Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1903)
Coleridge. Colerldce found no I nee for Ma tron blea In tho forgrtfulncp Induced by opium, and when under It influence would Kit fur hour t branding the dreamy maaea of his own mind. Our Wlndlaat Spot. A 1 1 Iumi (jti ttio 1'nciflo ocean In com paratively free of storms hence- ltd name I'nlnt Koyea, Cal., I tho windl eat place In (tin United State. " r Ply Six Hundred Mile. The pigeon' capacity for flight li marvelous. Many have flown from .names to'UHiiire, Milieu, in a day, and (ho winner of a raoo from (Midlands to Iiiidon, over ()() miles, made the Journey in 10 hours at an averug speed of 37 mllei an hour. An Ancient Work on Angling. ft'l . , 4 a . 1 . mo greatest wonc or atiiiqiiit on aimling nid (0 Ik) tho "llalieutioa" of ()j)lnn, a (ireek px-t who flourished in the time of Sevenis, A. I). 1DH, from which 'Wo team that many artifice In naning inmigiit to be modern were known to ancients. We. also learn from Athoneua that several oilier writ ers hud written treatise or poems on Halting some centuries before the Chris tlan era. No Appetite Means loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and is often a pre cursor of prostrating sick ness. This is why. it fa serious. The best thing you can do is to take the great, alterative and tonic Hood's Sarsaparilla Which has cured thousands. Tho Prickly Pear. The prickly jx-ar of Africa is ao tena cious of life that a leaf or even a amalt iiortoin of a leaf if thrown on the ground strikes out roots almost linme diately and Incomes tho parent of fut growing plant. Dlvorco Law and Divorce. Tlie country with perhaps the moat lenient divorce law in the world ia Sweden, and there the divorce rate ia lower than In the Netherlands, which after England, ha the strictest law in the world. Perrin's Pile Specific The INTIKNAL 1ENC0T No Cast Exists It Will Not Car THERE IS NO SUCKER LIRE'M1 forty yews 650 and after nwy yeara 01 use on M eastern co&sL Tower's Waterproof Oiled Coats were Introduced in the West ondwere coiled ohekera by me pionrera ona cowxya. 1 rus yrapmc n&me hw come Into juch general use" that it la frequerity thoush wrongfully applied 10 many substitutes. Toy want the geruine ,fi L00 or the oion of tha rislvand HAM naW-IAMiVIUOWAI ' fiOLD Y BEPReSlNTATIVt TRACE ire WORLD OVER. i I TOWtl COlMSTOM. MASS. U S A. TOWtttaNlliUNCO.titwM TOtQNTO CAN wamuaummtrnmimmmm COH.t ftHlU AH UI IAIII, 'I mmUrn Ooo4. 1 r 1 in 1 itn. Mm nv ortitfirita w - k. a a iiri inianat in NOT A 15 1'a.HI .j UJ r 1 It is natural to rub the spot that hurts, and when rheumatic pains are shooting through the joints and muscles and they are inflamed and sore, the sufferer is apt to turn to liniments and plasters for relief; and while such treatment may quiet the pain temporarily, no amount of rubbing1 or blistering can cure Kheumatism, because it is not a skin disease, but is in the blood and all through the system, and every time you arc exposed to the 6ame conditions that caused the first attack, you arc going to have another, and Kheumatism will last just as long as the poison is in the blood, no matter what you apply externally. Too much acid in the blood is one cause of Kheumatism; stomach troubles, bad digestion, weak kidneys and torpid liver arc other causes which bring" on this painful dis ease, because the blood becomes tainted with the poisonous mat ter which these organs, fail to carry out of the system. Cer tain secret diseases will produce Kheumatism, and of all forms this is the most stubborn and aevere, for it seems to affect every bone and muscle in the body. The blood is the medium by which the poisons and acids . are carried through the system, and it doesn't matter what kind of Rheumatism you bavi, it must be treated through the blood, or you can never get permanently rid of it. As a cure for rheumatic trou bles S. S. S. has never been equalled. It doesn't inflame the stomach and ruin the digestion like Potash, Alkalies and other strong drugs, aaaew Joints and the sore and tender muscles are immediately relieved. Our special book on Kheumatism will be mailed free to those desiring it. Our physicians will cheerfully answer all letters asking for special information or advice, for which no charge is made. tjii awirr tpccino co., atiauta, Bronchitis " I tive kept Ayer'i Cherry Pec loril In my boue for a treat many year. It I the beat medicine in tbe world for cough and cold." J. C. William, Attica, N.Y. Ail serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night With Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Tarn iIim t lit., Ms., tl. All dragilata. Conaatt your doctor. If h. ay take It, than Uo a be "M- If tell. to take It. than don't Ink. II. II. know.. Lnn II with l.lm. We nr. wllllii. J. V. AT kit CO.. Lowell. Maae. .Greek Palace LHacovertd. In the courao of the exploration work now proceeding in l'ocotia, on the aite of Orchomenos, at one time a small Greek atute. wlilcli waa di-xtrfived bv i the The .ana n 3(17 II. C. a fine roval I j . nal:e haa Inat lM,en diacovered. A number of freacoc adorn the walls of the state room. Tha Baby Humorlat. 'Of course," said Mra. Extrygood, "you are fond of bright, precocious bahlea?" "Oh, yesj certainly," replied old Hatch, "but I draw the lino on tlie sup poaed smart sayings made up by tlie parents and loaded off on poor infants." Baltimore American. ttun i Til 1ST offar Ona Bondred bollam Reward for any tMOl Cattarra ibateao not beourad lj UtAl Catarrh Cur. K. J. CHENEY A Co., Prop., Toledo, 0. WatbaaiidnrdaDwl.taava known F. J.t'heney for thii iia.t JftTi-.ri, anil belluT tilm pcrltx-t.f boncmbl. In all bmlnfM tran.actlona and do. annally )ile luc.rrjf oulaojr obligations made by ttiair firm. WsxTATamx, Wbolcnta lruKf lata, Toledo, WaLIuhu KbMiii MaaviH, Wboleaal lrii(iaia, Toledo. O. Ball'aCatarrb Care ta tak.u Internally, rim llraetlr on tha blmd and mueoua aurfaor.of tbe iritain. Frtca 7Ac per bottle. Hold br ail anialU. TMtiHionlalifrrtk um ramur rui ara tba beat. The Safe Side. "You'll be sorry some day that you didn't get married it you don't." "Well, Id rather not be married and lie sorry I wasn't than to be married and lie sorry I was." San Francisco Waap. Motnara will And Mra. Window's SontMnf avrup tba bail remedy to ate lor laelr children tba Mil rcmad tblDS Maaon. uie we Aa It Is Today. Famons Patient Doctor, please give me my medicine now. Doctor Pardon me. I'm simply the doctor in charge of issuing bulle tins; the other doctor will be here pros ently. riTfl rrmannur utiren. irofluornerfOMMel Mia aftur Brat dar'turir.Kllne'aUrat Nerve Keurr. Hrni fur rreeSiatrlalbotileandlreattaa. Ellut. IO..WI Arcb St., jpblladalpbla, i'a. arowth of Hair. Like moat vegetation, the hair grow better in light than in darkneaa tx-cauae of the stimulating effect of light and aunahine. It baa often been noticed in tbe case of men who sit in offices with one side always turned toward the light that tho mualache or beard of that side grows longer than on the other. BZSEASE. UNABLE TO BLEEP AT NIGHT. Sidney, Oulo, Auguat S3, 1003. Afswmontha ao I was feeling; weak and run down and unable to get aleen al night. I felt eatramalv bad, and alao had rheumatto patna in mvjointa and mua. olea. Tbe msdiolne I uied aave me only temporary relief at beat; ao aeeln b. B if. blgnly reooiuiuended for audi trou bUa, I began lie uae, and after takln- it for aoma time waa well pleaaed wli h tha mult. It did awav with tha rheumatta palna, gave ma refreahlna: aleep and built up my general ayatein, glrliig ma at rang in and energy. It le a good medi cine, without a doubt, and 1 take plaaa ura In andoialna; it. R. P. D. No. I. S. B. BOUGHTON. but tones up the general health, gently stimulates the sluggish organs, and at the same time antidotes and filters out of the blood all poisonous acids and effete matter of every kind ; and when S. S. S. has restored the blood to its natural condition, the painful, feverish TRUMPET CALL8. Reaa'a Bora Round Warnloaj Not to tba Unredeemed. EU 11 N I N O ld are not the an me aa scalding ones. J Even In a res taurant a man may reveal hi religion. The gospel of the time la not tbe gospel for the lime. No man waa ever yet crushed with other people'reare. Success I the tost of the aoul. There fare no wastes with God. Our own trial teat our frlenda. Wandering bring to weaknea. Honesty la almply heart-health. There la no progress without God In front. A good blower 1 not always a good atrlker. Only a man of grace can be a mean of grace. Genlu need to be balanced with gentleness. Wben life la all sport to u tbe devil 1 the hunter. depends on the I 1 The hope of glory hold on Christ . ,l ' "u u,w fyug ior me vuiiiija It Is no J0" U not tor- Sin needsto shine In spots to bid Its whole sordldneaa. Our efficiency depends on whether God Is our sufficiency. It Is safest to flee from the act that will not bear reflection. Well begun Is half done; but only half dono Is all undone. Better not pick up any rocks until your own record Is clean. The preacher cannot study bow to live by living In his study. If all men were true the world would aoon be made new. Tbe devil never yet made a lock that the love of God could not break. Hcrmons preached for the ears of God will reach the hearts of men. The Bible I uever too deep for the child nor too shallow for tbe aged. TRAN8ANDEAR RAILWAY. Work on New Road la Reins I'nahed on Both Bidet of Monntalna, During tbe last session of tbe Chi lean cougress, which closed in Febru ary, a bill was passed providing for the construction of a railway over tbe Andes Mountains, to connect Buenos Ay res with Santiago and Valparaiso. This will be the first line to cross the continent of South America. This rail way was projected twenty years ago. and since that time some sort of tueu are dealing with the question baa been before each seaalon of Conjrreaa; but each In Its turn failed to pass one or tbe other branch of the law-making body until Feb. 28 last, when tho above-mentioned bill became a law. A railway extending from Buenos Ayres to the Cumbre of the Cordillera, at Uspallata Pass, to connect with the line from Valparaiso, Is being con structed by the Argentine government Work on the new road is being puahed forward on both sides of the moun tains, and prospects are bright for di rect railway connections within a few years between tbe Atlantic and raclilc coasts over the Andes, by a line ex tending through the heart of Chile and Arjcentina. This road will short en tho tluio lietween Europe and Chile by six or eight days, as traffic is now via tho Strait of Magellan. The railway fnfui Buenos Ayres is completed as far as Puente del Iuca, a short distance from the Cumbre, and the Hue in course of construction In Chile Is completed as far as Sulto del Kaldudo, also near the pass over the Andes, and during the summer months November to April traffic Is car ried on over the mountains, along the route of the proposed rallw.X', by mule caravans. It requires only one day to make the trip between the railway terminals, Tbe pass Is croHaed at an elevation of 13.000 feet above the sea level; but the route as surveyed for the railway provides for a tunnel through the mountains, which will re duce the altitude of the highest point reached by the rallrond to coualdera bly below that of the Cumbre, where tho mule transports cross. Consular Iteports. To IMeaae Ilia Critics. Half a century ago Wagner was se verely criticized In London for con ducting concerts without a score. Ho was giving some lleothoven com-erts, and he knew the- miuter'a symphonies by heart. After tho first performance one of the Ixindon paper scolded the coin poser of "Tan ii I ine user" for directing the symphony without a score lu front of hlin. At tho next concert young Wngiwr bad a book of music open before him on the (leak. , The following day the same newspn per printed a commend. ilory article, which praised him for his heller In terpretation of lWtliovcii. the Improve ment due, of con rue, to the use of the wore. Wnner announced for tho ben fflt of tils critic that the score In front of him on tho previous evening waa that of Rossini's opera. "The Harbor of Bovlllo" turned upaldc down. lla Oot a lllealn. Algy Po yod anked old June for bis daughter's ha ml? What did he say 1 Ferdy He aald: "Take her and. ht me be happy." , Home women adapt themselves t circumstance and others apply for n divorce. PE-RU-NA PROTECTS THE LITTLE ONES Against Winter Catarrh Phases. Neglected Colds in Children Often Bring Disastrous Results. reruns ahould be kept In uoiiM ua tne lime. l'eruna ahould be kept In every hoiiMs where there are children. Ion't wait until. the child ia nick then send to a drug store. Have 1'eruria on hand accept no euLmti tute. I'c-ru-na Protects the Entire Household Against Catarrhal Diseases. A a aoon aa the value of Peruna ia fully appreciated by every houMe hold, both a a preventive and cure of catarrhal allV-ctiona. tehaof thoua- n or uvea will t aavei, ant nun dreda of thounanda of chronic, Jin- eennif ca.tea of diwane prevented, IVruna is a household safeguard. Pe-ru-na Kept In the House for Five Years. Mr. Albert Lietzman, 1590 Milwau kee Ave., Chicago, 111., writes: "I am only too glad to inform you that I am feeling splendid and have never felt better in my life. Through tlie advice of a friend I tried Peruna, and am glad to say it cored me to per fection. I began to tell a friend about reruns trie otner day and 1 nad no sooner commenced than he told me bis folks have kept Pruna in the house for the past five years. I am sure I would n't be without it. Mother also uses it to keep herself in good health." Ask Your Druggist Inconalatency. "Jenkins is a queer duck." 'What's be done now?" "Why, last night he fretted and fumed and finally slanged because his wife took three minute to dress for a car ride out to the park, and last week he sat in an open boat in the hot, broil ing sun from 2 o'clock until 6 without getting a bite and enjoyed it." -Baltimore News. For concha and colda there ia no better medicine than I'iso's Core for Consump tion. Price 23 centa. Antaon Plffht. The ant seldom injures a plant, al though generally charged with all sorts of iniquity in this direction. On the contrary, they often do good work in ridding the plants of the aphides, which if left alone will soon suck away the sap which is the life of the plant. Good Pills Ayer's Pills arc good liver pills. You know that. The best family laxative you can buy. They Keep the bowels regular, cureconstipation. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rim ct u rm .Hn.Tin. mn .-., ,nrt. a a Eaally Doubled. Goodart Here' brand new five dollar bill, old ' man, I'll lend you that ltorougha Oh, say; can't you double it? (ioodart Sure. Here goea! I double it ao now I double it again thus. In this shape, you see, it fits snugly in my pocketbook. Po long. Kxchunge. 1 ., f.rll W a 11 117 Y? Vie. V.- oil .AjSJT-' V" 1 I ' Tbe never ending cure e4 Sprains una Bruises B4tky St Jacobs Oil in Its Many 1 1 r .7. isr -izrMa: i: nw.r v "v- II ', St ' AV- x, mi ALICE SCHAFER. Mrs. Schafer, 436 Bope "In the early part advice for my daughter Deen a puny, sickly, ailing child since her birth. She had convulsions and catarrhal until we commenced to use Peruna. She grew strong and well. Peruna is a wonderful tonic; the best medicine I have ever used. "I was In a very wretched condition when I commenc ed to take Peruna. I had body, but thank God, your medicine set me all right. I would not have any other medicine. "Peruna cured my baby boy of a very bad spell of cold and fever. He is a big hea.thy boy fifteen months old. I have given him Peruna off and on since he was born, I think that is why he is enough. We have not Peruna all praise to it Be Sure to Have Pe-ru-na on Hand During the Inclement Months of Fall and Winter. Croup, capllarry bronchitis, and ar ticular rheumatism are the special banes of childhood. These all alike re sult from catching cold. One child catches cold and scares its mother into hysterics by having croup in the dead of night. Another cbild catches cold, develops a stubborn cough that will not yield to ordinary remedies. The parents are filled with forbodings. Still another child catches cold and develops that most fatal malady of chil dren, capillary bronchitis. The doctor is called, pronounces the case pnen monia, and if the child is lucky enough to live it baa developed weak lungs from which it may never recover. And yet another child" catches cold and articular rheumatism is the result. for Free Pe-ru-na GOiKTIPATIOI! ! b bob i F al a Una wltkaa tha kwla. nol b.lim abla to not tbaia tiotpl Or u.iuf kot waur lujacllona. Cbronle eonstlpailoa for him rear placad ma la Ibi. tcrrlbla ooodiiloal during mat VI n. I aid av- r;lblD I baardof but Daw luundau; relict: tuck u air aaill 1 baaaa o.lnf CASCAUKTH, 1 auw bn. Iron oua to tbrca riiuin a dar. aad If 1 iu rick I would f Ira UUI.UU for aacb moT.manl; II U ucb a rallaf . - A Tl.ut k I. II cut. MB) KauaU ku. ImuoII, Miofe. CANDY CATHARTIC a Plaaisnt. Paiatabia. I'ownt. Tta Good. 8ood. h.r Blctaa, Waakan.or briix. Wo, au ... CURE CONSTIPATION. aurttaf Umttt tfaif, CfcMat Baatnal, Urn I at. la Society, Teas Miss Nuritch talk so much about her mother' social position be fore she was married. Jeas Well? Teas Did she really have any posit ion in society? Jess Oh, lots of them. She never accepted a place as cook except in very swell families. Brooklyn Eagle. NQTHIHO SO OOOO fO CMIOK T0 PRUSblAN fUUUIKT H aiakw Htnt Li anJ Keept them laying. DlitaiM, itretifTtKent jogng chlckl, and ml Hv vonna ehlfkeaa eomm.tH-ed drlnc. and I arJ--a hual a urlu. of Tour I'KI RNIAN fruta dylna aad I ka eon.tantlr kept B Uului what u aeaOnl ta raulua puultrj. 1'UKTLANU IKtll CO., fi I the tet aire vnur Two Store Tl Wa.hltif len St., near WotxUrd Clarke A Co. M Murriauii tt., near Meier k (rank Co. Stamp It tbe perfect remJf MA ANNA I? Bt?f)WN Mrs. J. M. Brown. Dun nenn 8prinn,Mo.,writeB: "My little daughter three years old waa troubled with a very bad cough which remained after an attack of catarrhal fever, fthe haa taken one bottle of Pmina through which she haa obtained a com plete cure. Khe ia now as well and happy as a little , trirl can be. When our friends cay how well she look I tell them Peruna did it." In a later letteT she aays: "Our little daughter continues to have good health." Ave., St. Louis, Mo., writes: of last year I wrote to you for Alice, four years of age. She had fever. . I wa always doctorinz catarrh all through my whole so well. I cannot praise Peruna had a doctor since we began to use Mrs. Schafer. Ankles, knees, wrists and elbows be come suddenly swollen and painful. A long disastrous lilne '9 follows. The child may live and become convalescent, a miserable invalid of valvular disease of the heart. All these mishaps are the direct result of neglected cold. Pe rnna is the safeguard of the family. If a child catches cold, Peruna should be used immediately. A few doses of Peruna and a child's cold is gone. The apprehension of the parents nee away. The household is free from fear once more. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Pern na, write at once to Dr. Hart man, ; giving a full statement of your case- "" and he will be pleased to give yon bis valuable advice gratis. Adress Dr. liartman, President of Tbe liartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Almanac for 1904 WT k KTTL'f '"T waa or woman ao In VY ATI iLD ellnM to li-arn lh Harhar trale. A nlcllhtocrnpation, rorwl wagfa.PMjr to Irarn.conmanl practice. 1ht nt.thnd it rlKht and ib pric miI tint rwjulrwl the oeat pa-ihl to glva aaimrwtorr rmilu. Writ, for full p.rtU u m Ui lb AMr.hlC A.N BAHHKK CtilXk.UK (Inc.), 'AJ Lvrretl tu. Portland, Orrun. Wood Fawn, Praa Hawi run Ty team or gaao- llnc cntrinei, aluo the latest In lit mill ma chinery, Hum p pullers, wall dnllio machin ery, etc., etc. Write for our nee. In. REIERSON MACHINERY CO. Foot ol Morriaon Street Portland Oregon SEEDS. Deitrve your confl- postpaid, free. e a. a-.e..w -i ar. m ra.nn I ta, w. ,f uetroitf anion, P.N.U. e 2-l0J. 1VHEN writlna; to ad aartlaara pleaaa II manlloat Ihla paper. THS I'llUl.lKY oa Uaad ear ln I rati mamnd fm U. a. Htuuin,b.tu, nwa, .aa I'ortlan. Or. tuaal Agent. BP fcl j aBaaaa"- dence. Thy hivan.var v failed won't fall aow. 1 Soli by all dealer. aw aeea ui It carta Reap, Ino'era and Sn I J v them grow. Price 2St and JOc t y" fte Tixlnv four (nw I pne- ran riMiu. hl.n at.. 1 thm Y A PINE UMBRELLA rreciit In Oreaon or w a.hlnaton rn ran wife, yur ilaunliter, ymir !! (tleinl. or )riitirM-lf. Vie aell lnil'a, t.f le.t quality, at Tety rt-aaunalile prlter. JOHN Al.l.l SIMA. rHtland, Or..