Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1924)
THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published try Friday by V. HEAD. SJitot Publisher SUBSCRIPTION: On year H-M Six monthi "6 Tbix nmntht . . . . , ....$0 EnUri a aacond Mss matter at to poatuffic at lone, Oregon, under act of MhitIi 3. 1S79 FrlJay.Aujust22.1924 Suspends Deer Killing Governor Pierce of Oregon has issued a proclamation suspending the open seaso.i for killing deer and other large game, beginning with August 20. Forest fires have been numer ous and widespread, owing to prolonged drouth. The danger of more conflagrations from thousands of hunters penetrating the forests and setting fires from shooting and camping is tremen dous. Many of the deer are driven from their usual habitat and crowded into small areas. The Governor's action is fully justi fied by humanity. The killing ot game is absolute ly prohibited until there has been sufficient rain to avert all possible danger of forest tires. His splendid example will be followed by many other states that have suffered from drouth and forest fires.-The Manufac MORGAN LIFE Noah and Fred Pettyjohn took some cattle to lone last Saturday for McNamer and Hughes. Mr. McNamer of Heppner was in Morgan last Friday buying cattle. Mr. Martin Baurenfiend, ac companied by his mother Este Baurtnriend and cousin Miss Mattie Wilson, also Mr. and Mrs. II E. Harbison left for Portland early Tuesday morning. Mr. Thomas, a Salvation Army agent was in Morgan Tuesday on business. Pat Med lock visited with James Hardesty last week. Mr. and Mrs. Graves of lone visited with Pat Medlock and family, Sunday. Mr. Smith, the Sunday School organizer held services at Mor gan last Sunday. John Calkins and daughter Daisy called at Willow Creek poultry farm Saturday night. Miss Gladys Medlock called on Edith and Margaret Ely Satur day afternoon. Cecil Items 1 i Mrs. John Shaw and daugh ters Miss Carrie and Mary of Ontario, Canada,, left on Wed nesday for Portland en-route for home. Mrs. Jack Hynd, sister- in-law of Mrs Shaw and also Jackie Hynd accompanied them as far as Portland. Fred Kay slipped while get ting out of his wheat truck the other day and falling on - the open door hurt one of tiis'ribs quite badly. Swanson's Chop Mill Has Fuller Paints, Oils, Glass, Screen Doors and windows. Apartment for Rent Electric lights, and water. Call at Independent office for information. Mr, Jem Daley and family from Salei i, Ore., are visiting Mrs. Jorda i this week. They arrived Wednesday ' and Mrs. Jordan will acconpany them on their return to Salem, where she will visit for about two weeks. Dr. D. H. Uaylor will be in Heppner Sept. 1st and 2nd. The B. & B. store at Morgan will receive your watch repairing for Hay lor the jeweler, Heppner, RadioCentral On the north shore 'of Long Island, the Radio Corporation of America haa constructed a Radio Central, super power radio system that simultaneously can send and receive messages from the great nations of the world across the ocean. This giant of radio, with its steel towers cov- Do Your Eyes Need Attentioh? Dr. D. R.HAYLOR Eye Specialist will be in Heppner September 1st and 2nd. " CECIL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs J. E. Crabtree and children of "Cuchoo Flats" accompanied by Arthur Turner were after fruit in the Hermis ton district during the week. Elvin Schafer and Vic Reit mann of lone were the guests of Mrs. Jack Hynd at "Butterby Flats" on Sunday. W. E. Ahalt Jr.. herder for Krebs Bros., of "The Last Camp" left on Sunday for Portland where he will spend his vaca tion. Mrs. C. Ebi and son accompan ied by Mrs. Driscoll and family, all front Heppner, were doing business in Cecil on Wednesday. Sydney Willroottlof The Will ows has been the guest of Leon Logan for several days. Johnnie Logan assisted Sydney on his "Voyage of discoveries" in the Four Mile district. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Joe White on the arrival of a beautiful baby daugh ter, born August 14th at their home near The Willows. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Tyler and children, accompanied by Mrs. Tyler's sister and children were calling in Cecil, on Sunday Mrs. Tyler's sister, Mrs. Dufur, has recently arrived from New Mexico and intends to locate on Willow Creek. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stender of "Seldom Seen" were visiting friends near Cecil, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell and family from Rhea Siding were the dinner guests of Mr. . and Mrs. Ernest Lundell at lone, i on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L L. Funk and daughter Geraldine of Ceci spent the week-end with friends at Wasco. R. E. Duncan of "Busy Bee" ranch has been busy extracting honey. His returns are 3,700 lbs. This is a much smaller yield than last year, which Mr. Dundan says is eaused by the dry season and so many of his bees dying for want of feed. "The Mayor" and his daughter Miss Violet Hynd and niece Miss Carrie Shaw of Ontario, Canada, arrived home on Sunday, after spending a few days in the mountains above Granite. The young ladies report having "the time of their lives. Their only regret was not killing the bear they aimed at and meant to hoot." Have you laid in that supply of Wood and Coal for winter? We have a large stock on hand at reasonable prices. Materially yours, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. By the way- iVpStED)M Send for your free copy of this book today! The book tell yon howyou can hunt on potted prop erty how farmer ana sportsman can get together to their mutual advantage. Three-quarters of the hunting ground la already potted. Where will you hunt thi fall? Read the book, "Hunting Puated Property" it's re. E.LDU PONT DE NEMOURS A CO, Uc Sporting Potrdtir Dlcition U.M1.1UTON, uu. Dance and Show In Legion Hall AT IONE, SATURDAY Aug ust 23 Show starts promptly at 8:00 ."THE OLD HOMESTEAD" : Adults 25c Children under 14, 10c, Dance Music by lone Five-piece Orchestra Tickets - - $1.10 erlng more than ten square miles af land, hM made the United Stales th" focal po'nt of the world In the transmission. and reception of wireless Intelligence. It stands as a monument to American achievement, tha greateat milestone in the pro grvn of radio acreas the ocean, The Manufacturer. v m ink failure. - Ai ails- fuel covl? gVERY LANG RANGE, manufacturad it built around the famous HOT BLAST principle an J contain tha LANG HOT AIR DRAFT, both original patented fin tu its. Forcing the htat en tirely arounJ tht oven, utilizing every panic! of fuel and hunting every inch of cooking sur face, the LANG ran&t U by fr tha most tconom ical kitchen ranfce on tha niurkot. Today LANG Move ara used and tndoratd by thousand of American housewives. Let us show you a mm ENGELMAN HARDWARE Co. Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURCEON Craduate Nurse Assistant Phone-Office Main 933 Residence Main 4'J2 HEPPNER OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE IONE, . ORECON CHURCH DIRECTORY FIRST BAPTIST CHUttCH Rev. E. B. JOHNSON, Pastor Services every alternate Sunday at 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD, Pastor Services 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH PAUL D. MORTIMORE, PaBtor Services 10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Lexington Church Directory LEXINGTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. WALLACE JONES, Pastor Sunday school ' 10:00 a. m. Christian Endeavor 4:00 p. m. Services 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF LEXINGTON Junior C. E. 6:30 p. m. senior c E. 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Clyde R.Walker,M.D. Physician and Surgeon ' Office in Drug Store. IONE, ORECON HEPPNER TA1L0R1NGC0. TAILORS Cleaning ' Dyeing Pressing Repairing Heppner, Ore. A. D. MCMURDO, 11 D. Iliyskian and Surgeon Office In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner Oregon . When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all the Court! IONE, OREGON . Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner Oregon