The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, August 12, 1927, Image 3

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A Blriintfir nudgod me In th rib
at (I10 picture show Ilia other night
"Has lit whispered, "I guess my
II fu Inn been waslml, after nil. I've
had Hire wlvee and I never kissed
any of 'em the way that feller' lining
"I It too InteT" I iniiriiiiiroil, en
deavoring t register sympathy.
"It he returned utitlly. "1 am
troubled with i hortiii'iii of breath."
W'lfey He linw nice and comfort
able ' mad It for you Dili evening?
lluhhy Yes nud It's a sura alien
you're on going to innka It uncom
fortable for Inn.
Ho, Hum I
Tbouih ninny Ihlnaa shs's Ufl
Itir w's ba w4,
I d..n't h.u.y.." said ha, "sh's Ufl
A Ihlnt unsaid."
She I cm only tie n--
IloDoit any Itt It won't do, !
hare five sisters already, and, to tell
Ilia truth, they are nm favorably die
posed toward you. They think
match with you would be the mistake
of my life.
Kh O, Indeed t I II ahw the ratal
Wo'll he ninrrled Just aa soon oa 1 cud
jet ready.
Harmony Needed
First Wife I told my husband
about those gowns Hint are selling
for a aonit.
Second IMtlo What did lie any?
"lie mill If I existed hi in to fur
lilsh the iintce I'd better thunge my
A Menage Scent Far
Iloat Whot do you think of theae
rlifiira? I got them from an alrjilun
!uet Whnt d'M-a lie use them for
aky writing!
I'he Mull Outside Two orchestra
enl, please.
The JIm n Inside Wrong place,
lirothcr. We don't aell aculi here.
Tlile la the hot nfllro.
The King Pett
Tha worst of all tha arnnrtntsnd pasta,
Of which you v hard about
la tha sur who'a alwaya asking,
"Bay, you, bow many'a outr
Beginning to Notice It
Mny ih, I don't believe llurold
lovea ma nny more.
Juno You have your hand over
your iiiiuinch Instead of your heart
Mny I know It lie husn't tent me
any candy for weeks I
Nof Marketable
MIm Shaw Whnt a self possessed
woman Alice la.
MIm Sharp Yes, and I don't tiiinit
tne ahn'll ever have a chnnre to dis
pose of the property.
Trouble Enough
To you hoi love thnt llncon wrote
8liiikeciin.''s plnysT"'
"No,1 answered Mlaa Cnyonne.
Toor old Huron had trouble enough
without putting; hltn up against th
dramatic critics."
Stella t'm to bo ninrrled next week
and I'm terribly nervoua.
Ell ii I suppose there'a alwnyi
I :
- ' . 'a
Moot with you, ypo i M
ICwHlHll 01 '
Am :
up "mrjV SO V I FANNV- LET
HE CM BE CHEEI5- ! f WM PlAV HO0Kv) jj
. Fa WHEM VX) 1 "19 ONCE THEM-; j;
; ism& wome-j ill1 xvAftjx
' wilf HAf?C5B0ILaB.'- DrPENCSr If j IfjKxPtiT AIUli fif )nOPE-A
i Mok tONCV ABB VE2 J omTWE- II j! PA(?OON FC8 I j I lilTM-OlNErJT. V
INFC? jJVGovecnog! J III !j.'V BtirV POuOrt.'11 'j! if OI'mThb NEW ii I
Under Arrest , .
he could Goto
h'j,y Y, "
Will Be a Big Diplomat
Jail Bird
W 0H50 f Xj II
Wlf "TrIATS ITl-'X j
B Taking Lydia E. Plnkham't
Vegetable Compound .
A neighbor advlaed tne to try Lydla
. Plnkham'a Vegotable Compound.
which aoe aald bad
helped ber ao much.
So I bought a few
bottle and tried It
out It f ure helped
me wonderfully. I
felt much better.
My work waa do
longer a dread to
me. IflbearcTany
one who la troubled
the way I waa, I
will gladly recom
mend the Vegetable
Compound to them and I will anawer
any letter In regard to the aame."
Mae, B Earn a Miaous, 1134 N. Penn.
re., Lanalng, Mich.
I bad been alckly ever alnee I waa
fifteen yeara old. After taking Lydla
B, rinkbam i vegetable Compound I
got ao I could do all my housework and
I am In good health.' Mm. IUbi K.
William a. Ketchikan, Alaaka.
From Michigan to Alaaka, from Valna
to Oregon and from Connecticut to
California letter are continually being
written by grateful women recom
mending Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable
The Compound 1 made from root
and herb and for more than fifty yeara
baa been helping to restore rundown.
overworked women to neaitn.
Are yor on tne Sunlit Boad to Bet
ter HealtbT
H LfwrMa 1he Irritation.
Im UiT('U.Mi Ml
(UI.VK, ft flutplt, d
ffftdaiila, mi rrtvaaly.
lit ei an oraiitau.
Vll ft leftW 1rt
Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh
6 lac 1S4 Ha Healrd Wotnda and
Sore oa Maa and Beaat
Ksmt but tm lr ken U MC ntu. i
One Advantage
Tm glad my wife I built long and
thin, sorter like a shoestring, a you
mouKht say," stated Cap Johnson of
Rumpus Itidge.
"Why?" Inquired an acquaintance.
"Well, she don't shade th corn
while she's s hoeing of It like a fat
woman would." Kansas City Star.
Prepared Especially or Infants
and Children of AH Ages
Mother) Fletcher' Castorla baa
been In use for over 30 yean as a
pleaaant, harmless substitute for Cas
tor OH, Paregoric, Teething Drops and
Soothing Byrups. Contains no narcot
ics. Proven directions are on each
packnjre. Physicians everywhere rec
ommend It
The genuine bears signature of
Early Abolitioniite
The first protest sgatnst slavery In
the I'ulted States was made In ldS
by the Society of Friends In German
town. Pa., according to an answered
question In Liberty.
Hvliavlor that Is not quite shx-k'
Ing can easily lie very annoying to
all people of good taste.
If one's relatives live 00 mllet
away be can brag more about them.
The Last
Flyotan hat killed
all hit milliont of
friendt and relatives
o woNDra he's Una. lie know
he's nest'
Flyoaaa has killed every single
fly anil mosquito in thousands of
homes this summer. Flyoaan Is tha
modern best way of fighting flying
pests. It kills them by the whole
sale not one at a time.
Flyosan Is tli original liquid
Insect spray (non-poisonous). I'se
Flyosan itself, not one of its Imi
tations. Flyosan not only kills ail
the Die and mosquitoes In your
home but aim rid It of the mil
lions of deadly, dlsrase-liearinf
germa which each one carries.
C I)
Duration of Soviet
Rule Eaiily Proved
"Comrade" Knllnln Is president of
the soviet union, lie Is a peasant by r
orlifln. Mke all good president Ka
linin make a pe'h occasionally.
He make a specialty of addressing
peasant atnllenves. Not long am h
made a speech at a fnrmers' reunion
not so fur from Nlgnlx. The presi
dent was drawing a grandiloquent pic
ture of life under the soviet regime.
At the outset he told his peasant-
listener that Russia w& the first
country to throw off .the yoke. Sud
denly he was Interrupted. Interrup
tions are not Infrequent In peasant
districts. "W have land and free
dom," cried one farmer, "but under
the czar eome of as had three pairs
of pant and now we have only one."
"Comrudes," replied the comrade
president, "the nettoes of Africa have
no punts at all." "How la thntr
came back the voice from the audi
ence. "Yon told u we were the flrt
to be sovletlzed, but If those people
In Africa have no pants at all, they
must have had soviet rule for at least
20 years. Pierre Van Passen, In the
Atlanta Constitution.
Tender, Aching,
Perspiring Feet
AsMzinf Raliaf In I Miauta or
Money Back.
Cet a bottle of Moone' Emerald
Oil with the understanding that if
It doe not put an end to the pain
and soreness and do away with all
offensive odor your money will b
promptly returned.
Don't worry about how long you'v
been troubled or bow many other
preparations you have tried. Thl
powerful penetrating oil la one prep
aration that will help to make your
painful aching feet ao healthy and
free from corn and calloua troublea
that youll be able to go anywhere
and do anything In absolute foot
comfort. '
So marvelously powerful Is Moone'
Emerald Oil that thousands have
found it give wonderful results In
the treatment of dangerous iwollen
or varicose veins.
Physical and Mental
Requititet for Flying
The exi'lolt of Lindbergh and
Chaniberlln have attracted attention
anew to the physical and mental fac
tors concerned In aviation, lay
Hygela Magazine, commenting edi
torially on their flight
Continuous flying for from 40 to SO
hours makes tremendous demand on
the constitution, since it Involves
sleeplessness, relative starvation and
constant concentration. In addition
to these factors Is the question of al
titude and the ability of the body to
meet the demands of the unusual en
vironment. Undoubtedly a physical examina
tion of a man who has Just completed
the terrific stress of a transoceanic
flight would show much the same
physical changes that occur In mar
athon runners or In workers who are
compelled to maintain concentration
for long periods of time.
Appropriate Decorationt
. A South Bend youngster, age three,
was helping his mother make ginger
bread. Molding It In the shape of a
mnn. be placed rulslns for the nose,
eyes, mouth and a row of buttons. He
began to decorate the flgnre'a leg
also wltb raisins.
"Why do you put ruUlna on hi
legst" asked the mother.
"Well." the boy explained, "him got
the hives." Indianapolis News.
A man of mystery can be Interest
Ing; but, usually, be doen't like It
It Is so much easier to forget a fa
vor than It Is to forgive an Injury.
"Swatting" only sroMers these
prrms into the air which yon and
your family breathe.
Her 1 the right InciUUe
for each inctt
rrrrasuir ant mod wnii
rtTEaiAsrs roach roon
You must have a specific Inseetl
eide for each Insect. Mo single in
srrtieiilo will exterminate them
all. We have hail nearly SO years'
experience, w e fcnoie that la true.
5 tfaflliilj
chance of the mnn getting awny up
to the InHt minute.
toe rink in, it r.c