Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1924)
THE IONE INDEPENDENT FARMERS Published E .-ry Friday by P. P. HASSLEP.. Editor-Publisher SUBStlClPTION: One year $1.50 Six months .76 Thiee munthg 60 J Elevator Company Entered as second class matter at the postoflice at one, uregon, under act of Mim li I!, 1S79 IONE. OREGON Friday, Janinry 18, 1924 Money raised for the starving Germans should be turned into American wheat and shipped to them. Not a dollar should be sent abroad. A supreme court decision has knocked out the county tax sup ervision commission law. Just like all of Pierce's fool laws, but who in heck is going to pay the bills? Moses wandered in the desert 10 years from Esrypt to the Promise! Land. Now aeroplanes will take one from Cairo to Jeru salem in the course of a morning and leave some hours for doing business in Jerusalem before luncheon. New York is to have the demo cratic convention in that city on June 24, a few days later than the republican convention which meets at Cleveland, in order to give the burbons a chance to criti cise the republican platform. At the last democratic national convention held at San Francisco some 40 barrels of whiskey was secured from the government bond warehouses by fraudulend methods for use of the delegates. Will it be repeated in New York? It must be expected that men who will murder and rob in cold blood will have no hesitation in lying. This is the case with the Soviets. Murder and robbery have become a habit of years, and now, when Secretary Hughes accuses them of things which they have done in this country, they disown the documentary proof and say these papers are forgeries. Sec retary Hughes is too good a law yer to be fooled by forgeries. He knows too well when written evi dence is the truth, and the way in which he is coming back at them with the undisputed au thenticity of their documents would be absolutely crushing to anybody but Soviets. National Tribune. Casket bull this Friday night. Don't forget the big dance in lone this Saturday night. Ernest Montondon has recover ed from his illness and isout again. Mrs. Chas. O'Neill left Tues day for her future home at Loi Angeles. C. It. Mowers and Ike Howard made a business trip to Lexing ton Monday. Mr. tlilman of Heppner was in lone Tuesday looking after the wheat market. Miss Esther Logan was calling on friends Sunday, at the east end of Main street. Kev. Johnson will preach Sun day both morning and evening, at trie Ituptist church. Having business in Portland, Lax to n McMurruy spent a couple of days there this week. J, J. Chisholm of the Collins grain company, was here this week looking after business. Kav Harnett has been absent from school for a couple of days wrestling with the "grippe." Many farmers were in town last Saturday, there being no snow and the day like summer. The McMurray store now re ceives a shipment of excellent fresh bread from Pendleton each day. Kev. Martin's preaching at Odd Fellows hull this week lias been unite well attended, converts if any, are not known. We dislike to hear a guy howl about the cold weather w hen we and others know he wears B. V. D's. the year 'round. For two weeki now the finest of weather has prevailed here. I Basket Ball AT IONE Friday Night, Jan. 1 8th Heppner High vs lone High Boys and Girls Teams The two games should be worth seeing. They are going to be fast Let's All Go! O. II. Colvin left Monday for Portland to be at the bedside of his sister, Mrs. Jennie McBride, who has been quite ill. Wm. Neymer, president of the Farmers and Stockgrowers Nat. bank of Heppner, was here Mon day transacting business. The Lexington high school basket ball team are playing the Pine City and Hard man first teams and lone's second team this Saturday night. Perry Hopkins was seen beat ing it out of town early Monday morning in his tin lizzy headed for Arlington. Probably some at tractive widow drew him there. Arthur Ervin received a mes sage that his father was danger ously ill and left at once. His lather has been ailing for some time and little hope is entertain ed for his recovery. ltd Troge received the sad news of the death of his father who lived at Damascus. Mr. add Mrs. Troge took the stage to Ar-. lington Saturday evening to be present at the funeral. For Salc.-Any amount of wheat headings for hay or feed Tit cheap price. See J. L. Calkins or lone Hank. Morgan Life S. Edwards and Pat Medlock are busy putting up ice. Mesdames Al Troedson and Lily Morgan are recovering from an awful severe Bore throat. Ed Medlock and Si Holoday amused the rabbits on the sands last Saturday. Frank Young and wife of lone, were here last Friday to get Miss Farrens and having her spend Rare beauties and distinctions in lines, finish and upholstery and the great mechanical luxury ci an engine that actually improves with use! The wonderful Willys-Knight sleeve valve engine is the same type of engine used in the finest can of Europe. See the Willys Knight go for a good ride! COHN AUTO CO. HEPPNER -:- OREGON 11 I H Y JSiN ion I the week end in lone. Martin Hauerntiend is busy saw ing wood for the Morgan people. Mr. Ely butchered hogs last Tuesday. Jim Hardesty is enjoying an attack of pluresy, but says he just as soon work. Harbison and the Wedlocks are busy loading cars. Cluud Morgan is able to be at school again after a short illness. Martin and Este Bauernliend, Mrs. Harbison and Mr. and Mis. Ely, attended the Congregational meeting at the Paul Bulsiger home in lone. They report hav ing had a fine time. Cecil News Items Archdeacon Goldie of Cove held a service in Cecil hall last Sunday evening. A large number of peo ple turned out and enjoyed the line address given. Karl Famsworth and wife of Rhea siding, entertained a large party of their friends last Satur day evening. Dancing, games and cards were the order of the evening with nice refreshments served between times. Zenneth Logan and wife of Hoardman, were calling on their friends on Willow creek last Fn fday and will spend a few davs with friends at Four Mile. Frank Connor of The Last Camp, who overdid r imself during the holidays by eating turkey, wining blankets, etc., is having a lav-off till he recovers from his exertion. Cordon Hall and W. Fletcher of Four Mile, are busy men these days hating horses or jack rabbits. Oscar Lundell of Rhea siding, was railing on his friends in.Cecil Wednesday. A feed was a feature of the Rebekah meeting Thursday night. Vera Engelman is in Portland, returns Saturday eve. SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELECTION NOTICE HTATK ( OltKIION, ritl'N'TV ntf MfiifMjiw HCIlnol. IIIHTHK N NO. 35 ' NOTICK IS MIMli:HV(ilVEX,thiit at the school diHtric t bond election hereby culled to lie held nt the lone Si'hool House In lone, in anil lor School District No. ;i.", Morrow coun ty, Oregon, on SATUliDA Y, the JN1) liny of KKI'HIJAltY, A. I)., 1ik:4, lie tween the liourH of tw o o'clock p. in. mill seven o'clock p. m., there will he submitted to I he legal voters thereof the question of contracting A honcl. ed ltiili'ltedneH8 in the. mini of forty thoiiHiiiid dollar (940,000,) for the liir.cme of providing fund with which to erect and furnish a school building In mid for mild school dis trict. The vote to tie hy linllot upon which shall he the words "llond Ye" nnd "Bond No"; and the vot er Khali place a. cron (X between the word "Itoniln" and the word "Ye." or between the word Itninl' and the word "No," which Indicate Ills choice. The poll for the reception of the 111. III. U f..l- ..I. .1. .... .1... A... M.IK'tr, ..(.ni .... ... Il).linb I HIT HIU" j t nu t Ion of km lil ItidclitedncKH will oil . Hiiid day and date and at the place aforeiilil, lie opened at the hour of two o'clock p. in , and remain open until the hour of hcvcii o'clock p in . of thcMiiinc day, when tlieanieMhall he rloHcd. Ily order of the l)ltrlct Si'hool Hoard of School District No. :(5, Morrow County, Oregon, made till Sth il.iy of January, A. I. Itr.'l. M. K. MOIKM.V. ('Inn. Diwlrlct School Hoard. Attkht: Delia M. Corou. Ilitrict Clerk. Notice For Publication Department of the Interior, t'. S. J ,ii ml Oillce nt The Dalle, Oregon, January II. lO'.M. Notice I hereby given that Otto K. I.inilstroui. of Morgan, Oregon, who, on July I, I'i-'ii. inmle Hometeiid Kn- try No. OL'lvVt, for Lot i, Section (I Township 1-North. itmige HI Knt Willamette .Meridian, hit tiled notice of intension to make tluiil three year rroul, to cstiiiuisii claim to tne in ml above described, before (iay M. An derson, I'nlteil State Coiumlloner, at Heppner. Oregon, on tlie lt day of Maivh, 1ii24. Clulinmit name u wltnee: ,1. A. Trocdson and W. ). raliuateer of Morgan, Or.; W. A. Thonia of Cecil, Or.; J. K. Swanon of lone, Oregon .1. W. DONNKI.I.Y. Register. Call For County Warrants All General Kiind Warrant of Mor- . row rom,ty, Oregon, registered prior to Annuel :ilt, 1 '.'.:). will be paid on j prerteiitatioii nt the oillce of tile 'County Treasurer on or after Jan uary ;'.'iul. I'.i'-M. on which date Inter IcHt i ill ho hi warrant will cense. Dateil at llepimer, Oregon, Jan. Ultli, 1C4. l.V.OS W. HltI!HS. Couniy Trentirr, Most everybody has a bad cold and feeling bad this days. A fish hatchery is to be built at the head of Fall river near Bend. WANTED Men and teams before the sea son opens on the south side, to do early discing on the far north of lone, which season, opens weeks earlier. Six hundred acres to be disced. Feed and board furnish ed. Address. C- W. FURZES. 1036 Clackamas St. Portland, Ot. U. J. Biddle sold a Dodge tour ing; car to Fred Handall. DEALERS IN Coal and Wood I Flour and Feed Best Lump Coal, ton, . . $13.00 16-inch Cordwood, Rolled Barley, ...... 44.00 :: Whole Oats 44.00 ii :: Mill-feed, ...... 35.00 :: Heavy 7-foot Cedar Posts . 21 cts mmiiiniiiiimim)iMin)McwtwWH4 ENGELMAN HARD WAR IONE, THE BRUNSWICK TIKES Monobile Oils for the Auto, the Tractor and the Machine that needs good Lubrication ALL KINDS OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE Everything in the Plumbing Line, such as BATH TUBS, LAVATOXY SINKS AND TOILETS SAMPSON ROLLER-BEARING WINDMILLS F. S. LANG CO. RANGES. Come and see them. THE THOR WASHING MACHINE, no trouble to demonstrate. SPECIAL PRICES ON GLASSWARE ENGELMAN IONE. Notice For Publication Department of the Interior. I'. S. Lund Ollice at 'I'lie Dalles, Oregon. December 1M. lirJU. NOTK'K I hereby given that. One V. tillMou, of IVho, egoii, who, on April 114, lll.'l). made Mome nt end Kutry, No. HL'lii:i:t. for Sij SW,, Section 5, Township 1-North, Kange '.'li-KiiHt, Willuuu'ttee Meridian, hn-y i'l notice of Intention to make .three year I'roof, to etnhlixh claim to the land above decrlbed, before lay M Andcron. I'nlted State CommlHMlouer, at Heppner, Oregon, on the until day of January, l2i. name a witncHcM: C. I). Morey, Dan Llndey, Claude Wald mid K. C. Mlhey, all of Kcho. Ore. J. W. DONNELLY. ItcgUter. Notice Of Final Settlement In The County Court Of The State Of Oregon, For Morrow County In the matter of the Giianllaniilp of the perxoim an 1 etnte of Mnml Agatha llrahcr Willie HraHher.. mid Claud ltralier. Minor. Notice I Meri'by (ilven. that the iiuderlgn 'd, Ihim rendered nnd pre sented, mid tiled In ald Court Iter linal account a tiuanliuuof the per sons mid estate of Maud Agatha I'rnsher, Willie Itmslier. and Claud r,ralier, Minor, and that Situr dny, the tit h day of February, A D. I'M, at 'J o'clock p. tn., of Mild day. at the County Court room. In the County Court House nt Heppner. Moitow county, Oregon, has been duly appointed by the Judge of said Court a the time ami place for the ctt lenient of s.ilil account. All peron lutenste,l ill ald K. , lite are hereby not Hied to Is-pre, cut nt hii Itl time and place and make nch objection a they may have ti said final ettl inent. MUT1K IlltASIir.KS HAY. (Formerly Maltie llrasln-r Dotson.k (iit.irdiau. Date of first publlcntlon. Jan. II. Hate o! Inst publication. Fell, s. Sheriff McDuffee was in town Wednesday on business. He states; that a week ago a 12 gallon stilt, was captured in Juniper canyon, with some masi but no liquor. A radio message can go from j it seems as though school teach England to Australia in the tif'j ers are choice licking, especially teenth part of a second. In one the kind proficient in cooking, second the wireltss waves could - bed making and tidy h house encircle the earth seven and a! hold affairs. Page thj farmer half times. boy! fir or pine, 12.90 OREGON IIARDWAR OREGON Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner - Oregon F. H. Robinscn Attorney and Conuslor at Law Will practice in all the Courts IONE, OREGON TAILORS Cleaning .Dyeing Pressing Repairing Heppner, Ore. When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Press reports broadcasted from the state superintendent's office, are to the effeel that the school boards in various sections of the state are comu!aininir of their lady teachers quitting their jobs and marrjing, thus causing much discord in school work. Some school boards compel teachers to sitfn a contract for the school term, lone has not as yet been effected along this line, but in dications point strongly to the fact that the school term cannot CQine to a close any too quickly for one of 'em. As 'tis leay year,