The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 16, 1928, Image 2

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    Sylvia of the Minute
24 Hours Ends
A"common cold" may mult in grippe
or flu. At the ray first ign. goto drug
tor and get a box of HILLS. Takt
promptly. HILL'S breaks up a cold in.
24 hour because it dor the (our vital
thing at once atop the cold, checki
the (ever, opena the bowel and tone
the eystem. Red box, 30 cent. '
Caacaxa Brosnide QalnJaa
Quickly Relieves
Rheumatic Pains
12 Day ' Free Trial
To get relief when pain tortured
joints and muscles keep yoa In con
Itant misery rub on Joint-Ease,
It la quickly absorbed and yon can
rub it in often and expect results
more speedily. Get It at any drag
gist in America.
Use Joint-Ease for sciatica, lum
bago, sore, lama muscles, lame back,
chest colds, sore nostrils and burn
ing, aching feet Only CO cents. It
PPPCSend nam and AAdrase for It
nxd-Msy trial tub to Pop Labora
tories, Drill S, Hallowtll, Main.
mm HBsCtiBMETm Mguav
A.O Lconard. INC. ,
Garfield Tea
Was Your
Grandmother Remedy
For every stomach
and Intestinal 111
This good old-fashioned
herb bom
remedy for consti
pation, stomach Ilia
and other derange
menta of tha ara.
tern so prevalent these daya la In evac
greater favor as a family medldne
than In your grandmother's day.
Are You Listening h?
Tb SCW BT- DTTINT Meant r mi
uttiaf tvrvkgrmai of ortfttttl kdm, diwta
rmod quart! or ColacabW Wtt inn
lUdto 8tatWn uI Ki m ry TnorwUf
llaut4rv tltM) haBBiM ThnratUT. tUrrb 1
fcJJU Priw CudUM fur mn of BLNhatT
ftnd OTTINT I. Do la full rig. PrltM
.nooaord til Mch krgdcwUAg trvm 14
If Tour dir 60 sol ttoek DUKKBT
DTK ud lVTlT ttowBM Ma Hay writ
tint lt know.
bma k tianp for "OOLOB KaTWfl," B
w-ptf 4-eulof pabUamUoB U aoetaJH fiU
BftrurtjUraof tnl lourMttu eoaiML
lUMinbir: HI NfaTT LT ifr gvaai DTTTITT
boats b IB ayrorr Wbm what MopV ivfl
uaof. Writ tutUf. A14fM teat JL
Hearth Aaar1 Dy CotpocsUaaB
orjrawr r' i 1 . - I
liu liaaadtOcfW. AaU
i. frmmOr. mm PISoTTkm eaat .
Un, ii. mi
For Wounds and Sores
Balsam of Myrrh
Ufaki aw aaa.ii .In wh ,iiri.tlai
AH fti'rAt IVM W.r
In the campaign to obtain the 1028
Republican national convention for
Kanaaa City this year, Arthur Bard
grave, president of tb chamber of
commerce, sent messages to members
of the National Republican committee,
asking suggestions.
Through an error on was sent to
Ira, Frances O. Farley of Wichita,
Democratic commltteewoman for Kan
aaa. This was her reply:
"Acknowledging receipt of your wire
of the 24th. Respectfully advise that
It will be all right with m tf the Re
publican party falls to bold national
convention this year." Kanaaa City
Colds Cost Monet
If to
mtfmwfrmmmU fa a
Oaf a
AiJDaalan. UqaklwTaUata,
W. N. U PORTLAND, NO. 10-1924
CHAPTER V Continued
"Ob, I aayl Stop and have eand
wtches and coffee with roe!" ah aug
geated chummlly not at all aa a aub
ordlnat addressee a auperior officer.
"I can't bear eating alone It's almost
gross, lent It? Will you? Tve heapa
we'll have a Jolly lunch I I've a
thermoa bottle of hot coffee, good
etrong coffee that I niad myself,"-she
chattered aa aha began to aet things
out on the flat desk-top, feeling ex
hilarated at a bit of normal human
association and talk after her weeka
of a trained, artificial relations With
this man, if they kept oil of pedagogy,
ah could be herself up to a certain
point at least (though of course ahe
would have to watch her accent). She
almost anatched hta bat and coat away
from him aa ahe directed him to draw
np his chair before the array of dainty
andwlchea, coffee and fruit which aha
had apread out
"But," ha aaid as he placed their
ehaira and tbey sat down, "why U my
company all of a audden so welcome?
An hour ago it was, Ton here again 1 "
"Well, alnce you know th very worat
about me, I can enjoy a chat with
yon. I'ts been dying for a man to
talk to I rve been almoat driven to
flirting with the wooden Indian in
front of the village cigar store!"
"'Flirting'? I'm afraid I can't play
up. Dont know how. Afraid I've al
ways been rather atick with girls,"
he said dolefully, his yea on her
glowing face and creamy neck encir
cled by a fluffy, fluted whit rtiffls.
What a brut he had been to make
her cry anything so dainty and
"I wouldn't presum to flirt with
th county superintendent," ahe re
assured him, "who knows the very
worst about met"
"The very worat you're sure!"
"What further do you auspect m
of? Not knowing th Presidents In
order Well, I don't Nor the Twelve
Apoatlea either. And I can't name off
hand the Chinese dynastlea for the
past Ave thousand years. Dave some
coffee r
Bhe poured him a second cup and
his heart thrilled to her aa he aaw
how gay she now looked after her
tears. He himself waa lonely enough,
la an conscience, and this bit of com
panionship with such an engagingly
Impudent child was, to aay the least,
very diverting.
"Too mad this coffee T he asked.
"Teach that to th girls of your school
and ni advla your trustees to raise
your salary and If they taste your
code they'll do It!"
"Ton put good eoffee before learn
ing and call yourself an educator I
Man do Uke their comforts, don't they?
I wonder why I'm teaching achool
anyway, when American cooks are
paid such huge wagee. What do
American cook do with the million
thy earn? Buy country estates and
retire r
"American cooks r h repeated re
flectively. "How about foreign cooks?
English cooks, for Instance T"
She fait betraying warmth In her
cheeks. H suspected bar I No won
der, th way ahe so often spoke of
American thing, aa though ahe were
not an American I
"I should think," ahe answered
calmly, "that with tha terrible unem
ployment w read of over there, cooks
ought to be cheap. I'm told, Mr.
Oreighton," ah cbanged the aubject,
aa ah leaned back In her chair with
aandwich In her hand, "that you're
terrible Idealist. How do yon man
age ur
"I don't Though the alternative la
o self -destructive I Do yon (am I to
conclude), Ilka moat young people of
this day, Imagine yourself a cynic?"
"How can one escape Itr I have a
cousin who wsa a radical Socialist
until be married a rich wife. I bave
an uncle who waa a liberal In all hla
Idea until a fellow-professor at hla
college was expelled for hla liberal
ism when my uncle changed bla
view. Believe In liberals with ideals?
No, It'a asking too much I" She shook
her head over It bopeleealy.
"Did yon never know anyone,"
Crelghton asked, "to sacrifice eome
thing for the aake of bla Meals r
"TouT ahe Inquired, looking at him
over an expanse of aandwich at her
"Hat rens, no I I was thinking of
Ur. B. D. afore!!, for instance"
"Editor of Foreign Affaire," aha
nodded then instantly regretted her
too-ready knowledge of thia English
editor. Wasn't tha mention of him
belt? Would an American be apt
to know of htm? "Of course," she
hastened to add, "liberate all over the
world moat take heart from Mr. Mo
reU't steadfast courage and heroism I"
"Tea tmt h Isn't very much
known la America how did yon come
to know of him?"
"Read about bin la The Nation.
He looked surprised. "I'm aura,"
be said, "yea are the only teacher
ander my rorladictlon that baa vr
even heard of that paper 1" .
Conversation with him waa, after
an, too fan of pitfalls, ahe decided.
She waa glad when the children' re
turning to the schoolroom obliged him
to take hla leave.
Her curiosity aa to how much he
suspected was fairly consuming her.
Aunt Rosy waa again at the
Schweacktone', and It was manifest
that bar brother-in-law waa not "over
ly pleased" at her unoxpectod visit.
OoprrlaM a? Coda. Mwd A 0
WNU awvlc
Conversation at aupper, In spit of
her efforts to sustain it, , seemed to
languish. No one but Aunt Rosy
seemed to be In the mood for this
friendly chatting.
"Susie tol' me about your boldln'
up young CrelKhton and taktn' hla
watch off of him, Sam," ahe eatd, "and
if I waa yon I wouldn't like It ao well
that that fnet young fellah got a foot
hold In here with Nettle so lovesick sha
don't know half th time what ahe's
"I dont know what you mean by
a foothold,' Aunt Rosy," replied Mr.
Bchweockton Irritably. "11 alnt
been round here alnce."
"How do yon know he ain't? This
after, when I got here, I seen Nettle
niakln' alcb chocolate futch and"
"Tea," broke In Susie in a tone of
grievance, "and mind what aha don
'Flirting!' I'm Afraid I Can't Play
Up. Dont Know How. Afraid I've
Always Been Rathar a Stick With
yet I She cooked my Are out ao'a I
bad to build It fresh to cook my sup
per!" "And when her futch waa done
a 'ready, did ahe offer some to me and
Susie? She did not! And wbat'a
more, I don't aee none of It bein'
passed 'round to yous neither! Whst
did ahe done with that there futch?
Why, I seen her packln' It all up nice
In a white box and bldln' It good
away I Who for? That's what you'd
better And out 8am Schwenckton!
Who for?"
Nettle, her face crimson, muttered
something about "a big nosey" and
"buttln' Into other folks' business"
but ber father Interfered,
"Ba peaceful, both of you. I wont
bave no wranglln' at our meals. Till
supper's through a'ready, Nettle can
tell me who the futch la for."
Nettle, flashing a look of bate at
Aunt Rosy, subsided Into a sullen
Aunt Rosy waa certainly a very dis
turbing element in this household. It
wss because of her presence here this
evening" that Mr. Schwenckton found
himself, greatly to hla astonishment
not to aay bewilderment and distress,
"up against" the younger generation
In a way that waa a shocking revela
tion to blm of how times had changed.
Incredible It aeemed to bla patriarchal
Ideaa of family Ufa that hie own
young daughter should dare to defy
him but here waa the fact before hla
very eyes Nettle stubbornly refusing
to snswer bis questions aa to what aha
had done with th fudge aha bad made.
She admitted that it was already dis
posed of. But neither commands,
threats nor coaxings would elicit any
thing further from ber.
Meely waa pledged for a rendexvous,
about school-closing time, with St
Croix In the woods on tha hilltop.
Tbla would be ber first meeting with
him since their wordless encounter
la tha Schwenckton kitchen the night
of the "holdup" aud Meely, aa ahe hast
ened aftor achool to the hill, waa tin
gling with curiosity aa to what b
would have to any of that dangerous
moment which they bad managed to
come through ao unbetraylngly.
She waa pretty aura that poor Uttl
Nettle'a fudge had been made for 8t
Croix. "For all I know, ha haa been
aeelng ber and baa discovered that I
am the teacher I" aha apeculated.
Not that ahe believed he had been
seeking Nettle. He was, for the time,
too engrossed In herself. But Nettle,
In her adolescent Infatuation, may
nave been thruatlng herself upon him
and St Croix would not be overacru
puloua In accepting gift the goda of
fered. "I'll find out about that fudge,"
Meely resolved, "and It be la taking
advantage of that Ignorant child, III
protect herl"
She wondered, as ah went on ber
way, whether St Croix would notice
the coat ahe wore, Tha season having
advanced too far for ber gaudy voile
frock, without a wrap, ahe waa In a
bit of a predicament (or ber Jacket
suit waa far too stylish for the Meely
of St Croix' mental gallery and tha
only other wrap ahe bad waa tbla half
worn-out coat aha had nsed on th
steamer en route for America, an Eng
lish tweed that had once been auch a
flrst-clasa garment she feared St
Croix would instantly dotect its qual
ity and atyle he waa ao obaervanl
and Informed In auch matter well,
If he did notice that her coat waa a
good English tweed and ask questions,
how on earth ahould ahe explain? She
would have to trust to the inspiration
of the moment
"It'a almost unbelievable that I've
come through ao fur without bla dis
covering me! Tm some actreea, I
ami They'll certainly have to notice
me when I get to Hollywood I"
He waa there ahead of ber at their
meeting place and tha nipping air of
the hilltop had acted aa an Irritant
to both hla passion snd his temper. It
wss getting much too cold for these
out-of-door meeting and he knew of
no place under a roof where tbey
could get together without risk of de
tectionespecially aa Meely" father
bad grown eusplrloua for seme rea
son; be had brought old Bchwenck
ton's funny letter with bins to abow
her; aa a warning that ahe must be
more careful ; be would demand aa ex
planation from ber aa to what ahe
bad done to rouse ber father's suspi
cion. ' Was there ao way that he could
bave the girl except by Uklng ber
away from her borne altogether? But
of course he wssnt going to get him
self Into that kind of a mesa I Absurd
to think of It!
8t Croix still felt confident that
when be nodded bl readtneaa, Meely
would be only too glad and eager te
come to him. Why ha bad nut It 08
ao long waa a mystery to hlmaslt
Something about bar all aloag bad
aeemed to check bla being precipi
tate though probably ahe waa Just aa
Impatient at bla dallying aa h himself
But th tlm was surely rip now
and ba must delsy no longer.
"I'm very displeased with yon," be
began aa they aat huddled together to
keep warm, on the big flat log. "What
on earth made yoa do auch a reckless
thing, my desr, aa te aead that box
of fudge to my home? My mother got
hold of It! Don't evr do auch a fool
thing again, Meely! What on earth
made yon break out Ilk that?"
"Ach, well you aee, yoa gimme
them awei! handkerchief and ao 1
wanted to pay yon back."
"Of course it wsa nice of yoa to
make the candy for me bat te aend
It to my borne t My mother asked all
aorta of questions she's awfully wor
ried "
"She muat be awful etuck-ue If
you're ao scared of ber k no win' you
travel with me! But I knowed folks
a'ready that's got twlcet as much aa
ahe'a got and they ain't ao proud that
they're ashamed to know me I"
"My mother Isn't "proud,' Meely
ahe'a the gentlest, sweetest, dear
eat" He apoke with auch feeling that
Meely, who ao aeldom aaw blm ahow
feeling for anyone but himself, waa
(to aa coNTiKvao.)
Embryo Lawyer Puts Up Successful Plea
- Apparently lawyers art born and not
made, if a delightful yarn published
In th Manchester Guardian correctly
Illustrates the development of the legal
mentality from a start In the cradle,
wrllea the London correspondent of
the Christian Science Monitor. There
had been a certain Uvellneae In tha
nursery Just before bedtime, with the
result that aome of tha, furniture waa
broken. There waa a fog of highly
conflicting evidence In the nursery,
snd father decided that falling a full
and accurate account of what bad
happened, an anticipated holiday at
Scarborough ahould be canceled.
After aome momenta of deep thought
hi young eon, who will probably aome
day be lord chancellor, summed np
the position In a sentence: "I bave
aaid I didn't do It but if I caa't go
to Scarborough unless I ssy I did do
it I think I hsd better say I did It;
but if I did do It I don't know I did
It" Father I reported to bar re
tired from the discussion at this stag,
without risking further discomfiture by
Duttin, f A Rtioaremlwi
Harrison Olbba tell of a night
when tb Stage manager' neglected te
plac a mattress outside the castle
walla aa a landing place for Duatln
Feroura when be made a spectacular
leap In aome melodrama. Farnum
landed with a thnd audible all over
the theater. To stave off the laugh
he thought fast with tb result that
almoat Immediately lie peeked over
tbe parapet and remarked, "Th lake
I froseu I" . ,
Salt ol th Earth
The entire evaporation of tha
world's oceans would leave a layer of
aalt 2115 feet thick.
Tot sMerOVomen and Boijt
now ra not taU la yout hnra,
EM l(lv fur ranlte and Mvficv
Aawriea't Ban Khmmi law.
Smartly styled for the ftw sesson msd ol the
finest leathers, best of workmanship and th
famous W. L Douglas quality built Into every shoe.
Now btfci dSaptsTOil In 1 20 Doualw mm In tha principal clitat
andbf nllablaalinaiiaalanrwcTwKan. Wnananubu Uoualat
"""Jl"? a wlili awer pall lha known npunik-n pt ika
nana W. U Dtxialai "-a name that tot man than halt-Man,
HUT Km tlwan anml fof quality In ahaaa, at ptlcai luwaf than
nwal otnancnaraa. A h mJ Nun noil M mmtmtmm
mm mmmmi wiwi mom ai an man, snamiani tonal mlm.
Mam's 1 te l-Wot.'i Mao Bert 4 II
Csaslas a Nwr Sttto Siytw aaallW so mm at.
'17J apart 9UMC Urockloav, Maaa.
ScUnc Win$ Victory
Over Freak of Birth
A auccesaful operation on what
might b called Incomplete Blames
twlna baa been reported to the medi
cal Journal, Lancet of London, by Sir
John Bland 8utton. An account of
the caae waa aent to Sir John, him
self a consulting surgeon at the Mid
dlesex hospital, by a medical corre
spondent In India. Attached to Uln
da boy baby at birth waa a paraaltlc
"brother" possessed of the full com
plement of limbs, but minus head,
lunga and heart A month after birth
the parasite waa growing rapidly ao
that the parents sought eurglcal aid
tor the relief of the child. The oper
ation waa performed and when laat
heard from the child waa well and
developing normally. Ruch caaea, aaid
tbe British surgeon, ahould encourage
surgeons generally to separate con
Jointed twlna and spare the fully de
veloped Individual not only a Ufa of
bondage, but the Ignominy of being ex
hibited In public shows.
Righting a Wrong
Keeper (spesklng of new arrival at
aaylum) What' th matter with tbla
Superintendent He aaya tb air la
free and goes amund releasing It from
eenple'a automobile Urea. Judge,
Hat Many Application!
' Thore are three different meaning!
to the word "yankoe." It waa Brat ap
plied to nntlvea or cltlsens of th New
Kngland atatea, particularly thoa ol
old New Knglund fuinlllea. Then II
waa applied by peopl of th Southern
atatea to all tha peopl of th North
ern ttaloa, In general Lastly, It If
applied by the people of other coun
trlva to all cltlscua aud Inhabitant ol
th United Stale.
Htaiaehuu from Slight Colit
Usatlv PTtOMO QttfNINR Tatilals r
llava tss lUaDnche by curing the Cold.
Look for alanature ot & W, Drove e
th bos. Ida. Adv.
RtlimVmd Hi$ Mini
When Sylvester Wronbleskl of Ash
land, Wis saw what appeared to be
a large wolf aneaklng througli tht
brush ha ahot the animal and brought
It to .the county aent for the X
bounty. Tb affidavit was all mads
out and lb money was about to bs
paid when Dan Smith came In and
aaid th animal waa hta police dog.
He also raid other tilings, which can
not be printed. Indlanapolla New.
When a man'a temper la ruffled bU
brows are usually knit
Too will never bav a friend If 701
wait for on without a fault
The Cream
of the
' '--X:.: V jA k.
ft ,
William X Tilden 2nd
to protect his throat
smokes Luckies
"During the cour$e of tome of my itage appearances, 1
am called upon at intervals to smoke a cigarette and
naturally I have to be careful about my choice, I smoke
Lucky Strikes and have yet to feel the slightest effect
upon my throat," ACTrr ' . J
It's toasted'
No Throat Irritation -No Coughj
01928, Tha American Tobacco Co, Ino.
fttTT A mtTIk yourself of "creeping Ilia." Put your body In
trim by cleaning up your blood from the slowing
down poisons poured into it by inactive kidneys.
liver snd bowels. You may rely upon
tbe famous old Dutch National
Household Remedy in use since
jovo. i n original end genuine.
Aaaapl mm imiUOona
AflDnmsMa . - Three Mats