxlH fiamra for 60c at J. L. Ymgcr'a. I'. II. and J. W. Tattti of Hanlman, were vUitort In town l'rlJuy. lt. y M. Markhani 6f Clark canyor, waa In the city on liuinc Saturday. II, A. Myera w in town Monday tlcniliuK t xmic buiitticfts matter. Geo. A. lllcakruau of Uardman, wat buiiir vUitor lu our city Saturday, H, Ncllaou was down from Hardiimn iUturday traniuictiiig businem in town. Headquarter for frame and picture and kinds of furniture. J. L. Wager. McDald w in town Friday lint from hi hcep ranch north of Lexington. livery Hack of Ileppntr lluur pomtively guarnutre 1 to k'v! aatiafaiiliou or money refunded. Wm. Wrown of L'ne Rock, visited with fiiend in Ileppuer aemal day the pat week. Then. Andrmnn, a promiueut former of Right wtt tranaacling buitiuep il Heppnrr Saturday. -Sum Hughe, a workman of the Spray country, w in Heppner the first of the week fur a load of tupplie. Lout. A fountain pen of the Parker make. Finder will lc auitithly rewarded by lcavbg me at thi office. lli'ppur lluur 1 again on the market. Kvkry ck positively guaranteed to give ' aaliitfuctiou or money refuuded. Kev.J. W. Mount rcturued Monday from McMiiutvillc, where be ha been attending the Uaptiat convention. U. Mulloy of Lexington, wa in the city Saturday to be prexsut at the per foruiauce ol an oporalhe upon hi aon Ell, J. M. Ilager purchnaed, last week, '2M00 head of lamb from S. W. Spencer ' and John Woodard, paying $1,(10 and $1.(15. Geo. Cnrrln old recently the Hart farm, above town, to-Pat Barry. The ranch coutiintcd of a quarter section, and the consideration wa (2000. C. II. McAlmter (hipped a train load of heep from Heppner Tuesday morn lug- The sheep were bought in Grant county and shipped to Montana. Mote Aidibaugh returned Monday from Irrigon, where he ha a ten acre tract under the ditch. He report th real entitle buninesa very lively there Clyde Well and. CeUu Keithly re turned Saturday from llardjiian, where tbey had been for a couple of week painting a house each for Jame Wyland and Mr. A. M. Parker. The contract for painting the ontside of All Saint church with two coat, ma terial furnished, was let Tuesday to Well & Keituly tor SUM. 1 lie wor i to be completed by November 1. Patrick Cave and Mini Ida McPerri were b.arried at the residence of Mr. E. J. Morrison, iu thi city, Tuesday even ing, Rev. J. V. Crawford officiating. Only a few relative and immediate fiiend were premmt. . B. L, Aker, who w in town Monday from Gooeberry, tellurite Tlmr that he ha bought 100 acre of wheat land near Moscow, Idaho, and will shortly move there. He ha kaHcd hi Gooseberry ranch to hi ton. Krnet L. Tiffany, the popular tem perance evengeliat, of Kew York, deliv ered a very , interesting lecture at the M. K. church, aouth, Friday evening. Al though a young man he I quite an able peaker and merited a larger hearing than wa present. He would probably bave had a large audience 'but for the bow being in town at the time. Cha. Hum camo down from Hard man Monday to remove hi injured mart home. Some week ago the animal pierced her foot with a rusty nail, and ha (luce been tinder the care of Tom Morgan! Mr. Ham fear the mare will never fully recover, but he will keep her fir breeding purpoe, a she I a very tint blooded aultual. Ington, were visitor in our city Sator day. To Rent Vacant room. Apply to L. W. iirlggl, secretary of the Masonic lodge. Howard W. Anderson leave thi morning fur Portland, where he expect to locate. A hack bridle wa left at thi office ait week, which owner can have by ailing for Mine. The Ladie Guilt will nerve fa thi evening, October 20, at Mr. Melzler'f, from 3 to 0 o'clock. Ralph Feeny, itate for the , O. U. W., i in town thi week in the ntereit of the order, T. W. Morgan wa in from Gooce- rry Monday attending to gome busi ness niHtter in town. H. I). Warren, tin Hardiimn merch ant, was in Heppner yesterday looking ftrr hi interest here. Mr. and Mr. C. A. Lovgren and Mr. , P. Lovgren were visitor In Heppner Friday from Gooseberry. W. II. Kwlng, Nat Cecil, and Peter Raueruflcud of Cecil, were transacting uineH in town Tuesday. R C. Will returned Friday from Port- and, Corvalli, and other Valley town, here he had been on business. Tom Morgan baa secured a license rom the state veterinarian to practice bis profession in Morrow county. j K. J. Slocdm returned Monday even- j ng from Kugene and Portland, where he ' ad been on btiHiuess the past week. ! Nat Webb, who returned from his beep camp in the mountaiu Sunday,; report some snow on the higher butte. It I reported here that Frank Hale had 100 head of sheep shot and killed in Grant county a few dffys ago. We did not learn the particular. Mias Via Hart returned Friday from a wo month' vacation which the spent in ortland, Tacoma and and at Hillynrd, visiting with her parent at the latter place. Joe Smith of latee, Grant county, was n town several day the past week. He one of the prominent stockmen of the uterior and wa here to deliver ome cattle to Putter creek feeder. Mi Nora B, Jolmson returned Mon day from Hood River, where ghe bad been visiting relative and friends, also the Hood River fruit fair,.whlch he re-' port to bave been a great success. Taken up, at my place Oct. 13, a black Poland China boar, marked with split in each ear. Owner can procure property by proviig tame and paying7 all charge. II. D. Maxwell, Heppner, Oregon. II. H. Trowbridge and J. A. Laycock, LOOKING FORWARD Take a glimpse into the future a little and see what there will be for your choosing at MINOR & COMPANY'S For this Fall and Winter. While we have not all of these in stock now, we have a few of them, and will have them all later, and many others which' we cannot show here 111 Tbia i an even length walking skirt made up from very fine cloth and in the latest of fashion. The New Tounet Coat with the Butcher Back will be the smartest thing shown this Fall. The short form fitted jackets are still in evidence, made up of nice cloth ; are a dressy garment. The most stylish suits will be the severely Tailored garments. The blouse front is still good. jy Here i represented the new rain coat for ladie. We have a nice line of these; no two alike. Take orders for special sizes. While there is nothing specially new in any of the Canes shown for Fall. Tbey are always good ; no two alike. fft Yi (Oljtj A smart Jacket for the Misses. The Butcher Back is brought into evidence here to good effect. fit The long coat for the little ones is the most sensible thing for the winter. A nice assortment is ready for yonr inspection. MINOR & CO MINOR & CO MINOR & CO MINOR & CO prominent stockmen of the Izee country, Grant county, were in Heppner Tuesday enronte home from Pendleton, where they had been to make a large delivery of cattle. Call at J. L. Yeager' aud get a conch at a bargain. Andy J. Cook wa in town a few day the pant week from hit stock ranch near Lena. A brand new typewriter for sale for only $125. Call at the Times office and see it. For Sale Twenty head of Merino bucks, at $-5 00 per head. Geo. French, Heppner, Oregon. tf f 100 reward will be paid for informa tion leading to the arrest and conviction of parties cutting any of our outside fence. Penland Livestock & Land Co. Ell Mulloy of Lexington, wa operated upon by Dr. Kistner last Saturday fore noon for tuburculosis. The operation was quite successful and Mr. Mnllby is doing nicely. His mother i here with him and will remain until he ia able to be moved to his home. W i Loans made at Eight Per Cent. Interest We (Pay 4 Per Cent Interest ...TELEPHONE... 1 LIVERY BARM Meadows & Sons, Props. Will arli! a nnrqher ol horses and new rid", both Buggies and Hscks, ad olter yon Mrst-class servlc. You will reeelv. eourteous treatment. A share ot jronr patron! SOLICITED LOWER MAIN STREET - - - - Heppner, Oregon YOUR EYES TROUBLING YOU? Now Is Your Opportunity Take AdvantOKC of it ;i DR. WM. HERZOG The well known eye upecialist of Seattle, VashM ia now in Hepiinor on a profexmon&l visit, "topping at the Palace Hotel for a fi'W dityg only. It will be to your advantage to Be him. NO CHARGES :::::: ICxnmjnntkm ' J13?1 1 jy . ?J. Gliiffrtoa especially ground to correct all errors of refraction. Difficult caaos especially solicited. : : , : : : Fifteen Yearn Experience,. - S II I We (Pay 4 Per Cent Interest The Dollars TJiat are entered on your DepositBook will earn dividends to brighten , future years. You are in tjie flush of manhood now, slrong and healthy, with a good income. Place a few of those dollars on your deposit book, and old age will find you with a competence' that will enable you to live at ease. . It is not what you earn, but what you save that makes wealth. De posit your surplus funds with us and reap the benefit of accumulated savings. The weather is fair and sunshiny now, but it will not always be so. Poverty in old nge is a terrible aflliction. Save while you can, so that in future years you will not look back upon the pasUwith feelings of regret. Get thev Portland spirit and help make the 1905 Fair a teaming success. We have the Lewis and Clark Souvenir dollar for salo. Call and get one. tac bave Xcwia & Clarft ffalc Souvenir Dollars tor sale. lmJa i, tifT TTS". Ik o 9 J