The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, June 07, 1929, Image 5

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    Just p
a Little
Events in the Lives of Little Men
Mi ML 'it'C
Lots of folk who think they hart
"Indigestion" tmvo only an eeld condi
tion wlili-U could be corrected In fire
or ton minutes. An effective nntl-acid
llko Phillips Milk of Magnesia loon
restores digestion to normal.
Phillip doe awuy with all (hot
aourncas and gna right aftr meal. It
prevent tli distress ao opt to ocrur
two liuura after filling. What a plena
tit preparation to tnkel And how
good It la for the system! Unllka
burning dose of soda which la but
temporary relief at best riillllia
Milk of MiiKtieala neutralize many
tlmea Ita Toluitm In acid.
Next time a hearty nienl, or too rich
diet lina brought on tli lenit dla
comfort, try
F, Milk t
of Magnesia
For Old Sores
Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh
km batik ml MUi.
v i - tarn
fir? !: f
lA-yrart success In treating Kertal and
Cokm Irnublrt by the I C J. Ia
NIIYMt KU( At. meltm m.
Wr.,llH NinKN A.
Jt- U In, mi K KMi-nu
0 E A N VaMavaiBaiBiaiBwewaanan
R ectalV colon clinic
Bird Hamper Flight
of Australian Plane
8l Hubert Wllklns, the noted
Australian explorer, upon lili arrival
In Chile from hla base at lereptlon
IkIhiiU atnted tlint lie hud met with an
unexpected menace In Dying In tha
Antarctic. The plane on niimerutia
occasions," the explorer said, "wns
hampsriit by Immense flocks of btrda
wlili 1 flew Into Itio pulh of Ilia nm
clilne In aiirh numlH'ra Hint hiinilreila
Were killed by Ilia propeller. Luckily,
however, the pliine am not dniiingcd."
Wllklna entnhlldlieO (he existence of
mora tlmn I,'"! miles of count line In
the region altunteit to the went of
Weililel w. I luring one of lila nerliil
trlpa of S.tMl mllea he win unable to
find a successful lunillng place and
therefore fulled to nuike Interesting
dlwoverlea which might linve been of
great geographical lniNirlunce. He did
succeed In (Uncovering, however, thnt
Ornhnm land, which figures on all
mnpa aa part of the Antarctic conti
nent, la merely a aerlei of Inland acp
arotrd by a atrnlt from the mainland.
Pathfinder Magazine.
Far Health's Sake
"Wire, hiiiid mo thnt diet Mat. will
"Hut you've had your dinner, deer "
"1 know, and now I'm going to en
what the doctor ordered." Life.
"What are these?"
"The new dresses. Don't get llietn
mixed up with the neckwear,"
A Bad Wreck
of the constitution may follow In the
track ol a disordered svtcm, Import
blood or inactive liver, Don't run tlie
risk! Dr. I'icrce'i (wilder) Medical Dis
envrry il an alterative extract of herb
and rood that drivel out impurities
act on the liver.
When you're debilitated, and your ,
weight la below a healthy standard, you
regain health and itrrngth by uiing the
"Dincoverv." It buildi up the body.
Mn Myrtle Davli of M ChrMmil at.
fwtrll, With., mM: "Dr. Plerce'i Mirtlral
lUat-uvrrv was m hrliiful lo nw for my bluod,
Uvrr ami Mnnmch I ailvitt lu dk"
Sold in tablet or liquid form. I f your
dealer doei not have it, lend 65 cemi
for the tablet! to Dr, Pierce's Invalids
Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y.
Knmllmiy lime, f-eml for lllrnttlir
onioon iNariTUTg op ticmnoloiM
( M. it, A lllilg ruritauitl Uniu
s ten -31 m!
A lJJ6ri OB TWO A ' rf i,, vJ
Pathos John
A group of traveling men were
swapping Ilea about tbelr radios In
Hmltb Center drug store, aa Tom
Klene tells It. An old man bad been
listening silently.
"(Uit a radio, old manT asked one
of the drummers.
"Yeah," replied the old fellow. "I
got a little 2-tube alTulr. It's pretty
good one, though."
"Cun you tune out these tittle sta
tions with itr
"Well, I was listening to quartet
the other night, an' I didn't like the
tenor, ao I Just tuned bin) out and
listened to the three of 'em."
fie What's the barm In Just one
little klusT
Slit Nothing except that It's too
small and too few.
Difficult Choice
Two orators act words In fltaht.
Ana both war (olnc strong.
I slKhed, "It one of you la right
Tti other must be wrong."
A Good Foeadatioa
Managereiu I'm sorry yon don't
like my cakes. This business bas been
built up almoat entirely on my cook
ery. Traveling Man I don't doubt It
With a few more buns like those you
could build a hotel I Sales Tales.
. Every Huabtad Kaaw
"Never do to auk a woman to take
np the collection," remarked Deacon
"Why so?" aaked the Innocent Dea
con Itlnck.
"It's lniposnlble for woman to paae
a bat," replied Deacon Brown.
Faliaa Art
Weatherhy Mike Hayes has had
hla car repainted. It must be some
new procens. I never saw anything
like It.
Fluke-Yes, Mike did the job him
self and tha cats raced all over It
before It was dry.
She Shall 1 make you a salad)
Ho-What kind?
8ho Shrimp seeing It's for yoo.
Meanest Cay
The mesne! uy of meanest ways,
No matter whtri you search,
Chlpporl In a eak of yaat to rata
Hi mortgag on th church.
Willing Cook
Bridget Madam, you ordered egya
for breakfast and there's not an egg
In the house, t-
Mrs. Itlchqulck Well, Bridget, Just
use a little Ingenuity.
Bridget All right, mum. Do you
want It fried and where will I And It T
"Oh. Jack, those rosea are lovely.
Hew did you ever guess that roses are
my favorite flfiwersf'
"I Inquired the prices and found
that roses are the most expensive."
Objactloa Removed
Woman of the House Why, I
wouldn't reud the book If I subscribed
for It.
Canvasser That's all right, madam,
we don't put that clause In the con
tract Peck's EaparUace
Heck A producer says thnt the
movie of the future will be a combi
nation of silence and-sound.
Peck I see. Like a man carrying
on nn argument wltb bla wife Hous
ton rostlilejiotcb.
A phyalcian watched the moult of
eonatipation for 47 years, and believed
that no matter how careful people are of
their health, diet and exerciae, eonatipa
tion will occur from time to tim. Of
next importance, then, ia how to treat
it when it comes. Dr. Caldwell always
was in favor of getting sa cloa to nature
as possible, hence hi remedy for conaU
ration, known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin, Is a mild vegetable compound.
It can not harm tha system and is not
habit forming. 6yrup Pepsin ia plesaamv
tasting, and youngatera love it
Dr. Caldwell did not approve of
drat ie physics and purges. H did not
believe they were good for anybody
system. In a practice of 47 years be
never aaiaaany reaaoa for their iim whea
Byrup Pepain will empty th bowel Just
as promptly.
Do not let a day go by without
bowel movement Do not sit and hop,
but go to tha nearest druggiat and get
one of the generous bottle of Dr. Cald
well's Byrup Pepain, or writ Ryrus
Pepain," Dent KB, Munticello. Illinois,
for free trial bottle.
1 - I
Youthful Mnaiciaa
Each week the chimes of the Win
chester (Mass.) Unitarian church peat
forth with solemn hymns or brave,
patriotic tunes. But few listener
know that the hands that operate the
carillon are those of a alxteen-yea
old girl. Marjorle Uayden, a high
school junior, Is thought to be th
youngest carillon player In America.
New Word ia Language
Progress In science and industry I
constantly demanding new terms and
one of the latest of these la the word
"decibel." coined by telephone engi
neer to descrllie the efficiency of tele
phone circuits, says Popular Mechan
ic Magazine. It Is a substitute for
the phrase "transmission unit"
A Good Speller
The bookkeeper was peevish.
"What' wrong!" asked the boa.
"Why." he said, "that pretty typist
yon Insisted on engaging spells atro
ciously." "Is that snT She must be good, f
couldn't apell 11 !"
Millions now use Russ Ball Blue.
Make clothes snowy white. Get the
genuine. Adv.
Early Nwapapr
The Oxford Gazette of 1003 (the
original of the London Gazette) la
described 4 the first English "new
paper." If yoo have a skeleton In your closet
make no bones of It
Demise the death of a person whe
leaves a large estate.
It May Be
Wist A
Children Ciy
for It
Castorta Is a comfort when Baby Is
fretful No sooner taken than the little
one la at ease. If restless, a tew drops
soon bring contentment No harm done
for Cnstorln Is a buby remedy, meant
for babies. Perfectly enfe to give the
youngest Infant ; you have the doctor
word for that I It is a vegetable pro
duct nnd you could use It every day
But It' In an emergency that Castorla
means most Some night when const!
pntton must be relieved or colic pain
or other suffering. Never be wlthonl
It ; some mothers keep nn extra bottle,
unopened, to make sure there wilt al
ways be Castorla In the house. It hi
effective for older children, too; read
.he book that comes with It
a a r - . ' i