Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1926)
I VOLUME XV IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Dec. 17, 1926 NUMSER 29 REBEKAHSJONVENTION SIXTH ANNUAL MEET OF DIST. NO. 20. Six Lodges Represented President Dora Sexton In Attendance. The sixth annual convention of the Rebkahs ol DiHtrict Nr.. 20, Comprising the lodKes of Morrow County, met in tho Mttionic Hal,, t lone, Saturday, December 11 at which time the following lodg ci were represented: Mistletoe, of Hardnian; Suiphlie, of Mor Kin; Holly, of Lexington: Anchor' of Board man; San Souci. of llepp per; Hunchgras. of lone. The ineelinir was opened at two o'clock by the officers of lone lodge. Alter the usual opening cercmoni-a thi-y surrendered the the chairs to the officers of the Convention, cheirmanCiai a Howk ot lone, vice chairman Alla'lWd son of Morgan, secretary and treasurer, Verda Ritchie of lone. The regular business whs rar rid out, during wtich President Dora Sexton of the Ri'liclahs Ah senibly of Oregon was introduced and welcomed. The address of welcome was giv en by Mrs. Vic a Ht-liker, Noble Grand of Un& Lodge. Mrs. Alta Troedson of Morgan Lolge re I ponded in k very pleaHidg man ner. Our PriblJent, Mia S -xton, made many kind and helpful su gentium and also many con ctions durir g the af it moon and evening sessions, which will be a wonder ful help in the future Sister Fiye gave an interesning talk on "Ob jct of Convention." Brother Frank Griffin' gave a splendid talk on Why lam an Oddfe'low. The various lodges made their reports and txcmplified dif fetent phast-s of the ritualielic woi k in a very pleasing manner, w hich ended the afternoon section. The banquet was rerved at six o'clock, after which the follow ing program waseijoven by all members and th many vimtors. Whistling Solo Elizabeth Phelps, Acc. by IUzj Pa t berg. Play, "Twelve Old Maids." Ladies of lane Lodge. Russian Dance, Gya Ualaahneft. MORGW NEWS Morgan and vicinity was visiled by heavy snow storniB Sunday and Wednesdny. The Morgan Rubtkahs attend the Rehekah convention at lone, Saturday, Drane Engelman and Allan Gordon were calling on Misa Gladys Medloek, Sunday after noon. Mr. and M-s, Herbert llynds were calling lit the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. Ely, Sunday aft ernoon. The Morgan Rebekaha enter tained the premdentof the Ore gon Rebkah AsHtmbly, Mids Sex ton, Friday night. Mrs. Henry Streets and chil dren are visiting Mrs. J. F. Hard esty before leaving for their new at Camas. Waahington. Mr. W. F. Pslrnateer left for Portland Thursday. He will visit there for a time. After the program, the visitor reiiied. The evenining session was opened bv lone Lobge. Thin hcing a special st-bsiun of the Oi der, kfter the opening ceremonies the officers their chairs to the olficers of Sans Souci Lodge who put on the degree work In a beau tiful and impressive manner. In fact the Heppner Rebekahs put on the best work we have had at any of our conveulions. The chairs mere again surren dered to the Convention officer and the business of the conven tian resumed. Sinter Lillian Turn rr gave a talk on "Harmony The full wing report were reao, accepted: Resolutions, Memorial, Thanks, qu-stion box and prest report which wa to appear in the local pnper. Heppner in vited the con ventioi. to meet with I hem next yearanti the LviUtion was accepted. The following are the conven tion officers chi sen for the com ing year: Chairman; Sister Olive Frvetf Heppner; Vice Chairman, Sister Cora Warner of Lexington; Secretary and Tnasurer, Sistei Verda Ritcnie of lone. Following a splendid talk bj SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR MORROW COUNTY. rristow &JontosoN, A Corporation, Plaintiff, . vs HALLICK STANGE, Djfenlant. To I lull Ifk HUnge, )i-(..iiliint, IN TIIK NAMK OK THE NTATP.OK OKI' (JON: Von nr licn-liy ri'qulri'd hi aiM-nr and nimwertlie complaint llt'il nKohiHt you In tin1 above i-ntl- t Iril net Ion on or the !(!Mh day of .In tiintr.v. 1:7. Ih'Iiik more limn 6 wivlm from tin' ilutH of Hit- flrnt puli- llcallon of tills Kuinmoim, ami II yon fall mi to, lor want tlicn of, I lit' plaintiff will take ii(li'iii'iit a- KiiliiHt you lor t tin mini of 11:12 00 wild lnicrvt tlH-reon nt tlm ratiol H H'r I'fiit nT u ii t ti in from J miliary Ui, Iff.1 1, and for tin- turn of f in Mi nlili IniiTi-Nt tlii ri'on at tin-rule ol U p"r ivnt H-r an mini from Scpli'in ht Int. IllJfi. an 1 for the fiirthi-r mHii of S I.17.M, with liili ri't tln-ri'on at Ihi' rate of il ptr'tiMit pi-r annum from S'litcnilxT PI, 1't.'4, and (lie n in ol $.5 00 altoriii'y'M fer. anil for llnliil Iff'H roxlK and ilUliuriw in nm i'iM'inl.'(l la ihlH lu ll. in. And you art-hiTi-liy furtlu-r notl fli'd that the plaintiff him canwd a (rrlt of alta'djiiK'Ht to lie IhhiiciI on the third day of Nin fjinlitT, lil.'ll, In Hie iiliuvo I'litlthd ncMon, and Iiiih Wimed the Hhcrlff of mill County and Hint to alt iu Ii the following di m-rllii'il pi TMOiml properly, Ixdolig Ing toy on, locati'il la Morrow (,'oun I), Wait- ol Oregon, to wit: 1372.3;! attiu hi'd and garnlxhed lit the IiiiikIm of Ward Oravtn, of lone, Morrow ('oiinty, Ori'gon, and one uprated cow, dejiorned. - And by virtue of laid writ of ut tfli hiiieiitand the Judgement IVrlii ;ifler to tin attained, the plaintiff, M1ll ramie mild personal property to loldbjr alil Wlierllf, In the uiaiiner preeerlwd by law, for the purpone of StUf; lug lt JnilKiine'it. i 'I lik .SuiuiiioiiM U piiMiMhed pur mini to the order of the honorable (IllM-rt W. V. rhelpH, Jadge of the above entitled t'oiirt, duly made anil entered oil the l.'lth day of DeiemlM;r, I , directing that the publication; de made once u week for tt periou ot U week conwi ulltely In the loin Itiih pendent, and the flmt publlca lion herein U made pumuunt to milt. order ou the t'tli day ol iH-cemlier. mi I V. II. Itoblimon. Attorney lor the !'lalnllff. fui-tofflce Addrene. lone, Oregon life. 17. 24, III. Jan -7. It. 21, 2S. ATTENTION PLEASE! "In order that parents may kno when tx expect the boys and girl home from basketnaU practice w. we wish to announce that the. will be dismissed at 9 o'clock. Suot. R L Skeen and Coacl e Fasnacbt and Sperry. President Dora Sexton, the cou vent ion was closed by the lone Lolge. Verda Ritchie AltaTroedton Opal Ayers Press Committee. WHEN WE TAKE A BIRD'S EYE VIF.W- TIiIiik iilwayn look different over u far pi rcecllve. If we taken bird' eye View of life everywhere, we appreciate how milnll it r l li-ii ) t it t iii. ii t h and liu'onveniei cee nally lire nnd how large Ih our good forlene. Today we of till- fnltel Stale ar euvled by the whole world. We h ive m .r. .1 itoni I'lile. nmrtfeletriolty, in ire l.'li'ph me more liouneholil luxuries, ni'ire huplne, tlmu all Iti.- rent ot the world romblneil. TheltANK ok Ion it believe that the eplrit ( optimum lull IN IC and vicinity I entirely Juxlifled. AVe all have reiiHiiu for grntltii li at thl TUaukHlvlnn Time. TWO DESPERATE MEN BOYS OF MERTON My room-mate' William Harri sonGreen, (called Willy for short) and I were out of jobs! This was very bad for two boys who were trying hard to work their wa7 through Merton Academy. It was tnis way. We were both working for Miller's Grocery and it went bankrupt and left us both in the hole. There was no other place for us to get a job in Met ton be ; cause that was the only store there. We had tried to sell life-in-suiance. bonds, hair tonic and Bradley shoes, all with no sue ces, for it seemed ever) one in Merton had more life insurance than he could carry and keep paid up or needed none of the jthf r articles. We decieed we would try some thing desperate because we must nave money or leave Merton A- cademy. We r?ceived leave of abscense for four days to go home, but in Uein we went to Ambuy, Indi ana, and just as luck would have t we saw the bank president put i large wad of greenbacks in a mall buckskin bag and start talking alone at night down a .ountry road, That night was so black that oj could not see your hand be ore your face, and so I says to Villy: "Now's our chance." iViliie agreed a'nd so we armeo mrselves for the fray. I had an id Colt navy that was so rusty t wuuld'nt shoo.t and Willy hao tagger like hunting knife. It started to rain and Willy van ted to go back but I argued ciat this was all the better so we t'pt on. Wm goon caught up a i t h out nan and we proceeded to tell him o"siick 'em up" which he did al nice. Willy gaid with gusto,-"Hand ).er that buckskin bag." The man soon gave us the baz. Th' n we told him to run for hit ife, an i I waved the colt so long in his face he fairly flew down tht oad, ( Concluded on pgt 4, column 1 ) LOCAL NEWS Rev. and Mrs. Paul Mortlmore are the proud parents of a so?, born to them on Tuesday, Dec . seventh. ; , Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bristow, Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Lundell and Mrs. Lana Padberg-' attended ! lodge at Morgan, Friday night. Willitm Hays returned to Ion, FriJay, after several weeks hunt ing and trapping in th rroun- tains with John Cochran. Ernef t Heliker and E. H, Turn er attended court at Heppner, Saturday. A large crowd from all over the county were in lone Saturday to attend the Rebekah Conven tion of Dist. No. 20. Arch Cochran motored to Yaki ma, buuday Star Brand shoes at Brietow and Johnson's. None better. Miss Winnifred Bartlemay who has been v:siting her brother Perry A. Bartlemay, fos the paat three weeks, returned to her home on Rock Creek, Monday. Carl Linn returned home Sun day after a few weeks visit at Cathlamet. Elmer Griffith left Friday for for Portland whence he returned Sunday with bis wife and young est dsogbter who have been no der the care of a specialist for the past month. Judge Robinson and LaxtonMc Mutray attended court at Hepp ner, Tuesday. John Louy'a have installed a new radio at in their home- on Main Street. OrinGrabill motred to Arling ton lhursday evening; to meet nis nephew, Floyd Grabill, who has been attending school at O. A. C. Grebe Radio. What can be better than a good selective, clear toned radio set for a fitting Christmas gift for the family. For the ideal set see the new GREBE at I. R.Robison's Garage. i I Xmas Gifts ii 3 X i3 9 If Silverware, Jewelry, Kodaks and Albums, Waterman and1 Parker Pens, Stationery, - 1 T" ' 1 . T T T i A 1. . U- 1 rerrume ana lonei vvaier. -iisu iunuy uiu- j x er useful gifts. We're always glad to show i? vou what we have. ti ToyS Larger and better assortment than ever be- fore with prices within the reach of everyone LARGE ASSORTMENT of . , JUVENILE BOOKS BULLARD'S PHARMACY THE GIFT STORE BANK of IONE j lone ----- Oregon j We Wish You, One and All, A Very MERRY CHRISTMAS. You Will Find a Lot of Art iclcs suitable for XMAS at BRISTOW & JOHNSON'S CHRISTMAS WILL SOON BE HERE Useful Gifts Are Most APPRECIATED f Look over my stock and you will find SUUICUIlliy IU I'ltUdC tVtl 111.1111 UI the family and friends. Silk Hose, Rayon Undenvear, Aprons Stamped Linens, Handkerchiefs, Alum iinum Utensils, Fancy Dishes, Fancy Sta itionery, etc. No 700720 wins MandoIin-Guitar Bert Mason