Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1925)
THE 10NE INDEPENDENT Publihed Ev y Friday by . V. HEAD, tiMtot-rublither suBscnraoN: Om yr 11.50 Six months ... , ., .......75 Tlitf months , 50 EnUrcd second riaas matter at the ostofflr at lone, Oregon, under act of March ;l, 1S7 Friday Jan. 2 1924 MORGAN LIFE James Warfield and family visited with their relatives over Christmas. Geneva and Beulah Pettyjohn isited their uncle and aunt last Sunday. Mrs. H. J. Streete- of Cecil spent the afternoon with her uncle Dec. 21. The B. & B. store at Morgan will receive your watch repairing for Haylor thejeweler, Heppner Mrs. Farrens of lone visited the Morgan school Wednesday afternoon. Alvin Ely enjoyed the zero weather Chriitmas night. For further information ask Alrin. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Palmeteer are visiting relatives in the Valley. Mr. Fred Pettyjohn and family and Mr. Edwards spent Christ mas with Pat Medlocks. Mrs. Earl Morgan and family of Broadacres spent Christmas with Mrs. Hal Ely. Mr. and Mrs. James Hardesty and children wish to thank their neighbors and friends for their help and Kindness during the last illness and death of Mrs. Hardesty's father. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hardesty. Eudora and Howard Hardesty. TROOPS TO STAY IN COLOGNE AREA Ambassadors Agree Not to Evacuate as Germans Are Believed Re-Arming. PaHs. nrmnnv'fl allnirod violation! of the treaty ot Versatile In reapct j to armaments wore registered here v .1 l, J - .-.II ... .1.... i 117 me nuipa cuuum ui aiutnsnuwi. The council Instructed Its secretary to draft note notifying the Germuny government that the Cologne bride head will not be evacuated ai stipulat ed In the treaty January 10. The allied ambassadors were unani mously agreed in recognising that Germany Is rearming and that pro gressive withdrawal from the Rhine land must await further Investigation of the interested governments. There was a difference of opinion, however, as to the importance of the treaty violations and the consequent menace to the security of rtie allies. Great Britain seemed inclined to minimize specific cases of violation reported by the military control mis sion, although agreeing that further light must be had on this matter be fore a final decision Is reached. The French and Belgians, on the other hand, regarded the alleged discoveries ot newly prepared parts for 40.000 machine guns, camouflaged In various ways, as alarming. the French share In the Dawes plan annuities, are included iu the assets. Although the figures wore omitted, Interallied debts were freely discuss ed. Finance Minister elemental re newed the French thesis that these debts form part ot the general allied resources pooled In war time, lie figured that a strict equity would semn to demaud a general addition ot war expenses and their distribution among the allies In proportion to the wealth, without taking Into accouut speciul undertakings Imposed by monetary necessities. FRANCE WOULD LIKE TO POOLALL DEBTS raris. France's war debts to Amer ica and Great Britain, amounting close ts 31.000.000,000 gold francs, are not listed as liabilities of the French treas ury as shown in a balance sheet is sued by the French ministry ot fi nance. Nor are the amounts due France f:om other countries for war and post war advances, amounting to about 15, 000,000,000 gold francs, Included In the assets. The Inventory was Issued "Tor non party purposes" with the view of creating confidence by a clean breast of the facts, as the document said. On the other hand, 103,000.000.000 fiaper. francs, as the capitalization of FRENCH DENY REPUDIATION Embassy Offlolals Reassure U. 8. and Reiterate Intention to Pay. Washington, I). C Unequivocal as surance from the French embassy Unit France had no thought ot disavowing her war debt to the I'nlted States has served largely to mollify the wave ot apprehension enveloplug the Amer ican capital on the heels ot what was construed as hint from Paris of the possibility of such a course. In reiterating the Intention ot their government. ..tu-meet. its. obligations. S7ntmns,7offli'iiilIrTouk TiTcuelou to ex plalu the legu! exact Ions concerning the now buluncu sheet recently given out by the French ministry of finance Which, by omhtliig all reference to tho American I'ebt, appears to have given rise to (he concern here, llecause it cc :ies under I ho class of oontempluted 1 ;teudltures which are Indefinite as to time and for which there has been 1 0 offsetting appropria tions, tho American debt, the embassy declared, under .1 provision of law pre venting Inclusion ot such items In the budget, could not be carried In It. The omission, the embassy officials emphasised, had no significance what ever, as to the mention of their government. California Or .nge Crop Hard Hit. l.oa Angeles Horticultural coin nilsaloncrs of I n Angnlea, Han Hern, ardlno, ItlveMiue. Orange and Ven tura count lea, at a conference here estimated the recent frost Damage In the orange gn of southern Cali fornia ut l!j pei cent ot the crop. l eave your watch repairing at Swanson's Fe"d and Supply Store forjlaylorthe Jeweler, Heppner. 7frm ,tv. I HUNTING, iPOSlED. PROPERTY 'JrankWmch; Send for your free copy of this book today!' Tbebooktellsyou how you can hunt on posted prop crty how farmer and sportsman can get together to their mutual advantage. Three-quarter of the hunting grounds is already posted. Where will you hunt this fall? Read the Look, "Hunting Posted Property" it'a free. E.LDU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO, Lac Sporting Powder Division WlUUM.roN.DU. MM SERVICE ji w . pi. 1 ff T- 1 J . .. . . .... is Droaacasting to an tne World this season "Come! We ars bttr prepare than evtr te entertain yoa and snake yeur visit wonderful experience," If you have never been to California it should be the eflort of your life to go. When you are ready to plan the trip let the Union Pacific brlp, Bml mrd to tht uMmlcnol by phone, or nil or call. I will giye you thebenrflt ot mrpereonal kiaiHn no nrprtmr', or I will lend you tbe UK fcelfttMl rlnud matter to bo bad. f know every route, ever trim, (very kind of equipment and Um exact coat, I will ecure yourilrrpuie; car acrommndetlooe, provide vom with an outline of your trip, and deliver your tirknt.. You Deed not leave your home or jrwur office to attend to botherwene detail!. I have the beat there la, aod It shall be youre Um moment 1 know you deairelt. J. W. HOWK, Agent, lone, Ore. MIIIMMMMMMMnHMMMUMUMHHMHMMtH Independent Garage! E. R. LUNDELL. Proprietor. axiim - i - in i i ii i -a During One Week commencing Dec. 24 and ending Jan. 1, every thing in this gar agenvill be sold at 1 0 Percent Discount I United States, Kelly-Springfield and Good Year tires and tubes 30x31-2 oversize tires $11.70 32x4, " " 19.35 and all other sizes in accordance. Everything in the house 10 percent discount. ! Independent Garage lone, Oregon. 4MMUMHMHMMMIIMIMMMIIMMIMMHIMMM r me hat cut fuel corfr. VERY LANG RANGE manufactured is built around the famous HOT BLAST principle and contains the LANG HOT AIR DRAFT, both orifcinal, patented fcuturcs. Forcing tho hout en tirely around the oven, utilizing evrv tv,!,.!. of fuel ond heutinjt everv inch of rru.lrinb r - , . ,0 BUI- face, the LANG ranfce is by fur the most econom ical kitchen ronfce on the market. Today LANG stoves are used and endorsed by thousands of American housewives. $ Let us show you a - to Annual Meeting of Congregational Church The annual buainesa nu'etinu of tho lone CuturroRatiotiHl church wad hold in, the church parlor Monday evening of thin week. Reports of officers Hhowed all bilU paid and small cash balances in hand. It was voted to continue the present arrangement with the acting pastor to the end of (he school year, June 1, 1925. Ollkers of the church whoso terms had expired were reelected. The annual roll rail and busi ness meeting of the Christian church will be held In the church basement Sunday, January 4. Dinner will b servd at noon, following which the roll call, election of officers and report" of activities will be presented, Miss Evelyn Mortimore Is spending her Christmas vaca tion with her parents at hcl o. V. II. Kobinson left on Wednes day forTortland and Salem where he will spend a few days in the interests of business. Ho it ex pected to,, return on Monday of next week. Dave and Victor Heltmann and P. M. Hoche left on Sunday for Portland to spend a few days vacation with relatives. ' ENGELMAN HARDWARE Co. We wish our many Patrons and Friends a Very Merry Christmas Bristow & Johnson IONE HARNESS SHOP . C A. 13 ECU. Proprietor ; Drop In and looK over my t Line of WorK Shoes. I x I have a good stocK of Gloves and Harness Supplies. 1 Repairing at Reasonable Prices. lone MarKet GE. W. RITCHIE, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In FRESH and CURED MEATS JYour Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Tabic First Class. A home away from home, with best meals In Central Oregon. SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service. Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENCINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon t i