Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1904)
THE HEPKIEH TIMES. THURSDAY, APf?. 21. 1004. Subscription, S1.00 Per Year. NOTICE TO PATRONS. All chiii In 1nrtlniiili, and all cor MHIillll' M I1HT tw left at till, oflliia hi IniHKUjr niMm, (itlmrwlM lh will b lila ivrr it 11 1 1 1 th IoIIuwIiik nek. Weftlm to (u to (iri' early ThurwUy moriiliiK, ii1 cr.nnot M lilXl by '!. n'l c.'riwitiiiilti'k w tilth rn u.l m wull I flUxl uiiliir la lit wwk, Ihh rvini'inlxir Uil. A rhurna of nvs inil, litis will im uikil lor publUlttiig "KoMilullun, ol Couiloluncr." Sennit Annual Report Of the Cuutitv Clark o( Morrow Cnuntx, KtaU) of OrKon, (liuwiiiK the anoimt iid number of claim allowed by tlm County Court of said couoty, for what allowed, amount of warrant drawn, amount ol warrant oiiUtuniling and unpaid, from the Ut day of November liMKJ, to Ilia 31st day of March I'M, both iuelusive. on WHAT AmWJtT Jkl.LOWKR. NOTES. S. I. Slrattoo of lone, waa a visitor in Heppner Friday laxt. Ceo. McKnlght of Butter creek, waa In tbe city on buaineu Saturday. For Rent Double room, auitable for two gentlemen. Inquire at tbla office. Stallion for aale by F. P. Vaughaa, Klgbt Mile, addreaa Heppner, Ore. all Jatnrt lUyet fold bead of yearling ewea to Tho. Urltniuaw thla week at $1.75. Dr Frank B. KUtner waa a passenger for Portland Tuuaday. lie eapects to return Saturday. K. II. Burch, the well known wool buyer, was in town tbe paat week in the intereat of an eaatern houae. Miss Virginia Denton, editor of tbe lone Poat, apent Saturday and Sunday aa tbe gueat of Sheriff and Mra. K. M. Shutt. Henry iilackmau as a paaaenger for Portland Monday morning, lit wentaa delegate to tbe Democratic elate con vention. Tbe Mary Cei il place, at Cecil, waa old laat week at admlnlatrator'e aale. The property waa bid in by McBee for $1)500.00. Ix)it i. amall gentleman' puree con taining $15 in gold. Finder will be ultably rewarded by leaving aanie at tbe Timca office. The Wilson grain warewouae, three mile below lone, ia reported to bare collapaed laat Thursday afternoon during a severe wind ttorm. Mine Addie Lucat of Wallulu, visited several day a tbe paat week wilh ber brother, Fred Lucas, at bia ranch four mile west of town. Jake Well waa up from Portland the latter part of lait week for the purpoae of renting a residence preparatory to moving back to Ileppaer. C. E. Red field went down to Portland Saturday to be in attendance at tbe Democratic atate convention which waa held in that city Tucdaday. J. K. McGregor, manager of the Tbompaon Creek coal mine, ha been in Heppner the paat week conferring with tockboldera of the company. W. A. Corniah, traveling correspondent nd eolicitor for the Pendleton Tribnne, waa in Heppner eeveral daya the paat wtek in tbe intereat of the Tribune. Sam Meadow it building quite a large addition to bie Telephone Livery Barn, hi present building not being lofiiciently large to handle hit growing business. Geo. J. Currin, nominee for county judge on the republican ticket, (pent few day in lone and vicinity the paat week in the interest of bit candidacy Married Mr. Guy Long of Green River, Wyoming, and Mr. Lucy Gray of Heppner, were married at Vancouver Wash.. April C. They will make their borne in Portland Geo. W. Vincent, one of the lagent alfalfa grower of Butter creek, who was in town Monday, report that he never aaw cropa and stock looking belter at this season of year. T. M Grimsbaw, tbe California aheep buyer, haa been in Heppner the past week trying to buy aome sheep. II think the price of heep will be a little lower than that paid last year. ' The Thompson Creek Coal Compan ha just published a very neat prospectus of the Tbompaon creek mine. Th company ia at present negotiating the aale of "he'r property, with favorable prospects of a deal in the near future. Can & Cox hsve lust complete I verv fine nak extension taHle. made en tir of oak picked up from the flooi wreck sue. Beside being a etrong sub stantial table for general use it ie an elegant piece of furniture and a souven ler of the flood. Mr. Carr aaya they will rafFIti it off aoon and aspect to realize about $10 for it. Dissolution Notice The copartnership heretofore existing bet ween tbe ondersignel, having till day been di'inlve by mutual consent, all accounts outstanding will hecol'ectd by C. A. Lelller, and all llabilMea will be paid by W. M. Ashbaueh. Dated this April 10, 1004. C. A. Lrfflkr Wabbik M. Aihbacoh County Court and Commissioner Circuit court , , iiHtice court . Sheriff' office Kalarv ac Clink's office Treatiurer's office " " Coroner' office ' Bchool uHtrinUjndnnl' office... , . Block inspector's office County Assewtor's office. .. lax rebate , urrent exiteriaei ourt house ex bensee ail expenses , are of poor Election ac nsane Itoada and Highway Total amount claim allowed and drawn. Outstanding unpaid County Warrant on the 31th uay ot Mar., lWi stiniated intereat accrued thereon. a. STATE OF OREGON, County of Morrow, I. Vawter Crawford, countv clerk of the count of Morrow, fitate of Oregon. do hereby certify that the foregoing ia a true and correct etatement of the number ml amount of claims alloweil by the county court of said county for tbe aix month nlin on the 31st day of March, 1904, on what account the same were allowed, nd the amount of warrant! drawn, and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid aa the same appear upon the record of my office and in my official custody. Witness my hand and the seal of county court of said county this 15th day L"kalj oi April, a. v. w. vawter URAwroBD, Uounty Clerk, Se mi-Annual Statement. O! the amount of monev and wirranta received for tain, and mnnn noirl in the Treasurer by the Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon, lor the lix month ending on the 31st day of March, A. D. 11)04. atg dcrixo the month of to amount received. ' imom : Oct. Nov. Dec. Jsn. Feb. Mar In roln and rurrenry tfiMl 87 f 43 64 fl'S 82 2Sfl .'9fr( 88 32187 23 Intouutjr Warrants J Ttajjjyej. , . . . pm 87 hw C3 to u tmu ymx m mm a T DCRINO THE MONTH OF BY AMOUNT PAID. Oct Nov' Dec Jan Feb Mar To County Treasurer tales SrtMl 87 139 t 2M 82 280 44 tMl 88 32W 23 MlierlH, fevt iu 40 J - Total palrl to treaoirer JM1 87 Ha 86 Jf4 22 128 44 I'ml SKjlUT 23 Amount ol Amount of war' Claim Alloweil. rantidrawa. r7l 00 TftTo 00 1 282 i m 00 121 70 U'4 70 VM) 01) 125)0 Oi) 12i 99 1209 91) 249 90 240 99 30 00 m 00 412 3fl . 412 3 138 00 138 00 417 00 ' '417 00 82 00 82 00 701 35 701 35 884 79 884 79 185 10 185 10 cm n tm il 0 00 6 00 16 00 18 00 3181 20 31812 $10531 54 $10531 64 AMOUNT Of OUTSTANDING WARRANTS UNPAID. Total amount of unpaid county warrant . PRINCIPAL. $47351 10 $47351 10 INTKKK8T. $lfl00 00 $1000 00 Auction Said. Will sll at public auction at Cant well' bicycle shop on April 33, io"4, all kind of ntensile uted for cooking purposes, suitable for shearing and harvest crew. Also a large bake oven and a double harness in goo! condition. Litis Cantweix, Auctioneer. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. By virture of an execution and order of nalfl duly lMiu-d hjr the cli-rk of the Circuit court of the county of Morrow, ilate of Oregon, dntd the 20th Aaj of March 1904, In a certain action In the Circuit court for ald count; and state, wherein Humh K. HI. I. ley and Lottie Shipley plalutlff, recoTered Judgement aKalimt Ram E. Willis as administrator of the estate of Kllza M. Willis deceased et al defendants, for tbe sum of elxhtecn and fifty one-hnndreth dot-1 lars, and the further sum of twenty dollars attorney's fee, and cost and disbursements taxed at fifteen and forty one-hundredth dol lars, on the 9th day of March 1904. Notice is hereby given that I will on Satur day the WHh day of April 1904, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of the court bouse In Heppner, Morrow county,- Oregon, sell at public suction to tbe highest bidder for caah In hand, the following described property, to-wlt: Lots seven 7 and eight 8 In block two 2 In sblpley addition to the town of Heppner Morrow county Oregon. Taken and levied upon as the property of the said defend snts or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy tbe said Judgement In favor of Sarah E. Shipley and Lottie fcblpley and against said defendants together with all costs and dis bursements that have or may accrue. E. M, Hmutt, Sheriff m31-a28 by W. O. Hill deputy Dated at Heppner, Oregon, Mar. 25, l'X4 I. E. M. Shutt. Sheriff of said countv and atate. An h .rahv mrt ifv that foregoing statement is correct and true. . W I . t 1 ii . ii.i a a H a m n t niiaeM ray nanu mis 11111 uay ox April, a. u. i04. E. M. Shutt, Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon, By W.O. Hill, Deputy. Seml-Annunl Statement. on Of tbe Countv Treasurer of Morrow county, Oregon, for tbe six month endinsj the 31st day of March, A. 1). 1004, of money received and paid out, from whom received and from what source, and on what account paid out. DATE. AMOUNTS RECEIVED. To amount on hand from last report To am'ts ree'd from Sheriff FROM WHAT URCK HRCEl'D To " " " " I To " " . ' " .' ..I To " " " I To " " " " To " " " Clerk j To " " " Howard Gove,... To " " " FEngleman and J Lane To " " " WBMcAlstersale of lots To ' A Bates J P To ' " "C8 Doyle CirC. To " ' J P Williams J P Totals.....: Taxes.... , Poll taxes. Penaly Fees earned... . Fees earned.... Poll' Taxes.... Liquor license in Lexington.. tines fines OENKRAL SCHOOL FUND. FIND $15538 67 29161 84 210 50 181 60 65 40 32 20 125!) 45 29 00 400 OoJ $21 40 $ 4570 03 7M4 44 15 00 50 00 9 05 $4i900 02 '$12288 52 DATE. AMOUNT PAID OUT. By amount paid out on county warrauts. Hy amount pain out on bciioois supi warrant . By balance general lund on hand Uy balance school tuna on nana . . . GENERAL FUND. SCHOOL FUND. $19298 621 27601 40 $5802 87 6425 65 Totals !$46!NJ0 02 $12288 52 CITY of hkppnir. To amount on hand from last report $ 62 S3 Received from Sheriff, taxes, 1526 97 Republican Ticket CONCRSSIONAL Second Congrssional District J. N. WILLIAMSON STATE Supreme Judge FRANK A. MOORE Dairy and Food Cdmmissioner J. W. BAILEY Presidential Electors J. N. HART JAMES A. FEE GRANT B. DIMICK A. C. HOUGH DISTRICT District Attorney G. W. PHELPS For Representative W. G. COLE. COUNTY For County Judge GEO. J. CURRIH For County Clerk VAWTER CRAWFORD For Sheriff B. M. 8HCTT For Treaaurer M. LICHTEXTIIAL For Aseeesor W. S. CONNOR For School Superintendent K. JAY MERRILL For Surveyor D. V. S. REID For Coroner DR. A. REID For Commissioner 2-year term F. M. GRIFFIitf For Commissioner 4-years term J. D. FRENCH Sixth Judicial District For Justice of tbe Peace GEORGE WHITEIS For Constable GID HATT $ 1589 30 By amount paid city Treasurer. Total $1589 80 $ 1589 30 SCHOOL DISTRICTS. By balance on hand $998 06 ISST1TUTR FUND. By balance on hand $1 05 ROAD FUND. Bv l.alance on hand last report $ 29 94 To amount received Secrotary of State. By balance on band STATE BOUNTY FUND. By balance on hand last report. CHARLES P. RUTHERFORD By balance on hand last report JOIINTIMMS. Balance on hand last report CHARLES B. TAYLENS. Bulance on hand last report '. $N19 64 $2049 68 $ 1 75 05 $ 4 55 55 STATE OF OREOON, County of Morrow, ss. I, M. Lichtenthal, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor rect statement of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the county treasury of said county for the six months ending on the 31st day of March. A. D. 1904. Witness my hand this 15th day of April, A. D. 1904. M. LicnTKNTHAL, County Treaaurer. Semi-Annual Summary Statement. Of the Financial condition of the County of Morrow, in the State of Oregon, on the 31st day of March, A. V. 1904. LIABILITIES. To warrants drawn on county treasurer, and outstanding and unpaid $ 47351 10 To estimated amount of Interest accrued thereon , ltUKMK) Total Liabilities , $ 48951 10 RESOURCES, Bv funds In bands of Countv treasurer applicable to the payment of county warrants $ 27001 40 Bv estimated nnnaid current taxes applicable to payment of County warrants 1788Jt Tota) Keiourcei $ 45489 96 Tryforlieallh 222 BouUi Peoria St., Chicaoo, 111., Oct. 7, 1902. Eight month ago I wa to ill that I was compelled to lie or sit down nearly all tbe time. Uy stomach, wa 10 weak and upset that I could keep nothing on it and I vomited frtouenuy. I could not urinate without great pain and I coughed so much that my throat ana lungs were raw and tore. The doctors pro nonnced it Bright's disease and others said it was consumption. It mattered little to me what they called it and I had so de lire to live. A lister visited me from St. Louis and askd me if I had ever tried Wine of Cardul. I told her I had not and ihe bought a bottle. I believe that itiavedmylife. I believe many women could save much u (Tar ing if they but knew of its value. Doat you want freedom from pain? Take Wine ot Cardul and make on luprem effort to he well. You do not need to he a weak, helpless sufferer. You can have a woman's health and doawoman'iworkinlif. Why not secure a bottle of Wine of Cardul from your druggist to day? ' VJinecanDU! MINOR &CO. MINOR a CO. six Special Sales six ONE EVERY DAY FOR SIX (Business) DAYS BEGINNING TOMORROW, FRIDAY These six sales will be the greatest bargain events of the season. Each day we shall offer some different line of goods at price reductions that should attract the attention of all prud nt buyers. Every article just as represented or your money back. Read the following Daily Specials for the different days. Friday 15, 20, and 25c fine cambric Etcbroideries 4 to 8 inches wide. All in a heap, special for Friday only He Saturday All the high class special suit ings for ladies' shirt waist suits, or skirts will be included in Saturdays specials. 15c Royal madrass"(blea) Saturday only. .... .. . .11c 25c Old blue narl suiting, Saturday ouly ..... lGc 45c Tiftic suiting, Saturday only 29c 35c Fine, figured cragh suit ing, Saturday only 23c 25c Mercerized giDgham stripes Saturday only. 16c 6ic Figured cotton chillies, Saturday only 4c Tuesday Monday. The entire line of Thompsons glove fitting corset (none reserved) at lege than the cost of manufacture. $1.75 "E" quality, long waist, Monday only 82 fl.00"M" quality, short waist, Monday only 79 60c Kind, a good one, Mond. only .38 $2 25 Victoria "Rogina" 30 to 36 Monday only 1 45 $1.75 Vicoria "Kegina" 24 to 30, Monday only 1 28 Nursing corsets, and corset waists all included in this sale. 11.25 Kid Gloves for Tuesd...89c This is our Famosa Glove which is the best $1-25 glove we have ever sold. Have it in all sizes and all the wanted colors and black. Tuesday only 89c Wednesday 35c Carpet for 28c This is the heavy granite carpet which is noted for ita fine wear ing quality regular price 35c Wednesday Special .28c 50c Carpet for one day 37c lhis is the heavy half wool filled Union carpet in floral design and wood colors. Special for Wednesday only 37c 65c Carpet for 49c This one is the heavy all wool filled, 2-ply ingrain carpet, also in floral design and wood colors. Wednesday only 49c Thursday Special in Ladies' Shoe. With every pair of ladieV $2.50 or $2.75 shoes sold Thursday we'll give 2 pairs of 25c hose FREE. With every ' pair of $3 or $3.50 shoea sold Thursday we will give 2 pairs of 35c lisle hose FREE And with every pair of $4 or $4 50 shoes we sell Thursday we will give 2 pairs of 57c fine real lace hose FREE. VATCH FOR OUR HEXT WEEK'S ADV. Something Special Every Week MINOR a CO. MINOR a CO. Real Estate And Fire Insurance Mbitets & flbattetson If you have a Farm, Grazing Lands or City Property for Sale call on us. Or if you Want to Buy we can suit you as we have a Long List of Properties to Select from. Land Scrip For Sale OOOOOOOOOOO0OOttOOOO6OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtt6OOOO0COOOC0 LOUIS & PLEISS -TAILORSr- ooooooooooooooooooooooooooeooeooooooooooooooooooooo First class work, A fit guaranteed. HEPPNER, Reasonable prices May Btrcet, OREGON. HUDSON & BR0WNHILL Real Estate and Investment Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. We will make you a blue print ot any township In The Dalles Land District, corrected up to date, showing all filings and vacant land?, (or fifty cents. We have 10,000 acn-s of Forest Reserve Lieu land scrip for sale J in quantities from 40 acres up, and will undersell any quo I tation either in Portland or Ban Francisco. Don't fail to git t our prices before ordering. ::::::: V. p s 0 $ 0 0 0 i 0 o ? i