Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1929)
BfTTTTTTfmTTTTTVTTTTTTTW An Adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel KJ By The Baroness Orczy WNU S-rvlce TORY FROM THE START The Scarlet Pimpernel, knows during ths French revolutloa the most Intrepid adventurer la Europe, le an Englishman. At house party given by Blr Percy Blakenay the lateat adventure ot the 8carltt Pimpernel, the reseue of the Tournon-d' Agenaya, la be In related by Blr Andrew Ftoulkea. The Scarlet Pimpernel la really Blr Percy Blakeney, popular London dandy. The fall' are ot Lauiet, revolutionary chief of the eectlon la which the Scarlet Pimpernel baa been oper ating, to prevent tba eacape ol the Tournon-d' Agenaya brings the condemnation of the govern ment upon him. He eaueea the arreat of the Deeese family on a charge of treason. Lauiet an aouncea that the prlaonera are to be taken to Parla under a feeble escort, hoping to lure the Scarlet Pimpernel Into an atuck on the coach. Chapter IV Continued "Now." be sold very earnestly to him, "too know Just what tod art fulng to do? Too realize (be Im portance of the mission wblcb U be ing Intrusted io jouT The officer nodded la reply. He was yoong man and ambitious. The task which had been allotted to him had Bred bit enthusiasm. Indeed, In these dnyt, the capture ot that elusive Eng Usb tpy known at the 8carlet Pita pernel was a goal for which every young officer of gendarmerie was wont to strive; not only because ot the sub stantlal monetary reward In prospect bat because of the glory attached to tbe destruction of so bitter an enemy Of revolutionary Franca. "1 will tell yon, citizen," the young nan said to Chauveltn. "how I nave flually laid my plana, and yon shall tell me If yoo approve. About a kilo meter and a half before the nad emerges oat of the wood, the ground rises gradually, and there are one or two sharp bends In the road until It reaches the crest of the bill. That port of the forest Is very lonely and at a point Just before tbe ground be gins to rise I Intend to push my mount on for s meter or two ahead ot the men. and pretend to examine the lead ers of the team. After a while I will call 'halt' and make at If I thought there was something wrung with the tracer The driver I such a lout thin he and I will embnrk on a long aw ment aa to what he should do to rem edy the defect, and In tbe course ot the argument I will contrive to slip a small pleie of flint which I have In my pocket nndet the hoof of one ot the coach homes. "Too don i think one of yont men will see yoo doing that and perhaps wonder V "Oh. I ran be careful. It la done In a moment Then we shall get on the mnd satin, and Dvs minutes later that en me coach hone will be dend lame Another halt for examination, this time near the crest of the bill. The lout of a driver will never dlsinvei what Is amiss I shnll mnke as If the hurt was serious, and set myself the task of tending It I thought then subject to your approval, of ordering the trooiers to dismount. I have pro elded them with good wine and certain special rations In their knnpsacks At a word from me they will rest by the roadside, seemingly heedless and an concerned, but rielly very wide awake and keen on the sient The diligence will the while be st s atundstlll. with doors shnt and curtains closely drawn ' but the sis men whom we have stowed Inside the coach are keen on their work, well armed and. like hungry wolves, eager to get their teeth Into the enemies of France. They will be on the slert, their handa on their pis tola, ready to spring op and out of the coach at the first sign of sn attack Now. what think yoo nf that selling citizen," the young officer concluded "for luring the F.ngllah spies into s fight? Their methods are usually fur tlvs. but this time they will have to meet os In s hand to-hand combat and. If they full Into our trap. I know that ws can deal with them." "I can bnt -pronounce your plan ad Dilrnhle, citizen captain." Chnuvelln re plied approvingly. "Ton hnve mi best wlshtt for your success. In the mean while citizen Lauzet and I will he ani Iniisly walling for news We'll make a stun soon afier you. and strike the bridle inith through the forest Nils gives us a nhorl cut which will nrlns n to KiMinr lust In time to heat youi news II Ton have been attacked send -tie a coiirlet thither aa toon as you time tbe F.ngllch spies seciirel) hounil mid gimged Inside your coach " Til not full von. elilvn." the youn rttptiiln rejoined eagerly l.nuret who tiwl ri1 ny anxious and Henl whilst this mHoou) was going mi nliniKited bis ehoiilib-rs with B show nt ilill"oiii) "And at worst," be said. II thai meddlesome Scarlet Pimpernel should think prudence the better part of valor, If he should scent a trap and carefully avoid It, wa would always bavs the satisfaction of sending the Desese family to the guillotine." "The English spies, Cfaaurelln re joined dryly, "will out scent a trap, nor will they give up the attempt to rescue the Desete family. This Is Just a case to rouse their Irs against us, and If It prove successful, otis to flatter their vanity and redound to their credit In their own country. No," ha went on thoughtfully, "I have no fear that the Scarlet IMmpernel wtl. evade us this time. He will attack, I know. The only question la, when he does are ws sufficiently prepared to defeat hlmT "With the balf-dozen excellent men whom I have picked np here In Mantes." the young officer retorted "I shall bavs nine under my command, and we are prepared for the attack. It Is ths English spies who will be surprised, ws who will bold the ad vantage, ereo as to numbers, for the Scarlet Pimpernel can only work with two or three followers, and wa shall outnumber them three to one." "Then good lock attend yoo, citizen captain," Cbaovelln said at ths last "Ton are In a fair way of rendering your country a signal service; tee that yon let not fame snd fortune evade yon In the end. Remember that yoo will bavs to deal wttb one of the most satuts at well aa moat daring ad venturers of our times, who hat baf fled men that were cleverer snd st least as ambitious as yourself. 8tsy," Ihs Terrorist added, snd placed his tbln. claw-like band ss If In warning on ths other man's arm. "It Is Impos slble, even for me who knows bltn as he la snd who baa seen blm In scores of disguises, to give yon sny accurate description of his personality ; but one thing yon can bear In mind Is that be U tall above the average; tall, even for an Englishman, and bla height It ths one thing about blm that he can not disguise. 80 beware of every man who la taller than yourself, cltlieu captain, however lonocent ba may ap pear, take ths precaution to dot 11 In him. Mistrust every tall man. for one of them Is of a surety the Bcarlet Ptm pernei." Ue finally reminded tba young cap lain to send him a courier wltb the welcome news ss soon as possible. "Citizen Lauiet and V he concluded "will ride by ths bridle path and await yon at Epone. I shnll be de Toured wttb anxiety until ! bear from you." Tbs men were not nervous, not st first. They were merely excited, knowing what awaited them, both dur ing the Journey and afterward by way of reward. If they were euccessful there would be for every man en gaged In the undertaking a sulfidem-j to piovlde for himself and his family for the rest of hit life. The capture or the Scarlet IMmpernel I Half s dozen magic words In truth, and they had spurred t'ltlren Captain RafTet and hit squad wltb boundless enlhus lusra. They felt no discomfort either from tearing wind or driving ruin With eyes fixed liefore them they rode on. striving to pierce tbe oilst-laden distance where the enemy of France wat even now lurking. Intent on that adventure which would be hla last. It wat long past Ave o'clock when the diligence with lie eacort reached the edge of the forest What lit rise daylight there had been all afternoon was already beginning to wane; the sky was nf s leaden color, heavily laden with rain clouds eave way be bind In the west, where s few fiery, crimson streaks cut through the clouds like sharp Incisions, there, where the swiltia sun still lingered In the v tumn sky 'TO BE CONTINUED.) Dcdo Easy Victim of Greed and Ignorance The dodo, often spoken of aa a pre historic bird, la aald to have been In existence during the time of Charles L Hut It has since been extinct s matter of 2K jeers, which gives force to the tag. "as extinct aa the dodo The bird waa known only In aluiirl tlus, and soon after the Dutch eolonl tntlon In IW Its proverbial fnte fell tipon It It wat a large fowl. It could ot fly, and even at walking or run ultig It was slow snd unwieldy. To top these handicaps to Its selfpreser vatlon, the dodo was, unfortunately for Itself, good to eat. Its destruction came quickly. Though tbe colonizers might have remembered that you cnn'l eat your dodo and have It, and taken ttepa to Insure Its continuance, hun gry men sre not fur-sighted. More over, the destruction of the dodo wits no doubt hastened by the dogs, ruts, and awlne which accompanied man Ip bis migrations Natare Will Out The Roils were once dlspu'tnt whether It was possible for a living being to change Its nature. Jurlter aald "Yea," but Venus said "No." So, to try the question, Jup'ter turned a cat Into a maiden, and gave her to a young man for' a wife. The wedding was duly performed, and the young couple sat down to tbe wed ding feast "See," aald Jupllet to Venus "how becomingly ahe behaves. Who could tell that yesterday the wat hit) s cut? Surely her nature Is changed." "Wall a minute. replied Venus snd let loose a mouse Into the room. No sooner did the bride see this than the Jumped up from het sent and tried to pounce upon the mouse. "Ah, you see," suld Venus "net u re will nut. Aesop. Passport Aaaoyaaces Few things thai governments do are at silly and generally annoying as tbe handling nf passport. Wet in s Home Companion. -.-.. . j tj. NEARBY AND YONDER ' By T. T. MAXEY " 't t 't1' tj"" t "The Golden Bridge" IN 1873 tbe rennaylvnnla ruttroad built a til-span, tingle track bridge scross the Susquehanna river at Havre de Grace, Maryland. In 11XM the rail road built a double-track bridge to re place the old one and offered to pre sent the original bridge to tbe coua ties, which It connects as a highway bridge since It Is no one of the main routes between Philadelphia and Wash ington. Strange to say, the counties turned on their noses, so to speak, snd de c fined to accept the gift The railroad then offered the bridge to a group of citizens of these two counties, who ac cepted It promptly, had a romantic vision, "put up" $1(10 each aa a work ing fund snd began to operate It as a toll bridge. Auto traffic developed "by leapa and bounds, and the ownen made money "hand over BsL" From 1910 to 1923 It It said to bavs netted them more than Il.uou.uoo, having been nicknamed The Golden Bridge." In 11)23 the stals road commission purchased the structure, under legls latlve authority, for SNKUHiU, snd con tinned the tolls until It waa paid for and Improvements were added. The old span was narrow. Two truckt could not pass To overcome this handicap and double Its capacity, the annual traffic having grown to about 273.000 vehicles, so Ingenious plan was worked out. whereby- snotb sr deck wst anchored to ths super structure. Now, all north bound traf fic moves vis the upper deck, snd sll south-bound traffic via the lower or original deck snd ths tolls bavs been cancelled. e e e "The World's Greatest Organ BCILT In Us Angeles and exhibited st tbs SL Louis World's fair In IIXM. where It was played by tbe great organlsta of the world, this mammoth Instrument wat subsequently dlsman tied and remained mute in a 8l Loula warehouse tor several years. And then one day Its myriad parts were loaded Into thirteen box cars and It was treated to a ride to Phil adelphia, where It waa enlarged by SO per cent, and Installed In a greet court "In ths center of the largest building In ths world devoted to re tall merchandizing." Now, every week day, the pasting throngs sre priv ileged to enjoy ths melody which peals forth from that wblcb Is aald to be both the largest and finest. If II It not the very latest Improved, musical Instrument on earth. Thli king of Instruments baa Ave manuals, 232 stoe snd a forest of pipes 17.8.M, to be exact ranging In length from three-fourths of sn Inch to upwards of 37 feet, weighs VMM pounds, snd Including Its several blowers of more than 100 burse pow ercapable of supplying approximate ly 21.000 ruble feet of air per minute, occupies a apics of 118.nt)2 cubic feet The largest pipe Is of wood. 82 feet long, weighs 1,73.1 pounds snd. tit said, two men can crawl throagb It aide by side on their hands and knees The Instrument Is played from two consoles one for ordinary playing and the other for mechanical playing. Needles to say, the organ Is majestic ita music, auerb. e e e Statuary Hall STATCAltY IIAI.I, to called. It s great semicircular, hlgh-celllnged room, with a Grecian theater effect In our .National Capitol In Washington Formerly used by tbe house of repre sentatlves Its walls have echoed the voices of Webster. Clay, Calhoun and other personages famous In congress In their time It was set sslde In ISfH as a national statuary hall, to which each state mlgM contribute s Katun of two of lit most distinguished cltl tens Maryland It typified by Charles Car roll, a signer nf ths Iterlnrallon of In deendence; Massachusetts by 8uiu uel Adnmi who helped promote th': Revolution; New York by George Clinton lit Drtl governor snd I'enn tylvsnls by Robert Fulton, ths first Inventot to practically apply steam power; Virginia by George Washing ton. In the military costume of the Revolution and Robert E. Lee, who commanded the army of North Vir ginia during the civil war. In the unl form of tbe Confederate service. He quola a Cherokee Indian half-breed-after whom the hlg trees of California are sold to have been named, who de veloped s written snd printed Ian guage for hit tribe, represents Okla homa, while that great woman, Fmn ces E. Wlllaril. the founder of ths Wom en's Christian Temcrance Union, sym bolizes Illinois Robed In tbe buckskin of pioneer days Sam Houston, who wat president of the republic of Texas when annexed by the United 8tates, deplete the Lone Star stats. Space prohibits mention of sll. Bulflcs to say ths entire ensemble Is an Impos ing gHlberlng of linages of the nation's outstanding rharartere of their day snd getierutlnn. (A ISIS WMUra Newepeper Uoloe.) Power ef Jouraallet A Journalist Is a grumbler, a ren turer, a glvet of sdvlce, a regent of sovereigns s tutor of nations Four hostile newspapers are mora to be fenred than a thousand bayonets, -Nupoleoo, Wat It sa Invitation T Toting Cbup (much In love) Mitt Palsy, I'm telling you, I'm to klsa you before I go. Mlaa Inlsy Then, sir, will you leave this Instant? OLD DOCTOR'S IDEA IS BIG HELP TO ELDERLY PEOPLE W"hSi In 185, Dr. Caldwell made a dis covery for which elderly people the world over praise hint today I Years of practice convinced him that manjr people were endangering their health by a carclrst choice ol laxatives. So he began a search for a harmless prescription which would be thoroughly effective, yet would neither gripe nor form any habit. At last he found it Over and over he wrote it, when he found people bilious, headachy, out of sorts, weak or feverish; with coated tongue, bad breath, no appetite or energy. It relieved the most obstinate cases, and yet wat gentle with women, children and elderly people. Today, thii tame famous, effec tive prescription, known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Trpiin, it the world's most popular laxative. It may be obtained from any drugstore View of a Boet There are Iwu kinds ot men; ths llnd yon can teach and tbe kind yoo have to break. American Magazine. Accidentally an Arkansas lady cured fits In a valuable dog with Ruse Rail Blue. Many others now use It. Nev er falls, she says Adv. Nobody knows the mental agony of a horse trying to learn a new milk route. . r t 7 f PIS Lydia E. Pinltham and Her Great Grandchildren IF Lydia E. Finkham were alive today she would be 109 years old. Her descendants continue to manufacture her famous Vegetable Compound end the integrity of four generations is behind the product. By accurate record, this medicine benefits 98 out of every 100 women who report after taking It, You can be almost certain that it will help you too, 10,000 Dottles Sold Every Day LtjtUaE.PinkhaitfG Vegetable Compound LTD1A fl. FINKHAM MEDICINE CO, Leaa, Meat, U & Ae, Traffic cop Even he can't get away with it "TVDN'T try to Put anything mJ on Nature, it the way a over cop would expreit it. "Sooner or later she'll get you. Give you s ticket and lay you up in a place where you'd rather not be.. Even cops can t get awsy with it. Like everyone else, if they don t pay attention to the warnings they get a Summons that lsuds tfiera in the doctor's ofi'ice. "Whst the doctor advises Jt Nulol. Says Nuiiil will regulate you just like ym regulate traffic. Keep things from getting in s tarn. And the doctor it right. Just aslc the healthiest men on the Force. If tluy need Nuiol with all the exercise firs get what about the fellows that roil by la their can? "Just take a tip from me. You mar have the best intentions in the world. Nut everybody gets tied up at timet. Niture can't always take care of things without help. "Our Medical Chief tells me that Nujnl isn't a medicine. Ic contains absolutely nothing in the way of medicine or drugs. It's limply a pure natural substance (perfected by the Nujot Laboratories, 2 Park Avenue, New York), that keeps things func- Proof ef the Padding Bride My, there are a lot of mis takes In the rook book. Husband Yea, I've tasted them, I'lk, Ilerlln. Read what Will Rogers turltct about LEVI STRAUSS OVERALLS Ar?r free Ask your dealer for LEVI'S JbUaUa MmkeaJlM Itara tail a w gets summons rv -sw Cm) Nature' 8 law 0. A'. tlonlng at all timet at Nature Intends them to. Normally. Regularly. It not only keept sn excess of body poisons from forming (we ill have them), but aids in their removal." Start Nu)ol today. It won't cost yon much not more than the price ol ome smokes. Worth a try, isn't itf You'll find Nuul it all drugstores. Sold only in scaled packages. Get some on your wiy home today. Retasallea "How would you like a detective) story r "No, I'm a detective. Hand me the) boot and shoe news" Bad Year for Gty SUcVers, Sayi Roger. HXW YORK, Not. ehaplon.w VorkTS witty team lonktd like till O' War ttu thai bunch olSie! ton apple knockers H a bold of "em this afternoon. It was athlete, up acalntt sa old buntn of nret shockers hoee folk-te emblem It a Dair oi Levi overalls " These old salmon sorters W had the city alicsars StreB from rnel to foal Vn. Columbia an1 M 8mlll) JMn 0on aU In succession, ft Mat looks like ttTSToki Counly burr-r. Tours, wlU. ROODia. ' ! , t ';' '