Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1924)
0 PORTI ANH IViVlL.niU B lcnotTOAY at wwmuTf Page & Son JPortland, Oregon g Mallory Select Residential & Transient 15th and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon. Modern Fireproof American Plan RATES MODERATE Return Postage Paid On Replated Articles Auto Lamps and Spotlights Resilvered OREGON PLATING CO. ELECTRIC HEATERS 174 East Oalt, cor. Union Are,, Portland, On GLASSES That Fit-None Better CHARGES REASONABLE Dr. Harry Brown 149 Third St PORTLAND, ORECON We Specialize In Hides, Pells, Woo!, Mohair, Ta!!ow, Cascara, Oregon Grape Root. Coat Skins, Horse Hair Writ, for Shipping Tagi & latent Prica Llt Portland Hide a Wool Co. 101 UNION MtWt NORTH, POIITUND, ORISON, liranchat i'ocatello. Idaho BUY THE BEST HORSE COLLAR MADE All lone rye at raw stuffed Insist on having- the collat with the "Fish" Label. If your dealer does not handle this brand collar, write to ui direct. P. SHARKEY A SON 63 Union Av., Portland, Ore. AUTO PARTS FOR ALL GARS At leas than H Price. Mall Anient promptly filled Partite lutn Wrar.kir, I n '"Mm New Pacific Korlhwest Pocket Map The Union Pacific has just receiver from the prei-s a new pocket edition in dexed map of the Pacific Northwest, which is perhaps the most complctt and convenient map of Oregon anc Washington ever published. A copj will be sent free to any address by Wm McMurray, General Passenger Agent Pittock block, Portland, Orerrnn, upoi receipt of request by card or letter. Belvue Poultry Farm Phone Tabor 3039 47th and E. Divii Street PORTLAND, OKKGON. To farmers and others: We are buyer of large or small quantities of poultry, HiRhent market prices paid. Cheque mailed same day a a shipim-nt arrives. No comnilsnlnn dr due- ted. Keferences, Vewt Count .National Dunk. I ill My New Offices ABOVE il pictured the splendid new i quarter, now occupied by myself and large itaff of experienced rectal specialists. These offices, located directly opposite the Court House, In the center of Port land, are among the most modern and bate aqulpped medical ot&cci in tha We. If you ara .ufferln, with Pile or othar ttctil Ilia a to ma lor aaaminatlon an.1 tor my mmurav c.l, pr.cttc.lir p.tnlcM trr.f. tnentwhtchl. to cure your Piles ot youf tee will be refunded. Wrlta TODAY for my V IrM illustrated boo CHA&J, DEAN.M.D.Inc STM AMD MA(M - OPmiTC COURT HOUSE rORTlANB.OBtCON POISON OAK ECZEMA art) ITCHING SKIN DISEASES McKINNIE'S MEXICAN REMEDY Flatal'llHhrd Ifcs7 (37 ynint, surptuialnf In Ha effftt. Your drukglHt will auppiy you t tBjrty-five cent, or ntldtaaa labora tory, M i:,ist 2-rul Street, Ix Angalea. bampie trt-fee ty ntuti. For Sale 1 J horse power 32 volt Motor 1 horse power 32 volt Motor 8 h. p. Gas Engines CITY ELECTRIC COMPANY 306 Oak St, PORTLAND, 0E A Hot One. Dauber "Yes, my parents tried bard to keep mo from being an artist.' Critic "I congratulate them on their success." Dost on Evening Transcript. Doctor "Well, Thomas, how are you?" Thomas "I be better than I waa, sir, but I baln't as well at I was before I was as bad as I be now. I W V : ML ' m Com mK Heir to Millions Is Working as Messenger Boston, Mass. William II. Vender- messengers, answers telephone culls bllt, son of the Inte Alfred Gwynne and runs errands. I'pon Ills dt-pur- Vanderbllt, and heir to a fortune estl- ture from work be returns to bis home mated at SO.iWO.'JiW. bus taken a posl- on LoUlsbUrg Square, lieach Hill, tic as messenger In the offices of vbm fcf Uvt wHh bg brlde of UH( Lee Illgi.-lns.iu & Company, bankers NoTenber WM furmerr Enll and brokers. lie receives the ,u'a j 0-.Nem Duvia. ,nd wbere he employ, nf a bea nner IS a week, and aoserts , Iha? he dlre, to learn banking from butler and flv, servant. During tl,. -that ne uesins m "u . eTCDUlg he U prominent In the suciul the bottom rung up. I.., . r,.-. .., .... OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-FLATS Chatura Saturday. Adulta, Waak day Mfttlaee, 2uc; Erenings, 40c Continu "" 1 ' 11 P. nt. Children 10 recti ill tlmu. Writs us for prlcu and mrket condition! on Veal Hojs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc. Forty Years In the Same Location. Hotel PLEATING SPECIAL Cut, seam, hem and machine 85 cent! skirts rrady for baud. riemitttchlng, mooting- and tucking. EASTERN NOVELTY MrO. 00. 5 H Fifth Kt. Portland, Ore. INFORMATION 10 DEPARTMENT Pleating Embroidery Hemstitching, Buttons Covered. STEt'HAN'S 1G6H Tenth St., Portland ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fli yon np, we make all kinds of Hair Goodi of your combingi. Join our School of Beauty Culture, 400 to 414 Dekura Bidg., Phone Broadway 6902, Portland, Oregon. AUTO KNITTING NSTRUCTION All machines tausrht und reuaired. 428 Yamhill, Portland, Ore. BRAZING, WELDING CUTTING orthweit Welding A Supply Co., 88 let fit. Comolete Line Bottlers' Sunnliea Prirtlunrl lUttm-uira S. ttnlv Pn 131 HtnrW CHINA STUDIOS Lesson giventiring done. 225 2nd St. . CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Broi., Ploriita, 287 Mormon fit. FEATHERS AND FLOWERS Do not throw away your old feathers. We clean, dye and remodel and match samples. New Flow r and Feathers made to order, tw years estab lished. We guarantee all work. Hart nets Feath r & Flower Shop, ithtt Washington St. HOTELS WA.P.ASH. RnoniB fHV 204 Madiion St. KWeITbT r b e r 0 lX e g e "" Teaches trade in 8 weki. florae M.T while learning. Positions secured. Write for catalogue. 134 Kurnsid etreet, Port land, Oregon. The North Portland Horse A Mule Com. pany has 250 head of homes. These horses are for sale, exchange, or rent, with or without harness. We take In cattle, horses, or mules In exchange We rent uy the day, week, or month. We are equipped to deliver to any part of the 'ountry on good roads, with our own trucks, t'nlon Htook Yards, North Purt- land, Ongon. Emptre01 il. PERSONAL Vfarry if Lonely ; most sucecMfni ' 'Home Maker" ; hundreds rich ; confidential ; thl, ynara experience; daarrtptions free, -The Surressfiil Cine," Mrs. Nash, Boi 666. tfiklund, California. WARMEST OF ALLSEE-POATOK"S Imiuhe grower, C. L. Johnston, bher- vood, ore. If ynu are trouhIedwithppendltTtli r Htomach Trouble, write Hlu Company, I'ortlnnd, Oregon, for free Information in lermon or Kngliah. BANKERS' AND BROKERS' SALE. We have taken over the followlnr trucks 'rom the Portland Motor Cur company tnd Automotive Rrokernse company, vhlch muat be aold at once in conjunc tion with the bAnk'a truckn, Packarda, Mtttn. KentlDllc. Mnatera. t.enry. White. Wlnther, Ktaap, Kmlarnl, Dodge delivery, Comnt and-ntht mnk. All alaar la-eluding- dumps and hotato. Terms to Suit. CHAPRIION' MOTOR CAR CO. Cor. Grand Ave. and Salmon. Save On Your Pipe, new and secondhand, black and gal vanized, berry and hop wire, galvanized barbed wire, farm tools, drag saws, black smithing tools and supplies. ALASKA JUNK CO. GET OUR PRICES 201 Front SL I'urtland, Ore, Miller Paint Co. Wallpaper We Invite you to call and Inspect our line of-Wall Papers and Palms or send for our iree catalog, heiect wnai you want from our line and save money. najnrst Ht., l'ortland, ore. CLEANING AND DYEING For reliable Cleaning and Dye- fH;.A lug service send parcels to us. IIB We pay return po-tUga. Inform afTO atinn and crlcaa aivao UDon re quest. ENKE 3 CITY DYE WORKS.. Eatabli.hnl lfX)0. Portland, Or GOING TO BUILD? We have hundreds ef plans at 110.00 and up. Send us a sketfh of th home you want and we will sub mit similar specimen plans. No obligation eicept to return plans if not suitable. O. M. AKERS Designing and Drifting. 611-12 Couch Building, fortland. Uregon, Belvue Poultry Farm 47th and E. Davla. Portland. Or. TV hav tha fllicat variety of HreMInt Rtock at rpaannabla prices; alao Baby Chlckena, for aula. Tancrcd Imperial Ilfhoma. Baneya Strain Rhode laland Reds McC'onncIa Mlraln Hlat k Minort aa. Fhcppurda Htraln Ant-onaa. Mahela Riratn vvnue iiocaa. While t'akln rjucka and Lirakes. PERMOUS HAIR Rmocd without Injury to tha akin by Nay-Bora Depilatory, ttampla on requnat. Nay-Horn Lab orauriaa, (It Morgan Bldf .. Portland Or.on. Gold and Silver Plating. Send us your old Pllvarwar, Reflectors and Mualcal Inatrumania fur rfpalr and reallvsrlnt'. We aava you monay. B. L. loot. Ui'A Washington St., Portland. Set of Teeth, $8 oo Waa-uarantM matarlal and workmanship, Patnlesa attraction of tMth flrv. i ywrs la tha saana location. U. 8. DENTIHTS. 1461 waan inaton cor. Second. Portland. Or -on. The two greatest aids to virtue are a Jail and the knowledge that the neighbors are watching. t Something to Think About by F. A. IFJLKER SERIOUS FACTS TXTHEN we mortals turn from the v beaten track and find that we are ot a place where we must pause and meditate upon the serious facts confronting us, we are frequently In clined to become Ill-humored and 11 loglcul. A sort of mental strabismus dark ens our vision and numbs our bodies, caused In a large measure by our dis inclination to touch upon anything of serious nature. We dislike to go afield among the dark shadows where the ghosts of the past are lurking. The open sunshine is always prefer able for the rtason that it dissipates doubt and permits us to see clearly without effort. Indeed, the great majority of our relatives, and ourselves included, pre fer the frivolous to the profound. We Incline to touch lightly, to grasping with all our Btrength. We fall at once Into the stnte of the school boy when the trees are budding and the air Is soft aud warm, lie tosses a dependable coin to decide whether he shall take his place In the classroom among serious teachers, and still more serious books. He returns home at night with a string of fish, a new freckle or two, and goes early to bed, brooding over the seriousness of his plight. He will remember for life when he Is told on the morrow that It Is the seri ous men and women who do things. He will tell you that had Sir Isaac Newton not been the serlous-mlnded man he was, the full of an apple would not have revealed to him the luw of gravitation. Wlitit the thoughtless term "good luck," If you will look Into the mat ter deeply, muy be traced to serious thought. You muy con your Greek verbs, or pluy hide and seek with your Latin, but If you are not really serious In your studies you cun never master them. To move forward day by day In your sphere of endeavor requires the quality of seriousness that made Wash ington so dearly beloved by his armies, and gave to Lincoln tin enduring name. To the serious-minded, earnest per sons, the world is Indebted for Its greatest Inventions and loftiest achievements. We want a little more seriousness In our work, and decidedly less dejec tion, and when we get It, paradoxical though It may seem, we shall be more cheerful and Infinitely happier. ( by McClura Nawapapar Syndleata.) e Younrf Ladr Across the War The young lady acrom the way says nicotine Is a deadly poison, and If peo pie must smoke they ought always to use cigarette holders. ($ by McClura N.w.papar Syadloata.) Has Anyone Laughed At You Because By BTHBL R. PEYSER You always read th adver tisements first? A PpnnlA linva, nriilmliltf ripa. T - 4 J tered you and said you were nut literary nut "un business.- a- adityl they know little, those laughers I Ads? today are really more literary than story-text. More time Is taken In their mak . lng, more ceiiaorslilp In their milillMittitti .. t,ru!fi fvopr Z often) In their tulldlng. Ads 2 are nearly always faithfully Il lustrated where stories have Il lustrations that may not match 4 their contents. Ktlck to your sd f poafllnir' vnll avlll l.iira .hnnt Industry, srt, prices, costs, In ventions, and far more than most stories tell you. And BO Your get-away here Is: That millions ef dollars hav btcn spsnt Just to makt you do I thill So why not! J 4. T i by McClura N.wapapar Syadlcata.) tTTTTTTTt4TTTTT4T4TTTT Happenings of to Folks of Livestock Warning Out. Olympla, Wash. Possibility of & wholesale quarantine against ship ments of livestock Into the Btate of Washington loom larger by reason of notification received by the state agri cultural department from Washington, D. C, that the dread "toot and mouth" disease had made Its appearance In Alameda county, California. The telegraph message came to State Veterinarian Pelton, from Dr. J. It. Mohler, chief of the bureau of animal industry, Washington, D, C, urging every precaution and asking for report of any suspicious disease among livestock. Word was also re ceived by Dr. James C. Exllne, In charge of the federal bureau ot ani mal industry tor the state, stating that the disease was spreading. A general alarm was evidently belug sent throughout the western states. Both Dr. Pelton and Dr. Exllne were much exercised at the disturbing news and they left for Portland for confer ence with Dr. Lytle, state veterinarian f Oregon, as to precautionary meas ures to be taken by Washington and Oregon. If necessary, said Dr. Pelton, the department would go to practically any extreme to keep the disease from getting a foothold in this state. The foot and mouth disease, states Dr. Pelton, Is the worst scourage known to domestic animals, being highly infectious and contagious, ab solutely Incurable and attacking not only horses and cattle, but also sheep and swine. Diseased or Infected stock must be Immediately killed and great care taken in the destruction of the carcass and for complete disinfection t all surroundings. Just what steps will be taken In this Instance cannot be known, Dr. Pelton stated, until further word Is received as to the extent and origin ot the disease In Alameda county, which will probably be known In a day or two. If any extensive amount is shipped In from other Btates, quarantine will be thrown around the entire Btate and all shipments held In designated quarantine stations for in apectlon. Marlon Taxes Decrease. Sulem, Or. Taxes In Marlon county dua during 1924, based on 1923 valu ations, aggregate 11,610,127.62, or $54, (66 less than last year. This was in dicated in the tax rolls for this year, turned over to the sheriff. In 1923 the total tax was S 1,664,793.06. The tax to be collected this year is composed of tho following Items: State tax, $327,713; county tax, $336, 337.05; county, school and library, $155,232.47; high school, tuition fund, $(1,176.05; county, road $139,137.10; union high school district No. 1, $6, 775.89; union high school No. 3, $5,- 374.58; special schools, $296,780.21; special roads, $14,309.89; spoclal cities $245,104.15; Miller dralnngo district No. 1, $6S6.70; and forest patrol, 1, 500.53. Waltsburg Bank Fails. Olympla, Wash. Failure of the Ex change bank of Waltsburg, which did not open for business Thursday morn lng, was announcod by the state bank lng department. John P. Duke, stnto supervisor of banking, has taken charge of tha Institution. The bank was organized in March 1904, with a capital ot $25,000, which was Increased to $50,000 in February 1910. On December 31, 1923, tho pub llshed statement showed capital and surplus of $70,000; deposits $183,000 and total assets ot $332,000. M, Zuger Sr. was president. H. I1 Peterson has been cashier since organ izntlon. Failure Is attributed to over liberal II y to borrowers. Kelso Population 5907. Kelso, Wash, Check of Kelso's municipal census, completed recently, shows this city has 6907 residents liv ing within the corporate limits. From 1500 to 2000 more reside In additions adjoining tha Kelso clt limits, which are not yet Included In the city. The census was taken by th city at the expense ot the Kelso Elks Twe Mishaps Prove Fatal. Salem, Or. There were two fatali ties In Oregon duo to industrial acci dents In the week ending February 2, according to a report Issued by the state industrial accident commission. Ths victims were A. E. Aldrldgo, Ilea vorton, logger, and James McGraw, Leneve, booktendur. Of the total of 61 accidents reported 515 were sub ject to the workmen's compensation act and 68 were from firms that have rejected the law. Importance the Northwest Government Plans to Market Timber. Washington, D. C Sale by public bidding ot approximately 730,000,000 feet, board measure, of ripe western yellow pine and other species of tim ber on the Klamath Indian reserva tion of Oregon was approved by the secretary of the Interior last week. The timber la tho tribal property ot the Indians living on this reser vation and Is to be disposed of under authority ot an act ot congress passed In 1910. Proceeds from the sale, after the cutting ot the timber, which Is ex pected to take several years, will go into the tribal' fund ot the Klamath Indians. Offering ot the timber will be made In three different units. Stlngless Bee Found. Tacoma, Wash. Science Is credited with many great d?velopments, rang ing from the discovery of anaesthetics and radio to splkeless cactus, meatless dinner and strlngloss beans, but one that Is commanding the greatest at tention in Thurston county Is the stingless bee. The Thurston county boe keepers, meeting In Olympla, are focusing their optics upon a great little playmate for the children, a new type of bee, of the Adel strain, developed by scien tific processes. This bee la as harm less as a Boldior at parade rest. Ho has no stingor, has no offensive arma ment whatever, and it attacked must depend upon the snoed ot bis wings. E. J. Campbell ot Tonlno Is the exhibitor, Abel is said to be a great little bee, fond of Washington's cli mate, and one ot the sweetest lit 1 1 o honey gatherers that evor happened Campbell's exhibit A is drawing the attention ot all the Thurston county bee keepers. The whole convention Is abuzz over the Btingloss bee. Officials Plan Meeting. Salem, Or. A meeting ot the lulior officials of Oregon, California and Washington probably will be held within the next tow weeks to deter mine the best methods to be used In handling unemployed In the three states. This was announced by C. II. Gram, state lulior commissioner, who has returned here after spending sovurul days In southern Oregon Interesting the commercial organizations thoro in labor problems now confronting north west states. Mr. Gram Is urging the establish mont ot free employment bureaus In all of the Importunt cities in Oregon, to the end that rollnblo Information may bo obtained with relation to the labor situation In tho various sections ot the state. Car Insurance Cut to be Investigated, Keduced rates on automoblla insur ance now being written In Oregon will continue only so long as they do not boost tho cost of other forms of In surancn, according to Will Moore, state Insurance commissioner. Mr, Moore said that license to write auto insurance at tho now low figure had been Issued to the various compiinic temporarily until an investigation could be held. "Mr. Flnhback, stato Insurance com mlsslonor tor Washington, and myse havo boon discussing tho new rates by letter for some tlmn, and we have finally decided to hold a mooting at Olympla In March to thrash tho maid1 out. Possibly Montana, Idaho and Utah will also attend this conference Tariff Rise Forecast Washington, I). C. An Increase; In the tariff rates an wheat as a result of tho tariff commission's Investiga tion Is forecast at the Wlillo house, The commission's conclusions are understood to show a dlfforenco In the production cost of wheat In Can ada and In tho I'nlted States greatt: than was represented in tho present duty of 30 cents a bushel. Tho president expects to act prompt ly, In accordance with tho report of tho commission, under the flexllil provisions ot the tariff act. He probubly will lncreaso the tlul to 45 cents, tho maximum allowi under tho law. Motor Run In Demand. Olympla. Hot competition for th privilege of operating an auto pas senger run between Aberdeen and Cosmopolls Is evidenced by tho receipt in ono day by the stato department of public works of four applications for state certificate ot necessity and con venience. Applicants wore h II. A lira hamson of Kogjh Aberdeen; Leonard Duhlstul, South Aberdeen; Tom Plumas, Cosmopolls, and Ernest Saw yer, Cosmopolls. m 7HH Riiffl hi fcnl.ivl.rksifl Chew it after evert meal II stimulates appetite and aids digestion. It makes your food do yon more good. Note bow It relieves that stully leellog alter hearty eating. V tw. ens teeth. breath an4 ir Use goody Forgiveness. A doat and dumb person being sked, "What Is forgiveness?" took a pencil and wrote a reply, containing both poetry and deep truth embodied In these few words: "It Is the odor which flowers yield when trampled upon." Toronto Globe. Literature a Fine Art. Froper place to call a spado a spado Is In a technical, scientific or medical work. Literature Is really one of the fine arts, and has 400,000 words to make it so. Lakes of Killarney. Tho Lakes of Killarney In Ireland are owned by the earl ot Kcnmnro, who has preserved his heritage from commercial encroachment. II. Ii. Dick If You're Rundown with Lowered Vitality, Try This: Tortland, Orcg. "I don't believe I would he alive toilay wore it not for Dr. 1'ierte's (ioldcn Medi cal Discovery. Two years ano I disposed of my ranch ami came here to he near our children, for I had been sick for over a year, not able to do anything, and never had a moment's freedom front pain. I had headaches, sharp uml shoot ing pains all thru my body. I felt in iscr.tlilc ami low-spii ited for I could get nothing to help nit. A friend said, 'Why don't you try Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medical Dis covery it may help you.' I tried it, and now feci greatly indebted tt toy friend for recoinnieudinK it to me. Three bull Its of this wonder, ful medicine drove all the aehes and pains out Vf my body ami, so far, thry have not returned." II. 11. Dick, M' Umatilla Ave. Obtain Dr. Pierce's Discovery now in tablets or litpiid. You will quickly feci llic beneficial clTect. Write Dr. Pierre. President Inva lids' Hotel in Huir,ilo, N. Y., for free medical advice. Send 10c if you wih a trial pkg. of the Tablets. Chinese First In Mexico? Prehistoric Mexico wits occupied and colonized by Chinese, according to areheologlHls whoso ri'senrehes have resulted In discoveries of In censn burners mid peculiar threo. legged dishes iiiiulo only by tho Chi nese. Flower Nature's Thermometer. Leaves of tho rhododendron are ono of nature's thermometers, for at a tem pera! uru of 50 decrees Fahrenheit they aru erect; us tho teinperaturo drops the folingo heeniueH horizontal anil el zeru thu leaves roll inward. Foreits Turned Into Autos. More than .Hi'i.OuO.Oiiii feet of !u, iber has been used In u nlin',1" y itr in tint manufacture of automobiles uiul tru ks In the United States. Tho fertile regions of tlio earth's surface comprise 29.i)ilu,uo0 squnro miles, tlio steppes 14.000.000 Htiunrn miles, desert 4.861,000 sqimro miles, and polar regions 0!l70,0(.0 souum miles. load for baby's cloihas, will kap thm iwnt and anowy-whlt until worn ou., Try It and aa for youraall. Ai iww uetneee College Places Graduates In Quod Positions Enroll any time of yr. Write for frea ut-cess catHh'g. I-uurth and Yamhill, i'r.rtUnd, ortgim. P. N. U. No. 10, 1924 I a 1 1 1 r mat r J, . 7 i He sits on a long bencC witn oiuerj maw ...