Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1924)
o 'a PORT! A Nn 1VIV 1 LilllLf iPKIil Maliory Select Residential & Transient 15th and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon. Modern Fireproof American Plan RATES MODERATE C. G. APPLEGATH Maid O'Clover Butter FINEST ON THE COAST MUTUAL CREAMERY CO., Portland. GLASSES iVih That Fit-None Better CHARGES REASONABLE J Dr. Harrv Rrnwn r ' 1 I 149 Third St. - V PORTLAND, OREGON We Specialize in Hides, Pells, Woo), Mohair, Tallow, Cascara, Oregon Grape Root. Goat Skins, Horse Hair Write for Shipping Tasre & latest Price Llat Portland Hide a Wool Co. 101 UNION AVINUI NORTH, rOATUNO, Oft 10 ON. brunch ttt Pocatello, Idaho AUTO PARTS FOR ALL CARS At le than Trice. Mail ordera promptly filled Pacific Auto Wrecking Co. """'i and SUPERFLUOUS-HAIR" Removed without Injury to the ikin by Ney-Born Itepilatory. 8umpl on miurat, Key -Born Lab oratories, 619 Mor yan Hidtf.. Portland Ort'iron, See Yellowstone and Southern California These two wonderlands have been reproduced In charming Illustrations by the Union Pacific and bound In book form with adequate description. Both can be easily obtained and will prove extremely entertaining as well as Instructive. Write for copies to Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Pittock Block, Portland, Ore gon, who will forward them freely to any address upon receipt of request. TnORPPfl Ml DC (""- IUUNUUU UUIlb teed) , Write HILLSBORO CHEMICAL CO. HILLSHORO, OkKGON Gold and Silver Plating. Send tie your old Silverware. Reflectors and Musical Instruments for repair and reellverlnR;. We aitve you money. H. L. Foote, Washington St., 1'ortland. COT FLOWERS k rLORAL DESIGNS Clarlia Proa. Fiorina, ttt Mormon Bt. wj m km L ff mm Treated by Skilled Specialists THE astounding growth In my practice In treating Piles and other rectal and colon disorders has required larger and better equipped offices in my own new building and an increased staff of skilled assistants. It has also given me an unlimited experi ence which enables me to GUARANTEE to cure any case of Piles by rny non-surgical method or refund the patient's fee. There Is no confinement and ttreimentimav be taken et per- My fee Is eitremelr moderate. Write today for mr FREE illustrated hook. 2m CHASTE DEAN.M D.lnc 5TM AHO MAIN - OPPOVTl tOtRT HOUSl fORTlANO. OREGON .i.WTV.". r."ri. w.,w W.iTtwfl PLUMBING MATERIAL Path, rtinka. toilet. Lttslna, bollera, plpa, valves and fittings, 1'rkee reaaon abi. Standard Plumbing ft Heating Co. Knt th and Mnrrlwon HtH, Portland, Or. THE WASHINGTON CLOAK-SUIT HOUSE 8W Wah. St., Hetwn-n 3rd and 4th. t arflac' ft-Smt. SM.SS presses, $7. SO. LOUICJ Klk t1 00 A,k ,,,, our Kll. f ial Pavmenl plan and free photo offer. Men tion thia ad. hfcB . -V' ,J DON'T MURDER YOURSELF THROUGH IGNORANCE AND NEGLECT Ptnp doi.lrsr yourself with Mfdl- in", Itiikx, 'tplatri and rolnonn hi;J nuhinitiii.; t utuif -nary orf iiiiit.ii If you suff'-r any kind ,f ,ti or dmtifH. If you art wnk, iiM'VfiM .'iii'l i tin-it.-wn In t 'r;-titutiuii, 1 jh.i any kind of STo.MM'H. K ' i S K Y, LIVER, ur l(iVKL liu-ild, Cuiit!i'at!ui, t sMi:).-i,tnn-',i f Food, cfttistintf km- r i -. tr un kinit of RHEUMATISM, and hay- s-pmt lota of inutuy doitoiiiifc without re ault. WRI'I'K to iiif. iid !t.iie our troubit, anl lt ni? (fivf to yuu th Secret of New Life. Health and Happtnett, an wh grn to nie by an id Hermit of the Moutium". which. rnnd rn : well man, Mfts-r 1 had suffered for over thirty yrnra, finally le ornirig oii!plt ly ljiali(d for a-vn montha, Toiy, I own that aerret, I am a Itrentu-d Thvul' ian. doing Mlnslonary woi k mnoi f sufferer I charQt nothing fur my aervlcr. this or work. All you can pay for If anything, will he the CchT or th NATVKE St'UKTANCE I Will tell you about, whlrh rnnniHtfl of the MIN'KKALH of th EARTH In Natirnl Korm, known now ae Marcall'a MIRACLE MINERAL (aold i.riVr a label) with w hich I hnve made thouftHiida well, and have thlr grateful lre timonllB. The C'"at will he ftom I cent to 60 rnta a dnr for your home treatment, tor ' dHa, depending entlrlv upnn whnt ailf you. Send ma 4 centa In atanipa, for mv Itnoklet entitled A VOICE FROM THE CRAVE," and atate your trouble, and I will and you a I' inagrioxm rtnra I' liiria mi wip i mrn ui miouifi nave for a j. uii f Ia' CoiiMltuti.'nal Iloma Treatment. Women, ufferUig with trouhlt-a peculiar to their aejt, wrlta to ma. Addieaa, Dr. M. B. MARCELL. W1 W. Lombard St., Portland, Oregon Held Up Policeman Cleveland, o. Renjumln Kucken metsrer n'1 ,wo companions ottempt d to bnU UP William Klamn, a patrol msn. They discovered their mistake too 1st and Kuckenmeister wss fstsl ly wounded. Tbe other bandits es caped. Scolded, Shoots Husband Paris. When Jeun Grandpean scold ed bis wife for using snuff, sht shot tlm desJ. Tbe woman was arrested. OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE Port lurid, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO PLAYS Complet. Chance Saturday. Adulle. Week day Matinee, 2uc; tiveninge, 40c. Conttna qui 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 cents til Hum. Hotel Portland's Oldest FUR House Eitabli.hed 1870. Remodeling, Repairing, Storage. 129 Tenth Street, near Waihinfton. PLEATING SPECIAL Out, m, hem and machine pleat skirt ready for band. $1.00 EASTERN NOVELTY UFO. CO. 85H Fifth St. Portland, Or. INFORMATION , DEPARTMENT Pleating Embroidery Hematitchinir. Buttons Covered. STEPHAN'S 16CW Tenth St., Portland ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Beauty Pallors Ws fix yon ep, we make ait kinds of Hair Goods of your combings. Join our Hrhool of Beauty Oullare. 400 to 414 Sekum Bids., Poons Broadway 8902, Portland, Oregon. AUTO KNITTING INSTRUCTION All machine. taught and repaired. 428 Yamhill, Portland, Ore. BATTERIES Rebuilt second hand batteries, 110.00. 4C Urflnd Avenue, Portland. 8RAZINQ, WELDINO t COTTINO Northweatjn'elilina ft Supply Co., SS 1st Bt. CAMERA AND" KODAK REPAIRING Adolph W. Hurr, Ablnglon Big,, 1'ortland. Complete Line Bottlers' Supplies Portland Heveruge & Sply Co., 431 Stark FEATHERS AND FLOWERS " Ilo not throw away your old feathere. We clean, dye anil remodel and match aamplea. New Flow ers and Feathers made to order. 20 yeara estab lished. We ruarantee ail work. Hartneee KsMth- er & Flower Shop. 'iHVt Washing-Urn St. HOTELS WABASH. Rooms 6c. 204 Madison St. SURGICAL CORSETS Made to measure, 467Vashiiigton St. If you are troubled with Appendicitis or Stomach Trouble, write Hiss Cumpany, Purtliind, Oregon, for free Information in German or English. BANKERS' AND BROKERS' SALE. OF USED TRUCKS We have taken over the following trucks from the Portland Motor Car company and Automotive Hrokernge company, which must be sold at once In conjunc tion with the bank's trucka, Packarde, Nash, Republic, Masters, Geary, White, Wlnther, Kissel, Federal, Dodge delivery, Comet and other makes. All slses, In cluding dumps and hoists. Terms to suit. CHAPERON MOTOR CAR CO. Cor. Urund Ave. and Salmon, Portland. nf SAVED ON BUILDING MATER! W ALS. all kinds, new and used. Also ejsj plumbing supplies, hardware, bldg. paper, paints. varnlBh. Write or Per cnll. Dolan Wrecking ft Const. Co. Cent. East 8th and Belmont, Portland. Miller Paint Co. -Wallpaper We Invite you to call and Inspect our line of Wail Papers and Paints or send for our free catalog. Helect what you want from our line and save money, 172 First Bt., Portland. Ore. GOING TO BUILD? We have hundred of plana at 110.00 and up. Bend ua a aketh of the home you want and we will aub mit aimilar aperf men plana. No obtig-atioo except to return plana if not aui table, T O M A K R D C Deaiirninr and Drafting. 611-12 Couch Baildin. Portland, Oregon. CLEANING AND DYEING ror reliable Cleantnr and Dye Intr aerri?e eend parcels to ua. We py return poeUire. Inform ation and prtcea givea upon re guest, tNK.E S CITY DYE WORKS.. EiUhliahed 1890. Portland. Ore SILK SHOP 33 Japanese Ponaree 2. M. M. 79 cents. Kafoury Uros., IM Alder St. Guaranteed Dental Work Extracting- Adaolutely Painless. Very moderate pricea. All work done without pain. When You Think of Tetth - Think of DR. ft. W. DONOHUE 234(4 Morrison PL Cor 2nd Ht, Portland lu lears buccessrui practice. COND'S-niFT'HHDP C" hi none litcfa Hnd DuveKlf-a CiftH fur dtMcrlniliiutliii penpj 3h4 Morrlaon fejt., I'm tland DENTIST' CImrl4 8. Wollln, Suite 601-6U2 Stevani ftulldtiia, I'ortldiid, Or-gnn. MOLE R BARBER COLLEOI Teacht-a trada In t waeka. Soma pay while lournlnf. Ponltlona aecured. Writ for catalogue. 234 JJurnalde atraet, Port land, Ort-KuH. i'teaae urn iuii w aieniion una paper. U. S. Bureau to Guard Washington. A system of Ore pro tection for timber lands belonging to New Mexico will result from tr.e sgree ment recently made between the state suthorltles and the forest service. United States Iiepartment of Agricul ture, Under the provisions of the agreement all of the state-owned tim ber lands located within or adjacent to national forests within New Mex ico will be InclUwed la the general fir Why Not Buy a good re-bullt used car from Pu rant and save a lot of money pay 1-2 down or trade your old car as first payment, take 12 months oa balance. ALL USED CARS GUARANTEED Just as easy to buy In Portland where you get choice of luO cars, all makes, all models-we have good cans from 250.00 up. Write Us Today about the kind of a car you like best we ll send you a list of cars, prices, terms. DURANT'S USED CAR CENTER- 10th and Burnslde Portland, Ore. Wall Paper Specials Bedroom paper 10c, 15c, 20c, Poubla roll. Best duplex oatmoal, 45c bolt. Wash able kitchen papers 45c double roll. Tap estry papers 35c, 5oc, double roll. Free sample book on request. SMITH'S WALL PAPER HOUSE 108-10 Second Street 1'ortland, Ore. Hotel Portland Hotel Multnomah ungar Building Mary Elizabeth Shop Facial and Scalp Treatments, Marcelling, Permanent Wave. Children's Hair Cutting, Hair Iiyelng. Tourist Booth Service Si Cents. Nestle ' Permanent Wave Specialict. ALL BEAUTY WORK MARVEL BEAUTY SHOP 1)5 Tenth Street, Ground Floor, Near Stark. Telephone, Buy. 6156. Horses Just Arrived. Just arrived, three carloads of gentle, all round purpose horses, weighing from 1200 to 1800 pounds. W'lll exchange for horses, mules or cattle. We guarantee all stock as represented. We rent by the dav, week or month, with or without harness. North Portland Horse 4 Mule Co., Union Stock Yards, North Portland, Oregon, Empire Olil. . For KIDNEYS, NERVE and BLADDER We Have a Guaranteed Treatment BU-KOLA KIDNEY TABLETS 25c Trial Box, 2,1. 00 Complete Treatment. Positively Guaranteed. Address BAKER DRUG CO., Fifth and Burnalde, Portland, Oregon. We also specialise In mull orders of Drugs and Sundries. National Goitre Treatment Corporation, of Ma eon City, la. Guaranteed Home Treatment. Our prescription Is not a patent medi cine but the reault of years of atidy and experience In the treatment of Goitre. It contains no narcotics nor habit forming drugs nor anything that Is In anv way Injurious to the human svstem. We re fund every dollar you pay If we fall to get satisfactory results for you. Johnson A Lloyd, Branch Managers SSI Cham. ofCom. Hldg,, Portland, Ore. USEO CASH REGISTERS Scales, Klectrlc Coffee Mills, Show Cases, Butchers' Display Cases. GENERAL STORE AND FIXTURE CO. 274 Ullssn St., Portland, Oregon Tel. Broadway 4017 Set of Teeth, $8 oo We guarantee materia! and workmanehip. Pelnleaa extraction of teeth. AOe. 2U reara ta the aame location. V. 8. DKNTLST3. H& W ald ington cor. becond, Portland. Oregon. POISON OAK ECZEMA and ITCHING SKIN DISEASES McKINNIE'S MEXICAN REMEDY Established U87 (37 years), surpassing In Its effei-L Your druggist will supply you at thirty-five cents, or address Labors tory, 641) Kast 22nd Street. Los Aligeiea. Sample free by mall. Stone Proves Grenade ,Yv Vnrk. I'tirt of s liantl grenade fniinil by Victor l iiliic h, ten years old, epluii'i nn I HtiiiiHTi'il I lie tips of the rinp'rs of bis left hum. The lad tliiiuulit he whs picking up a rock when he reiichpd for the prc-nude. The ai t moment li went off, nnd boys alth wi.nm he was (ilitying fled. iliiipi's crushed for Juice miiy be ' 1 degrees Fahrenheit to '"vor uud color. To Print New Stamps London. The lirltlsti government has changed Its slump printers, the fourth change since 1S.'18, and Creut Urltaln's postage stumps will now be turned out In the reel us they are In the United States. The new Arm has Installed up-lo ilate machinery for the lupply of 8,O(iO.0iiO,0()O stamps, which will be require! during HKM. If conversation la on entertainment, silence uiuy have been overpraised. Ever Count to Trillion? Heidelberg, Germany. Situs the terms billions and trillions came Into dally use In Ormiiny In connection with the paper murk, some one has Gfured out that If Adam had sturted counting In the Garden of Kden, and kept ou counting ever since fu tills day, ho would reach the total of g tril lion some time within next year. A New York man attempted to steal s robru from the zoo Bulb in Babe' i Stomach West New Vark, N. .1 Louie Her nellih, sixteen months old, Is In s crltl chI condition at (he North Hudson honpltul, as i result of having sual lowed g smull electric light bulb. In the course of treatment to remove the bulb from the child's stomach, the sins wa; shattered. New Mexico's Forests protection organization that has been built op by the federal government. The stste of New Mexico will poy Its shars of the costs. New Mexico owns sbout 1,200.000 acres of timber lands to which the fir protection will ei tend. The adoption of the protective system brings New Mexico well to the front among the states from a stand point of conservation of atate-oaueil timber. II mm Something to Think About bf F. J. WALKER ' BEHIND A .MASK XXTITH the exception cf children, who are Just beginning to Uud their way about through a labyrinth of words of perplexing colorings, meanings and difficulties, the great majority of humans habitually hide the truth behind a carefully adjusted mask. To our shame, be It said, we take ss naturally to exaggeration aa a duck takes to water, or an eagle to the naked cliffs. Behind our mask we are guilty of every conceivable form of degrading ileeelt, agiilnst which the better part of us rises very often In silent pro test, though It avails nothing beyond a temporary twinge of conscience. Kmotlon, passion, pride and avarice are shrewdly concealed from our Inti mates, and we frequently chuckle to ourselves at our nhlllty to continue the fraud without being aupected of the despicable purpose that causes It. We puff out our character and at tributes, posing ss saintly beings, when we know In our hearts we are the op posite. We like to magnify ourselves In the eye9 of others, Just as they seek to en large themselves as they strut before us, preen their fine feathers and crow In sheer vanity. And this conceit, which Is very dif ficult to understand In reasoning be ings, is responsible for much of our unhapplness. H la at the best a perilous weakness, sure at some time or another to strip us of our rags of dishonor In the pres ence of those of our friends whose good opinions we prize and wish to re tain. Hut under the masks our faces ex hibit no concern when this thought steals suddenly upon us, though we muy experience a sickening sense of humiliation when we try to look the world In the eyes. A man or woman with a restless personal ambition Is very apt to wear a mask until he or she fulls to reach a cherished goal. In a burst of anger the disguise Is brushed aside and we are horrified as w catch a glimpse of a terrible face we never knew. It Is only when our strength wanes, when our hands tremble and we atraln our fulling eyes toward the darkening west that we And couruge to tear the mask from our face and reveal our selves as we really are. It Is then we tell those about us to be unashamed In the simple garb of truth as Is the ingenuous child. 1$ by McClure Newepeper Syndicate.) ;;' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ONLY A :: HURDY-GURDY :: By DOUGLAS MALLOCH ; II I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I 1 TL'SIC beneath your window A Suddenly sweet, a tune! Maybe a song recslling. Song of another June. "Where Is It from, the luuslcl Look and see, If you can." "It's only a hurdy-gurdy, And a hurdy-gurdy man." Maybe your heart was weary, Worn In the wsr of trade, Weary of fault and f's'ltire, Sick of the wealth you've made; Now It Is all forgotten. "Who Is this piping Pan?" "Only a hurdy-gurdy, And a burdy gurdy man." Once, In the gone forever, Once In the long a no, A boy with a soul of music, A youth with a heart aglow, Dreamed of a mighty organ. Where Is the dream, the plan? Only a hurdy gurdy And a hurdy gurdy uian. Music beneath your window, Suddenly sweet a tune, Maybe u song recalling, Song of another June Playing upon the heart-strings As only a master can. Only a hurdy-gurdy And a hurdy gurdy man. it) by elef'lure New. paper Syndicate ) JOOOOOOO OO OOOOOOOO 00 OOOO 00 Mn You May Marry By E. R. PEYSER Has s man like this proposed to you? Symptoms: Tou fall for him for he believes In woman. He Is Just short of tall, deep voice, not over-clesn hands or over brushed clothes a bit baggy al together. He wss one of the types that gave suffrage parades a bad look but you forget It now. Talks abou women's wrongs, women's opportunities, men's tyrsnny quality. IN FACT He likes you becsus you're the only woman who thinks he Is your eo,ual. Prescription for HI Bride: 7) rorgef his equsllty notions j becsuse he has. AB80RS THIS: As a Man Talksth so Often Is He Not. r by llcClere Newepeser Syndloeta ) K OOOOOOOO CHS OOOOOOOO OOOOOC tvAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa STATE NEWS ! IN BRIEF. I Ij.aaAaAaaaaAaaaAaaaaaaAaa www spsyeyeeesy eyyeFeysrwsew wwww www Marshflold. The Coos Hay Busi ness and Professional Women's club hus arranged for Its nnnuul May day festival May 2 (lu tbe Murahfleld armory. Salem Sulum business houses probably will close their doors during the ceromonlos attending the unveil ing of the stutue, "The Circuit Rider," which will be held on the cnpltol grounds here Saturday mornlug, Blurt ing at 11 o'clock. s Salem, Hlds for the construction of highways aggregating approximate ly 20 miles will be considered by the Btnte highway commission at a meet ing to bo held In Tortland April 29. Port Orford. The local postoffice has made a considerable gain this last year. The first quartor of the present year was better than any pre ceding year, making a gain of nearly 10 per cent. Money order receipts for (he last calendur year totaled over $20,000. Astoria. With the announced ob ject of strengthening the city's credit and regulating the making of any fu ture bond Issues. Beveral proposed amendments to the munlclpul charter have been adopted by tho city com mission and will bo submitted to a vote of tho people. Salem. Eleven women are seeking political honors nt the hands of the Oregon voters at the primary elections to he held May 16, according to the declaration of candidacy filed In the offices of tho secretary of state. Seven of tho women candidates are listed as republicans, whilo four aro demo crats. Eugene. The McKenzto highway, all tho way from Kugeno to a point 10 miles west of the summit of the Cascades, with tho exception of one short stretch, Is now in good condi tion, said Nolson F. Macduff, super visor of tho Cascade natlonnl forest upon his return from a trip over the highway recently. Eugene. Six prisoners mado their cacupo from tho I.nnn county Jail at 6 o'clock Sunday night, when they cut through tho brick wall nt tho same spot through which ten Inmates made their escapo on tho night of April 2. The holo cut lit that time had been bricked up and tho now bricks were knocked out. Ilend. Hcnd's population Blood al "532 Erldny afternoon, with the count still incomplete In tho census being taken by tho Ministerial association and the local commercial club. Pos sibly 150 or 200 more names may be turned In. As It Is, nn lucreaso of vlrtuully 40 per cent over tho federal census figures of 1920 Is shown. Clatskanle. Tho bank resources of ClutHkanio are over tho million dol lar mark and aro the highest In Co lumhlu county, according to ihe re ports mado to the superintendent of banks at his call of March 31. The total resources of tho two Clatskanle bunks aro tI.03S.970.31. St. Helen comes second with combined resources of I994.96J.02. Mill City. Sam It. House of the Sunllum gurugH went to Albany Fri day to confer with the county Judge and commissioners In an effort to have them purchnso needed equipment to plain tho roads In this vicinity In proper condition. Immediate action Is necessary to sitvo tho roads from going to pieces and sacrificing work formerly expended upon them. ' Portland, Lumber production for the first 13 weeks this year showed a comparatively heavy Increase over Ihe output during tho sumo period In 1K23, according to figures whb h have Jimt been completed by the National Lumber Manufacturer's association. Uiirlng this same period, both ship ments and orders have shown n com paratlve decline, the Htatistlen allow. Pendleton.- Dr. J. O. Kenyon, Mil ton dentlHt, was sentenced to serve live years In the state penitentiary In circuit court hero Saturday by Judge I'helps on a rharge of arson. Tho de fendant recently entered a plea of guilty to tho charge, and asked for a parole from the bench. Tho petition was denied at that time, but the do fondant received mora time, to make a further showing why ho should be paroled. Troutdale.-- Kosldenls of Troutdulo, together with citizens In various parts of the state, have rallied to the protec tion of thn annual smelt run. With the recent organization of thn Oregon LoHt Liberty Fish and Game, associa tion they have launched a campaign not only to bring tho estimable little eulachon back to tho Sandy river, hut to restore as well tbe former glory of the stream as a favorite thorough fure for steelbead and salmon trout, and spring Chinook. MBS after, every meal Cleanses month and Iccth and aids digestion. Relieves that over, eaten leeUng and acid tnoutn. Its I-a-s-t-l-n-g flavor satlslies tbe craving lor sweets. Wrlgley'a Is double value In the benellt and pleasure It p. jviJci. 5eagf is III Parity rackagm. Traveling by "Ant-Line." In Australia there are ants which build their nests along a north and south line so accurately that a traveler may direct his course by their aid. Precaution. Store Detective "I'm suspicious of Unit woman; sho seems furtive." Floorwalker -"Well, keep your eyes on the furs." Boston Transcript. Saltbeds In Nova Scotia. Sultbeds covering an area of 40 square miles exist in Nova Scotia. Olio bed ulniie is suld to be 900 feet wide and 80 feet deep. Sometimes. Ill any organization, If a member Is reluctant about accepting Its work, bo is moro likely to bo allowed to do it the way ho likes. Mrs. Mary Diefcndorf ' V- leW-tf ' OitKOOM MOTUEUS HAVE Health v Children Salem, Oreo;. "Durinu; my first expectant period I was weak, nervous nnd al run-down, I had severe headaches, snllcrcd wilh nausea, or sick sttmiach 1 was so weak I could not do my work, but alter taking l)r Pierce's" l avorile Pre scription my health gradually im proved, I became strong and felt line, I had Comparatively mi suf fering and my baby was very strong and healthy. "When my daughter was grow ing into womanhood she caught cold. 1 gave her the 'Favorite Prescription' and it built her up in f;ood health and completely rcgtl atcd her condition so that she had no trouble, but yrew naturally into womanhood." Mrs. Mary Diefcn dorf, KJS S. 2Jinl St. Get the Prescription today from your druggist- liquid r tablets, or send Kit to Dr. l'iercc's Invalids' Hotel in N. Y., for trial pkg. Write fur free medical advice. Wouldn't That Be Nice? Nearly every "good conversational 1st" thinks conversation ought to bo a monologue, with an occasional "yes" by somebody else. What She Said. Alice "Did you say 'This Is so sud den' when Jack proposed to you?" Agnes - "No; I Intended to, but I was ho fhiHtered that I forgot, and tried 'At!' Instead." Johnny Was Well Taught. Teacher (new style) -- "If a man took two driven, one mid iron allot and two putts to make a hole, how many shots would that be?" Johnny "Dud would cull It lour " High Genius. The power of separating thn Intel lect from the. seuses, and reason from Instinct, Is churnclerlHtli; uf the high est genius. Sleepiness Is suh nn elusive func tion that It visits you In your evening chulr, but flees as soon as bedtime' arrives. ueed fnf hebr' clothee, will keep them iweet and snowy-while until worn out, Tryltendaeeforyouraelf. At grown I utlneae College Placee Qraduataa In Good Positions Enroll any time mr Writa for frea uiv-ftM tvatatlnir- Fourth and Yamhill, Portland, Ortfua. P. N U. No. 18, .1924 1 1 I a a mi II ' It