Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1930)
VOUIMK XVIV ionk. okecon Friday, Oct. 31. 1930. NUMBER 18 Ltxington News Mim AMAIlt l.l.i: S 'l UODTMAN l'ruct on the Senior Class play, "Oh Kay" Is procwdinjr nicely unci it in oxpectod that tho play play will bo Riven Nov. 14 in thy Jlijdi School Auditorium. MiM Kwin hha doqmtcil on Sunday to Portland for a whorl stay with her mother Mm S. V. Inderbitzen. Mrs. Ingles wa.i nceonipained as far as Tho I Julius by her husband. Tho anrual rettrned party of tho Freshman wr held in tho Lexington uym on Friday evening .After all of tho Ktndenta were nriKcmllid a taffy pull was injoy ed A number of exeitin') jramrs wl.e plaed, after which delist eul refrehhnu nU were nerved. At assembly Friday morn in the EnRlibh 2 Class delikhted the ntudents with a ski taken from the play "Cindcrilla". It was so njoid by tho faculty that it v ill b presented at the I T. A. Personal Mention Mrs. Glenn Hall of Morgan is nlowiy improving following a nerioua illness. Mrs. J. VV. Christ oqherson is assisting with the work at the Ball honw Mrs. Charley Botts was called was called to Yakima Monday by the serious iliness of her daugh ter, Mrs. Jack Griffin. Mrs Botts was accompanied on her journey by her son Bert and her juug daughter, Ida. PRODUCE WANTED Frawley Clarke Produce Co. of Portland will be represents in this territory as Inst year by W. M. Kubanks. We sollicit your Produce trade. Get in touch with Kuba.iks for sh'ppi"? dates on Turkey;. PHOTOGRAPHS Make an Ideal Xmas Gift. Come to Ilanlons Studio Heppner - Oregon 123 Main St. SEED WHEAT FOR SALE 200 Bushels Seed Wheat, 128, Cleaned and Treated. Fred Mankin. Vol. 1 THE RED AND WHITE OFFICIAL ORGAN of IONE II. S. STl'DKNT H0OY Hilli Tiiompu n, I .Jiior Friday, Oct. 31, 1030. No. 4 SOUPIIMOKH CLASS PARTY Tucker opcred ths meeting by Tho Souphmore (' were hosts to the student lxwy and faculty at a party given in the auditiourm Friday evening (Jet. 21. Norman Kverson won the prize for tho fiuniest dressed boy and Opal Finn, the prze for the fun nest dressed girl. The Freshman Class won thd best das stunt. Games were played and the freshmen ts were served during the evening. Ruth Kfnff FRIDAYSASSKMHLY The weekly assembly was held at y. 00 Friday morning in the hisli school auditorium. Mr. 1 j IV ' Vr - r . , t 1 1 1 Juliut Mcii-r Hivmg a talk Mrs. Brown, seven th and tight grade aavtr a bretf talk about the :jraae sciool carnival, which is to be held in the gymnasium Friday evening. Six grade school girls sang with Miss. Pelkey playing the accompaniment. Vda Euban ks accompanied aksem! ly singing, and Elizabeth Head led veils. Mirgrrt Crawford Pictures of the students ot the HighSchool and grabe .school were taken last Wednesday afternoon. - f I ip--4;V;.'-: LEXINGTON DEFATS IONE AT LEXINGTON 15 3 ? WE REPAIR Boots, Shoes, Harness Saddles Auto Tops Side Curtains. Leave your reparingat Oscar Cochran's tor Daily Service. Cf. (j.Qylo6 HEPPNER - ORJCJ:.r r r 0 ;Thc panic played at Lc'iinifton, i Friday, Oct. 24, resulted in a vie-1 tory for Lexington. Tho teams! olayed quite evenly for the first 4 cj darter. In the second qu?.rte, Lex- intfUm completed a forward pass; which rosulttid in a touchdown; j i rt. In th third! i quarter Lexington fumllcda punt! i l Wfx, deej in their own territory. lone 7! rccovere thd ball. It was bucked over for a touchdownby Elulanks. lone converted by a pass from Me Cab'i tKubanks, making the score 7-G in favor of lone. In the 4th quarter U'xinjrtpn blocke Ione's punt and recovered it back of Ione's goal line. They concerted a k place kick by Lane making the score of 13 - 7. SUPERIOR DRILLS Are no Experiment but are the Product of Experience. The name i-in iih atory. iy V. G.Balsige Fmou Parii Saclloa Th QunrUT Latin, the fann.i. Ktud.'iit hiTilon of I'uri. fontiilii tl S.irlx-tsnc. tlie Colli-Ke or Turin unl ot her li(iiiU. It wn i named I.' wet! Lntln mi the lansu:ig of oo(lcvul KoliolahtlcUiu. PCLITICAL ANNOUNEMENT I wish to announce to the ele:tors of Morrow Connty, that, at the coming election, I will be a condidate on the In- P2:ident ticket for the office of Co jnty Commissioner for the short term, succeedi L. P. D ividson. Ernest lltlicker PIGS Fo- S tie: Ohio Improved Chester White Pins from reuis tred Stock. Either sex a K"od deal cheaper thun sendini? away for them. All old enough to weitn now. At the Windsor Castle Ranch, down the Highway J mile below the Elevator. IJAWARl'OK LAST NLNUT1- CANARDS Ikppn.r.Orftfon Oct. 27.1'J.IO Editor lone Indepi ndent, lone, Orein. Dear Hrothc El.c ion is i,ow ciily a ftw day & off and as usual there is t lot of last minute propai!anda coming out, tco late for thof.e) attacked to have time to rifuie, the charges sr.d t!tftnd themstl vcs. This U only the medio Js o crook and scoundrels and the: people should be warn, d not to inllunceb by this stil of clcctormg but to remember that if these charges could be verifide they would no i have been htld back till the last w.ek ot tlx campain. Regardless of who it hits 1 hope th? next issue of th Independent will carry such warning. As tver your friend and alwj)S for fair play, Yours Truly, Lkon W Dhicgs Leave WorK for the Ilcppncr cleaners atjhe IONK BARBKR SHOP fit "f if i 1 if I1 SHIP YOUR CREAM TO MORROW CO. CREAMERY CO. Thirteen Years on the Job. We Are the Cause of Your Getting BETTER PRICES Morrow Co. Creamery Co. W. C. Cox, Manager. t "4 hi- "I'here ai e limes when aTelephone is worth its weight in gold few cents a day. May we install your telephone? Those Finer Points of Service- - By nature tome of the finest boints neceesurily a part of better mortuary service are more appropriately cared for by a woman. Our trained laJy aisiilant assarcs these little fineries being well taken care of. Phelps Funeral Home CAY AND NIGHT PHONE 1332 CUT FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS And at all times it is a precious saver o steps, saver of time, conserver of friend ships. It costs but a CANNED GOODS SPECIALS November 3-8 Tin: Pacific Tf ithon: And Ti.ij:gu vni Company 1 tor Golda Ii. Mumma STATE ACCREDTED TEACHER OF PIANO Pupil o( VVm. R. Brown and Frances Strk-tfd Hurke, ELLISON and WHITE CONSERVATORY High School Credits Given. S'udio: Meln Street, 5. 'ii, ft I R. ROBISON ALL KlNDSf i OF HIGH W t GRADE MA- ::ciiine WORKp K IDONK. t Motors rcground in in . f,..r i, land fitted to re j Wround shafts. MACHINE SHOP & Si- See Those New CIFvCULATING HEATEPvS at Bristow & Johnson's They will make your house cosy and rr.r:". IK!:, winter and are very reasonably pricui. Watch, fcr our RED HOT Red & White Specials each Saturday nad Monday. We Try to Phase. Bristow & Johnson lone - Oregon R & W Solid Pack Tomatoes, 2J, 6 for $1.09 R & W Sauer Kraut 2j 6 for 0.85 ' ' Hominy 2j 1 6for 0.77 R& WSpinnage2j 6 for 1.11 R & W Sliced Pineapple 2i 6 for 1.51 ' ' Vcilow Cling Peaches 2j 6 for 1.67 " Sweet Potatoes 2J 6 for 1.31 R & W Sliced Pineapple 2 6 for 1.31 ' ' Golden Sweet Corn 2 6 for 1.05 ' ' Sweet Peas 2 6 for 1.17 R & W Tomato Soup 6 for .49 ' ' Fancy Cockeye Salmon 1 6 for 2.07 B & W Pink Salmon 1 6 for .87 G & W Tomatoes , Puree 2j Your choice of ' Cut String Beans 2 these regular .15 ' ' Golden Sweet Corn 2 values G & W Sweet Peas 2 6 for 75 BERT MASON IONE - OREGON llERMISTON, OltEGON. ft-