Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1924)
POR TI A Mtl JL UiV 1 Lfl YJ Mallory Select Residential & Transient 16th and Yamhill, Portland, Onion. Modern Fireproof American Plan RATES MODERATE C. G. APPLEGATH Oregon Music Teachers Convention JUNE 6-7, EUCENE, OREGON. Every Teacher Invited to Splendid Program. Pre. David Campbell. EWC. Portland We Need More Good Cream MUTUAL CREAMERY CO., Portland. GLASSES That Fit CHARCES None Better REASONABLE Dr. Harry Brown 149 Third SL PORTLAND. ORECON We Specialize in Hides, Pells, Wool, Mohair,' Tallow, Cascara, Oregon Grape Root Coat ikins, Horse Hair Write for Shipping Tag. A latent Price Liat Portland Hide & Wool Co. ICS UhlON IVtNU. MDRTM, CO TUN 0, QM0QN. brunch at Pocatello. Idaho AUTO PARTS FOR ALL CARS At leas than H- Price. Mail orders promptly filled Pacific Auto Wrecking Co. ute,tSSf SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Removed without injury to th skin by Ney-Bom I,ilatory. Sample on it-quest. Ney-Born Lab oratories, 61& Moittun H Ida.. Portland Oregon. See Yellowstone and Southern California These two wonderlands have been reproduced in charming illustrations by the Union Pacific and bound in book form with adequate description. Doth can be easily obtained and will prove extremely entertaining as well as instructive. Write for copies to Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Plttock Block, Portland, Ore gon, who will forward them freely to any address upon receipt of request. rnnlAAn HtinC(Cuaran- lUUMUbu uunt "4 Hnle HILUBORD CHtMIUAL till. HII.l-SHOHO, OKfcGON Gold and Silver Plating. Send ui your old Silverware. Reflectors and Musical Instruments for repair and resilwriTtR-. We save you money. B. L. Foote, 3sti'i Washington St., Portland. PLEATING, HtMSTITCHINO lluttiina, rVnlliiping. I'earl-I'leot K'ige, Wi-ie Hcmstloliirg. Ktnlnonleiy, Uullun li.,),.. All work guuriititeeil. Smith Pleating and Button Work,, 823 Morgan in Bldfl.,r'oriiana, vr. When You Have Suffered Enough and hay pp nt enout?!. money fnr tlnijr cilica that have ptn (iu.'nl im) ..units. In i,..v l.lvt.r- mm. I l!ifl trnul-lt-M 11ml IM I KT M ATtHM, then write tn me, niuti- ynur Hilim-tit, .-nd eruioni 4 ccritw Iti (t;.iitt f-r tnv Free Booklet, wnlt-h will tell yuu the wuy lin-k to New Lif. Ht-nlfh ami Miipjiincsfi with MARCELLS MIRACLE MINERAL AtMrftfM, Marcell, the Nature Man. 901 W. Lcinbird St,, Portland, Or, rit'ufte nu'iitiun thin t'Up. r. Set of $8 .00 Teeth, We giiarantee material and workmanahip. Palleu extraction of ,,.,k 9,1 vear. in the me location. V. S. DKNl'lTS.Wv Waah- Inston cor. Sec.uid. Portland. Oregon. 1 USED CASH REGISTERS Scali-n, Kic.tlic C"f,ie Mllia, Show IIKNKH.W, STiHIK AMI KIXTI'ltB CO. S','4 t;li'-.'iii St, pnrtl.ind, nii'k'in Tel. ltrM.lwy 4"l! CUT FLOW'ERS TtORAL DESIGNS Clarke Hroa.. Flnriata, !H7 Murriaon 81. Why Not Buy a gol re-l.ullt uxed car from Du rum nnd m'f a lot of money pay 1-3 down or trade your old car aa firm payment, take 11 muiitha on "!l,n'rSEr CARS OfARAVTFKO Just aa enav to buy III Portland where vou get rli .lce of pal earn, all makes, n'l mo,l. la-we hav, good oars ftiiin I;'11 o" up Write Ua Today about the kind .f a r ynu like l,,.,tv(e'n vi , ou a Hat of cars, prii r te- m. OURASTS USED CAR CENTER New Half-Dollar Design VTashlngton. Treasury officials have placed responsibility f"r selecting the design of the half rlullnr memorlallilng the tercentenary of New Netherlands snd the arrival of the liuimenots la America, on the commit tie In charge of the tercentenary celebration and the Fine Arts coninilsslun. Robert J. Grant, director of the mint, explained that the dislgn was forward ed to him by the committee and was 6? li.v v mil i 'A- mm OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Oregon VATJDEVILLB FHOTOPLAYS Compile Change Saturday. Adulta, Week day Matinee, Sue; Eveninge, 40c, Continu ouel to 11 p. m. Children 10 eente ill tlmee. Hotel Portland's Oldest FUR House Etttbluhtd 1870. Remodeling, Repairing, Storage. 129 Tenth Stret, nar Wash! niton. ROOT AND HERB REMEDIES If taken in time, prevent operations for Diabetes, Catarrh. Asthma, Lunif, Throat. Liver, Kidney, Kheumatiim, Uluod, Stomach and all ft'iimte (tisonlern. Bladder Trouble!, The C. Gee Wo Remedies are harmleu, as no drug or polton art wed. Composed of the cholseat medicinal roots, herbs, buds and bark, im Ported by us (rum far away oriental countries. Call or W rite for Information C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company New Location-262W Alder St., S. W. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon fcntabliahed 23 Years in Portland. PLEATING SPECIAL Cut, seam, hem and machine pleat skirts read for band. $1.00 Heinetitrhint. pifotinj and t tick Inf. EASTERN MOVELTl HfU. UU 85 H Fifth St. Portland, Ore. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Pleating Embroidery Uemstitchintr, Buttons Covered. 6TEHH AM "S i letH Tenth St., Portland ATTENTION LADIES , Sanitary Beauty Parlors Wi fli 70a tip, w malt, all kind, of Hair Oooda of your eombinga. Join our fi'-hool of Beauty Oultare. oo to 414 Dekum Bids. Phone Broadway- 6902, Portland, Oregon. AUTO KNITTING INSTRUCTION All machines taught and repaired. 42S Yamhill, Portland, Or,. BATTERIES Hebuilt second hand bntteries, $10.00. 46 Grand Avenue, Portland. BRAZING, WELDING k CUTTING Northweat Welding k Supply Co., SS lat St. CAMERA" AND KODAK REPAIRING Adolph W. Harr, Ablngton Wg., Portland. Complete Lin, Bottler,' Supplies l'oi tland leverage at Sply Co., 431 Stark DENTIST " Charloa 8. TVollIn, Suite 601-602 Stevens Building. Portland, Oregon. FEATHERS AND FLOWERS Do not throw away your old feathera. We clean, dye and remodel and match aamplee. New Flow era and Feathera mada to order, if I yeara eatab liahed. We guarantee all work. Hartneaa Feath er Flower Shop. Sho'-i Washington St. HOTELS WABASH. Rooma We. tM Madlaon St. SURGICAL CORSETS Mad to measure, 407 Washington St. If you are troubled with Appendicitis or Stomach Trouble, write Hiss Company, Port l nd, Oregon, for free Information in German or English. BANKERS' AND BROKERS' SALE. OF USED TRUCKS We have taken over the following trucks from the Portland Motor Car company and Automotive Rrnkernge company, which muat b, sold at once In conjunc tion with the bank's trucka, Packarda, Nash, Republic, Maulers, deary, White, Wlnther, Klsael, Federal, Dodge delivery, Comet tnd other mukea. All sixes, In cluding dumps and hoists. Terms to suit CHAPERON MOTOR CAR CO. Cor. Grand Ave. and Salmon, Portland. 35 ? SAVED ON nCILDINO MATERI ALS, all kinds, new uml tilted, AIho lutnuinir iuiipllen. hardware, bldtr. bapfr, uatiitH, vurniHh. Write r Par rail, Dolan Wrecking t Const. Co Ct. Eaet ith and Belmont, Portland. Millor Paint Co. -Wallpaper We invite you to call and limpet t our line of Wall Papers and Taint or aend for our free catalog. Select what you want from nur line and nave inoitpy. 172 First at., I'uitlan.l, Oie. GOING TO BUILD? We htive hundmls of plane at $10.00 and up. Send ut e sketch of the home you want and wm will sub mit similar iprimn pinna. No obliaatiun excapt to nturn plans if not suitahla. O. M. A K E R S Dealrnlng and Drafting. Hl-U Couch Building, Fortuuid, Oregon. CLEANING AND DYEING For reliable Cleaning and Dye ing eervtco aend parcele to ua. W'e pay return poatare. Inform ation and price, given upon re queat. ENKE'S CITY DYR WORKS.. EaUUiehed 1W0. Portland, Or SILK SHOP Foroign snd Domestic Kafoury Bros., lal Alder St. Guaranteed Dental VVork Extracting Adaolutely rainleaa. Very moderate pricea. All work done without pain. When You Think of Teeth Think of DR. R. W. DONOHUE 2S4Vs Morrison St. Cor 2nd St., Portland 10 Years' Successful Practice. DnNDDIFT-5HDP Chines Lacce and Novell. ei Oilt! lur dim rlniituitiriK ppia 2-i4 Moirtaun Ht., I'oitianJ Horses Just Arrived. JuM arrived, three carload of fntl all rtiund purpose hornpM, Wf-ufhlnu from 12'ia to l'iu poundK. Will hitnir for hoi Mfn, mult-e or cattle. We guarantee all et'Hk an rt prfHi-fitt-ii. We rnt ly thf day, wpfk ir month, with or without hrnit. North Portland Horee a Mute Co., Union Stock Verde, North Portland, Oregon, t Empire 0121. Was Not U. S. Creation submitted by him to the (oinmlsslun which returned It with one or two changes. It then whs approved them and Secretary Mellon. Officials of the mine showed much In lerest In The World editorial recently quoting Doctor Zwerlein of Rochesti-r ss awing "Protestant propaganda" in the fact the cola was stamped with the simulacra of William the Slleni sad Admiral Collgny. FREE 4x6 Photo of your BABY tn Us BIRTHDAY Month Sowell Studio US 1-2 3rd St. Betwttn Aldtr dt Morrison A'DOR'MEE BEAUTY SHOPPE Marcelling Facial snd Scalp Treatment uur service win eausiv ju.. we are open evening, otn at numion cue. Opp. Central Auto Park, 200 Terminal p lag. ,u pais i ra. The Bob Shoppe When In Portland have vour hair cut at tha BOH SHOPPE, AUr cel.lnf. Ouilimr. Experts Only Employed Phone Alain 1576 MO rnRur Blcla. Portland, Oregon BARHON'S THE WASHINGTON CLOAK-SUIT HOUSE 268 Waah. St., Between 3rd and 4th. I jHlec' Cuata-Sulta. S14.85 Dreaaea, S7.SO. LOUICJ Silk Hoae, SI.OO. Aak about our S cial Payment Flan and free photo olfer. Alvu tiun thia ad. Wall Paper Specials Bedroom paper 10c, 15c, 2ic, Double roll. Itest duplex oatmeal, 45c bolt. Wash able kitchen pa purs 46c double roll. Tap estry papers 35c, Bc, double roll. Frea Banipte hook oil reuiiPHt. SMITH'S WALL PAPER HOUSE 108-10 Second Street PortluiiU, Oro. PLUMBING "MATERIAL Baths, Binka, toilets, basins, boilers, pipe, valves and fittings. Prices reason able. Standard Plumbing ft Heating Co. East 6th and Morrison fits. Portland, Or. C Ifxrx Backache, K id ney. Nerra JlUJJ anri madder Troubles, with a box of BU-KOLA Kidney and Bladder Tablets, $1.00 a Box, complete treatment, 26c Trial Box. Positively guaiuntued or money back. Address. BAKER DRUG CO., Fifth and Burnalde, Portland) Oregon. We a I o specialize in mail orders of Drugs and Sundries. DR. ABRAMS SYSTEM Por all Chronic Diseases, Madison PldgT. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS h HHY 8ULLIVAS 212 S. Broaaway. Tell Main 8740 MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Teaches trade In I weeks. Borne pay while learning. Positions secured. Writs for catalogue. 134 Burnslda atraat, Port land. Oregon. oKDook "mil, and while you .mil another smiles; And by and by there's miles of smiles, And life's worth while because you smile." MAIN DISHES A GOOD, substantial dish which Is not hard to get ready for a good sized family is Alaskan Dish. Cut two pounds of round steak lute eight pieces for serving. Dice one-half pound of salt pork. Cook the pork, one cupful of minced celery snd on large onion in the pork fat. Fry the steak until brown on both sides, add to the rest of th Ingredients, blend two tableapoonfulg of fat with th same of flour, pour over th meat snd simmer alt together for thirty minutes. Just before serving add on cupful of cookeS spaghetti and on pint of stowed tomatoes. Serve on hot platter. Panned Oysters. Bcald on cupful of oysters. When the edges curl, remove them from th liquor. Take one tablespoonful of but ter creamed with two of flour, add on cupful of milk and cook until thick. Add one-half cupful each of broken nut meats and chopped celery. Season to tast snd sdd the oyster. Remove th tops from rolls, scoop out the soft part, toaat th tops and shells snd fill with th oysters. The shell may be well buttered with soft butter befor filling, adding to th daintiness of the dish. Baked Lima Beans and Tomatoes. Soak a pound of beans overnight, parboil for five minutes or longer to soften, rinse snd cook until tender. Add on teaspoonful of salt to each quart of water used. Season s pint of tomatoes with salt and pepper and onion Juice. Add It to the drained beans. Put into s beanpot with two thick slices of bacon or aalt pork snd bakt nntil the bacon Is crisp and brown. Fricassee of Tongues. Sheep's tongues or small calves' tongues may be used. Take four, cover with boiling water and simmer until tender, adding a few cloves and s small onion; season with salt when nearly done. Remove, cool, skin and cut lengthwise ; season well. The neit day, roll th tongues In flour and fry In butter and chopped onion until brown. Serve with a brown sauc sea soned with a dash of lemon Juice. Serve with hot boiled rice. (. lilt, Wester Nawapeser Ualaa.) Cow3 to Be Profitable Under averse farm conditions, s cow needs to produce 2(X) pounds of butterfat a year to pay all expenses In connection with ber feed ami care In other words, the cow that wilt pro duce this amount of butterfat will pay for her feed at market price, pay for all labor In connection with her keep, Interest on rnouey invested, taxes, etc. Aliens Are Made Citizens at Rate of 15 Per Minute New York. Naturalization of aliens at the rat of 15 per mlnut continue In th county courthouse, where six Justices are aiding County Clerk Done gun to give S,0U candidates their final pspers before th duties of naturalisa tion are tranaferred to th federal bu reau. Borne girls marry for money because It 1 necessary to bav an excu. m THY NEIGHBOR i AS THYSELF By DOUGLAS MALLOCH 14T OVE thy neighbor as thyself," The holy Scriptures run; We wish the Lord would tell us, though, Just how It enn be don. For there sre often neighbors near, There may be neighbors even here. A few that we could tell you of We Und It very hard to love. "Love thy neighbor as theyself'f But what about the kind Who speak so sweetly to your face And otherwise behind? And what about the neighbor who Are always borrowing from your And neighbors who run In and stay I'pon your very busy day? "Love thy neighbor as thyself? The ones who keep a flock Of chickens that will crow and cluck At half past four o'clock? And folks who let the baby cry, To find the trouble never try? And folks who pluy yes, what of them? The piiuuograph st 2 a. m ? "Love thy neighbor as thyself And live In sweet accord. There's only one thing we can think To make us do It, Lord : There are some neighbors w could lova Just like the cooing turtle dove If on some bright and sunny day They'd only up and move away. I br McClura New. paper Syndicate.) (J Something to Think About bj F. J. WALKER LIGHT OR DARKNESS IT IS for you to choose whether you shall make your dwelling place where th sunbeams are, or where the shadows lie. From those rational Individuals who mark upon a seal th division be tween light and darkness, to these who never give thought to th matter, time slips away with the asm pre cision, caring not who makes use of the precious minutes or permits them to go to wsste. Th man who wanders about In the gloom, Indifferent as to the direction h I traveling, Is heading straight for the dlami.l laud of nowhere. H la th frowning, fault-finding man, blain Ing others for his falls and bruises. U lives In perpetual darkness and thinks darkly. The world has too many such men, too many women of th same miser able type, stuhblng their toes In the dark simply brcaua they stubbornly refuse to lift their eye to th guid ing light and let reason Illuminate their soul) with glorious faith and bop. Everywhere they go, they take with them the clammy chill of midnight. Their presence Is oppressive, though they cannot he made to bellev It. They are Important to themselves, but fill to Impress their Importance upon those whn consistently press forward smnng th Industrious on the great suullghted hlghw ly making th beat us of their talenU. Anybody, It I supposed, ran ay wbat be means, but If yon will take time to converse with one of these benighted mortals and seek to draw him out, ynu will And that In his case he hypothesis Is not true. It takes the genial sunlight to crown th orchards and the fields with fruit and grain. And Just so does It re quire a spiritual sun to bring forth th gnodness In msn and loosen his tongu to utter words of cheer and wisdom. Th sunny men and women make th best of things, eveu when their world Is gray and cheerless. All that I beautiful, Inspiring, lovable and noble, com from their enlightened minds, Indulgent to the wayward, sympathetic to the unfortu nate, benevolent and merciful. Into the world's darkest plures, Into th gloomiest hearts, these humane men snd women scatter sunshine with out reserve. Who does not bless them? I br tiaClsre Newepaeer Syndicate ) Has Anyone Laughed At You Because By ITHEL R. PEYiUt You always pledge at mass meetings? Hsven't friends said to yon: "What, soother mass meeting? Are you going to get up and pledge another week's salary; never saw such a pledger?" Let them laugh. It's but a mirth screen for their own disinclina tion to give! You bar enthusi asm, you have Interest outside yourself, you sre not selfish and petty. They are the fMgllngs to your pledgllngl Keep up your good work going will never make you less big and Interests will never dry you up I SO Yeur get-sway her let Keep It up you have been as S ship t a drowning, strug gling finance committee. ' br MtClars Nawapaper Braalesta ) STATE NEWSt IN BRIEF. : Salem. Tho Salein Shrino club, at a meeting held bora Friday night, de cided to stage a Shrinera' circus In Salem, April 29 to May 3. Tillamook. Tho Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company is planning a largo construction program for Tilla mook county for the summer of 1924, according to E. G. Munson, manager of tho local exchange. Tillamook. Flung are being made by St. Albans mission, which Is Identi fied with the Episcopal dloceso of Oregon, to erect a parish houso anil church building In the near future on the property, recently purchased, nt Sixth street and Third avenue east. Albany. About 200 Oregon Agricul tural college students in the history morning to study the historical rollcs mronlng to study the historical relics in the two local museums. In the afternoon the party went to Tangent to visit the old Indian mounds In that vicinity. Salem. Tho Oregon exhibit, which has been In Portlnnd for a number of years, Is being transferred to Salem and will bo placed In the lower cor ridor of the state capltol. The ex hibit Includes numerous varieties of wood, ores, fruits, (Trusses, grains, wool and other products typical of this state. Salem. State traffic officers work ing under the direction of T. A. ltaf fety, chief inspector for tho state motor vehicle department, caused de linquent fees In the amount of 17357.15 to bo collected In March. Fines Im posed during the month as tho result of stale traffic officers' activities ag gregated $3129.35. Sulvm. Oregon, with a population of 783,389. has $400 per capita based on the resources of the 2S1 banks now in operation, according to a report prepared Friday by Frank Bramwcll, state superintendent of banks. Re sources of tho Oregon banks total $312,216,530.70, with nn averago pop ulation per bank of 2752, Salem. E. A. Clark, president of tho Kings Products company here, has purchased tho Hubbard berry pool for 1924. The pool Includes approxi mately 125 tons of berries. With the exception of 15 tons of cherries the entire pool will go to the Kings Pro ducts concern, The deal was nego tiated through W. L. Dentley of Wood burn. Murshfleld With tho water about 40 degrees abovo zero Sunday, Itev. J. I). Chnppvllo baptized a few of his flock In the Pacific ocean, following corcmonles on tho beach at Hasten dorff's. Notice of tho service at tho beach drew a largo congregation of outsiders and the novelty of ocean baptismal wus observed by folk from all about the bay. Salem. A check of tho senior classes of the standard high schools throughout the state shows that there will be graduated from tho public high schools in Oregon this year a total of 4G84 pupils. Of these 1977 or 42 Pit cent are boys and 2707 or 68 per cent girls. Tho check was mada by J. A. Churchill, stale Nuperlntcndi'tit of public Instruction. Tillamook. Four business houses on Tillamook's main street were seri ously damaged by fire Into Sunday. The loss was estimated at $15,000. Tourist cafe, Plasker music house, Dawson & Dunn grocery and Pulm confectionery, all framo structures, were ahlitzu and nearby buildings wera threatened by flames which were favored Ly a stiff northwest wind. Vernonln. Advices received from tho Columbia county court state that the Vernonla road district will re- celvn more genernl and special road funds than any other section in the county. This Is because tho district comprises practically all of the stand ing timber nn the Nchalcm water shed. According to the latest assessment, It has an assessed valuation of ap proximately $4,500,000. Sulem. Clrangn organizations from many sections of Oregon have accept -d Invitations to Join in the automobile caravan which will leavo tho state fair grounds probably July 1 for a trip through many counties In the western part of tho stale. It has not yi-t been determined how much time will bo required to complete the trip, hut It was predicted that tho grangers would bo on tho road for a week. Klamath Falls. Coming on the heels of recent statements by Presi dent fiproulo of tho Southern Pacific that Klamath Falls was the second largest freight shipping point In Ore gon In 192.1, a statement covering last year's shipments on tho Klamath line has been completed by J, J. Miller, district freight and passenger super intendent, showing 13,700 carloads of freight shipped from Klamath In 1923. ago Jijitr every meal A pleasant and agreeable sweet and a l-a.s-l-l-a-o; bcnellt well. G on a leeth. and df Ma' neat tautf As It Used to Be. Headline In exchange: "Cap Arrest ed for Taking Tirlbe." We aro remind ed of the old Jolto about policemen having a snap because the public pays them for protoction from vice, and vice pays them for protection from tho public. Uoston Evening Transcript. Both at One Throw. J. n. M. writes: "What a saving of time and other things there would he If a fellow could take his first ocean voyage and Ills first smoko nt tho snme time." Huston Evening Tran script. Sheffield Steel Supreme. Sheffield is still credited with mak ing tho best steel In tho world, lis virtues aro attributed partly to the secrets known only to tho manufac turers, and partly to tho water used In tempering it. Mrs. E. I), llonunvood Oregon Women Vote "Yes" On Important Subject Portland, Orcg. "Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has triveti me (treat help and I am to give It my recommendation. 1 sullm-d a physical and nervous 1 became very weak ant! my whole system seemed tn he in bail con dition, hilt alter l.lklllK about two bottles ol the 'l-avonle Prescription' my health returned, my tu rves were strong, ami 1 never felt better. " Mrs. V.. ). Ilomewootl, 1 70 Ivy Si. 11 you're nervous or troubled like Mrs. liomcVYooil. e,o to your drun fjist at omc and obtain Ibis i'u--scriptioii ol I'r. I'lriee' in (.iblrls or liquid. Wrilr Or. Pierce's in llui fulo, .. V., le,r Irec advice. If Creek Girl Would Find Husband. In some parts of (Ireeeti nn girl can ever hope to find a liiihand until shu has a home of lu r nun. Stray Bits of Wisdom. Men are like flcni va wutclies with crystal faces which impose the wholn movement. Kiiiithoii. Bath for the Plants. Your household plaulH will flour lull nnd bloom If you give tlniii u bulli about unci! a month in water to which ummcnlu him been nibb-d -nays a tea spoon to a quart of liquid. Wanted It Set. To the clerk who had juit sold her a thermometer n woman said: "Would you be an kind as In set It lit or,? That's about what the doctor says I'm to keep tho room nt." , . ' ' First Use of Figures In Europe, Figures In iirliliini.tb: wero Intro duced Into Europe from Arabia In 991. Until then letters wero used. A Crazy Look. From a story -"Qnllt wus written In every lino of his fate." Ilu.iloii Eve ning Transcript. la needed In every department of houee keeping. Mueily good fr tuwele.t.Me linen, aheeia ami pillow raaea. f.rnreri Business College Placet Graduates In Good Poeitioni Enroll any time of y"r Write for frta urcena rat Hi" Fourth and Yamhill, Cortland, Or a. P. N. U. No. 17, 1924 J ami i. -. &Mitf aeaifi i l,m.f.M SSaaalteuic:eaMaea-jii : . me! n.