Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1925)
The Gazette-Times PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROvV COUNTY Volume 42, Number 40. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 1925. Subscripion $2.00 Ter Year ' ' " " t ' . " " 1 - - 1 1 '.' - . ,, . E TO Situation Is Reviewed At Pine City Meeting Last Sunday. OUTSIDERS SPEAK Pendlrtoa and Other Umatilla Dele gation! Present; Demanda of Section to be Fashed. It was Ave years ago this lait July that the Butter Creek Highway asso ciation was brought Into existence down at Umatilla. The primary ob ject of the association, as we under stand it, was to get a force behind a road program that was in the making, and the wisdom of the plan has been well proven by the results that have been obtained. Working to a large degree upon the theory that what's worth having is worth going after, this organization ha secured much of what was desired iir the way of permanent road construction in both Morrow and Umatilla counties in that territory adjacent to Butter creek. Thia has been accomplished by united effort of the people living down that way. On Sunday afternoon at Pine City, in answer to the call of J. P. Conder, president of the association, there were gathered representatives from Hermiaton, Stanfield, Echo, Pendle ton, Lexington, Heppner, Alpine and the community round about the Pine City neighborhood, some one hundred' or more road enthusiasts, members of commercial organisations, farmers, producers, merchants, who came to gether for an adjourned meeting of the association. President Conder presided in an efficient way and succeeded in having the meeting move off in a snappy manner. He explained that the meet ing was called a little lata purposely, as he desired to wait until definite action had been taken on the comple tion of the Lena-Vinson gap in the Oregon-Washington highway, before entering into a discussion of the plans and demands of the association. Many speakers were called upon from among the number present. Fred George of Echo spoke briefly upon the subject of "First Things First." his talk being from the standpoint of a member of the Echo commercial club. He reviewed some of the work of the association and told how, by their united efforts they were enabled to get the county court of Umatilla county to agree to the building of the hard surfaced road out of Her miaton to the county line near Har mons on Butter creek; how the Echo people taxed themselves for sufficient funds to run the road out from their city and tie into the Butter creek road, and what this improvement had meant to the residents in their part of the county. Mr. George waa glad of the cooperation that had been se cured from each community in this work, and knew that it would con tinue; there is community interest between the two counties and yet much to he accomplished. He felt safe in saying that the splendid coopera tion would continue until the pro gram was completed, congratulating Morrow county upon the forward step they had taken in voting road bonds, and assured the meeting that the Echo commercial club was with them to the finish, ready to do all they could to promote the program. In like vein a number of others spoke. Frank Sloan was there from Stan He Id, and on behalf of his city heartily endorsed the remarks of Mr. George. E. P. Dodd of Hermiston commercial club told about the ex perience of hia community, and for many yaera past It seemed that the building of ditches and roads was about all tffey had heard down that way, but the program was to be con tinued and he assured the association and those present that his community would not lag behind in their efforts to promote the building of good roads. -He hoped to see the highways so ex tended into Morrow county that the people of hia section might more read ily reach our timber belt and other resources needful to them; like the north end of Morrow county, they could bring their products this way and return loaded with those things desired in carrying on in their com munity which our section has. What Mr. Dodd had to say quite wel.' ap plied to the communities in the "north end of Morrow county Boardman and Irrigon neither one of which was represented at the meeting. Pendleton had a goodly represen tation at the meeting, ten people from that city being present. Speak ers on the part of Pendleton were G. A. Hartman, R. Rltner, Roy Raley, and Tat Lonergan. Thesa gentlemen were glad that Morrow county had made possible the completion of the Oregon-Washington highway. Mr. Ritner, who is one of the fathers of the state market road law and a pion eer In the work for permanent roads In Oregon as a former member of the legislature, was very glad to speak of the success already obtained. Fur thermore, he assured those of Mor row county that ha wns greatly in terested in getting on the map the Hardman-Spray road, recognising that as one of the importnnt links In the stnto highway syatom; he was glad to know that there was assurance that this would be speedily done; also strongly favored closing up the gaps and pushing the market road program in both Umatilla and Morrow coun ties. A similar vain of thought was expressed by the other speakers from Pendleton, No one was present to speak for Umatilla, and likewise the "lllg But ter Creek End of tho Road" had no one to talk for tha project, but Pros ident Conder explained the slgnifii' ennce of this road as a tie-up betweon Pine City and Vinson up Big Butter creek, thence into tho mountains at (Continued on Page Four) BOARDMAN WOMAN HAS FINE RECORD MAKING SWEATERS Mri. L. H. Hadley, formerly of Hardman, now of 'Boardman wajere the ii making her home for tha win ter, has a One record a a volunteer Red Crosa knitter, and below wa quote from a letter she hai written to Mrs. Lillian Cochran, chairman of the Morrow County chapter, who has called for volunteers again that sweaters might be provided for the disabled veterans of the late war, who are unable to buy them. The letter of Mrs. Hadley follows: "Mrs. Lillian Cochran, Dear Mad am: Seeing your advertisement for knitters in the last issue of The Gazette-Times, asking help for dis abled veterans. I am asking you to send the wool, I am 75 years old but am glad to help in any way 1 can those who have offered so much for our country. I was a Red Cross knit ter during the war. Seventy-eight was the number of sweaters I knit for the R. C. Send at once to L. M. Had ley, Boardman, Ore." Chairman Cochran wants to know who can beat thia reeord, and ia proud that Mrs. Hadley belongs to the Mor row county chapter. Sweaters are one of tha very few articles, that the government does not furnish to the men in the hos pitals. It looks to the Red Cross, which regards .its first duty service to the veteran, to supply this need. Red Cross workers at government hospitals attest the want of sweat- on and many pathetic instances of this need are encountered almost daily. In some sections a majority of the men arriving at hospitals apply ing for admission have only the few clothes they are wearing. Tubercu losis patients are particularly in need of sweaters. In nearly every instance the treatment consists In keeping the veteran outdoors all the time. Even the bedridden man must be kept outdoors where wholesome air ia the doctor's surest therapy in combatting the scourge which, in the case of nearly every veteran, is di rectly traceable to the rigors and ex posure of his war service. Will you not volunteer to help fur nish the quota called for from the Morrow County chapter? Send in for the wool. Legion Auxiliary Ladies Sponsor Benefit Party The American Legion Auxiliary will give a car) party in the Heppner ho tel dining room, Wednesday night, October 2tf, beginning at 8 o'clock. Auction bridge will be played. The public is cordially invited to attend. Tickets will be 60 cents each. The fund raised by this mean will be used to s p read Ch ristmas ch eer among disabled veterans in Hospital 77 and their families. Dr. Haylor, Eye Specialist of Port land,' in Heppner October 23 and 24. FOOTBALL TEAM GOING TO BEND; HIGH SCHOOL WILL PRESENT PLAY The members of the football team will leave early Friday morning for Bend, to be o hand in plenty of time for the Bend-Ueppner game Satur day. Mr. Finch, coach, plans to alter the formation on the defense for the Bend game. He will probably change Aiken and Stout to tackle positions; i E. Merritt to end; Evans to center; E. Doherty tp full; and E. Bucknum to right half. This he believes will strengthen the line and at the same time not weaken the backneld. Har old Erwin will help Mr. Finch as trainer in the ehower room and on the Held. Four cars will be used to carry over the mtmbers of the team( and in addi tion several ears of rooters are ex-i pected to make the trip. The cast for the Senior play "Hold That Line Jimmy" haa been chosen. The cant is: Jimmy Graham, presi dent of Crayton College, Jim Thom son; Jony Travis, his most intimate friend, Crocket Sprouls; Chubby Con nors, captain of the football team, R.r Mnrritt! Ja.ner Allen, nreaident of the school board, John Turner; Shirlpv Allen, niece of Jasner Allen. Nellie Babcock; Margie Winston, most energetic girl in college, veima ren; Flossie, laziest girl in college, Irene Lovgren; Arabella Washington, cook for college, Margaret Prophet, The dnte set for this play Is Novem ber 9. The football game between Condon and Heppner was a Jye, the score being 6-6. Condon kicked two field goals and Heppner made one touch down, failing in the kick. No one on the Heppner team was Injured, but Sydney Wlllimott of Condon had his neck hurt. Geno Doherty and r.arl Merritt both went into the game with sprained anklca but both managed to complete the game. , The freshman Initiation was held in the school house Saturday night after the freshmen, under the su pervision of some sophomores, had paraded on stick-horses up Main street and into the theater where the freshman class officers were intro. duccd to the public. After a great deal of noise and paddling the fresh men were marched back to the school- house for further initiation. Upper classmen promptly seised the first year atudents and blindfold ed them, then in turn each freshman was passed through the door to re ceive a medium slsed swat with a pad dle. After this the freshmen ware fed different things. Some of them had a hard time swallowing what was given them. Some gninos were played and then the oath was givon the freshmen which made them promise to do cer tain things, Tha paddle was used freely on the freshmen to Indicate to them what a violation of this oath would mean, Refreshments were aerved after the initiation. The lleppnerlan Literary society CONDON AND HEPPNER MIX IT TO 6-6 TIE Visitors Surpass in Passing Game While Locals Are Best In Scrimmage. Before a good sized crowd on Ro deo field here Saturday Condon and Heppner high school football teams played to a 6-6 tie. The Condon lads made their counters with two place kicks while Heppner gained hers on a touchdown. Condon, receiving on the first kick off, opened up with an aerial attack which carried them to Heppner's 20 yard line. On being held three downs without making yardage, they made their first place kick. . The second came in the last quarter, when again after . threatening Heppner's goal, Condon was forced to place kick in order to score. Heppner's touchdown came in the third quarter, when on receiving Con don'a kickoff, Paul Aiken, fullback, re turned the ball to mid-field, from where it was taken on straight line bucks and end runs for a touchdown. A quarterback wedge play in which Crocket Sprouls carried the ball was used to put it across Condon's goal line. Heppner failed to convert. K special credit is due Jim Stbut, plunging half, for yardage gained for Heppner, and Gene Doherty, center, and Elmer Bucknum, end, for work on defense. Bucknum intercepted a Condon forward pass in the last quar ter in Condon's own territory, giving Heppner a beautiful chance to score, but the opportunity waa lost when Condon immediately intercepted a Heppner pass. Heppner outplayed her opponents on scrimmage plays, while Condon shone far more luminous in the pass ing game. If both go undefeated in their conference, these two will meet again when an exceedingly good game ia expected. This week-end Heppner's team will journey to Bend, where they are ex pecting a hard game at the hands of the central Oregon lumberjacks. FORD SALES REPORTED. Latourell Auto company announces the sale this week of two Ford trucks to the Standard Oil company for use at their local station. They sold a like vehicle to Anson Wright of Hardman, and a latest model touting car waa disposed of to Herb Olden. Chas. Latourell, the manager, says they have little trouble selling all the Ford cars they can get hold of at the present time. For Sale 100 sacks forty fold, seud wheat; also 8 Lincoln bucks. Alex Green, at ranch, Eight Mile. Special this moath on Viking Cream Separators. Morrow County Creamery Co. held a meeting on Monday to vote on lome new members and the following were taken in: Paul Hisler, Stanley Minor. Flossie Stender, Duck Lee, Aura Gentry, Byron Johnson, Audrey Beymer, bthei Moore, Mary Case, Ra ta Crawford and Irene Peck. .Some members of the cast of the annual staff have already been cho sen. Margaret Prophet will be editor-in-chief; Haward McDufTee will handle the business end, and Jim Thomson will have charge of the ath letic section. , - - Friday night the student body had a pep rally. There was a good turn out and everybody seemed to have the old spirit of Heppner high. The absence of Duck Lee, the yell leader, caused a few blunders, but on the whole the rally was a success. After going through the show a mad rush was made for the hillside where the bonfire flames were rolling and leap-1 ing up in the sky. Some one got in a hurry and lighted the fire too soon but the "gang" got there in time to j see the last results of the freshmen's' hard labor vanish. Later a portable victrola was brought to the Are side and dancing ended the happy-go-lucky rally. Tha biology class has completed its tudy of grasshoppers and will begin rthe study of Crawfish this week. This fish waa chosen by Mr. Smith for it is the easiest of animals to dissect. The study will take about a week. There will be no school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the com ing week on account of the teachers' institute at Pendleton. All Morrow county teachers will go over there to have a joint institute with Umatilla county. Last Wednesday the student body was shaken up by a few thrilling talks given by members of tho foot ball squad and the coach. Thj ft rut waa by Coach Finch, who tried to arouse more interest in high school athletics. Howard McDufTee gave a stirring talk on the slackers who would not turn out and back the high school's footbnll team. Duck Lee, pep leader, gave a short talk and then led the student body in a few snappy yells for the team. The last speoch was made by Captain Gerto Doherty, who spoke for the team and what they thought of the handful of rootera that turned out for the first gnme. The result of the rally wa seen in the unusually good turnout for the game Saturday. Tho yells were mighty and between halvus a big serpentine through the field kept up enthusiasm. The Arion Literary society initia tion waa not held last Friday night on account of the rally and bonfire, It will be at the Wightman homo on Monday night. Those to be initiated are to meet at Stephen Thomnitm's at 7:30 and cars will be provided to take them down. This will not inter fere Vj'lth school work as Tuesday, tha next day. is an Insttiuto day. A TRAINING COURSE FOR ASPIRING DUCK HUNTERS .t I yflfcs.rfL i Iff iV ' H mMfn . 1 SHOULD BE TMOBOOSHLY WMMwmM' ' MASTERED BY 1UE 11 t jifef "Xj TWIS TEACHES TO A il l1 jif 1 3Pv pbactice FouTiTm I HI JUT "M JS ns while S1TT1N6 in me y. iiU Jt, Bund" wAniMC-Foa tf-h ft, . To C0Me- , , J DOMWLFS VSyr3ll ' : U1. I ALL CANDIDATES MUST WITHOUT A -iHr3b Kjfcfl S. S &utL I KNOW W To SuCCKSFOUY WMiMPen.- YfZzMEfftfBFk -;laV sis A JA. U&HT the "LAST MATCrl- LOCAL H HEMS E. . Brodie, editor of the Oregon City Enterprise, accompanied by Mra. Brodie, was a visitor in Heppner over last night while on the return home from a trip to Walla Walla. Mr. Brodie was formerly minister to Siam but resigned that post some months ago and with his family Yeturned to the United States and has again as sumed editorial supervision of his paper, a daily, published at Oregon City. He never overlooks the print shops when he passes through a town, so w - KHred -by a vary pleae-J ant visit from Mr. Brodie. Jim Cowins. is carrying a broken right shoulder. The injury occurred to him while in the mountains last week, but he did discover that the shoulder blade waa broken until Mon day when he came to town to con sult a physician. In a fall Mr. Cow ins not only broke the shoulder blade,' but dislocated the shoulder joint, and when the doctor took hold of him he discovered he was far worse hurt than Circuit Judge Fred W. Wilson of the seventh judicial district has been named as presiding judge over the sixth district comprising Morrow and Umatilla counties by Chief Justice Thomas A. McBride of the supreme court. The appointment la to tide over a period caused by the illness of Judge p. W. Phelps, who is still unable to attend to his official duties, he had thought. Wes Brannon of Hardman has been spending several weeks at Benton City, Wash., an orchard district of the Yakima valley. He engaged in picking apples while there, and states that the crop was a very fine one, Wes returned home the first of the week, spending Wednesday in Hepp ner on his way out to Hardman. Gene Matteson and two sons, Ed Bennett, Austin Devin and Chas. Mc Daniel composed a party of hunters who were in the mountains for sev eral days the past week. The results of their hunting were six deer and one bear, the latter being bagged by Mr. Matteson. The boys were quite pleased over their success. Milt Morgan arrived here from his home at Winthrow, Wash., on Wed nesday and will spend a few days visiting with his sisters, Mrs, J. P. Conder and Mrs. W. L. McCaleb. Mr. Morgan is engaged in farming in the Okanogan country, where he has been located for a number of years past. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blahm, their daughter, and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Britner, and Mrs. E. Schiffner, for merly Mrs. E. Frederick of this city, motored down from Walla Walla on Wednesday and are spending the week end here visiting with friends. They expect to return home on Sunday. Pete Prophet and his friend, L. Vanetta of Portland, had their usual deer hunt in the mountains this week. Mr. Prophet failed in landing a buck, but Mr. Vanetta captured a fine speci men aid felt quite proud over the achievement. They got in with the game on Wednesday. Miss Ruth Purdy, graduate nurse of the Walla Walla hospital and recent ly with The Dallea hospital, is now located permanently with Dr. A. H. Johnston In this city. Miss Purdy arrived at Heppner during the past week. r At the home of Mrs. W. O. Dix on Inst Friday evening, the old terfcKer entertained the new teachers of the Heppner school. Dninty refreshments were served and a very delightful evening waa enjoyed. Latourell Auto Co. this week dis posed of a Ford coupe to Wm. Pliess. Mr. Pliess contemplntea leaving soon on a trip to California, going to the bay region where he expects to spend tho winter, at least. Mrs. J. H. Frad of Portlnnd has been spending the week as a guest at the home of hre daughter, Mrs. Ar nold Pieper and visiting with other friends in the Blackhorse section. Adam Knoblock spent a day or so hunting out in tha tall timber before the close of the deer season and came home on Tuesday with a three-point buck. S&G5sk- . A Villi . POSSIBILITIES OF UMATILLA RAPIDS TOLD TO YAKIMA ft (Monday's East Oregonian) Pendleton men to the number of five will leave tomorrow morning for Yakima where they will represent this district at two meetings that are to be held in the Yakima valley in the interest of the Umatilla Rapids association. The local men who will make the trip include G. A. Hartman, vice-president of the association, George C, Baer, secretary, James Johns, E. B. Aldrich and Roy W. Ritaajw 1 Wednesday morning the local men and other. officers of the association will meet with the directors of the Yakima Chamber of Commerce, and at 1 o'clock at Toppenish under the auspices of the Yakima organization a luncheon will be given to which representatives of the commercial organizations of the various towns in the Yakima valley have been in vited. Marshall N. Dana, president of the association, will explain the objects of the association and the progress made to date in realising these ob jects. A. H. Devers of Portland is expected tc accompany Mr. Dana from Portland to the meetings. Lewiston, Idaho, Walla Walla, Pasco, Hermiston and Alderdale, Washington, are also expected to have representatives pres ent lone Man Claims Olympia' Young Woman As Bride The home of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ware at 216 21st street, Olympia,! Washington, was the scene the past week of a pretty wedding, when their1 daughter, Miss Evelyn Elizabeth Ware, became the bride of Noel K. Dobyns of lone, Ore. The service was read , at 1 o'clock by Rev. R. H. Edmonds,' formerly pastor of the Westminister; Presbyterian church. The bride, who was given in mar Huge by her father, wore pale green goergette trimmed with satin flowers of pastel tints and carried a shower; boquet of pink roses. Miss Ruth ! Kupp, maid of honor, wore pale blue and carried a dainty boquet of rose buds. Miss Dorothy ware, sister of the bride, was daintily dressed in blue and carried a shower boquet of rose buds. Mr. Jesse M. Dobyns acted as be?t man. The rooms were most at tractively decorated for the occasion with gay autumn leaves and late fall flowers. Following the ceremony a dainty luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Dobyns will make their home at lone following a short honeymoon trip to Seattle. Mra. Dobyns is a popular young lady of Olympia and a graduate last June of the high school in that city. Mr. Dobyns is a graduate of the Co lutnbia Junior college at Milton and also attended Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis and is the young est son of Mrs. Herbert Olden. Those attending the wedding were Mrs. Herbert Olden, lone; Miss Ruth Nupp and Mrs. Don Bishop of Ray mond, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Warner Guiberson, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kir sop, Mrs. Harold Dobyns, Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Dobyns, Mrs. Arthur Arm strong. Misses Neva and Beulah Cam eron, Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Edmonds, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ware, and Mist Dorothy Ware. Communicated. ARE MAKING FINE SORGHUM. Tim Rippee is over at Boardman where he is assisting In the manufac ture of sorghum for a number of the residents of the project. He came over to Huppner Friday with a sam ple of the product and handed out small quantities to various friends who pronounce the article first class. Messrs. John Jenkins, E. Cumins and Chas. Harrington are the project far mers interested in this sorghum ven ture, and Tim, having been mined in Missouri, knows just how to handle tho cane and cook the sap, bo he is chief operator at the manufacturing plant for the time being. The cane grows well at Boardman and It ia ex pected that the production will in crease should the presont venture prove a auccess. By A. B. CHAPIN lESJON I TtiekAPiMe-THE IMA7E OF TU marshes Must W COMPIFTEIV MASTERED OUR IMITATION BOS- IS CuARAHTE6D To enable owe TO WADE THROUGH- EWTAWfrLEtwurt soar State Sunday School Worker Will Be Here Mrs. Jean M. Johnson, general sec retary of the Oregon Council of Re ligious Education and Mrs. Clara G. Esson, one of the field workers, will be the speakera at a joint meeting of all Sunday schoola and churches of this community, Sunday evening, October 25, at the M. E. church, at 7:30. On Monday meetings will be held at 9:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. Ihese women have some fine things for us to hear; let us give them a good hearing aa they apeak in the in terest of the general Sunday school work of the state. F. R. BROWN, Supt. M. E. Sunday School. Lexington Organizes ' Town Football Team Russell Wright, who has been cho sen as manager, writes this paper that Lexington has completed the or ganisation of a town football team, and their first game of the season is scheduled for next Sunday, Octo ber 25th, at 2:00 p. m. with Arling ton, on the latter s grounds. Mr. Wright expresses the hope that other towns will organise teams, and the Lexington team extends a chal lenge to any such teams within Mor row and adjoining counties. There has been some talk of Heppner get ting a town team together, and should they do so, games will no doubt be arranged with Lexington as well as with other teams of the neighboring towns. Lexington would like a game with Heppner on Armistice Day or Thanksgiving. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Ven. Sidney W. Creasey will hold service in All Saints Episcopal church on Sunday next, October 25th, at 11 o clock. Regular servfees will be held from now on on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. The church school will meet at 9:45 a. m. every Sundav. COMING TO STAR THEATER ONE DAY ONLY MONDAY, OCT. 26 The Lewis Family AND THEIR COLORED SHOW Oldest reliable road show in the West. An organized production of high class talent. Popular Prices itimtiiHiimHMiii iittttMniiiimiiimi iiMMmiiutMitiMM.Ht3, SEED RYE . A LIMITED AMOUNT OF CLEAR RYE AT $56.00 PER TON. Reduced Prices on Flour in Quantity Lots. Brown Warehouse Co. WE DELIVER WITHIN CITY LIMITS. YOUNG PEOPLE ARE MARRIED AT CECIL MONDAY Miss Annie Hynd Becomes Bride of Elvin R. Schaffer at Beau tiful Ceremony in Hall. On Monday last the Cecil Hall was again the acene of a beautiful wed ding, when Elvin R. Schaffer claimed for hia bride Miss Annie C. Hynd, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd, highly respected residents of the Cecil neighborhood. The cere mony occurred promptly at 11:00 a. m., the beautiful service of the Epis copal church being read by Arch deacon Sidney W. Creasey of the Eastern Oregon diocese, the officiat ing clergyman. The bride waa lead to the altar by her father, by whom she was given in marriage, and attended by Miss Willetta Barratt of Portland as bridesmaid. William Jackson, cousin of the bride, of Arthur, Ontario, was best man and the bridal party marched to the altar to the strains of music played on the piano by Mrs. Henry Krebs. The hall waa gaily festooned in white and pink and beau tiful bouquets of flowers tastily placed completed the decorative acene that waa in keeping with tha occa sion. Following the wedding ceremony the guests were seated at the ban quet table, place cards being ased. The dinner waa bounteous and de lightfully served. A large wedding cake decorated the center, and at the proper time this was divided by the bride and passed to the guests. Immediately after the wedding feast, the young couple departed for Portland where they will spent a short honeymoon. They were ac companied as far as Arlington by Mr. and Mra. Henry Krebs and there took the train. Their leaving was some what hindered by those who pressed upon them congratulations and hearty good wishes, all of which was em phasized by the distribution of an abundance of rice, and as she left the bride cast her boquet, which was cap tured by Miss Barratt Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Schaffer will make their home on the Freezeout ranch of Hynd Brothers. Mrs. Schaffer is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd and a popular young lady at both Cecil and Heppner. She is a graduate of the Heppner high school and spent her student days in this city. Mr. Schaf fer has been employed at the Hynd ranch at Cecil for the past two years, coming here from Salem. He is a young man of fine character and the young people have before them a bright future. They were the recip ients of many beautiful and useful wedding gifts. Guests present' were Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Sigsbee, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hen riksen, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ball and son, Mr. and Mrs. Garnett Barratt and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs, Mr. and Mra. Chas. Hynd, Lilias Hynd, Ewing Hynd, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil laeu allen, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hynd, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Gro ver C. Curtiss, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krebs, Mr. Chris. Henriksen, Mrs. Annie Wil liams, Mr. David Hynd, Mr. Wm. G. Hynd, Miss Annie Hynd, Mr. E. J. Bristow, Edmund Bristow, Lucile Bristow, Patricia Mahoney, Arietta Farrens, Miss Myrtle Chandler, Mr. John Krebs, Mr. J. T. Schaffer of Sa lem, father of the bridegroom. Miss Willetta Barratt and Mr. William Jackson, Mr. Jack Hynd Jr., Miss Nel lie Doney and Mr. V. Crawford. GETS BIG BUCK. Lester Doolittle came in Friday with a fine buck that. he captured about noon on that day. The animal was a fine speciman, weighing 200 pounds dressed. We can vouch for this splendid piece of meat, for Les ter remembered the Gazette-Times force with a big hunk upon which we feasted in proper style. 8 P. M. By Arthur BrUbane Business Is Good. She Didn't Cry. Pity Poor New York. Thinking Is Hard. Buainefii IS GOOD. Tell that to ycrur inqairtn? friends. The Tmloe of eropi will be TEN THOUSAND MIL LION DOLLARS. Farmen arc more cheerful, prices are good. Commercial business in cities is improving steadily. Extraordinary showing were made for August by many department stores and other big institutions. The state of New York pities itself because it pays $500,000,000 income tax, almost a third of the entire na tional tax. New Yorkers shouldn't forget that if they pay $500,000,000, it ia because forty-seven other states send all their wealth to New York banks, spend mil lions in New York shops and hotels, and allow New York's high finance to tap with, its corporations and its in terlocking ownerships the sources of wealth all over the United States. Since New York gets the income, it should be cantent to pay the tax. "President Coolidge will leave the coal situation for the present to Con gress and hopes there will be no prof iteering in the meantime." So reads the dispatch. That is a large hope, for "in the meantime' many dealers have raised the price fifty cents a ton. With the public, panic-stricken, rushing to buy that means comfortable profiteering. Mrs. Elsie Eaton Newton, Ohio lady, found herself facing the empti ness of life, with her two daughters married. Many ladies would have sat down to have a good cry. Mrs. New ton went to Marietta College, worked hard, got her A. B. degree, with her two grandchildren sitting in the audi- . ence, to cheer. Now she is Dean of Women in Ma rietta College,. and happy. There is no life emptiness, except in the brain. Keep that busy and life is all right, even if your daughters are named' and your husband dead. The next generation will read about "the navy patrolling the route," to save the fliers if necessary, and that will seem as strange as to send an automobile with a carrier pigeon in ease it should fall down. Mr. Kinkie, in New York, to prove gratitude for the recovery of his son, supposed to be hopelessly ill, will build a 65-story building, partly re ligious, partly commercial, made up of a church and a hotel, with 4,500 bedrooms. Ten per cent of profits will go to missionary work, looked after by the son. The father will look after the profits. The dining room will hold 2,000 in the tallest building, thus far, in the United States. , This religious building contrasts interestingly with the old sinful Tower of Babel, which probably was about one-half the proposed height of this 65-story hotel. The great Bernard Shaw, in a mood of unusual but accurate humility, says the world a thousand years hence will know nothing about him except that the great French sculptor Rodin, once made a bust of Shaw, biographical dictionaries will contain this: "Shaw, Bernard; subject of a bust, by Rodin; otherwise unknown.' Even that's an overstatement, for in a thousand years Rodin won't be remembered any more than Shaw. Rodin in art, 1000 years from now will be as important as Kipling In literature or Shaw in philosophy. After war broke out, the Ciar put Russia on a cold water basis, stop ping the sale of vodka absolutely. This column then suggested that absence of whiskey would mean more cold thinking by Russians, and that one result of such thinking would be the absence of the Czar. That proph ecy was fulfilled. Now Bolshevism restores vodka to its old alcoholic power about forty per cent. Men to whom thinking Is new dis lfke the unpleasant n nation and effort. And governments that want to rule in peace find their work easier when the crowd ruled is well supplied with whiskey. Butter Creek Couple Married at Pendleton Miss Kate Irene Moore becane ih bride of Neil G. Robertson at a wed ding in Pendleton Mon lay afternoon, according to Echo News. THe cere mony was performed hi th oUi'Hor ium of "the First Christian church. Rev. Guy L. Drill, pastor, officii' ting. A number of friend of the coLplt from Butter creek were among tho guests. Mrs. Robertson has lived for sev eral years on her Butter cnelt farm which wbi operated by her brother Hiestand Moore. Mr. Rubrtr.on waa formerly a resident of Utah, but hi been living in the Batter creek coun try for sum time. Mr. and Mr. Robertson will muke thttr home on Butter cret'k. Mr. Robertson ii quite well known to many Heppner iMopI. A TTENTION LA 1)1 ES ! AMidsea.-on showing of coats and dresses at the ( arran Hat Hhooe next Wednesday, ThurmJiy. FHday, and Saturday, Oct. 21, 22, 23 and 21.