Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1924)
THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published Ever) ,'YiJay by . Y. IlB.iD, EJiix I'ublisher SUBSCKll'llON; On year U-50 Six months ... 76 Thtce miinUiR 60 Entered as second clu.-a maltor at the postofllc at lone, Or. son, under act of Miitvli a. IST3 Friday. Nov. 28, 1921 MORGAN LIFE Mrs. Alfred Mattock, Mrs, Funk, and Mrs. Snxton of Cecil spent Wednesday w tit Mrs. Pat Medlock at Morgan. Mrs. Grace Medlock called on Mrs. Jane Wartield last Wednes day. Messrs. Ely, Harbison and Baurenfiend attended the services at the Congregational church at lone, Wednesday evening. All report a grand time. Turkey week in Morgan, and Lindstrom, Ely, Pettyjohns and several others shipped turkeys to Portland during the week. Bert Palmateer also shipped a veal. n Mrs. Okey Wigglesworth and children of The Dalles are visit ing relatives in Morgan. The Misses Gladys and Carrie Medlock also Gladys Graves visited Eudora Hardesty on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cosby accompan ied by their daughter, Mrs. Sara McCulley of Heppner, were transacting business near Mor gan last week. Miss Lei a Crowell was calling on friends in Morgan last Satur day evening. Mr. Mathew Ball was in Mor gan Friday afternoon, from Eight Mile. Mrs. Pat Medlock and Mrs. Fred Pettyjohn accompanied Mrs. James Hardesty to lone Friday afternoon. Mrs. Grace Medlock of Cecil spent several days last week with Mrs. Pat Medlock. , Harvey and Ervin , Medlock went down to Cecil last Saturday afternoon after their father, who is wot king for Mr. Krebs of Cecil. Ervin remained to visit' his uncle and aunt Mr. Fay Pettyjohn called . to see James Hardesty last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Graves and child ren of lone were visiting with Mr. Medlock and family last Sunday. The B. & B. store at Morgan will receive your watch repairing for Hay lor the jeweler, Heppner. Mr. Minor and family and Mr. Frtd Pettyjohn and family took dinner with S. Edwards last Sunday. Miss Cleta Palraatet-r and a friend were excerciaing their horses in Morgan Jast Sunday. .Morgan school has another new scholar. Miss Wiggleworth. Mrs. Este Baurenfiend called on Mrs. Harbison, Tuesday. Origin of the Editor A little boy was requested to write an essay the other day and "The Newspapers" was his aub ject. Here is the result: "I don't know how newspapers came to be in the world. I don't think God does either. . He ain't got nothin' to say about them, and the editor ain't in tho Bible. 1 think the editor is one of the missing links you heur about, and stayed intif the brush until after the flood, then stepped out and wrote it up, and has been here ever since. I don't think he ever dies. I never saw a dead one, and never heard of one getting licked. Our paper is a mighty poor 'un. The editor goes without underclothes all winter, don't wear no sox, and paw hain't paid his subscription in five years and don't expect to. Exchange. MMIMMMMMMMMMM Wilkins Champion Peanut Roller Bill Wilkins recently paid a freak election bet lost to J. ,D. Weed, when he rolled a peanut with his nose, along the sidewalk the width of Weed's law office. Wilkins bet John W. Davis would, win the presidency, but it was not "in the cards." . Some of the onlookers accuse Bill of working the peanut be hine his glasses before he made the start But others say he falfilled the terms of the wager with both eyes open, and his nose hitting on all four? Condon Globe-Times. Is broadcasting to all the World this season "Coie! We are tetter prepared than erer te entertain ro aaef auk a your visit a wemderf nl experlenee." If you have never been to California it should be the effort of your life to go. When you are ready to plan the trip let the brto. Send word to the uwkrtisn) by phone, or aiall or call. I wilt five you thr benefit of my pereonaj knowledr and experience, or I will mS m Um net kelpral elate enetter to ee h4U I know every route, every trem. every kind of equipment end the cuct emt. 1 will ecurc youri)?eping cv icmnmodotiono, provide yon with en outline of your trip, end deliver your tickets. Vouoeed not leave your home or your oftice to attend to ootnenomo deuilt. I neve the beet there It, end II ebnU be roan the mrenent 1 know you deem U. J. W. HOWK, Agent, lone, Ore. HUNTING RIPOSTED PROPERTY mmw. "nank Winch" Send for yourree copy of this book today! Thebooklellsyouliowyoucanliuiitonpoxtcd prop erty Low farmer aim sportsman can get together to their mutual advantage. Three-quarters of the hunting ground in already touted. Where will yoii liurft this full? Read the ook, "Hunting Posted Property" it's free. E. L DU PONT DE NEMOUKS & CO., lac Sporting I'nmlrr IHvitivn HUJIlNClOfl, DtL. , S W A. rnADTrn . vi V-"ii V Church. Nstcs A coat of p aster has been appl.ed to the, walls and ceiling in the basement of the Christian church and has added muth to its appearance. Repairs to the plaster of the main auditorium were made at the same time, The meetings under the direc tion of pastors Jones and Morti more have coi.unued through the week with good attendance and marked interest. An inter esting foivttir.e of these meetings is the answering each evening of questions submitted the even ing before. Wednesday evening a short Thanksgiving program was rendered by a group of children under the direction of Miss Morti more. 'Pastor Head .f the Congrega tional church' returned Friday from The Dalit s where he was in attendance on a- fellowship MIMlMMtH lUMMIMIMI meeting attended by pastors and laymen of Congregational church es in this part of Oregon. He reports a well attended and en thusiastic meeting. The Dorcas Society of the Congregational church held no meeting this week but are mak ing active preparations for the annual Christmas sale which will bj held on the 6th of December in the McMurray building on Main street. llev. W. 0. Livingstone, wife and daughter were in lone visit ing friends over Thanksgiving. On Sunday, November 30, an all-day meeting will be held at the Christian church. The Social r Committee of the Christian En deavor Society"wi be In charge of the fellowship dinner" t noon. Members and friends of the church are expected from Hepp ner and Lexington as well at lone and vicinity. An afternoon service will bo held at 2:30. Finish carpenters working on the school house have donated several evenings work in fitting the door and window casings in the newly plastered Christian church basement. . Independent Garage E. R. LUNDKLL. Proprietor. A complete stock of Kelley-Springfield and United States TIRES Come in aitd see me before sending your order away. Standard and Union Gas. Repair Shop in Connection Under Management of J. II. Hryson. $ independent Garage lone, Oregon. 4MMtMMMMMMMMMMMMIMMMlMttsMMM Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Mortimore of Echo, Mrs. Cirace Dubois and daughter Gencveve, of Adami, and MiHS Huldah Tucker were Thanksgiving guests of ' Paul Mortimore. RocKbottom Prices On John Deere Wagons and Van Brunt Drills We have a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Fresh Vegetables every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Bristow & Johnson - il-r - r, -7.. -- ...... H ". I IONE HARNESS SHOP C A. BECK, Proprietor dM' . V S TfTTzri nr. r jW I A 1 I ii uTsv II . 1 1 l Jim I 4 l I Wf Fll "..' kt.M MM ex? " x: i!,.:-fc--vl- iff y:r V ' Is Ji I ioht now- tor during the TOUR wocwork, your walls, your f loors and stairs, cup boards and furniture all. can con veniently be "freshened up" with a coat of paint, enamel, or varnish dur ing the fall and winter months. Make a list of your needs, then talk the matter over with us. We will be glad to advise you in protecting find beautifying your home, inside and out. Has moasen Faints and Varnishes are recommended v and told by us. BERT MASON IONE, OREGON t X t X ; Drop In and looh over my , Line of WorK Shoes. I have a good stocK of Gloves and Harness Supplies. Repairing at Restnn.r,!. P,: w ' a i ivrsi T 4. t ih : : ; " lone Market CI-Q. VV. RITCHIE, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Dealerjn FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table .First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. SAM. GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service. I Tfamwai PraJuUi Bern tni Roof Paint Well-Dure WeehsUs Truck end Tractor Paint Creoeote Shingle Stain Porch Floor Paint Recollte Enamel Wall Paint Intieb Floor Paint Oil Suina. V.rnlir. Floor and Vamiah Steins ere'i t Raimutitn Product for Ettry Surfaet HI Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND, MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon .: .Bl I