The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, November 14, 1930, Image 2

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    View of the City
(Trepans! kjr the National Oeographlo
S.HH-ty, WuhinftoD. P. C.)
MEXICO, closest Latin-American
neighbor to the Unite J
State. Is known In detail to
few residents north of the
Klo Grande. The average American,
familiar enough with Canadian pro
duces, would be hard put to tell wheth
er Chiapas Is on the Pacific or Atlan
tic; where Xayarit Is; If Campeche Is
east or west; or oven to pronounce
Aguaseallentes or to name Ave of the
twentj-elght commonwealths of our
neighbor republic.
In Mexico also are two territories.
One Is Lower California, dry, arid,
mountainous and thinly populated.
Fifteen hundred miles away from
Lower California lies Mexico's other
territory, Qulntana Roo. farthest south
ted east
It is common to think of Mexico as
a great horn sprouting south from
southwest United States. The po
sition of the two Mexican territories
punctures this geographic myth. Mex
ico Is not a thin nation. It Is Just as
wide as It Is long. While Its western
most city Is Tiajuana, over the Inter
national line from San Diego, Calif.,
the outermost point of the Yucatan
peninsula lies as far tst as Indian
spoils. The United States has one smaller
state than Mexico's smallest Rhode
Island Is 300 square miles smaller than
Tlaxcala. which lies 50 miles east of
Mexico City. Colima, a state on the
Faclfic coast of Mexico directly west
of the capital, measures less than Del
aware. Hut the largest state of Mex
ico. Chihuahua, across the border from
New Mexico. Is much smaller than the
American giant. Texas. It approxi
mates Oregon, or Illinois and Indiana
taken together.
Toluca a Pleasure Resort.
It was by a sign on the railway sta
tion at Toluca that Lindbergh, on his
first flight to Mexico. In 10V.7. finally
found his position, ard then flew dl
rectly Into Mexico Cltj The relations
between Toluca and Mexico City might
be compared roughly to those between
Annapolis and Washington. Tolua Is
the nearest state capital to the fed
eral city, and Its state encloses the
federal district Just as Maryland en
closes the District of Columbia. Phys
ically, however, the comparisons are
not so close. Both Mexico City and
Toluca lie on a high plateau and are
surrounded by mountains. Situated
40 miles from Mexico City. Toluca Is
visited by residents of the capital as
a pleasure resort. If lies In one of
the most beautiful "valleys" of the re
public the Valley of Toluca. From
this upland plain come the spirited
Lulls for the bull rings of Mexico City.
Cotter founded the city 12 years aft
er the Conquest. U lies on part of
the original grant made to the Con
queror by the king of Spain.
The state of Mexico, of which To
luca is the capital, embrace both up
land plains and mountains.
Queretaro, the Delaware of Mexico,
makes up for Its limited areas by the
richness of Its mountains and valleys.
The former contain minerals and the
latter, deep layers of fertile, well-watered
soil which grow pineapples,
dates, bananas, pomegranate, figs,
and lemons.
Indian Names Revived.
The states of Mexico were originally
laid out to coincide roughly with the
areas occupied by the Indian tribes
which the Spaniards conquered. Then
the conquerors apportioned the dis
tricts among themselves. Thus Hern
ando Cortez was "Marques del Vulle"
of Oaxnen. As marques lie laid waste
the Zapotec Indians' chief town, built
a new city on the same Kite and
named It Anlequera. after a town
of Spain near Malaga. When Mexico
won Its independence from Spain, the
city remaned Us old Zapotec name,
Huaxiacac (modilled In Spanish to
Oaxnca) and the state took the name
title. This is a story repeated with
variations many times In Mexico.
Although the ancient Aztecs, ,:ipo
tecs and Mayas are responsible for the
boundaries of modern states of Me.
Ico, the borders often outline definite
geographic units. There Is a classl
licatlon bandy for Mexican states
which our republic cannot use to ad
vantage. In Mexico there are low
Itates, high states and higher states.
(The low states are the eastern sea
tourd units from north to south,
of Guanajuato.
Tamaulipas, N'tievo I,oon. Vera Crui
and Tabasco. The Yucatan peninsula
group of Campeche, Yucatan and
Qulntana Roo also hugs sea level.
Facitlc coastal states are, for ths
roost part, low states, too, but not as
low as east coast states ; Sonora, Nay
rlt, Colima, MIehoacan, Guerrero, Oat
aca and Chiapas. Then coma the high
states, that la, those which are 8,000
feet above sea level Chihuahua,
Coahulla and Durango. The first two
He la the Rio Grande basin between
the wide-open arms of the mountain
ranges that border the famous Valley
of Mexico.
Higher States Are Richest.
South of Durango are the higher
states, and. It may be added the small
er, and the most populous and the
richest states of Mexico. The average
elevation of 11 states and the federal
district Is more than a mile above sea
level Orixaba peak, 12 miles south
east of Mexico City, Is the key pin of
a gigantic pair of dividers opened to
a 00-degree angle. Each arm of the
dividers Is a mountain range, the left
arm connecting with the Rocky moun
tains and the right losing Itself at
Between the arms spreads the fer
tile mile-high or higher region of blue
lakes and fruitful valleys, elevated
enough to have an equable climate.
Just as the mountain ranges converge
on Orizaba, so the trade routes con
verge on Mexico City.
Just as the United States has, In the
state of Washington, a commonwealth
named for the hero of Its Revolution,
so Mexico has honored the father of
Its freedom from Spain. Fadre XII
dalito was a parish priest In Dolores,
in the stale of Guanajuato, nntll he
led the revolution In lslO. Dolorea
has now become Dolores Hidalgo. III
dulgo state is one of the most moun
tainous in Mexico. Six ranges cross
the relatively small area creating a
maze of peaks and ridges. In this
tangle of mountains are some of the
heaviest mineral deposits In the re
public. A nearby area of 8.000 square miles
of the Valley of Mexico has been
carved out to make the state of Hi
dalgo. South of Mexico City, another
relatively small state, Morelos, honort
another hero of Mexico's war of Inde
pendence. Three Important States.
Straddling the Sierra Madre range
running down the west coast of Mexi
co, MIehoacan stnte Judiciously places
one f"ot In the fertile valley of Mex
ico and the other on the Pacific coast.
But its valley acres, with sparkling
lakes surrounded by farms, support
the major part of Its population. To
MIehoacan many traveled Americans
go annually In the late fall, for the !
blue lakes beckon flocks of "American"
w!Id ducks and geese wintering In tho
'Southland. Because of the variety of
Its products MIehoacan earns high
rank among Mexican states. It Is tin)
greatest cereal growing state of tho
republic, and. In addition, produces
coffee, sugar, fruits, Tanllla, wine and
San I.uU PotosI Is one of Mexico's
Inland states, consisting of a high and
dry temperate plateau Intersected by
a few deep tropical valleys. Where
there Is sufficient rainfall there are
large upland plantations of corn and
cotton, and lr. the warm valleys coffee
and sugar are grown. Cattle raisin?
Is a chief Industry oif drier plains, and
the mountainous districts are rich In
gold and silver mines. The state Is In
a very old settled region, figuring
largely In the Spanish colonization
scenes of the Sixteenth century. An
Important railway connects the capital
of the stute, a city of the same name,
situated In the cool highlands, with
the port of Tumplco on the Gulf of
Mexico. The city of San Luis Fotosl
contains a fine old cathedral and many
quaint houses of Spanish colonial
Vera Cruz Is the richest of Mexico's
Gulf Coast states. It Is densely for
ested, low-lying and tropical along the
coastal plain, but splendid mountain
ranges rise along the western border,
From the forests come some of the
world's costliest cabinet woods and
plantations of the lowlands are rich
In cotton, sugar, coffee, cacao and
by Evelyn Campbell
(Copyright by Kvelyn Omnplxll.)
WNU Beryke
Together they . everything.
Youth, wealth, ambition. Their fu
ture was limitless. Suddenly she felt
old and on the shelf. What was she
doing. Immured In her solitude, under
crny skies, when the others were Mini
lug life gay and happy together? She
had been cheated of her girlhood, and
now womanhood had as little to offer.
But If the senator's letter plunged her
Into deeper depression, on the other
hand It aroused her from lassitude
and ma.le action Imperative.
She went to sec Stevens and laid
a long manlla envelope on the desk
before hi in.
"1 want to leave New York." she
said. "These are the last. Will you
see what you can do for me?''
The broker. dry. Hat man, drew
the corners of the crack ly parchment
papers from the flap of the envelop
and glanced at tl.em Light and
Power . . . Traction . . . I.lnie
Maud OH. . . , He smiled linper
"Well, we have placed a great deal
of this stuff . . . Perhaps . . ."
"Yon said this was good, and I hnvp
kept It until the last." she Interrupted
Impatiently. She was tilling her
Hp ... an amazing sign of nerv
ousness In her.
Mr. Steens raised his yellowish
"Only a month ago ... we for
warded our check . ,
"What of that? The securities had
been In your hands since October!"
"Very well. I will do whnt I can
He turned away. Brokers have a unl
'orn antipathy to I It.ihle clients "
Linda, who had always swept In
and out of that office as a queen, II n
gered hesltnnl at the door.
"There ts an obligation which I
troubling me. My bill at the St.
Sevier has been running for a long
time. They must have a payment
from this money." She spoke thought
fully, as 'f the stock was already sold
and she had only to disburse Its equlv
Mr. Stevens was s hoiked. This
was an error In tactics for which be
was unprepared. He had nothing
whatever to do with the liabilities or
embarrassments of his clients.
"The bookkeeper will forward the
check to your address, Mrs. Both," !).
said frigidly.
And so Lli-dn nssured the manager
of her hotel that he would hear from
her within the week. She was giving
up her rooms for good leaving New
York. Politely asked for an address,
she answered vaguely "Washington."
She had been In Hint city many
times, but now her heart beat as mnd
ly as any slxteen yenr-oid's who gets
her first peep at the world through
the historic If utterly dull and pl-
belnn hordes that migrate to and from
the political center at every season.
She had sent no word of her coming
to the two men who would be Inter
ested In seeing her. but twenty mln
utes after her bags were brought up
she telephoned Conve.-se to come t'
her. Ills resonse was so pleased and
triumphant thai she was smiling faint
ly when she turned from the tele
phone. When they met an hour Inter, he
till wore the manner of victory, but
this disappeared at her first words
"I have given everything Into
Stevens' hands," she said. "Soon the
last bit of paper I possess will be gun
and then you will be troubled with
my poor IIMIe affairs no longer." She
tried to speak lightly, disguising the
meaning of tier words with mockery.
Ills face altered at once, but nut
with chagrin nither It was with a
closing down of pleasantry, a lighten
ing of every muscle In thai visage
which beneath Its purple mask of flesh
remained crafty and sinister.
from Mountain Top Into the
Senator Converse made himself
"unfurl a hie In the widest chulr the
mimi afforded and selected a cigarette
with care before be answered l.lndn.
She watched this, striving to keep her
thought from her eyes.
"So our friendship Is to end with
the last t.iinrtred shares?"
She wlr.ced from something In his
"Were we ever friends?"
lie reflected upon this. "Possibly
nt. I am then to be of no further
use to you. We will put II that way
n spite of baldness."
She Interrupted warmly: "You
Helped me with advice whn your in
Hue rice In selling those stocks because
ou liked my father not me"
The senator hurst out laughing.
"Gad. what frauds you women arel
ire you lying to yourself or Just
lo me?"
It was going to be hoirille nit she
must control herself.
"1 gave you no encouragement to
helleve yoursell m friend," she wild
coldly. "I would have paid you for
what you did Thai Is how I have al
ways fell to you."
She realized that she had made an
error when she saw hltn start violent
ly. She had angered him and he hud
power. He repealed her words
"So you would have paid me but
not with the coin I wanted-from
yon." ills glance truve'ed over ber
slowly and sho cringed before It. She
wanted to say that this was pay mh
sho had paid a hundred times In
humiliation, but that would have
gained her nothing. After a little
while he became merciful und turned
his eyes away.
"I believed (hat you would turn to
me some day," he said slowly,
"Turn to you? No, no, I could
not I"
"If there hndu't been another man,"
he went on, tunelessly, "you'd have
got over that feeling you have for inn
repulsion, I suppose you'd cull l.
You'd have got so-jon could touch
me without shivering. That was lust
youth-; ad you spe.d your youth
pretty freely. It's nearly gone, though
yon haven't lived so very many years
1 figured It would last about as long
as the red and blue papers your daddy
left behind hi mi."
"lied n tut blue papers,'' she repeated
dully, though hho knew it was Just
lie got up and took a step toward
her. A thick dark vein stood out ou
his forehead Hle an ugly bruise and
his hand trembled when. I fell upon
her shoulder. She would have
screamed, hut there was no escape.
She would bo smothered elT.tced
before anyone came.
"It Is another man, Isn't ll?"
She could not say no.
"Then lei me tell yon you can
have that boy. You'll ruin hlm-a
vvomau like you. Why don't you let
"So Our Friendship Is to End With
the Last Hundred Shares?"
til in marry that young girl? She I
fresh. She'll give him everything
She can have half a dozen Oilldrco
without remembering"
That wrested a cry from her.
"What have I done? 'A woman like
me!' Oh, you you " She began fc
sob. seeing bis face through a blur
of tears.
He laughed dryly.
"You're defending your virtue no
a woman can always do (hat, even
when It's gone wrong. Put. my dem
Linda, do not misunderstand ma I'll
admit that you have been pure ei
emplary. Put perhaps thai Is mj
fault I made It easy for you. I tiav
paved the way w ith Stevens' cheeks.'
He hod been smoking one clgnrettt
after another a puff, then Runs
Hway. The ashes and stubs littered
the carpet around where he saL II
was absurd to fee the liny paper rolls
Id his mouth, lost between his pendu'
Ions cheeks At a glance he seemed
to be burning up Inside. "We are still
bigoted enough to call the woman
virtuous who has never given herself
to a man. I would be the last to rot,
you of that claim to superiority, toy
dear girl. We will say that you huve
accepted a casket from me lo keep
your virtue safely In. I!y this am
blgulty the truth Is upheld and no out
offended." lie paused. "Put even
by borrowers' there Is a code to bf
Italian Language
The modem Itulli.n language Is do
velopcd from the Lulln. The earliest
definite traces of Italian speech limy
be found In a document of Monte Cuw
slno. dined POO. Tucan, and especially
Florentine, bus been I lie chisslcul llier
ary language almost from the begin
nlng of the iiuiliiiiiil literature. Dur
lug the (list half ol the Thirteenth
century the mass of lyrical poetry was
jjroiluicd by the Sicilian school at
Palermo al the court of the ICmperor
Frederick II. In the second half of
the rciiiiry the seal of lyrical poetry
was Irani (cried to Tuscany. The iiiml
ern Italian llterury language, however,
Is founded on the Florentine dialect
which was Hie language ol Dunte.
Hi PunithmaiT.
An Irish llreinnii rescuing n wom
an ul a blaze. Inst his hold ticni the
bottom of the Imldei and landed heav
ily wlih the woman on lop of him.
A doctor, hastily summoned pru
m limed til in sound, though badly
"You are a brave man," said ths
"Urine, maybe, bin no glnileman,"
replied 'he Irlshimm rubbing his. Is
lurles, 'or id huve lei the !udy s-ftrbt."
tt ij EXIT
''Human Got ilia" Found
Comrade in Adversity
A customers' man temporarily out
of n Job ran Into a friend who owned
a circus and asked lilin for somu
thlng to do.
"Well, tho gorilla recently died,"
said tho friend, "and If yu want to
got his akin, swing on tho Irapero,
growl a bit and iiinuso I ho children,
yon can have tho Job,"
Tho customers' man filled the hill
Well until olio day the rope ol which
ho was swinging snapped und he
was catapulted Into I ho lion's cage.
Tho lion, seeing hint, let out n
lusty roar lo which he offered a tim
id yelp. The lion roared morn men
acingly. The pNcudo gorilla lost his
nerve ft rid became entirely human,
backed Into a corner yelling "help,
The lion thereupon eiiino closer
and said In a hoarse whisper, "Shut
tip, you d-d fool, you lire not tho
only customers' man out of a Job."
Wall Street Journal.
Br F. uprrt to tha I'eicu
l'ruest . Melrose, bee expert, stepped
ot n bus In Oxford street, London,
and saw tralllc paralysed by thou
sands of bees swarming on a street
light. He received hundreds of
cheers mid only one hIIiii; after he
borrowed a ladder from the electric
light company, a cardboard box lined
with glycerine from a drug store, a
mosquito net from a'drapcr's, a pair
of gloves from a department store,
and got most of Hie bees In the box
and several hundred of them lli-dde
his coat, shirt and troupers.
From the beginning of expectancy
tint II baby Is weaned, Phillips' Milk
of Magnesia performs the greatest
Service for many women.
It relieves nausea, heartburn,
"morning sickness," Inclination to
vomit; helps digestion. Its mild lax
ative action assure regular bowel
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Is bet
ter than lime water for neutralizing
cow's milk for Infant feeding.
All drugstores have Phillips' Milk
of Magnesia In generous "V and .'die
bottles. Always Insist on the genuine,
endorsed by physicians for 50 years.
Sf.ty First
Teacher What Is mostly raised In
damp climates?
Pupil I'mbrellas, Stray Stories.
llm ind una ind id.trruM if nf
SUui pttlcnU contilntd la our r KKK IIIMJK
on Ket Ul ft ml Colon illmnitt;
l 4riit oil. C I. Ics
osHurtfkftl method ol truW
mtnt, tthkh um rulutlvthr.
bend fnr It tii nd Irani of
ill) tl.IMI.MATK 1'IU.S UK
KREMOLA make old ikln young. It nntithrly
crnmpluhrs four tiiinn fur M M akin lonir;
S tiMU buildrr, twnialm ptmpln; ind akin
whitrrwr and rriuvrnatur iir monry rrlundnL
TbouuiKtt of arnmra drwnd on KrrnmU to
ITD thar akin TOtilhful. Aak votir IJriiiririU. rm
dirrct by mail iirrpaid. Price ti 2S.
Wrlto for r KEK "IWi Vmt," to lane Kay. car
Dr.C. N. tern Co, 27. t stldiiCM rW,ChKtt.llL
A Knockout
She (dancing) How do you like
the Moor?
lie JuhI fine.
She Well, why don't yoll try danc
Ink' on It?
V USSY, frctf jj .... of course
babies are uncomfortable at teeth
ing timel And mothers are worried
because of the little upsets which
come so suddenly then. Hut tlicre's
one sure way to comfort a restless,
teething child. Ca&toria made
esticcially for babies nnd cliildrcnl
Its perfectly harmless, as the
formula on the wrapiajr tells you.
It's mild in taste and action. Yet
it rights little upsets with a never
failing effectiveness.
That's the k-auty of tins special
children's remedy! It may be given
to tiny infants as often as there
is need. In cases of colic and similar
disturbances, it ia invaluable. Jlut
it lias every day uses all mothers
ilmuld utiJtrsUnd. A coaled tongue
come from healthy syalcma.
I'rco tho body of poisons with
Fern. a-mini. LITccIIvp In
smaller (loses. All druggist sell
this safe, scientific laintlre.
ass mr ( JsF
noscltfe'sfn-rup soothe ntnntlv, ends
imution qmiklvl (iUAKAN I LKU.
tf Never be without
Tcryry It bee's! For young
VCU and old.
At all
HI I. fi' 7'
in rit ' ...
. . ""it ."-III rill .
K - rT 1 C rl i H
PoJyteclinic College of En;infennj
IX mi UUmm ., OakkaJ. CaWaraki
The Great rnginccring School
of the West
f ttHiM M 1 14 Owt jj,m ftta
CWrtrtrV I g'ml 4f.f t apif
Alt non-Mwntlal itjti-ii omitl1 In
lri-l, 0 im a. In ) i h.-f "U li f-uu, r.t
In MrrMial, Urrhautral. 111. Mln.
In. Arrhllrrlurnl A Mrnrluml Id
Blurr-rlM. Xrn rt'Mrwra In Arriitimtlr
I mul Airplane r turbo. -rlne Sprrlnl
r-iarM In Airttlmtr llrrlinnir. Anoi
Mrr-ltMiiIra, farhlnr Mh. I.trrlrie
flMtp, lgnllla, Italtr'ry, eli.
(oaiilrl( S-Wtrlrtil II .1 rtoOIr, SI mm
ml Inline Ixlx.niluilra.
&WI tii nr n UN
turinnta 'it In flnanrln thrtr
ruutp-a. Write fur fr catalog.
W. R. Ollisoff W t WOOD
I'raaliUut It-fLtiar
. 71 fl a- I. . ..... ..... J
laarU Color and
Beauty .! and radeel llairj
w Md f I at lint:!
I!'"""! '.Vl M I '" -r-f ft TJ
Hi IK 1.1 1 UN .SHAMPOO l.i-il f-r u la
rtm twrtkm with lrkr a Hair Malum Malr U
hair ej.ft and ftufTr. ft" rvme by mail ut al tlrtijr-
Ni-w linirrd. XI. .re ra,rrfn rarilaua
Trarlitr now avaiUM In Initio-! nunlirta.
rtH Ti.ur Kn, rt.ih Itarlur ttrl.f f.r nine
ua. 1 il Ml" Tie. lor i n , furiland. nirron,
ftva wooa
1929 Model 75.0O
Write the nianufirtnrrre nl k
Vtdevater iBrtaeeririf C.
Ckweiter, Maaa.
4tk sad riae ranlaMi, Or.
A nlrl trhmrm Umm arret irafeenel
I''lrrirMif Itoom.lmtli f2.(X) up
W. N. U., Portland, No, -14-1930.
Wrong Plata
"lo you I It) ii k the candidate put
eiioiili ll ru Into his siee( h?"
", yes. Tho Irouhle was In
didn't 1 1 1 enoiik'li of his Sieech Id
tho lire."-Stray Stories.
J1".". 'U'. 'art
Jayrwrsia" "' a
rwirhsjr Mji I
Mtwral Hot Nasi, utk K
(n4 lrl ""
calls for a few drops to ward off
constipation j so docs any suggestion
of bad breath. Whenever older
children don't cat well, don't rest
well, or have any little upset, a
more lilieral dose of this pure
vegetable preparation is usually all
that's needed. Genuine Castoria-has
Chas. 1 1, Fletcher's signature on thf
wrapptr. Doctors prescribe it.
a nTflhill
AM W I .