The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 22, 1931, Image 4

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Carving Roast Stuffed Lamb Shoulder I
Shoiidcr of Lamb,
(Prepared y the United Ptatee Department
( At rlwtlture. ) WNl' Service.
Many people think the meat of a
ahoulder of lamb li Just as tender
and quite at delicious In flavor as the
leg or any other part The shoulder
Is not so easy to carve as the leg.
owing to the Irregular shape and cen
tral position of the shoulder blade.
This difficulty about earring Is easily
met, says the bureau of horns econ
omics. Select a shoulder of lamb
weighing from 8 to 4 pounds. Have
the butcher remove all the bones, as
well as the fell, or outer papery cov
ering of skin. The bones may be
saved for making soup. The shoulder
may then be stuffed, and either left
flat or rolled, and the pocket holds
twice as much stuffing. Either of these
completely boned stuffed shoulders can
be carred straight through In attrac
tive slices of part meat and part stuff
ing. Wipe the meat with a damp doth.
Sprinkle the Inside of the pocket with
salt and pepptr, pile the hot stuffing
In lightly, and sew the edges together,
Hob salt, pepper, and flour over the
outside. If the ahoulder has only a
very thin fat covering, lay several
strips of bacon over the top. Place
the roast on a rack In an open pan
without water. Sear for SO minutes In
Sauerkraut has been found to make
a valuable contribution to the diet.
In fact, ssaerkraut Juice is used as
in appetiser and featured on the
menus of many well-known restau
rants. As with csbbage In other
forms, the old fashioned way of cook
ing sauerkraut was to boll It for sev
eral hours. Unfortunately this meth
od of preparation destroys the very
things for which the sauerkraut li
valuable. The bureaa of home eco
comic's of tTii UnTted State's Depart
ment of Agriculture suggests the fol
lowing recipe for prepsring savory
sauerkraut to eat with ham, corned
beef or other meats.
cup butter er tep. celery or
other (at caraway feed
I quart sauerkraut
Heat the fat In a skillet until gold
en brown, and add the sauerkraut and
the seasoning. Mil well, using a fork
to separate the kraut. Cover and cook
for five minutes. Serve hot.
Sauerkraut Valuable S
5 Addition to Diet 0
Trouser Suits Fine for Youngsters
rrpr4 by the I'nltixl Stmee Department
of Atrlculture ) ierviee.
Every mother Is relieved as the
time comes when her child learns to
dress and undress himself and go to
the toilet alone. She Is then much
more free fr other household duties.
Training In self-dressing may be
started between two and three years
old and a boy will soon take great
pride In being independent.
Good clothing design Is the first re
quisite In encouraging self-help In
dressing. Small trousers should he
made with as fnw fustenlngs as possi
ble, and these should be placed within
easy reach of a two-year-old's little
Angers. The child learns by repetition
if the buttons and buttonholes are al
ways In the same place at first, so It
is best to use only one pattern until
the little one has completely mastered
its fustenlngs. Vary the material, col
or, and minor style details as much as
you please.
A very good type for the first trous
ers of a two-to-three-year-old Is here
illustrated. It was designed by a cloth
ing specialist In the bureau of home
economies, United States department
of Agriculture, after studying the
needs of a group of nursery school
children. These trousers can be but
toned on to a blouse In the Oliver
Twist svle. The back and front but
ton Independently, and It Is not neces
sary to unbutton the front In order
to drop the back. Sometimes bound
side openings are used. Another plan
is to make a two-button drop front
which fastens midway between the
renter seum and the side placket. This
Is finished with simulated welt plack
ets and replaces the fly. Two buttons
instend of three are used on the back
drop, so the child can reach them
more easily. These little trousers are
straight snd short, well above the
kind of ths knee, and they have plenty
Boned and &tuffd.
a hot oven (4S0 degrees Fahrenheit).
If bacon Is laid over the roast, shorten
the time of searing so as to avoid
overbrownlng. Reduce the temperature
of the oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit,
and cook the meat at thia temperature
until tender. From 2H to 3 hours will
be required to cook a medium siied
stuffed shoulder at these oven temper
atures. Serve hot with brown gravy.
Mint or Watercress Stuffing.
I cups fine, dry I tbe. butter
bread crumbi I tbi. chopped cel-
4 cup freed mint ery
leave, or 14 tbe. chopped
14 cupt finely cut onion
vitircrm, tep. lt
loaves and etema 4 Up. pepper
Melt one-half of the butter In a
skillet and add the onion and celery.
Foods that
Our spectacular cpportunltle
for course may be tew or none
at all. Our commonplace opportuni
ties for courage tart whea w
wak and last until w go to ileep.
The couraa of the commonplace t
greater than the courg of the
For the cake par excellence, the
torte Is one of the daintiest Our Ger
man cooks excel In this
kind of a cake combina
tion. They are rich with
nuts, chopped or rolled
floe, plenty of eggs and
crumbs, with spices. The
baking Is another Im
portant point, as alow,
careful baking Is neces
sary for a light and ten-
def torte.
ftchaum Tort. Feat three egg
whites until stiff but not dry, add one
cupful of sugar very lightly and grad
ually, not to loae the lightness, a pinch
of salt, one-half tablespoonful of vine
gar and one-half teaipoonfnl of vanilla.
Bake in two deep layer tins for one
hour. Put together with whipped
cream, or add nnts sod chopped pine
spple with the cream.
Walnut forts. Beat the yolks of
six eggs with one cupful of sugar, add
one-fourth pound of walnuts and six
lady fingers grated, two tablespoon
fuls of flour and one teaapoonful of
baking powder. Add the juice and
Good Type of Trousers.
of room In the seat and sufficient
length In the crotch,
Klbow sleeves and flat trimmings,
stitched to look like a collur and cuffs
are recommended on the blouse. These
Insure easy laundering and greater
comfort when the child Is playing ac
tively than pieces that move or
Crocheted loops are used for clos
ing. They are made by first crocheting
the edge with a single stitch, forming
loop opposite the buttons with a
chain stitch and finally strengthening
the whole edge with a "double crochet."
lit m tki wimme srij
I Evming
"Now, my dears, " said flrnndfnther
Frog. "I am very grateful to you nil
for hopping along and telling nie llmt
you wish me these kind wialiea of hap
py returns of the day In honor of my
"Hut I have Just boon thinking."
"Oh, Grandfather, Ciramlfiither,
goog a room, goog-n-roont," (nld the
little froca. "How wonderful."
"Yes," said Grandfather Frog. "I
have been thinking ever since I spent
the early part of the morning looking
and searching for Iuiks and other deli
cacies for the party."
The frogs were ploasod to hear that
there was going to be a parly.
That pleased them Immensely, and
they knew that their grandfather
would have found a lot of goodies
for It. '
"Hut," he continued, "when I was
thinking I wild to myself, that It was
really very foolish to say many happy
retunis of the day, even though It Is
a pleneant thing to miy.
"You see," he went on, rolling his
great bulging eyes and sticking out
his chest, "It Is Impossible to say such
a thing." .
"We all snld !t." said the little
frogs, "so It Is not Impossible to say
at all."
Tht was not exactly what I meant,
Cook for 2 minutes and add the mint
leavea or the finely cut cress and the
other seasonings. Push this mixture
to one side of the skillet and In the
empty part melt the remaining but
ter and stir In the bread crumbs.
When they have absorbed the butter,
mix all the Ingredients together. When
using watercress allow the liquid
which cooks out to evaporate before
the buttered bread crumbs are added.
Will Interest
rind of a lemon and when all the in
gredients are well mixed, add the
stiffly beaten egg whites to which a
tlncb of salt has been added. Bak In
i vers in a moderate oven and use the
Filling. To one beaten egg yolk
add two tablespoon fuls of sugar, and
three-fourths of a cupful of milk.
Cook, stirring constantly until the mix
ture coats the spoon, add one and one
half cupfula of grated walnut meats
with a flavoring of almond and vanilla.
Use between the layers and let the
top of the torte.
Date Tort. Rub alxteen dates to
a smooth paste with two tsbtespoon
fuls of lemon Juice. Beat two whole
eggs, adJ seven yolks, add one and
three-fourths cupfuls of sugar, beat
well, add tbe dates, three tablespoon
fuls of grated chocolate and one tea
spoonful each of cinnamon, allspice,
and a cupful of cracker crumbs. Stir
well and fold In the stiffly beaten
white of seven eggs. Bake In a large
spring form forty mlnntes.
Peach Omelet This Is not a soup
ii Attractive
I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I
livelier than ever are the hats
which crown with glory the heads of
bridesmaids who have been chosen to
add their plctureifjue presence to the
spring wedding pageant.
Due to the favor expressed for very
sheer and lacy strawa and other melli,
there Is a fragile beauty about this
season's models which Is captivating.
Tuned to the exquisite delicacy of the
materials of which these enchanting
confections are made, are their fairy
like colorings opaline colors to speuk
of these delectable tone and tints cor
rectly. All that fashion's followers have
been hearing of late In regard to a re
turn of romance In millinery, a re
vival of flowers, ribbons and feminine
graces, together with the picturesque
lilt and tilt of brims because of their
lately acquired bandeaux, Is confirmed
In the sketches herewith.
The immensity of some of the new
brims Is a matter of comment this sea
son. One of the very wide brims Is
t.een at Its loveliest in the first sketch
In this group. The original of this
model is of transparent crln In a pale
rose opaline tint. To carry out the
scheme successfully, each bridesmaid
in the party will wear a duplicate of
this lovely creation In a different color.
('entered at the top, In the picture
Is a charming little shape which faces
Its wee upturned brim with tiny flow
ers, with a full-blown rose posed to
one side.
The lacy straw eapeJIne In the up
per corner to the right Is In natural
color, the Idea being to trim each hat
with ribbon in a color tuned to the
frock with which It la worn.
Trimming is conspicuous by Its ab
sence when it comes to the exquisite
hair shape shown In the center of tho
picture to the left, the emphasis being
placed on the deftly draped brim and
the fact that the color of each hnt
for the coterie of the bride's attend
ants Is different, achieving a sym
phony of opalescent tones and tints.
A perfectly charming version of the
smaller brimmed bat is centered to
Story- for the
said Ornndfttthrr Frog. He panted for
breath. He was so excited at having
the little frogs listen to him so at
tentively and pay him nil this atten
tion. "(Joog n room, goog a room, gong a
room," he said. "Of course you could
say It without choking, I suppose.
"Hoonuse, of course, you did say It.
"Hut, t Hie samo time, It Is a sense
less thing to say."
"Goog Room,
"Won't you tell us why, dear Grand
pa 7" all the little frogs asked.
"I am so pleae! you all came to
me, and ! appreciate It very, very
"Hut how can this day ever com
bark? There will be other dnys. Yea,
other ones.
"They will be different. They may
be rainy days, or supihlny days, or
days when the sun and rain are both
here and there is a rainbow.
"No, I cannot have many happy re-
the Family
but la equally aa good. Tress three
rip peaches after peeling and ston
ing, through a sieve, add two table
spoonfuls of powdered sugar and the
well-beaten yolks of three eggs; fold
in the stiffly beaten whites of six eggs
and pour Into a well buttered baking
dish. Bsk 15 or 20 minutes and serve
at ones.
Chrry and Quince Soup. Stem and
stone a pint of deep red cherries;
place them in a aaucepan with tit
jute and grated rind of a lemon, half
a cupful of quince juice and a pint of
water: cook untH the cherries are ten
der, then thicken with cornstarch and
cook until the starch Is well cooked.
Serve hot
(. lilt, Waetera Newipeper t'sle
Most men want to climb to the top,
but continually changing ladders Is
not making progress. Concentrate on
the job yon have. Learn it to the
last detail, give It your beat, and you
will find that you art on tht ladder
to success. Ortt
Headgear for
I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1
the right In the Illustration the ar
rangement of tho flowers and the rib
bon bespeaking true artistry of the de
signer. The little Wattenu hnt down in the
lower left hand corner Is a millinery
gem. It Is lace and straw, the flowers
nre every color and the ribbon Is vel
vet, for velvet ribbon Is a trimming
featured throughout the mode this
A deftly draped flower-trimmed liut
of Very sheer hair braid Is shown In
the opposite right-hand comer.
The group concludes with a huge
" He Said.
fj t m:$$nVf
iTftIMtf -
turns of this day, becuuso this day
will never return,
"It makes me a little sad to think
of It."
Grandfather's eyes filled with wa
ter. One tear trickled down and ha
swallowed It. And then he swallowed
quUe a few.
"I am drinking tear water," he said,
"and I don't like It niiieh."
"Ah, don't cry, Grandfather, It Is
true this day won't come back, but
v tii' n we mid others wish nmny happy
return (if tho day, we wish that hap
py days smh a tills will return."
"Oh." snld Grandfather Frog,
"that's n lovely thought. That makes
me very happy.
"And now come hark In one hour
for the party. I shall he all ready for
It then."
It was a fine birthday party. The
bugs were simply delirious.
(tO. 13 1. Wu.ioin Niir I'nloa )
J Beefsteak Tie Liked J
' as Dinner Dish '
it....... ............ .....u
Hound or chuck hivfetenk uiay b
used In making s beef pie- In fact,
any of the lee tender lean cuts will
mak a very good meat pie. The meat
Is cooked with the onion, parsley, to
matoes and seasoning!, until It la ten
der. Then It la combined with canned
string beans, covered with a cruet of
pastry or mashed potatoes or biscuit
dough, and baked In a mod rat oreo
until the top I a golden brown. Left
em cooked beef may be ued In a
similar way without simmering to
mnke It tender. Simply combine It
with the vegetables, gravy and sea
soning, cover with a crust, and bak.
The bureau of home economics of the
t'nited State iH-partment of Agricul
ture give the following Ingredient
for a beefsteak pie:
I tt. fet I pint ranne4 to-
I tbe. chopped pare. tnaloe
I'T rup water
1 mtdlum-elsed on- IS tep ealt
Ion, ellred IS cup eane4
1 pound round or string bean
churk beefeteak rut
cut In Itu-b eubee Few drupe labs.
I tbe. flour co
Melt the fut In a heavy skillet, add
the onion and pa ruler and rook for a
few minutes. Boll the meat In the
flour, add to the fat and the onion,
and brown the meat well on all aide
Pour the tomatoes over the meat add
the water, cover and simmer until ths
meat is tender. Season snd stir In ths
string beans, sddlng som of the bean
liquid If the atew Is too thick. Pom
the atew into a baking dish, cover with
a pastry rrust or mashed potatoes and
bake in a tnndcrata oven until tht top
Is golden brown. Serve at ore.
Movement ( Well Water
Government geologists say that, con
trary to popular opinion, water levels
In wells are seldom stationery, but
move slowly op snd down.
Sammiaf Jp
There I no formula In life; yos
will have to make a new equation for
every human being that come along.
Weddings J
1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I II I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I H-
ond extremely effective hat or starched
wliitt lace. If preferred, capellnes ol
lacy straw may be draped utter ths
Hues of this lace modol.
Owing to its vogue throughout tin
realm of fuahlon, lace is playing a verj
conspicuous role In bridal array. It Ii
not alone sponsored for frocks, but Iti
favor Is reflected In the lovty hati
which milliners are creating for brides
maids this spring. U the hat be not all
of luce, then It Is apt to have lact
edge, while many lurgt hair cnpellnet
are elaborated with Insets of eltliuJ
thread lace or straw lace.
. nil. Weetera Newspaper Vale,)
A d
A restaurant owner with plenty of
advertising Ideas and little money foi
advertising purchased tho largest llsh
bowl he could flint, tilled It with watei
and put It In hi window, with a sign
reading ;
'"This bowl is tilled with Invlslhli
rnragiiayaii goldllMli."
It required two policemen to keep
the pavement In fiou of tho window
cleared. The ltccorder.
(."holly What did your sister say
when you told her 1 was here
Johnny She suld: "Why the nerva
of If
Ye Sals' ll
A kin- muel know a lui of thins.
Hut In theee hectic time I'd eay.
The inoel Important of them all
I bow to make a get-away.
Our Caatorles Cieiliiatlo
"Why do peopl rind fault with a
mistake and so seldom encourage good
"It's due to natural requirements of
our clvllitatloti," answered Mr. Chug
gins. "A traffic cop, for Instance, la
out to arrest reckless motorists, lit
wouldn't be any good at all If he put
Ip bis time running around to com
J'ljmefit cautious drivers. Washing,
too Star. r
Aa, Ik Will 3'-
An Irlshmau with a very thick bead
of hair was being made tht center of
some Jokes.
"Why," exclaimed a man, "your head
of hair Is like a slack of bay."
"Well." returned Tat. -that's whst I
thought when I saw ao many Jackasses
standing around lL" I-ondoo Chrorv
Second Striag
They had quarreled th night before,
"I'm going to return your ring,' said
she, over tht phone. "Shall I mall
"Well," replied the young man with
brutal frankness, "If your good look
ing sister la home tonight. I'll call for
lie Miss llliemhard la a beautiful
She You mean she plays beauti
ful. He No, that Is what I don't mean.
Wait Motion
"8lr, I'm enKiiKiMl,"
The girl did whees;
"When you iuees my walet
TsU wast your iqueege."
Sam Difference)
Wide Newspaper stories aren't very
clear, are they?
Hubby In what way, my dear?
Wllle It's so hard to tell which art
the politicians nnd which art tht
Not Up to Data
"I will now show you tin gnroge."
"I thought this was a modern es
tate." "Heh?"
"Have yon no hungnr?"
Espeniiv Curiosity
She You don't love me uny more.
When you see mo crying now you don't
ask mo why,
He I'm awfully aorry, dear, but
that question has already cost me
lot of money. Answers.
JT 1
Not HU Fault
Judge What do you mean by hit
ting this olllcer In the nose?
I'rlHoner It's like this, your honor.
I meant to hit him In Hie eye, but he