The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 02, 1929, Image 3

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Our Pet Peeve
V) V
IT'S folly to luffer lone from ncu
rilli, neuralgia, or headaches when
relief li iwift and lure, with Bayer
Aiplrln. For a8 year the medical
profusion hai recommended It. It
doei not affect tha heart Take it
for coldi, rheumatism, aclatlca.
lumbago. Gargle it for a lore throat '
or toniilitia. Proven directioni lor
ill many uiei, in every package.
All drug itorei have genuine Bayer
Aipirin which it readily identified
lr tha name on tha box and tha
Bayer croii on every tablet.
J ft
t lin Wuinhetan
af S,MirHairM
V - W '
Vr HI aMariaMad er I ritaadi d-fc la
ttKJnt.N A!M IM ANCR pit M adaihiUlte-
k,l nut Sod at t,h
wat ItM kv m acfealMlvl
KiaurkinW wirtM alto wtlk
tadTOl)AYkm.K IO
Mat am e,tla and
k A ll
fiHMaiaBalllilllBHIBBHj ' Half a Black Lang
' Designed especially to burn a grade
of coal of comparatively low-heating
value, huiie engine constructed fur
the Northern Pacific railway la 121
feet long, weighs more than
poundt and bna 84 wheel. Including
the 1- on the tender, says Popular Me
chanics Mngaxlne. An Interewllng fea
ture la I ho merhanlral atoker which
will crush, deliver, and distribute
about the huge firebox, more than 22
ton i of eoul an hour. It le expected
that the locomotive will I able to
Baal, In one train, cart that are now
made up Into two.
. raliity white drewea for baby or
dnuithter maitp beautiful by Ituaa Hall
Blue. Tonr tlnm-r hai It. Adv.
Monkey Lot a Homa
A Detroit woman going south want
ed to give her net monkey to the I1
trolt Zoological park, (the railed the
director but when John T. Mlllen antd
be could not promlne a dully "lint wa
ter arid ennp bath" the monkey owner
Indignantly hung up the telephone
with the remark, "('lennllneaa la next
to (loOtlnc even for a monkey."
No man ran tell all he kno; poo
pie walk away.
Makes Life
Next time coated tongue, fetid
brentli, or acrid akin gives evidence
of sour stomach try Phillips Milk of
Ifngnenlii I
tlet acqnnlnted with this perfect an
llacld tlmt helps tha ayatein keep
sound nnd sweet. Tlmt every atomnob
needa nt times. Tuke It whenever
hearty moul brlngi any discomfort
Phillips Milk of lluguealu hns won
iihhHciiI endorsement. And convinced
millions of men nnd women they didn't
have "IndlKOMtlon," Iwn't diet, nnd
don't euffer; Juat remember Phllllpa,
I'lenannt to tnke, and always effective.
The name I'hllltpa la Important; It
Identifies the genuine product "Milk
i f Magnesia" hat been the U. 8. regis
tered trade, mark of the Charles It
Phillip Chemical Co. and Ita pre
I'xccMor Charles II. Phllllpa glnre 1878
JT Milk .
of Magnesia
jf, i a
r iimrm
A teacher asked ber puplla to bring
to school objects tliut represented
One boy brought an apple, anoth
er hniiuna, and a third an old whip.
Whin aong doee the apple rcpre-
eentr inked tha teacher.
"In the Shade of That Old Apple
"What does the bnnona represent T
"Yes, We Have No Bananas." .
"And what doea the whip repre
sent r
Thanks fur the Buggy RIdo."
The Progressive Grocer.
Not Guilty
Judge Tou admit you entered thli
house by the rear door at two o'clock
In the morning. What bualneae bad
yon there at that time of night T
I'rlaoner I thought It win my own
Judge Then why did you, when
thli hid approached, leap through
the window, Jump Into tha cittern and
hlile yourself?
Primmer I thought aha wul my
He June Is Irresistible.
She I never put up much resist
ance, either.
Tha morklnatlre allll tomti along.
And Ida promlae of ions
I f4 Mm, an4 tha dabt ka'll Day
Wild olda melody, aoma in.
Tka Real Raatoa
"Klolne," said her nnither,
know you muatnt cry about a
bump like that"
"I know It," admitted the little one.
"Then why do you do HT
"Hi'caune Mary ajmperflted wlf
Would Make Him Laagk
lrry Every lime I look at your
new dress, It nmkea me laugh. -
Annie All right I'll put It on when
Hie bill cornea,
Men I actually believe those fool
durki enjoy this dlaguatlng mini
Barbae Shop Fragraace
Ha ta ma If I'd klai him.
I klawd htm onco or Iwlca.
I nriw I hadn't ought lo.
Uut, oh, sa, ha amalltd ao nleet
No Reaaoa for Objecting
North-lNin't yuu agreed that apeed
la the vurae of America!
Weal No, I can't any I do. I'm
an tnalallment collector iuuruware
nnd Implement Journal.
Humaa Nature
Ills VYIfo-Wcll, If when the phone
rings at two o'clock In the morning
you ure so certuln the exchange girl
la culling the wrong number, why get
up lo uiiHWer It!
lllm-llecauae If I don't It la sure
to turn nut to be a reully Important
cull for me.
Would Carry Him Away
flcorge Some tunea cun carry
(linn Inl the plnno)-Tell me one
uud I will piny It with great plenaure.
Sound Attract!
Mr. Benubnied Going lo Klssengen
for revreutlon, they tell me. Why to
thnt little llnvurtnn resort of Invalid!
und ncurnrthenlcsl
MUi Vellowlenf Oh, I don't know
anything shout Klssengen, but I rut her
liked the nntne.
Asking the Impdulble
Mrs. Faraway Tour wife goes In
for the occult, does she noli
Mr. Newcomer 8he win Interested
until they wanted ber to go Into the
illvnre. Then she gave tl up.
X yOMrKtK-WUJ.SbO . X-rtAl-ww-W.-- S.
7 I CO HILP ACMAOA ?-- y ,rW rgW-ABfl W 7 1 .
Miir": 1 15) v yyy
I r?yvV --y I TviD uc nx I
I I -WVi f-t- VJJWV Btl 1 If UXKE JWI 1 I . I IIS
r .A wioboTofi UeootoQMe.fe ; nv . t
I-JTL. -V 01WTOltUu I s TLi DOWN!- IIFJr
FINNEY OF THE FORCE Michael Asks After Snoop
i u. i KvvtSsCM i rwn
III - f wring iwMWeac.ittoM ra-, -S-JkL -TaV?aM"0v
' S
,-VwAiki MiwtaN ft uSTJ'Jjll CjJiiMsLefi M
VK- XtTN a7 JL Uk I - TV VWJ I " iiT t li m Tai jT I
WmUts Ntwicwpar TJalos '
" "
' 1 1 v-vj, I 1 V y-w Ck W - --';--iaV i . i i I I II laaj .al
The Joke Boomerangs
When your
Children Ciy
for It
Caatorla la a comfort when Baby It
fretful No eooner taken than the Uttle
one ia at ease. If restless, a few drops
won bring contentment No harm done,
tor Caatorla la a baby remedy, meant
tor babies. Perfectly aafe to give the
youngest Infant ; yoa have the doctors'
word for that I It is a vegetable pro
duct and yon could use It every day.
But It'a In an emergency that Caatorla
means moat Some night when consti
pation must be relieved or colic pains
or other suffering. Never be without
t ; some mothers keep an extra bottle,
unopened, to make sure there will al
waya be Caatorla In the bouse. It Is
effective for older children, too; read
the book that comes with It
No PoTorty ia Norway
Though a relatively poor country,
Norway haa virtually no poverty, al
though there la no great wealth.
About 95 er cent of the furmers owa
their land, but the farms are generally
small. A unique law makes It pos-
' Bible for a farmer or his descendants
to repurchnse his prierty within
certain time limit If circumstances)
have forced him to diapoae of It
Every day 10,000 women boy a
I bottle of Lydi E. Finkham'a Vege
table Compound. They know UuU
there is nd better remedy for their
troublesome ailments with their
accompanying nervoumeaa, back
ache, headache, "blue" spells, ana
rundown condition.
. ti
India Child Burial
Two child burlnls have been unrov-
tred In the prehistoric Indian ruins
of the WuptakI National monument
In Arlions. Jesse C. Oarke, cuModlan
f the reservation, who made the ex
ravatlnns, repons that In one hartal
cradle board was lying over tha
body, which bore a shell necklace and
was accompanied by three pieces of
in the other burial the cradle boara
woe underneath the body. Four pots
were fouud In It Both burials bad
been wrapped In matting, but molstur
had crept In and spoiled It so that on
ly a small piece could be salvaged.
The poor custom tailor Is likely to
breed bud habits.
Dr. Caldwell watched tit results of
eonitipstioa for 47 years, and believed
that no matter how careful people are
of their health, diet and eiorciw, eoa
tinstion will occur from time to tine.
01 next importance, then, ia how to trci
it when it comes. Dr. Caldwell alwa
was in favor of getting a clone to nmUir.
as noMible, hence his remedy for eouli
pation ia a mild vegetable compound. It
can not harm tha moat delicate aystrm
and ii not habit forming.
Hi Doctor never did apnrovi of drat-
tie phytic and purge. II did not believe
they were goou ior num&a ceinir w iui
Into their (vstem. Us Syrup I'eptia for
yourself and members of th family in
comtipntlon, biliousness, sour and crampy
stomach, bad breath, no appetite, head
erhea, and to break up fevers and eoldn..
Get a bottle today, at any drugitore aa
observe these three rules of htaltht Krff
th head cool, the feet warm, th bow I
open. For a free trial bottle, Junt writ
"Svrup Pepsin," Kept BB, UoaticeUe,